lllL‘litiltttl‘plttt\c‘tl iii the interim. ‘(‘|uck\'. ‘.\ \Vhi‘ltcr‘ and ‘l’ulitik‘ had \hil'tcd the l'ucux lt'uttt hreath) iiitimac} tu epic \plenduur.

.‘\lilCl'\\Lllltl\ the lL'll\lUll httckflilgt‘ ttl the Qtieen’x llall \\;t\ palpahle \\ ith muted celehi'atiunx at the \llk'k'L‘\\ of the uiixtage technical \\l/Ltl'tll'_\ cainei'ax. l;l\L‘l'\ and \idcu screens. l)e\pite \purting the L‘Ull\L‘l'\;tll\L' attire ul' \umeunc iiiutiiitiiig a challenge on the \Vext Highland \xa}. it \xax apparent that Martin \\£l\ changing from haxhl'ul indie cruuner tu lull}— “Uting pop \lttl'.

"l'here \\a\ a point “here I thuught “C \xei'e making the hext i'ecurd ex er. hut that \\a\ a lung time agu.‘ Martin tuld Q maga/ine at the time. ‘.\'u\\' |‘\'e gut no idea it it\ War and Peace Ut‘ .VUt/t/t'.‘ llillk‘ l‘ulluuing l2 munthx pru\ ed he needn‘t ha\ e \\ttt'l'lL'tl.

6 Glastonbury, 28 June 2002

In the \Vurdx ul‘ Bjurk. ‘thix \\a\ii‘t suppuxed tu happen'. (‘uldpla} had urin heen at'uuiid fur a couple ul' years. lleadlining \lutx in hunt ul l5ll.l)()l) ul' )uur tt\\ll peuple \\ ere fur the real hig\\tg\ and nut the ne\\ kids un the hluck.

'l'he \pangl} light\. \ ideu \creeiix attd funk} laser \huux premiered iii lidinhurgh \\ ere ll\L‘tl tu ltill el‘l'ect ax (‘uldpla} l‘iitall} l‘uund an emirunment hig eiiuugh to contain them and cunl'identl} hleu peuple\ lllllltl\ in the \prau ling fieldx ul Worth) l'ariii.


7 Gwyneth meets Chris, Wembley Arena, 21 October 2002

Despite prex‘iuuxl) declaring all men ‘|}iiig dirthags'. (}\\_\neth l’altruu \\a\ \till \uitahl} enamuured with one particular chap to make an effort to .xee hix hand tuice un uiie tuur. culminating \\ ith a meeting in math l.undun. BU (Before ('mynethi ('hri\ .\lartin had heen the t‘runtman fur a \uccexslul ruck hand. htit nuu he

16 THE LIST :*



\xax une hall of a celehrit} ruck couple.

'I am pruttd to he \xith \umeune \\hu'\ \er_\ nice and \er_\ heautil'ul. altliuiigli I feel out of in} chth.' he tuld The Sun. ‘I feel tincuiiilurtahle talking ahuttt her. lt'x \xeird hL‘L‘dth‘ \lie'x a hig llull_\\\uud \tar and I‘m juxt the hluke li'uni (‘ttldplttyi

8 Brit Awards, London, 20 February 2003 You reap \\ hat _\uu \uu. ('uldpla} \ltuuk the \eedx ul l I track intu the ptihlic cunxciuuxnexx iii .'\ll:_'ll\l lelll and it didn't take lung fur the hand tu rake iii the platiditx l‘ui' .-l RIM/I u/ li’lum/ In I/lr' l/etiil. Bext .‘\lhum at the Q .r\\\ard\ in ()ctuher “ax unl) the \tart and it continued four

iiiuiithx later in the cuinpan} ul~

.luxtin. K}lie and Pink. 'l‘he} pei'l‘urnied Inc and garnered liext Bl'tllxlt (iruup arid their \ecund Bext Britixh .’\|hum.

9 Ivor Novello Awards, London, 22 May 2003

l‘ui' unce it \\a\ the .'\nierican\ \tliu \\ ct‘e heing imaded a\ :l RIM/I . . . C\lllhll\th ll\Cili ;t\ lltc‘ unl} ['K alhuiii of the laxt decade to ll'lll} \park the imaginatiun ul' the \eemingl} llllpCHlUlh l'S audience. 'l‘hei'e \\ ere inure ;t\\ill‘ti\ cereinun} xiiiaxh‘n'gi'ahx ax the} nahhed the hut .\'u\ellu \unguriting auard.

10 T in the Park, Balado, 13 July 2003

Su \xhat ne\t'.’ llere cumex their higgext Sculli\lt date met; the culttiinatiutt of a \u til it \tead} the tip the 'l‘ in the Park hill. .\'e\\ \ttllgN haxe heen handicd ahuut uri u\er\ea\ datc\ and \huuld he aired here \xhile the hu)\ themxehex are heing \uitahl} ci'} ptic u\ er \\ hat tu e\peci. for certain. the_\ \in1 uitduuhtedl) ‘put a \mile iipuri _\uui'

tace' htit ‘_\uur guexx ix ax guud ax iiiine'.

Coldplay headline Main Stage, T in the Park on Sun 13 Jul.

There are plenty of indie kids to shower with underwear at T in the Park. but which if any - have what it takes to ‘do 3 Coldplay‘ and become international megastars? We work out the odds for 10 acts appearing in Balado.

The Music aim”, lutiletl as titxir: 'i the US. thei' t‘mqhede‘ix‘ maii, ‘tiiik it:

tiai‘::tia'e".t titit l‘a:;


mitt-v. head amt 'ie.er vane "lttt‘ll like


(3 it the 'ititilxr. aiid (‘heelu fullllit‘.‘§ titil lltlfiflt‘tl out on a summer hit ‘.'.l‘.t‘ll rap tart Nellx half intthed the t‘tiortir;

ts: “iiiti got the c‘t‘ne' i‘.'.'ell, kind of_ thotigl‘. l‘ati reallp

i)(?ll.’lli(‘l‘, the ladies' (‘ll()l(‘t‘ ( )’ It 1:)- (7’. 'k

tot/ii; a Liz iitzrifai


Supported the 'l’a. :)ll an arena laut autumn so .'."lll(?f3t3(?(i illfil hand how to )0 the i'iaz;s;eé; \‘Jllll foppmh one liners and fancy lliilll“, lights. More likely to follow Rift/1's;

tong term grou‘xtli plan than spring to lllfililltl llli?§}£if§i(ilti()lll.

0411:}; of “(to/rig a ()‘ojdplai 15).}? l

Biffy Clyro lhe Spirit of (Ioliairi 5; strong in these (a ones; land we know how many records; tha '5; E;()|(ll hut their twmted humour and fondness; for noray wrg outs; might frighten tlte l)éif;f$lll(] Asda shoppers. Odd}; of 'doi/ig a Co/dp/ai”? 7.2.45/1

Cosmic Rough Riders

Despite their easy on-theear ZillllCS. CRR might struggle to resist Neil Young style “iamss' and

out on stadium sstardoiii.

therefore miss; Odds of ‘doi/ig a Comp/av".2 756. 7/]


‘~.'.'it.'i the Prodigy iii permanent stasns. Keith Hut has; found his; voice ‘.'/llll this; full-on rock beast. Could tr, and Jump ship '.'/|lll some ‘.'.’lf3lflll ballads; inayhe'.2 Thank you. no,

Odds of ’doi/ig a Co/dp/ay'? 302/7

_ Vg Turbonegro SV/C‘dlSlt men dressed as; gay sailors. walking Alsatians. carrying cross; )O‘Jlfi and playing lung- stoiriping trad metal? Ring the alarm bells the new Co’dpia, are in our midst?

Odds of ‘doing a Coldplay? E veni;

I See our wee/at issue out on Thu .3 Jul as we celebrate the past. present and future of T in the Park With fu// running Orders. surety/eras and much more.