lasgow_.ljfe' I: J 1,,

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

England’s Hidden Reverse \lono. l3 Klllg\ (‘ourL King Slrct't. 55“ 3404! 7.30pm, l'rcc :\ launch cwnl loi tllt- llt'\\ hook [ant/(Hu/K Hull/(II Ki ll IH' .|\ \\ C” .l\ u rcudulg h} l)ti\ ltl chuun

Other events

Colin Prior - Living Tribes Hunk-ix llooln. 3M lluthunuu Slit-cl. 333 "UH ()[llll l'lL'L' lllL' lk'llll\\llt'tl St'tlllhll photographcr gncx .l \lltlt' \hou ol lux pllHlUgldlllh lculururg l5 unrquc lulu-x xlrll L'\l\llll:_‘ Ill lllc \Ullltl lotlu}

Friday 6 Talks The Mackintosh Lectures lllt' Lighthouxu. ll \lilt‘hcll luuc. 33l (i303 (1.30pm. to 5lllt335l Kathryn l'iutllu) ol groumlhrml‘iug .uclutct‘lx l'xlmlu l’lmllu} 13l\L'\llll\l.lll\llllC\l "l'hinklng l-ormx‘


Mindstore Rowl (\illt‘t‘l'l Hull. 3 Sttllt‘lllcllull Slrccl. 5.53 hllllll Umn 5. illpm L'l‘N. Jack Black llUltl\ llll\ populur wuunur which gncx )ou the lool\ and lcchurqutw lo .it'lucw )our goulx and (opt “llll Irlc'x t‘lmllcngc»


The Japanese Garden Muguugk (‘ounlr) Park. ('r'uigulllgui Road. Mrlngunc. 95h (llllll, lllum noon. t3 .-\ talk on the whim! ol Jupuucw gurdcnx lolloucd h} u pl‘ucllt‘ul gurtlt'u tlcmonxlrullon on a mammal luxL.

Other events

Scotland’s Wonderful Wildlife Scollrxh \Viltllilc lru\l. l-ullx ol' ('l}tlt‘ RL‘\L‘I'\L‘. \c“ lullgirk. (ll555 ($65363. Noon 4pm {4 tt.‘3l 'l‘ukc purl in \Viltllrlc \Vcck 3003 \\ rlh .inrmul crul’lx. lrcuxurc hunlx uml .i mugcr-lctl walk through llic l'L‘w‘l'H‘ looklllg.‘ llol' “lltllllk' truck» Scottish Green Party 'l‘ron ’l‘hculrc.

(‘luxholm Slit-cl. 553 S587. Tifillpm. l'rcu

98 THE LIST :* 1:3 Jan 36,33

lukt‘ purl rn llrrx rnontlll} trusting .zrzti bring .ilong )otl! tilt-tn to: tullu; turtrpulgrh


Mindstore Royxl ('orltctl ll.lllt 3 Sautluchull Nut-cl. 1‘1 \llllll will < mm L W” SCL' \ul 5

Other events

Scotland’s Wonderful Wildlife Scullhll \\ lltllllt' llllxl. lullx til (‘l'\\lt' RL‘\L'I'\L'. \C“ l..lll.lll\. lll 555 “053(‘3 \ooll 4pm {4 H33 \"cc 8.” "

Avon Valley Vintage Power Rally \llrxucm ol SL'Ullhll (hunt!) lrlc. Klllot‘lhltlc. l'..t\l Klll‘lltlk‘. “l 5.5.5 33‘ll\l U rtl 5th \ lurgc dhplu} ol ltuui rnucluucr} .llltl \clut'lcx lllt‘llltllllf; uorkrug tlcmonxlrulroux uml litulc \l.llltl\

Wednesday 1 1 .


GM Public Debate The ()lldlll} (I'llll'dl lltllL'l. 9‘) (lul‘tloll Strccl. 33l ‘llihll l'rcc. \‘ort‘c _\our oppoxllion .rl tho tlk'l‘dlt' on gcnclrmll} rumlilicd cropx .qu cut'oumgc lhc l'l\' (iUH‘llllllt'lll to lmu llicrn

Other events

West Highland Way Clean Up \lugtlock (‘ouum l’urk. ('ruigullmu Roml. \lllrlgmrc. ‘)5o(illlll (15” x illpin l'lL'L' Join \lrlugunc (‘i\ it‘ 'lru\l .llltl lhc RSl’ll \Viltllrlg l:\plorcr\ lll llux t‘lcun up ol thc \lrlngm It“ \ct‘lion ol lhc \Vt‘xl llrgllluml \Vu} MW! at lhc ohclrxk Ill \lrlugm ic l’rct'rncl


Is Corporate Sponsorship Killing A"? (‘(‘.-\. ‘50 Sullchlcllull Sllccl. ‘53 4mm "pm £3 it'3i :\l'll\l\. (ruin uml conlcmporur} all and cullurc upcrtx tll\L'll\\ lllL‘ll' \ lL‘\\\ oll tlic mplmion ol (Ul'ptll‘ult‘ \ponxohlllp lol' \ I\ll;ll urh Ill lhc

l.I\l tlL'u‘JtlL‘

Other events

Craftex 2003 ll'ittlLN llouw. B5 (iluxxtortl Slrccl. 553 3415 llluru "fillpiu l'rcc li\luhruon \ho\\mg lhc \loll\ luuglll ul (iluxgou '\ lurlhcr ctlut‘ulrou t'ollcgw Fan Kick-Off Party \lL‘lL‘liunl Sququ 'l'hc ('ourlyutl. 7| 7‘ :\|hron Slicct. 333 380” 7 Ilpm. l‘rcc. l‘unx lrom (icrrnun)

' Elf} i;


331 2668. Sat 14 Jun. noon, free

It‘s non-stop street parties this month in Glasgow with everyone ready to throw caution to the wind and party like there‘s no tomorrow. From the West End Festival to Summer in the City it'll be a colourful season of costumes. music and dance.

The Lord Provost‘s Procession, a celebration created for and by the people

of Glasgow. happens every year and is included in the Summer in the City Festival run by Glasgow City Council. To link it with all the sporting events taking place in Glasgow such as the city being awarded European Capital of Sport and the World Bowl taking place at Hampden. the theme will be


Costumes and puppets will provide the sporting colour as will dancers and musicians. They will be parading from Blythswood Square. down West George and Union Street and along Argyle and Queen Street where they will finally arrive in George Square for a prize-giving ceremony and more entertainment. Although the public are not able to join in the procession on the day, it is fantastic to watch and you can enjoy all the extra entertainment afterwards. (Jane Hamilton)

and Scotland conic logt'llicr lor lm- inuxrt' and .i p.ul_\ .rlmoxplrcrc

Book events

Cafes Philosophiques \llmnt-t- l'ruugurxc tlt‘ (ilmgou. " liomuoul (lunlcrix. “04351 4 (rpm ‘35 «UI l'rcnt'li tlrxt'irwrou group on pluloxoplntul t]llk‘\lltill\. \\ rllr \\ inc .uul (ht-cw .\'o llL't'tl lor \pct‘mliwtl hut'kgrouutl hul lllllllllllllll ol hrghcr l'icnt‘h nct'cxxur)


AL Kennedy in Conversation with lain Anderson Royll ('ont‘crl llull. 3 Suuchichull Slrccl. 35* Xllllll. lprn. t ‘5” ll] mlmnu' 14 on llic tlu). l.un .'\ll\lL'l\llll Lilla to our ol St‘olltuitl'x llllL'\l _\oung ullllloh uhoul lhc rutrrguc xurrountlrng hcr nowlx \xhrch Int'lutlc (Mgr/ml H/IH. \u/ um (i/m/ uml [IN/('lI/llt .‘l I\

Other events

Craftex 'lltultW llollw. 5.5 (ll.l\\l\lltl Slrccl. 553 3-ll.\ lllum 5 illpru l'l'L'L‘. SCL' Vl'llll l3

An Evening of Monologues 'lt-htu ()\ nu. 43 ()tugo luuc. ‘5" 4534 hprn ti I£3i .-\ night ot lt'llC.ll\t'\l lt';ltllll“_' prcwnlctl h) \tutlcut lhmlrc group S'l;\(i World Bowl XI Fan Festival (icorgc Squurc. 333 .‘hllll llprn l'rcc lhc hurltl-up t'orilrnucx mth lnc rnuxrt~ lroin l‘l\ll and (mum Rough Rulcrx. plux cnlcrtuiurncnl trorn lhc t‘llccrlmtlcr'x .lml .lppcurunt‘m h} tllc pl.i_\cr\

Saturday 14

Book events

Glasgow Book Market (iluxgmk Botanic (itirtlcrh. " ill (ircul \thcru Road. 354 3433 lll.un l-rcc l)t';llt'l\ lrorn .11] our St'ollunll gather to \cll talc and \CCHlltl'lltllltl hooln. m “C” m \.iluutron\ and ollcring lrcc .ul\ it:

Other events

Craftex Ill-.ltlLN llHllw‘. 55 (iluxxlortl Slrccl. 553 34l.\ Ilium 4 30pm l'l‘L'L‘ SL‘L‘ lllll l3

Farmers Market \ltlmlicltl l’urk ll}ntll.mtl Struct. 3\" 2mm lllulll 3pm

l'lt't' \ clmut'c to hit) llt'\ll protlut‘c llllk'xl lroiu lllc l.lllllt‘l\

Body and Soul Psychic and Healing Fair l(o_\.il ('ongt-rr Hall 3 Stuit'lut'hull Slim-l. i5; Xllllll |ll.un 5p”. t" 50 W3 5th. \u'ckcml lulu-l t5 lt‘ll llcullli .lllll hurling lhcmprcx on ollt'r iut‘lutlc rnuxxugt'. it'ikr. trululx. l.llUl. mum" plux tou‘ll liml St‘olluutl'x lugng gulllcrrug ol lurol mulcrx. .rxlrologt-rx .lllkl duruoyrnh

Bearsden and Milngavie Highland Games lturuliruc. \lilrig.i\ic. 043 5|" lll {Hum 5pm t4 rtli .\ ll.ltlllllill.ll lligliltlntl gunk-x mlli prpc l‘.llltl\. lug o‘ “ill. .lllllt'llL'\. luau} cwntx. L'lllltllt'll.\ culcrlummcut .uul llighluml dancing

Open Weekend (iltixgou llolulllt' (l.llthll\ " ill ( ircut \M'xtcrn Road. “4 3433 Hum 4pm l'rcc .-\u opportuurl} to \ mt llic norruull} cloxul propagation .ucm .unl cqwru-ucc lllc lit-.iulllul lilru) lcru houw

Lord Provost’s Procession (in (CNN. “l 3(iliH. Norm l'lL't' Illlt' \llt‘t'h ol (i|.l\go\\ \xrll l‘t' .l\\.l\ll \xrlli tolour lll lllL' .mnuul prot'cxxlon, St'c prc\ rcu

Book events

Books at the Botanics (iltngtm llolurllt' (iurtlclh. 5‘ it) (ircul \Vt'xlt'lll Rotul. “4 3433 lllurn 5pm l-rcc. Scc Sal l4

Other events

Craftex 2003 'll‘utlLN llouw. N5 (iluxxlortl Slrcvt. 553 34|-\' Ill.un 4 illprrr l‘l'L‘C SCL' lllll l3.

Body and Soul Psychic and Healing Fair Royal (‘ont-crr Hull. 2 Saucluclmll Slrccl. ‘5‘ Hllllll llluni 5pm. L 5.5” |£3.5lll. “L'L'lxk'lltl llt'lxcl L5 I234! SL‘C Sal l-l

Glasgow Book Market (ilgixgou Botanic (iurtlcnx. "ill (ircul \chtcrn Road. 5143433 lllulll l‘tcc SL'L' Sul l4,

Open Weekend (llthgiiu lioluiirt (ldl'tlL'lh. -50 (ircul \M'xlcrn Road. 5.54 3433. Hum 4pm. l'rcc Scc Sul 14. Peregrines - Majestic and Wild SL'Hllhll \Vrltllrlc 'l'rirxt. l';lll\ ol (lch Rcwrw. (H.555 605303. lpin ‘44 r£3it Scc Sui l4