'riittto MAAS Atomic Baby at the Honeycomb. Edinburgh. Fri 30 May
‘My mother never actually allowed me to have turntables when l was 13. because she was scared that they'd be a little bit too loud.’ says Timo Mass. That's some admission from one of the premier trance DJs on the planet - but it hasn't stopped the 33-year-old German from turning up the volume throughout most of his adult life. What's he up to at
the moment?
‘Right now, Martin Buttrich and l are in the studio writing the follow-up to my artist debut. Loud. We're also doing a demo for the dance album that P Diddy's making. It sounds nasty and evil. and I like it
- hopefully he will too.‘
The blingmeister aside, Timo's also recently released volume two of his mix series Music for the Maases. and this stop at Atomic Baby's the latest step in a DJing career that’s seen him play the Tunnel in Hamburg. Cream in England and Twilo in NYC. ‘My experience with Scotland is a fantastic one,‘ he says. ‘l've been DJing there regularly since 1995. when people were still playing gabba. and - even though my first ever single was cheesy trance shit - it was still welloreceived in Scotland!’
He prefers ‘tech-house' to the trance label. however. His justification for mixing techno. house. electro and, yep, trance is concise: ‘I think you can play whatever you want. as long as you kick people's arses while you do it.‘ (David Pollock)
I H:24 at lleriot-Watt l'niyersity l'nion. 8pm 2am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Summertime Sat's with the tip-beat “:24 DJ squad playing an eclectic mix of contemporary chart classics. Students and their guests only.
I Headspin at Bongo ('lub. Montltly next date 14 Jun.
I Joy at ligo. llpm 3am. £ It) (£ts' metnbersi. 7 Jun. Monthly. l‘p-front. dirty house grooves on tlte main floor from Alan and Maggie Joy arid Brett King to work you tip into a lather on the main lloor. Pltis Trendy Wendy and Sally li's cheeky tnix of soul. ftiiik and chart in the downstairs suite. Note that Joy is a cltrb for gay people and their friends.
I The Live Session at the Venue. ltipin 3am. £7 (£5i. 2-1 May. liclectic and electrifying; be prepared for ('aledonia's masters of breakbeat blues arid
show manship »- Mystery Juice mixing (‘eltic and funk rock with equal abandon. Performing as part of the Liye Session alongside DJs Neil (‘rookston (deep house set) and ('apstain Pole and Meaks (R& B l. I Luver at the Liquid Room. ltlpm-«lam. £12 (£10 members). 31 May. Monthly. .-\ saucy soiree. geared towards a gay/mixed crowd and featuring a music policy of full-on. driy ing house front residents 'I‘ornmy' K. (iP. Newton and Stone and Jared. 'l'heme still to be continued.
I Majestica at the Venue. lt).3t)pin~3am. 7 Jun. Monthly. Down and dirty house night featuring residents Day id Amos. lid D. Treyor (i. Bruno [5-K arid Ryan lillis. Witlt James Holden and Seamus Haji or Pete Heller (the l.
I Medina at Medina. Itlpm Jain. £2. Weekly. DJ Day e plays anything and everything. Plenty of drink promos all night and don‘t forget to phone in adyance to rescue your priy'atc booth.
I Messenger Sound System at Bongo (‘luh l lpiii-3am. £7. 24 May. Fortnightly. Bass of bowel-shifting proportions as the mighty Messenger Sound System blasts otit the best in righteous roots and dtib reggae.
I Mission Jnr at Studio 24. 7—Iopm. £5. Weekly. Goth. rock. punk and of course all that nu metal stuff that the kids crave so much. So if you ey'er wondered where all those black clad youths frorn the top of Cockburn Street went after dark look no further. the best and original under 18's metal gathering in town.
I Mission at Studio 2-1. llpm 3am. £5 (£4 ineiiiberst. 24 May. l‘ortnightly. Nigltt of titetal mayhem. goth rock and more from the darkside a real lidinbtirgh institution.
C- Moving Through at (‘abar‘et \‘oltaire. llpiit 3am. £S (£oi. H May. A free llowin' jam that pits the wits of drum k bass lit/l funkcrs Dyad against the ttirritabilism antics of lleadspin nut-
jobs. the Resonance. The Resonance
hardly need any introduction round these here parts. Dyad hay e worked as the backbone of Ktilti's Ja// Joint with the Jabba (’ollectiye. .-\lso highly inyolyed in research and experitiiental studies of grooy e based music and the y isualrsation of sound. Pogo Vogue take care of the back room. For I/ll\ (lute only '.»l-l.isr' cardholders gee! Int/t [trite entry.
I No Strings Attached at the Venue. Monthly next date 14 Jun. News
Just in l-‘ar‘ley ‘Jackniaster l-trnk had to
cancel. btit the) We got l-‘(' Kahuna in for a 4 dex set instead. Result.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. ltlpm 3am. £5. Weekly. l)a\e Shedden with his mix of disco and funky house tracks.
C- Pressure meets Bugged Out! at the Venue. It)..‘\()pm 3am. £l5 t£l3t 3| May. (ilasgow 's biggest techno/house night joins forces with Manchester's underground stipercltib right here in the capital. What more could you ask for.’ Well a line-tip including Robert llood (Detroit techno minimalist superstar on this M-Plant Records llith birthday tour). Tom Middleton (Sounds ol the ('osntosl. Rob Bright. Percy X and littnkeymagic. is a good start. for (his date only '.'l-I.I\I' card holders eel U." entry (1H Night.
I Progression at the Liquid Roorii. 10.30pm 3am. £10 £12. 7 Jun. Monthly. Derek Martin. (iay (irant and Alan Dobson are joined by special guests Luke fair and quarterly resident l)esy n Masiello for the Yoshtloshi In Home we THU! .t‘ album launch party. w litcli these two fellas mixed. With pre-club session at (‘ity ('afe from 8pm.
I Rewind at the Liquid Room. l().3t)pin—.‘~am. £5 «£6. 2-1 May. The line lsland DJs will be on liatid for some camp lli-NRG action in the backroom w'hile old skool disco jocks Mick (‘ool and Shtiggy Bear dish otit the best in "(i- s and 80s poptastic tunes iii the main
I Stereotype at Berlin Bteihatis, Ilptir 5am. £5 beloie midnight; Ur alter 3| May. lltiggy Burger ()tieen returns in his new guise at Stereotype. bringing home the best house around and
w elcoining some ol the best guests in town. Irish DJ Stephen Boyd makes his first met" Scottish appearance this month w ith a healthy dose ol l'S house and garage.
I Tease Age at (‘rti'tis ('ltrb.
llprn .ittlll. £5. Weekly. 'l'his indie stalwart dishes tip eyei'ything lt'otit swinging oils hits to baggy Manchester taxes as well as a host of current .\'.lll: chart botherei's.
I Thee Jailhouse at to rot Row l‘nion. llpiri 3am. H. 3.1 May. l-'ortntghtly. Righteous rock and old school metal iii a classic .-\(7"l)('. Motorlicad and Saxon \ern. plus a few ol the lch contenders that meet the gl'atlci .»\ttdios|a\e that ktrida thing.
I 20T at ('ontinplex tlot'trtet‘ly (‘Itrb
Jayai. 9pm 2am. £(i. 3| May. _ notrght 'l‘
geddtt .’ Mix of hard house and tt‘ance. Im- I/trs (/(l/t' oIi/\ Cl I.!\I'tt1It//ltl/t/t'l\ er! .3 [or / (’IIII'\. I Ultragroove at (‘abat‘et \oltait‘e. It)..‘~l)pin 3am. £lll. ll May. liortnightly. l'llt‘agrooye lounge residents specialise iii real deal house action lroni (iareth Soinery tllc. ('olllt ('ook and Mikey Stii'ton. Soulsonic returns from London loi' its quarterly Scottish residency with Stuart Patterson and Leo l-.lstob dropping deep disco. boogie and soulful datice classics. I Vain at le\iot Row l‘nion. Motrthly next date l4 .ltln. I Vegas at ligo. Monthly next date H Jtiii. Monthly. I Wiggle at ligo. ltifillprn 3am. £0
(£S nicmbersi. 2-1 May. Monthly. Maggie
and Alan Joy need no introduction and this is their new night of gay ttiit and frolics. In the main room will be 'l'rendy
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 79 for details
Wendy and Jon Pleased playing tracks that are a little bit \Jtllt‘. a little bit cutting edge but a whole lt‘tta ttin Downstairs Sally l and Michelle will be deploy trig ls'.\B. hip hop. indie and chart times and how sy‘tlltl w c linger the lo\el\ l’eriny l‘oinstar on hand to meet and greet the punters l’re clttb session Planet (hit with Brett lstrig
Chart S Party
I Cavendish/Diva at
('a\eiidish lhya lllt‘lll idlll lice beloie 11pm. to alter Weekly llrc lllll\ ieltitbished space hosts a night of all the giooyiest hits hour the oils UUs. with current chart taxes on the top llooi (her 35s only
I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mood ‘lpni iaiii lree beloie llpni. 1‘ «tree to iiietiibeist attei Weekly ('hait. party and soul hits lioiii I).l Martin
I The Party Continues . . . at l’eppeiiinnt lounge lllpiii idlll 1‘ Weekly See I it
I Shake It at | \ttaclte
lll illt‘lll idlll {-1 before llptn. :5 alter \\eek|y l’arty iiitistc trorii the (ills right tip to last week. plus loads ol drinks proiiios to wash it all down \\Illl
I Subway West End .il Subway \\est l'nd (ipin idlll lree beloie ‘lpiit. £5 (Ht alter Weekly (’hart. dance and cheesy times all night long baby
I The Subway at Subway "pin idlli \\t't‘lsl} St‘t‘ lllll
I Supernova at Resolution
lll..illplll iatn Lb beloie triidriight. t" (£-l £5t alter Weekly (hall and party hits all night long.
I Why Not? at \\ by Not’ lllpiri iani. £3 beloie llpiri; £5 £75” alter. Weekly See l’it'l.
Edinburgh Sundays
I Bootylicious .il llotieycoiiib, llHllpiii 3am. l'iee beloie tiitdnight. £i alter. \Vt't'kly. .\ tlttee deck llcakslloW (tl Rth a cappellas cut up attd scratched o\et' liip hop breaks from Richie Rulltone and Lyley now housed at its new name the Honeycomb
I Bootylushous at lago. l lpiii iaiii £3. Weekly. I)Js (‘r’aig and Dale lroiii Lush gixe Sun nights a good kick tip the booty with this new Rtle ltiitk and soul night. More ol a Sunday Social than a ltill on glaiii allarr.
I Chocolate Sundae at latth (lor'niet'ly Wilkie llotisei llprii idlll £1 (Lit. Weekly. 'l'he Rth arid litp hop Sun session returns with DJ Pattl ‘l'oxy‘ his back lll charge.
I DeathDisco at the Venue.
llHllpin 3am. £5. l .lun x\l.lll Mc(iee (yes that .-\Ian Mc( ice. as iii the man behind (‘i'eation Records. you know the folks who brought its ()asisi toiiis Bl’ lallon (manager and publicist to the likes of Led /.epp. Marc Bolatt. New York Dolls and many inorci bring its the best iii rock. to]! and anything else that takes their laiicy.
I DKY at Studio 11. I lpiii .‘Htlll
“.5” £3. “cckly. l)l\'\l stl‘ltlcs confidently iiito its third year with resident l)Js Jot‘tll. (iat'eth illltl Daye playing rock. goth. trictal. industrial and punk 'l’hctne nights arid lree gifts combine to keep things interesting. week itt. week otit.
I Escape from New York at ('abaret Voltaire. ()pcns as the sun goes down. £3 to escape \Vcekly. l'aceless DJs ll. Drew arid l'ill\ pt'oyide art electro soundtrack at this non-dance focused eyetit. Attendees are lll\ rted to conspire. create sculptures and works of art. with the tools arid materials pr'oy ided; the ortly input from escapees is creatiye.
I Fresh at l’riye (‘otincil lllpin 3am. £3. Weekly. Wind down your weekend in sty lc with ladinbtirgh's purest urban spot for Rth and hip hop on another ley cl. front the rotating DJ team l-abtilol. Lasy B. Naeein. .-\nibassador. Richie Rulltone. M(‘ l‘low. Mr Nigel and more.
7 '.‘i:.-* ‘ ..' -'- iTHE LIST 85