1'11111111131111Ncul IL‘.|\L'\ 11\ “ml land l111111c111g1111‘cux \kllll 11\ lclmt' l()(ll\lL‘P\
TRAVERSE THEATRE (Knnhritlgt' Sli‘t'cl. 33H HHJ IV. H. '1‘]. \\'( ‘. \\'.r\]
Wire Garden in 2% .\l.1} L31 it'll. ll )1111\wi'c11111111'xxt'1llu I111 [hull/111mlluuw11t'\l1l1mi .11 lllk' Rn}.'1||.}L‘c11111.)1111'l|\11111llnt‘hct'k nut llll\ 1hr llhl public “Hitlle: nl l’clt'i' Arnoil'x 11m pln}.
Lennie and George inc 3" & Wed 28 31.1} Scc Kltl\ ll\llllj_'\ [’11,] HI 1/11' [funk til .81 ul/um/ (‘/11/1/u'n‘\ lllll'l’llullullil/ [/11 (1111' l'('\lllil/
Snow White luv 27 ['11 ill\1.1_\ 111111 \Vt'il 3M. Scc Klll\ |l\llllf..'\. ’11/1 41/ {hr [fun/1 11/ Si til/11ml ( "lull/It'll ‘\ III/('I'nullmml l/Iulln' /'(‘\Illrl/
Stars beneath the Sea 1 I111 3‘) Mn} Sun I .11111111111 [11 301. 301k *l .\l;1} 7pm; Isl .l1111 ll-Hpm & *pm. Ll 1\1\ l111'£21l1.;\gt'\ h-‘plm, l’t'1l111'1111111u'. :1111111.1111111. 1111;11141l lllll\lL‘ :11111 puppt'li'} combine 111 \‘11111411113; P111an lulc ol 1|1c MM 1' mun 111111 “111111-11 \\|lnpl1lllt't'lt'1l(It't‘p \cu (ll\ 1113.1.
Alice 8111 3| .\l;1_\ .\lni12.l1111, H M11} ll.~15;11111\ 314511111; lxl .lun 7pm; 21111.!1111 Ilium A' l3.-l$pm L31. Soc Edinburgh. “1111111111 'l‘hculrc I’m-1 n/ (/11' Hunk u] .8} ill/11ml ('lil/r/n'n '1 III/(’I'Ilrllllllld/ 'I‘lu'uln' l'rwll'i'u/
The Happy Prince Sui 3| Mat Su- Kltl\ ll\llllg\. I’url HI 1/11' Bank 11/ Sr ul/um/ (‘lu/r/n'n '\ lnli'rnulmnul 'I’ln'uIH' l'c'xlli'u/
A Word is a Word Sul 3| Mn} 1\ Sun I Jun. Scc Kltlx lixlingx. I’url 11/ 1/11' [funk 11/ Slut/11ml (‘lu/r/rc’n '1 lnli'rnulirmu/ 'I‘lu'uln' I'kwll'i'u/
The Queen of Colours luv 3 x “1'11 4 Jun. Soc Kidx llxllllgx. l’ur/ u/ I/u' Hunk u/[S't'nllum/ ('lu/(ln'n '\ Inlrmuriunul 'I‘lu'uln' l'k'xlii'ul Romanzo D’lnfanzia (A Childhood Tale) Tue 3 Jun. Sec Kith ll\llllg\. I’url (1/ (/11' Bank 11/ Srnl/um/ (‘lii/(lrt'n '1 Inlvrnuliunul 'I‘lu'um' l'k'xlii'u/
" \ilpm
Edinburgh Dance
l .1111'.1.1'li\\11}. \lll\\t'l"‘ltl_'li.""< 3.7;" fl’. H. II. \\( .\\ \
Company Chordelia \.-.1 ‘~1 \l.1;.
‘ {1111111 1\1Ll*l|1 lam» nun. puts» mils l‘ll}\lt.1l (lit-.1115. «1111'1l.:11tc. 1111111 (111111111111(’linhlt‘lm In \11.'.u..z \ /)1.1.'\.l\.1ll} [111}1lI11111'\.:Il1lll11cc lt'111.1lt~1l.111tc1\11't1tu111n11‘11k‘ 111th: lull 11.1111 [111' \1/1'1.1;'1l1~ll\_ '.‘.l11lc 111 1/11.. 1 Winn/11! \I'!.'4”:'1I_(11'1111‘1111: Ht'll t'\1\lu1t'\\‘.l1.1111’xl1kc1ul1g11 \1111111l\ tlillt-n'nll} \1'1~1t-\11“«.‘.
lz 3‘)\Itul\1111\111'1'lt YMMHHH H1 \\('. \\.\;
Paul Taylor Dance Company I 11 I; t\ \11 3-1 \l.1} “ ‘Hl‘lll 1'1 LI“ [lit- |t*):1'111l.11} \1111'11t1111 tl1111c111'1.1plic1 l\1111;.'~ l11x [11111; 1111111111}; “1111114111 In St‘uiltmtl .lllk'l .1|1'11j,'1l1} l11.1111\ l’1'1l111111111_-_' l1\1' \\1lll\\1I‘-\‘l [v.11 111_-_'l11\. look 11111 1111 my IlllelI} 111.1111.111t
I’luim 1/1111]: Im .1111111173xl lllt‘ liigjlil} «lulu pingiuinnit- \lllt'llxdll mink-111 11.11111" .11 ll\ llllk‘\l \1'1‘ l1'.1l1111'
|11()1'\\cl| l1'11.1t'1'. (11111114 |\\(‘. \\ \l Jaleo Flamenco l 11 I; .\l.1_\ 811111 US 1‘; l 31 \ulht‘nlit 11.11111'11t'1I p.1t'kc1l \Kllll L'\PIU\I\C lnulxwik .11111 \11111uw 33111.11 pl.1}1113:
Central Drama 8. Dance
CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kllllllllll. ill.‘ V1 " i338". Il’. ll. ll. \\(‘. \\.»\|
Stars beneath the Sea 8111 3-1 _\l;1}, 71511111 {N151 Soc l'.1l111|\111§_'l1. limmw lllk'dlll'.
The Happy Prince \\L'tl ~1 Jun \‘t-t- Kulx ll\llllf._'\,
Tn} 511111111: ill ‘53 33 W ill. ll’. ll. \\(‘. \\‘.-\|
Mistero Buffo 1 1:21»: i; \l.:\ N 1*1‘111»\.:1 711.;1 ‘ :l‘l‘fil L§<il:]§<illg_L§1ii'\'11 (11.1} 1\ 111 llilt' Turn. .1» \l.:1\ it: llll\ ~11; 111.2:1 plan. 3‘.1\ui~1:iity 111jxxlt'11 plug. tn 1‘» :Ml‘lztl: :x :.:\T ;‘t'1l~\1111t'1l1:1\~li.1:11l2:: lx’ni‘lm- (11111.111c Women on the Verge of ART H1113" \.11 ll \I1:\ \3121 :11 9'. ('.~1111\.1l\kt'ltl1\l111'.\. 11~1111l11'l\’c1‘\ “1111111111111111~11.1‘.111}.\1\1c1 \tts Totally Over You \lwn _‘ l1111
‘ 1‘11111 1.‘ lll1' lx’t'iik \nnll: Hit-.1111‘11111111111111111~11i11\ \1111‘. 1'l.: 1111111" :‘1!'1\ 1111:1111x «~l luv-111111)
I .1\l\\.1\111l l’.11l_. l\)|‘lll\\'ll (111-11 Kinnl. 1*1"11
The Rocky Monster Show \\1'1l.‘.\ \11 {I \l.1) ‘ ‘il111111\.11
.‘_ “111111 1\ ' H'l‘lll U1 L"
l.1\1\\mul\111111111l11'.1l11'. H.11l1'1111111.
[\l\'\\'lll\ llll\ \lui} ul.111~1 k \1.11 1111111‘1l [11nl1'xw1 ml 31111-111 \
glRAMWAY -14
Only 3 Scottish per‘o'rmonoos
0845 330 350 tickets :12 (con: £8)
25 Albert Drive, Glasgow For m
"1:8 Theatre
5'14" :':-.'.:i
\"“\'\ \rmt-r H: :‘snw \\ \
Toad of Toad Hall I '~:;EI::.‘1\l.:\ \‘q l\:1!~ T:\1::.f\ Educating Rita Iiu; \ \_-_: \z‘::. 1‘ ‘1‘212‘1'13‘1‘l‘1' H\1\~
|?1g.:t:c \ .:11.:;‘Z.:t:1~': w: \\:11\ |\‘11\\‘ll
I‘ \\(_
.‘\ 1111‘.
lmzit'. .111: 1‘1wlcxwr \ 321111316111 .1
‘ utilit‘wci1i1'iu:1::::1c1itut-1111:1121-l11'1i111
:30 " 1
ltizxcixiix \1:1!11;;- Ill \11 lmmrm I' ll \\1 ,\\ \
Llll I11 ‘1\ltz'. \li-n ‘ Inn 111111 \lnn
.‘h \1111 \x‘ l\11l\11\1111:'\
Just for Joe |l111_“'\l.:\ \1‘111 t ‘ 1: § ‘1': ll1t'111l.1(1»\l11.1111-\1\11c\\~I111.111 \lli‘\‘-. tn uiillcn l\\ I [.11111-( \11111l1. 11'1-~11111\"11'1manillslllimia'li111.1111.1.11111
Romanzo D‘lnfanzia (A Childhood Tale) In W \l.1\ \1111 l l1111 \tx' k11l\|1\1111;'\
911mm Hg and m 11-? bcoulilul.
Thursday 29
Friday 30
Selfish/[11c Ardle liacmr) (hrIx Factor) (iirlx
Hutltl) Hutltl)
Scc Classical Ramhcrt Duncc ('0 Rumhcrf Danu- ('11
Dealer's ('hmcc Dculcr'x (‘hmcc
Saturday 31
Sum \h
l)c;1|cr\ (‘huit'c
Sunday 1
Factor} (llfl\
l.) ~1~11;il.1
Ramhcrt l).ln(k‘ (‘n
Monday 2
This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh's main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.
Tuesday 3
l\\1\l1.1l.1 l_\\1\11.:l.1
Wednesday 4 Thursday 5
l)L‘-ll('l '\ (.lllllk C lx‘.llt'll\ Illl‘ Slut} HI
Citizens Main Citizens Circle Cottier Th King’s Ramshom BSAMD Theatre Royal Tramway Tron
5C0 (‘l.l\\l\ .tl liwr} BIL-“ed 1111111: (Xilx (uh
Circus Inl'crnn
5mm \\ hilc $111M \\ l1111‘
\lLu’llr l L1“ \ \\1ul
:\litc ('«11111‘.111\ (hunk-21.: \g-; l.://
tiwr) HIL'\\L‘d Thing; liwr) llkNth [lung
Stars beneath lhc Sea Sun hcncalh the Sea Sum hcncalh ihc Sm $1.1“ lx-nmh 1hc \‘ca
()llu‘cn Ill ('1 1ll '11“
Dutch nl( nil-111x
Church Hill
Festival Th
< ' Playhouse Royal Lyceum St Bride’s naverse 1 Traverse 2