Film Index

Fridad‘»... ‘lllllt‘ la}rnor. l'S'Nt'anada. :‘I‘IZI \alrna Hawk \llred \lolrna. (ieollte) Ruxh \ntonio llanderax. Sallron llurroxtx. l'altxard \orton lI‘IIIIn :\etor Salrna lla}ek lullIllx her hte lone dream oI portraxIne the \lt'\le.tll ltt‘ll. aitIxI l'rida Kahlo. In thix llllll \xhreh \llllllllLlL'\ her t'\|ltllll.lf_\ lIle ax an artIxtIt. polItIeal and xe\IIa| re\oltitionar} l (l II/III/IIIIe/I l ( l (‘III/I IIIIIIk

Full Frontal IN C... rStexen Stxlerlwrgh. l'\"\. IlKlZI Julia Robertx. l)a\ Id l)ueho\ny \lat} \lt('orinatk llllllllll \et III l.ox Angelex. tlIIx arI_\ \xink \xink coined) xllittlll‘tvltt'all} lL'll\ III the looxe .Itltl ollell inixxed coniIettronx between xe\ en lriendx

o\ er a 2-1 hour period. all are hnked to the Irnxterroux. xeed} mm re mogul (iux tl)a\ Id l)ueho\ n) l. “ot'ltlx \\ ithIn \xorldx eiIIeIge and the “hole narratix e drixe beginx to li'aginent belore our e)ex. A piece ol Indulgence that dexerxex to be Induleed. iriexixtible lot lo\eix Ul L‘llll L'lllClllit .‘('I('( In] It Ii IIH

Gangs at New York 1 Is. 0”

t.\lartrn Seorxexe. l'S. ltItIZI l.eotI.Iltlo l)i(‘aprio. ('ameron l)Ia/. l)ame| “ax-Leno lterin. Thin) )eai'x til the rnakmg and plagued “Illl produetron probleinx. Seor‘xexe'x long; eher'Ixhed llllll about the brutal xti'eet earigx \\ ho loueht lor eoIIltol ol a corner ol late I‘lth eentur') \etx York ('it) l'Inall) armex. and It'x a big dixappointinent ‘l'he lIonl IItIllL‘ealIle lltm Ix lltal Seot‘xexe\ ellol‘lx to tell an epie xtor}. \xhieh erieornpaxxex protot_\pe inobxterx. the IIIIrnIgi‘ant eererIenee. raeixrn. eor'rupt politieianx and the ('I\ ll War. are xerIouxl} under'IIIIned b} a llinix} rornantie xubplot In\ol\ing l)i('aprio'x xtreet urehin and l)ra/'x pur'xe-xnateher‘. ‘l'hix hax the unnamed rexult ol' eornprornrxing a laxeinatmg hixtoi‘) lexxon with teen pleaxIng romantic noiIxenxe. 'l‘hInk (iooII/elltrx ineetx 'I'IIIIIIII But exen a poor lllm b} Seoi'xexe' xtandardx ix an Inter'exting one b) an}one elwlx .-\IItl Ill l’ol' no other t'eaxotl. (id/rm Ix \xorth xeeing lor' Da) -l.e\\ ix' touei’mg [x'rlor‘manee ax the term!) Inga. eharixrnatie

with more

this Summer

rlU Cllc‘ll‘zlefllll/t-l “y llOlll Czan;y.-w Fl‘fll‘tl r-l ill‘l “TM

arm IIIIIIIreratIoII gang leader llrl. the Butcher II.'/I:/I~Iiu III/Hit.“ 4"?

Goodbye Lenin! I.‘ \ I\\nll_;.zil:_' Ire-titer. (rettIIatI).:‘lll:Il).ItIIelllIIIlIl.l’\altII1\axx \laria \Irnon lIlIIIIII ('haIIIIIn; corned} drama \\lll\ll xxon the lllue \neel hand at l‘lt‘lllll \et llllllall} durtng Ihe dexolutIon ol (il)l< III l‘l\‘t \xhen \lex'x mother xlex Into a eoiIIa alter an alIIont latal heart attack \he .makex lIoIII the \llllld III l‘NH and l axt llerlin hax ahead} changed eonxrderabl) '\le\ Ix deternnned to Pll‘lk'\l heI than an_\ krnd ot xlIoek (ii I (I/I.'\;'4II'. II/III/Iorm III/HIIIIIJI A Guy Thing 12.-\I It‘hnx k‘oeh. t x. :llllll Jaxt'll l.CC. ltllla \lllt‘x. \L‘lllla lllall llllrnrn l’aul ('olernan xleepx \xrth lIaplexx dancer Beck} on hIx xtae mght l IIloItunatel} Ior hIrn xhe alxo happenx to be hIx trance Karen'x ullhlll ln beNeen the xtag night attd the \xeddrng. It lX'klllllC\ ob\ ioux through a xeiIex ol ehante Ineetrngx at a tollbooth. a dinner part} and a lt'tllltl xtoIe that Beck) and not Karen Ix the girl ol hrx dieainx l.aIIIe JaxtItI \elIiele (it Ht It!/ It /I on

The heart of Me IS. 00

t'l‘haddeux (I'Sulhxan. l K. .‘lllllllllnld \\Illiainx. llelena lionhain ('aiter, l’aul Bettan) 05min Sixteix \ladelrne I\\i|haran and l)inah tllonhain (’ar‘ter both lo\ e Rickie Illettan} I 'l'touhle ix RllelC ix married to \ladelrne. but Ix haung; an atlarr \\llll l)IIIah lt'x an uIIInprI‘ing. unorrernal loxe triangle xet III l‘),‘~llx London that‘x xaxed lioiII berm; a complete uaxte ol time b) a lll_'._'ll caliber eaxt and xoine iIIteIextriIg eharaeter portraItx that re\ol\e around lalllll} xtluabblex (i/ I. (I/Ilwim

Heat t ISI 0.... l .\liehael \lann. l S. l‘l‘l5I .-\l l’aerno. Robert De \Iio. \al KIIIIIeI l7tlrnin. .\lann'x xtar package eopx and Iobber'x tale Ix head and xhouldeix ahm e the rext ol the genre. thankx to an action-packed xer'eenpla} that lull} e\plorex Itx theIIIex and gnex depth to itx ehar‘eter’x l’aerno Ix the dedicated deleelne \\lltl\C llollle llle Ix III r'uinx. l)e \Iio Ix the Ieeluxixe erirIIIIIal inaxter‘mind. The No men'x lirrel) balaneed

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30 THE LISY 549 Jta‘e 2303

xenxe oI honour and mutual rexpeet Ix \x ell dtxxetled. and the xlIool-ottl \el [\Iet’t‘x are heart xtopping. Brilliant (ll/eon .-ll I/It (Jam. (ll'tl\'\'ill'u Hejar i l’(ii Illandan lpekei. lurke}. letllr lltliiIIn -\lter \xitnexxing the rnaxxaeie ol her guardranx during a pohee raid on their lxtanhul apartment. a lx'ur'drxh orphan girl xtIIkex tip a relationthp “llll her neighbour. a retried and \er') eaiitanker'oIIx old Iudge lrlmlrouu'. [ct/IIIIIIII'e/I. A Hell on Earth I 13) t(irahain KItehener. l K. .‘lllll I 33min .\lo\rng llllt‘l'\lt'\\ “ah the \enerahle liagdro. a monk lorrneil) ol (ianden IIIoiI.ixteI‘_\. lIbet. Iron hung: III e\Ile alter being tortured and IIIIprrxoned b) the ('lIInexe l‘l/NI/IHHH'. IleIII/Imeh hope Springs I l::\l O. I\lar'k llei'rnan. l‘S/l’lx'. Illllhfohn l'lllll. Heather Graham. .\lIIIrIIe l)rI\eI. 02min. III aI't. ax lll politrex. Britain and America ha\e long been III bed together. laterall) III the roin-eorn \x here the uniting ol llritrxh and .-\Ineriean aetor'x Ix aimed at enxurrng bo\ ollk‘e xueeexx on both xIdex ol the pond. ln Hope XII/met. langlixh por'tr'ait paInter ("olIiI \Vare ll'll'llll lea\ex London lor the Ne“ lingland \Illage ol Hope to get o\ei being dumped b) hIx fiance. Vera Il)r'i\eI'I In no time at all. he ineetx .\land_\ I(iralIarnI. a lree-xpirIted eare \xor'ker \xho pr‘ornptl} getx drunk and then getx naked 'l'hingx Irnpro\ e \xhen \er‘a turnx tip to reclaim her' man. but not exen l)r'I\er III t‘laxx) langlixh pouer‘ biteh mode ean xaxe thix leak) xhip lroIII xinking Sela In! releuw The Hot Chick I llAI t'l‘om Brad). [8. Itltlh Rob Seltneider. Anna l’artx. Raehel .\le:\damx. ltllmin. .-\ teenage girl. the xehool biteh. beeornex trapped III a .‘ll-}c';ir‘-oltl rnan'x bod} and xtibxequentl) xpendx the remarnder ol the lIliII tr'_\ ing to get back. 'l‘here'x a looxe theme ol ltlL‘lllll) intolxing lutile momenton \L'llrlt‘allMllltIll. but ultirnatel} thIx xhallotx lilm Ix lull ol xteretIt}pIe;Il ehar‘aeterx. and Sehnerdei‘x rx'rlor'IIIanee ax the ‘teenage girl. Ix more ellernrnate than IeIIIianIe. The minimal plot Ix IIxed ax an exeuxe lor erude. lllnxll) toIlet related hutnour (ieIIi'ru/ re/I-uu' The Hours I l2:\I O... IStephen l)altll.\. l'lx'. 200M Nreole lx'idman. Julranne \loore. .\leI_\l Str'eep ll-lmin. I/Ie Hurt/x takex Virginia \Vooll 'x Idea ol a "\xornan'x \xhole lile III a xrngle da_\' Ixee .llrx [hr/Imam and e\tendx It to three \xomen lrorn three drlleient tIrne periodx Wooll herxell tpla}ed b} lx'idmann err'ea WIS. Sllx l.:\ houxexxile l.aura llrotxn t.\looreI and prexent da) .\'e\x \ork lebeaII xingle mother. ('larixxa Vaughan ISIIeepI l'xing a xerrex ol eommon motle to IIIo\ e ellor‘tlexxl} lroiII narratne to nar‘ratne. It beeomex clear that thexe \er) dIlleIent indrx IdIIalx xhare the reeling the} ho e been ll\ me their ll\L‘\ lor xoiiIeone elxe Sereenxxrrter “and Hate tadaptine \liehael (‘unmnghain'x IIo\elI and l)aldr} xeanIlexxl} blend the xtor'Iex. and the Ix-rlor'rnaneex are remarkable (ienuinelx rnoxrn; Irlm/Iouu,

I'a/IIIIIIIIe/I How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days I 13.x» .. tl)ollaltl l’etrie. l8. 2””! Kate

lludxon. \latthext .\le('onaughe} llhmin Baxed entirel) on a mutual deception betxxeen

Diabolical doings in Dark Water

lll.lf_‘.t/lllt' leaturex \xIIteI \rIdIe \rIdeIxon tlltidxonu and biaxh .Id\eItIxIII;.' e\etutI\e lleiIIaiIIIrI Barr} I.\le( 'onaiighex I. thIx IoIIIaiItIt \lilllt'tl} Ix all xo \eI_\ mm; and letliotIx Hon to low I; (an III I” lltrn Ix a llllll that .lllk'\l\ an air ot tll.llll.lll\ teiIxion “here there Ix none and the t}pe oI llol|'\\xood xltidro piettire that Ix \ hurned ouI like xo Inueh laxt lood It max look the part. but ll laekx an} real ll.I\Utll or xubxtante (II'III IIl/ Ii'li'tm A Human Search: The Life of Father Griffithstt .. \lellalia. twh *‘liiIIiI Hmuinentar} detaIlIiIe the Me and tiiiiex ol Bede ( irillIIhx xt holar. llenedu tIIIe monk and prohl‘it author IIIIIIlIuIm lit/IIIhII/elr The Hunted 1%.. t\\ illIaiII l’llt'tlklll,l \K .‘llll‘I llerirtio llel loro, lonmi} Jonex. (‘onnie \ielxon ‘Miiun Jonex e\tItlex a certain \xoild \\ eat} l.tll_‘_‘llt' ax prolexxional traeket lfl llonham \xho Ix obliged to hunt doxx ll Aaron llallaiiI Illel 'l‘oroI a protege he trained tip to be a xpet IaI lor'eex .ixxaxxin 'l he teaehei tiaekx hix xtai pupil \xho Ix Ito“ roaming: the ()Ieeott \xoodx and xla_\In_L' rreh deer hunterx llix riIotr\ e loI eroxxin; to the “lltl xIde Ix nexer entnel} e\pl.uned The death toll Inountx to an aeetIIIIpaniIIIeIIt ol \xhat lookx like a thick red tr'eaele xauee ('onnie .\'Ielxeii'x IIrIlikel} l‘lll agent \bb} |)uirell protex llllt'\l\'\lt'tll_\ elleetixe but not eonxrxtentl) enough Illr' HIth (I eallx to mind xIIeh xrmrlar‘lx themed e\et'eixex ax l‘ll'\l [floor] and III the l.llIt o! I’lll'. ln laet \\llllt' )oti are eIiIbroIled on the trail )ou Iealrxe pret Ixel} hon dernatrxe It all Ix. See leatuie and rent-u. (iv/rem! It’lt'tlH' l Capture the Castle ll’(ll 000 I'l‘IrII l‘}\‘-ell. l'lx'. .‘lllIlI Romola (iarai. llrll Noah}. ‘l'ar'a lat/gerald llZiIIin (‘axxandia anIaII Ix a l7-).earrold budding writer who ll\ ex with her eeeentr'ie larnrl) In pIeturexque pine“) III II tlllttplditletl eaxlle Ill l‘) lllx Slilvlolk. ller elder xlxlet Roxe Ix dexpetalt' lo exeape the lalllll) 'x indigent e\leenee and xeex her ehanee In an eligible )oune .-\Ineriean llut heartache lIex lll xtoie belore the lamle 'x lortunex can iinprme 'l hrx adaptatIon ol II/l I)(I/Nltllltlll\ author l)odie \iIIIth'x Inueh lo\ed eoinineaolraee noxel boaxtx the em) eharrnx ol the atelIelHIal heritage llrek. l ndeniabl} xlllell. It would I'o doun a treat ax Sunda} teatime late on 'I \ (i/ I. (i/memi; [hunt/Iron. la/III/IIIIM Identity 1 l5l ... llatttex \latiL'Ultl. ['5. 300%) John (‘Irxaek. Ra} |,Iotta. Rebeeea tle Mourna). :‘xllred Molina ‘)t)rnin. ()ne dark. xtorin} llllell. ten xlrangerx lind tlieinxehex trapped at a remote motel alter rainx flood the lIl_L'll\l.a} and the phonex go do“ ll 'l'he} Ineiude lad t('IIxaekI chaulleur to (‘arolrne SII/anne tl)e Morita} I. dought} hooker l’arix l.’\lli.tlltl.i l’eelI .ititl tiller} eop Rliotlex ‘l.ltlll.ll. \xlio Ix t'\L'(ll'llll_‘._' multiple rnuiderer Robert \laine tJake lltixe} I ()neb} one. the guextx llt'lell to die and the} Inuxt \tork out \xho Ix the killer. Director JariIex \langold‘x reIIIake ol Am] then (here l'-¢'I(’ XII/Ir llatIIIlexx. enroxable tritirder-in} xter} lun See re\ re“

(it'ltt'l'u/ I'('/(’(l\(’.