(‘athcdraL 300 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 337 2862. 7.30pm. £7 (£5l. 'l'hix nc“ Scottixh cnxcinhlc makc thcir dchut mm a pcrl‘orniancc ol' Bach's l’runn (hm-urn. I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers ('anongatc Kirk. I53 (‘anongatcn (it)? 7776. 7.45pm. £0 t£3.50l. Joxquin'x \ocall} cncrggctic .lltntl (lt’ Bi’rllrl ltl‘gtltt' is \Cl tlltttlgbltlk‘ an carl} \ununcr \clcction ol' motctx anthcrnx and inadrigalx h) Victoria. (iihhonx and .\lorlc_\. undcr thc tlll'L‘ClUt’sltlp ol Nucl ()lfl‘gltll.

Saturday 24


0 Scottish Opera: The Magic Flute 'l‘hcatrc Ro}a|. 2V2 llopc Strcct. 332 0000. 2.l5pin. £3.50 £52.50. Scc Thu 22.


I The Edinburgh Light Orchestra Quccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. (ms 201‘). 7.30pin.£-1.50 £3. l’la}ing a \clcction ol' light cl;i\\ic;tl t'a\ouritc\

\\ ith \oprano lili/ahcth McKCon. thc lil.() takc )ou on anothcr 'Journc} into .\lclod) ‘.

I Music of the Russian Orthodox Church St ('oluinha‘x h} tltu‘ ('ghtlc. l4 Johnxton 'l‘crracc. (‘00 0234. 7.30pm. £I0. 'l‘hc Blagmcxt linxcinhlc \\ith conductor ()lga Ko/lma pcrt'orni church niuxic and t'olk \ongx ol' thcir t)\\lt countr). In an intcrcxting intcrnational mixt. thc conccrt l\ in aid ot' an cldcrl) pcoplc'x dcmcntia proicct in (ioa. lndia.


I Russian Spectacular Quccn‘x llttll. (‘lCt‘k Strcct. (368 20l‘), 7.30pm. £9.50 £l |.50. 'l‘hc norld-lantotn (‘cntral Band ot' thc \Vliitc Ruxxian Ann} tt'orincrl} thc Rcd Arm} hand! jutth forces “tilt \Ulni\l\ of thc Bulxlttti and traditional Belaruvian t'olk danccrx

Scottish. Opera

perform The Magic Flute at Theatre Royal, G

.— so"; .. .i

' -. '. I. lasgow, Thu 22, Sat 24


Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 27, Thu 29 May

to cclchratc thc cultural tradition\ ol Rthxigl in a lltll\lL';ll mtraxagan/a.

Monday 26


I Celebrity Organ Recital Si Mar} '\ ('athcdral. 300 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 337 2302. 7.30pm. £7 t£5l. Rttlk‘t’l ()uincc}. Roin ('ollcgc Ul ()rganixtx l’crlorincr ol thc )t'ar 2002 3:“ C\ 4t \pL‘c‘ltll rccital.

Tuesday 27

Glasgow I Competition RS.-\.\ll). Inn RL‘llll'C“ SII'L‘L‘I. 3.52 5057. (mm. l't‘L‘L‘. YC

(‘ronim ()pcra :\\\at'd (‘oinpctition


0 Scottish Opera: The Magic Flute licxthal ’l'hcatrc. l3 2‘) Nicolxon Strcct. 52‘) ()(llll). 7.15pm. £|0.50 £30 0.7.50 1235!. SL‘L‘ Ililtll 22.

Thursday 29


I The BA Applied Music Symphony Orchestra llcnr) Wood Hall. 7.3 (‘larcinont Sti'cct. 050 35-15. 7.30pm. £5 t£~1i. :\\ part ol thc annual l'cxthal ot' Sti'athcl}dc l'nncmt} \ HA In apphcd ttltl\lL‘. lain .\la\\c_\ conductx lllL' Ut‘L‘ltL‘flt'd in llL‘t‘tt\lCtlt'\ ('(Utr/lt/r ()l'i'l'llll'r'. Bruch'x \iulm ("unit-rm [in l. Schuhcrt'x Sump/mm nu N and Vaughan \Villialtix' ling/uh I'm/A Sung Sit/Iv. ’urt u] If.-l.ll.tll-iwr 2W3.


0 Scottish Opera: The Magic Flute l't‘\[l\£tl 'l‘hcatrc. l3 2‘) .\'icol\on Strcct. 52‘) hill)“. 7.l5pni. £I0.50 £36 (£7.50 £33). Scc Thu 22.

I George Heriot’s School Junior Concert ()uccn'x llall. (‘Icrk Strcct. ()(ih‘ 20l‘). 7.30pm. £2 t£l l. l’upilx t'rom Primary 4 7 pcrl'orin a \xidc \clcction ot' llllhlL‘ including choirx.

rccordcr groupx. \trtng and \\ ind Cll\k'llll‘lL'\.

G asgow

I Music for Malawi Ralthltol‘n 'l'hcatrc. 923' Ingram Strcct. 552 343‘). 5.l5pin. Donation :\n tntorinal lttll\IL‘ \k‘\\ltlll h} thc Strathclylc l‘nixcrxit} (horns and BA Applch ttlll\lL' cnxcinhlcx conducch h) .-\lan 'l‘awncr.


I Junior Academy Chamber Orchestra Concert RSAMI). loo chlrc“ Strch 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7 i£-1i. Julian ('la}ton conductx thc )oun}: and giltcd cnxcinhlc in a progranunc that ltlL'lllth\ Brittcn‘x Sump/c Sump/mm. licniainui'x arrangctncnt ot (‘imaroxa‘x ()lmr (lUltl'l‘IU tlcaturing \Ultlhl Am} McKcanl. and “orkx h} \‘ixaldi. \lo/ai‘t and 'l'hoinax \Vilxon.


I Scottish Guitar Quartet 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 'l‘rongatc. 552 4207. 3pm. £7 t£5 l. 'l'hc popular guitar cnxcinhlc. itth til Sctitlalttl'x lcading gcnrc- hrcaking gt‘nllpx. cntcrtain with a mix ol' ia/l. Latin. traditional and \leltl \t}lc\.


I Pre Concert Talk l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 223 ll55. (i.|5pin. l‘rcc. (ircat chancc to incct tttL‘tltlk‘h ol thc l)alla\ S} inphon} ()rchcwtra and Icarn inorc about tonight's programinc twc lk‘lt)“ l.

0 Dallas Symphony Orchestra l\hcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. £l0 £20. 'l‘hc tlL‘CUlttplhllCtl .\‘c\\ York-horn conductor Andrcn Litton conductx thc tirxt .-\mcrican orcltcxlra to l‘caturc in thc l'shcr llall'x lntcrnational ('laxxio wricx Don‘t lltl\\

Classical 8. opera vstui‘os Music

Scottish Opera: The Magic

Flutefiwqffw" ‘: . ",-2" .\' .lmt) t "

gasso at. l " " ' ' 1., )y'K: I": v‘,‘ 3' Ir 2‘ 3" ml"... 1' i l ' - ' ' ul‘ ' ' tfl )ltl “at "f' t "

\l\ “J” "‘ I925“) ' ' l‘ l '

t} O “O, O I O'-' ' .' :’ d. O ' {Momma f: "‘l‘ Huh}. (Silfm'ffi. '1, .. V x' ' ht“. ify‘n‘r I‘; '!~,; ,‘v, ll 1w: .1. 1.: [11(1)“v., ['"L‘ 1 ' ’;

Orchestra of the 18th Centurylw. l .

tho '.‘.’().'l(lf» gt'~’~ :Tw ’_ 3' : .v} vt/JlM“, I. In, .0 o i. Q ..

(L ‘l )t l "' ‘l . l l a .. prii‘ia". :;:."«~i' t,..' ' l. ‘. '

lranxl tutltlfl" :, '. t“ ttégztrtitzvl aim.

know )8? exports; n: Ft" :r‘ t

contur‘, l‘ll.f;lt; m; it”. T'

played on “(Will l"‘i'."li"“"".‘ rt“ .' ll‘.(: ()!'(:lt‘?5;lt{l ltt: ‘t ,.." :wl !" " -- mi'l. 19805;. (Jig/7w Hail. i:f"."l.";". " ill/4U”.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra lrir; ’i'tit‘. “,avi I‘V'Z‘f' r .' ,t w bring a l)()l)lli£tl t;.'nttr':2"l"'t' i" ll," the baton :A‘ lllffll will! gltt (llt'(,‘(;l()' Andros." l rttl .". Rachi'iailinoxflf; I’i'w: t, , (3, with ll‘tt: forrvrlatilv .uixv; Russian pianist Ho'if, l‘3‘1":/ is)». as soloist. promo/ins feltiizuwyr Fitch/rd Sli/ft) it: Elf) T‘l-i‘, .'t:'f,'r,t‘ lt”, their first visit tr, finalizir‘rl and don't the; Just l’,".l‘: i‘. [’U/Hlfl/l'Q/i, fit/I: 7 J11"

l/ till/3', {ti/l.

thc prc-conccrt talk at (l. l 5])!” l\t't' ahm cl.


I Paragon Ensemble "Iron 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 'li‘ongsitc. 552 4207. Spin. l‘irL'L'. Rclawd. lllu‘l} tn ltc C\L'lllll_L' and a challcngc to thc carx Scotland'x outxtandin}; contctnporar) lllll\l\' cnxcinhlc prcxcntx ‘\\'hatc\ci llappcncd to .\1u\ic ". an Incicaxinpl} popular hi~inonthl} ltllell \lttnkcttNllt}: ncxx lllthIL‘ troin cult-rpm}: coinpoxcrx. \\ horn )ou can nicct and chat to Itl thc Victorian har.

Glasgow I Winter Gardens Prom l’coplc'x l’alacc and \N'intcr (iardcn. (ilaxgou (irccn. 554 0223. 7.30pm. £7 t£3 £5i. Strathchdc l'niwrxit} (‘onccrt Band (Wind Bandw. Strathclylc l’nixcrxit) Brass and Wind lithL‘tllthx. ('olin Suckling t(’onductor\/( 'horal

l)ircctor\ l. Alan 'l‘axcncr t('onductor\/('horal l)ircctor\i.

5', THE LIST 65