Noixe \Nllll \peeial guextx, l’ur/ u/ l.¢' llr'l’At’Iul.

. Ghost ’litilhlmlll. Jitll \Vklltl. “I “.30 274000. Spin. l)a_\ tieket £13 ILM. mo da} paw £23 t£l4l; lexlnal paw £~1ll I£2(n. l’\}t‘lit'tlt'lit' roek group that ha\e llL't'll .‘tL'lnt’ on the eu‘t' lt't'lllt' 'l'ok}o underground mice the late Sllx I’ur! u! l.(' lli't'kt'ml.

I Patty Waters with Burton Greene and Tjitze Vogel 'l‘olhootlt, .lail \V}nd_ til "Sh lillllll) ()pin. l)a) ticket £|21£Hi;t\xoda} pa“ £32 (L l-ll'. lL'SlHill pa“ £-1l)l£2(it. 'l-llL' lirxt lree leniale \oeahxt to emerge lroin the lllltl-(illS. haeked h} protean plétllhl Burton (ireene and liaxxixl 'l'lit/e Vogel. l’ur! u/ l.¢' lli't'At'lltl,

Monday 26 ,


I Elvis: The Concert Sl-.(‘('. l‘inmexton Qua}. 08700-10 Jill)” £235“ £23.50. The deal I\ llll\2 l'.l\i\\ old hand lulute |lllllp\tlll/ll;l\\:lll;lll eoneertx period) pla) l1\e \\llllt' the nonln ing legend \hakex lll\ thang on a lug \ Ideo \ereen beaming do“ n lootage ol those earl} 7()\ eoneertx. l’rett} damn llllpl't‘SSHC lot a man \\ ho hax lelt the building.

I Maria McKee and Woodstar King ’l'ut'x Walt Walt llut. 373a St Vineent Street. 32! 537‘). S. illpni.

.S( )l.l) ()l "l‘. See panel lt‘ll.

I The Briefs, Breenje and Mutley lllt‘ (.illlltllISL'. l5 l‘llltlll Street. 2-18 ootlo. 7pm. £5 tadmneel; £05“ (door). ()\t't‘— l4x \llt)\\. lltt' liriel'x are a Seattle haxed Plllllx/llt‘“

\\ a\ e eoniho \\ ho ha\ e toured the [S u ith their heroex the Damned and the Re/illox.

I The Panthers, Vega and Brown Eye Superfly liarll}. 2m (tutt- Street, 0870 007 out»). 3pm. £5. The ‘drexxed—up. niexxed up‘ l’antherx are an American eoniho \\ ho dime a producer \\ ith trend) )oung huekx the Yeah Yeah Yeah\ and the Klll\.

I Bob Cuba, Sound Development Agency and Draw Stereo. 13 H Kelxinhaugh Street. 57o 5013. 8pm. £3. lndie linerup headlined h} l‘loh (‘uha v. ho are launelung their nen \i\-traek lil’ [former a\ai|ahle l'roni u \\ \t'.hoheuha.etiin and \exeral good reeord \lot'ex. l)ra\\ pla} in \upport til’ then reeentl} releaxed debut album Simple '1}; Serena

I My Own Religion, Leper Nuns and Brutally Impaired 'l‘he lilh Note (lulu. .50 (ll) King Sll'L‘L‘l. 553 loih‘. H.3(lpni. £3. l’unk/inetal line-up.

I Canvist Studio One. (il‘t)\\L‘llUl' llolt'l. (irouenor 'lt‘l't‘uL‘L‘ toll li}'l't‘\ Roadl. .i-ll (i516. ()pm. liree. llluex.

I Acoustic Jam Niec'n‘S‘leax}. ~12! Sauehiehall Street. 333 0037. Split. Free. With a free drink as ineentn e lor pai‘tieipantx.


I Desc Bongo ('luh. H .\'e\\ Street. 558 760-1, 0pm. £3 (£2). Donn-heat \oundx lroln l)e\e at thi\ Sl. RL‘L‘t)l’tl\ night. See \ingles page 10‘).

I Acoustica ('aharet Voltaire.

36 3S lilttit’ Street. 230 (\l7ll. llplll. l-"ree (\oluntar} eontrihtitionx on em! l. A ne\\ night ol aeouxtie \ound\ ol‘l'ering \aried line-upx l’roin lidinhurgh'x linext singer/\ongxxriterx. :\lltl I'L‘lllcllllk‘l‘. no em L‘l‘ \L‘l‘\ttill\ ttlltm ed.


I Less Than Jake, the Pietasters, Teen Idols and Allister Barron land. 3-1-1 (iallon gate. 553 4am. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. ()\er— l-lx Slltl“. See pre\ ieu tor the cult \ka punk'ers \\ ho hax e uork'ed their \\;I} tip to \ell-out Slttlth \xithout. erin. \elling

0 Broadcast and Imitation

Electric Piano (ailing -\eadein_\ i. B O N N ' E Ill

l1ghnton Street. ll‘Hl5 HZ“ “l‘l‘l tlS—ll '7"l 2000 "pm L“ 5“ See piexieu lot glacial llruinnne l't'llt\~lllllll'l\l\ liroadeaxl

I Acid Mothers Temple Soul Collective \n‘e'n‘Slea/y lll Sauehiehall

Street. 1‘ i Wu i“ Spin 1“ Demented axant px) ehdelie metal tolleetn e lioni Japan \houeaxe the leltrlield \klll\ ot \eleeled lllL‘llll‘t'h nainel} l\llllll‘.lllll. l’dl'tltilh and a \olo \el lioni \lakoto Kanahata. the man helnnd It all

I The Agenda .llltl The Gems Bar”), 2N) ( ‘l_\tlt' Street. “‘5-” "ll" (NW). Spin £o. 'l'he llt'dtlllllt‘h are a ll'l\l\} garage punk eoinho lltllll .\then\. (ieorgia punting their appropriatel} nained debut album Mm! I/u l’mm ' Note L‘\L‘l;llll;llltlll mark

I Taking Back Sunday and Brand New King 'lui\ “all “all lltit. 373a St \ineent Street. III 5:“) Spin. £7.5ll ()\er l-l\ \hou.

Anni} \ille\ laking liaek Sunda} prexent their nu\ ol pop. punk. ll.tltlt'tllt' and emo. Real llot'l'ot \lltm.

I Martin Stephenson and Jim Hornsby llrel. :\\hton lane. HI .wtm. Spin. £S, 'l‘iekeh lioin 'l'teket Seollantl. “~57” 23H llll) “ell lo\t'tl (ieordie \inger/xongn riter lll.ll\t'\ another ll\ e appearanee Ill the eential hell.

I Whole Lotta Led 'l’he (Luliouw. l5 lillltm Sll‘t‘t‘l. 24S (itilltx, KPH], ()\ei l~l\ \lltm. ll'll‘tllt‘ to the inane \haking might ol the /.ep.

I Pencilhead Stereo. I: It Kehinhaugh Street. 57» 5lllS. Spin llardeore punk.

I Gremlin and grnr the I Kill \olt' (’ale. 5() (ill King Street. 55‘ I038 t)pni. U. Featuring e\-ineniher\ ol the Saigon lligh (‘han' l’n'atex.

I Phil’s session l'l\ge lleallla. I i: \Voodlandx Road. 504 I500. 0pm. l'tee. \Veekl} iani.

I Live Music Beanxeene. I‘) Sk'ining Sher-1.032 soon. S. illpin. liree. l.aidhaek background \oundx.

Wednesday 28


0 Goldfrapp and Mountaineers Queen Margaret l‘nion. 22 l'nixerxit} (iat'dehx. 33‘) 9734. 7,3llpin. £ ll). See leature l’or (ioldlrapp. eurrentl} indulging their low ol' \lea/_\ \_\nllt \oundtraeks on next album Blur/t ('lu'l'n. I’ur! n/ the (hip in l‘irm' 1mm (1/. uhieh tllllh to raixe lundx and a\\at'ene\\ lor the Seottixh .-\\xoeiation lor Mental Health.

I British Sea Power, Mower and The Silver Pill King ’l'ut'x “ah \\ah llut. 273a St \‘ineent Street. III 53“). 8.30an U». See panel page (ill lor the l’oxt-pnnk atnioxpheriu ol llrighton'x Britixh Sea I’ou er u ho are big on pl‘CSL‘lllillltlll tinatehing t‘tl\ltllllt‘\. \tulled animalx. lohage. haek proieetionxi and good intentionx lpla}iiig gig\ on the Seill} lxlex and lamenting the dennxe ol the l'K‘x lighthoth keeperxi but not Mr big on aetual \ongx. Support hand

.\lo\\ er are the loaxt ol (irahani (‘o\on'\ 'l‘t‘anxeopte label.

0 The Mysterious Rutabega, the Pendulums and Phono (‘ranial Health. Stereo. I: H Kelxinhaugh Street. 5"(» 5tll.\'. Hlllll. £4 'l‘teketx in adxanee lroin the \enue. Monorail. l’opp and \lixxing Reeoidx. Ja/l) nnprm lroni Rulahega uhoxe

\ ihrationx allegedl) \pread all the \\.i_\ to Mongolia. Supported h} the lolk_\ I“) L‘llL‘tlL‘lla til» lllL' l’t‘lltltlltlllh tttttl the guitar/eleetromea interl'aee ol l’hono. Part of the ()m' In [our /¢‘\I!lt1/

I Breschnev, the Stunts and Charlemagne The Beat ('luh. Niee'n'Sleal).-13l Sauehiehall Street.

. 33 9637. 0pm. Indie line-up play the lllollllll} club night.


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:. .'- THE LIST 57