Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Horthmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland 2m Ardpe Street. Glasgow 01-11 20/; -':t-'rl

Tickets Scotland ‘L/i' Roar: Street. Edinburgh. 01111 2’20 $111713.

Ripping Records ‘1‘ South Bridge, 0131 220/010

Way Ahead fit-ii. 3:113 axaa


I Whitesnake, Gary Moore and YLT S1i('('. t-‘iniiicxion Qua}. 0370041) 4000. 7pm. £50. Solt rockers Whitexnake and tedioux hluex-rock guitarixt (iary .\1oore push the boundaries of the Monxterx ol Rock title.

I Fingathing, Cube and Bob Cuba King 'l'ut‘x \Vah Wah lint. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £7.50. Hip hop break and cluhh} tunes. I Tom Hingley and Scott McDermott .-\cou\tic Altair. Stereo. 13 14 Kelvinhaugh Street, 576 5018. 8.30pm. £5. lnxpiral (‘arpetx it‘ttltllllttll. fresh from touring “1111 111\ i'et'oi'ined hagg)‘ hand. pei'l'oriiix a solo xet.


I 8 Mile MC Battle (ilaxgou School (11.'\r1. 105 Renlreu Street. 1554.551 Spin. £4 I£3 ~tudentxf£l (iS.-\ RS,-\\11)i Budding 1'.llllllt'tll\ comerge to til“ their oponenh in the \t}le ot the \ lli/i rapping xtandottx

I Trashcan Sinatras Brel. .-\\hton Lane. 343 4060 S 30pm, St )l.l) ()l'l Suooning llk‘hkilL‘S li‘oin the

reim igorated 'l'raxhcaii Siiiati';i~. perlorining the latext ot theii inonthl} rexidenciu in the intimate continex ot lirel. Snuggle up

I Doolah, Braindead Hicks, 62nd Tryout, Tearjerk and Killer Feetus 111C (IillilttlISC. 15 1.111011 Slt'L‘L'l. 34H (10110 7 illptli. £4, (Mel-14x \110\\. Skate punk line-up.

I The Rodents, Aston and Sonara Bar'll}. Jeri ('l}de Street. 0V0 ()07 000‘). 3pm. £4. Mod punk pop

I Heirloom, Ostle Day and The Yes Men Nic‘e'It'SIea/_\. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 3 ‘3 Wit“, ‘lpiii. 1ntro\peclt\c indie pop.

I Super 8, Road Kill Pandas, Distract and The Casuals

Sll'tm hell") 1"IL'1t1\. 5(r()\\\411t1 Slt't'cl. 034505301“). ".30pm, £4 ()xer- l4\ \11()\\. Rock and tndlc

I Grasshopper, the Cage and Diobane The (‘cllar Bar. Ramada Jar\i\ ilngi'aml Hotel. 100 Miller Street. lttio: 5553515.?3'511pln. 1"I'cc.

. Roost Studio One. (it'oxxenot’ Hillel. (il'o\\et10l' 'I‘ei'r'ace (011’ 11} t‘ex Road 1. 5-11 0510 9pm. l-‘ree. Blues rock.

I The Tall Boy 'l‘inderhm. IS‘) 11}re\ Road. 33‘) 3103. 0pm. 1"ree. Acouxtic \et, I Maria Leahy Beanxceiie. .5 ('i‘exmell Lane. 334 (r770 Spin. l'i'ee. .-\cou\tie per'l'ormance.

I Open Mic ’l'chai ()\na. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. 8pm. Free. l-'oi'tiiiglit|} \1]t)\\Cil\C.

I The Vagabonds ’l'he Seotia.

113 114 Stocknell Street. 553 8681. ‘lpiii. lii'ee. Popular co\ er\.

I Jam Session Samuel Dim ‘x, (i7 71 Nitlisdale Road. 433 0107. Sillpin. l'ree. I Live Music .\1;icSorle}\. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 S581. 8pm. Free. 'l‘hree llltSlgltcd local handx.

The garage door may swing open and shut with painful regularity and those tie-dyed hard trance remixes might not be welcome this week. but some things never go out of fashion. and that inimitable power pop-punk thing is one of them.

Singleskin have refined their sound over four years, punting unpretentious pop with a personable twist. taking the energy of Green Day. the dexterity of Elvis Costello and the pop ears of the Kinks. They're not the sum of these parts quite yet but they're on the right track. Hey. it worked for Travis and Coldplay didn't it?

52 THE LIST 22 May—5 June 2033


I Stoma and Healing Abigail Studio 34. ('alton Road. 55S 3‘55 "..‘~0piii £4 £5 Double hill ot righteoth rock and metal troin Zealoux

I Genesis - Performed by the Musical Box ('oi'n 1-.\chaiige. \eu Market Road. (iorgre. 443 343‘

“.Rtipm. £30. Tribute to Peter (iahriel and co.

I Eddi Reader Queen'x Hall. ('lerk Street. ooh 301‘) ".30pin. £15. 1‘orrner \inger “1111 l'airground .-\ttraction [‘t‘t‘lttl'tlh the \ongx ot' Rohert Burnx “1111 the Rinal Scottixh National Orchestra and \pecial gue\t\ including tiddler John .\lc( ‘iixker. cellixt (‘hrhtine HitllSUli and guitarixt ('olin Reid.

I The Others, Diaz, Sthere and Tinrokit .1111C\‘C11UC. 1“ 31 ('altoii Road. 55" 10‘3. 7.30pm. £4. 1-oiir local indie/rock hand\.

I Open Mic Night The (’anonx' (iait. 3 ‘3 ('aiiongate. 55o 44Sl. 7.30pm. l'ree. titillilllttHS \xelcoirie. Welcoming all \t)1e\ ot HillSlL‘ttl dehaucher}. co\er\ and original material.

I Don McLean l'xhei' llall. l.othian Road. 33S 1155. Spin. £14.50 £18.50 The man \\ ho hi'ought US poxxihl} the 1110\1 oil-\ttng drunken \erxe

‘:\lllt‘l'lt';tll l’ie’ tix \\ ell ax the heatititiil '\'inceiit' leadx the \ing-along iii pei'xon. I Black River Falls and Won Mississippi ’l‘liee t‘iidermirld. Banneriiian'x. .\'iddr_\ Street. 55h 3354. 3.45pm. £4. More rock and indie dimn 1110C l'lttlct’niit‘hi.

I Lee Paterson and Moka \Vliistlehinkiex. 4 o South Bridge. 557 51 14. 0pm. Rock. hluex and pop cm on 110111 Paterson and guitar t}pe\ Moka making their ‘Binkiex dehut.

I National Student Music Awards with Elviss llerioi—Waii l'nixerxit} l'nioii, Riccarton. 451 5333. 9pm. 1‘ree. Brit heai) rock coiiiho 1i|\i\\ guext at this student hand competition. 1’1caxe send dcniox to NSMA. 1’() Box 5413. Bournemouth. 11111 41']. Students and their gllL‘\i\ onl}.

I Apache llumaii lie-1n. 3 5‘ \\’ext ('roxscatixeua)’. 003 S800. 0pm. 1‘rcc. ltixtrumental acid Via/l quartet tilt!“ ing on the t‘tmtx of hip hop and nu \001.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vzixct‘lc) Bar. 1 St Marfx Street. 557 1050.

9pm midnight. 1‘ree. Open mic \L'xxitttl l'or lidinhurgh-haxcd \inger-xong“i'iterx. ()riginal ltllhtL‘ mil} with the chance to record a \et on tour track juxt bring a hlank tape.

I Uncle John and Whitelock Bongo (‘luh. 14 New Street. 558 7604. 10pm. £5. l)ouhle hill 0111\0 music at l.i\'i. a l'uiidraixer tor the l.i\'i l’ure 15un Skate Part} in tree tuo-da) e\ent in Livingxton. Plus plenty of DJ\ (Nam 1’. Richie Rul't’tone. 1i.\tra. the ('oach and And} l)oh\onl. \hort ii1lll\. rampx etc.


I Akio Suzuki Tolhooth. Jail \Vyiid. (11780 374001). 7.30pm. 1);!) ticket £13 (£8); [no da) paxx £33l£14111extixal paxs £40 l£3(rl. Japanexe \ound artixt

\\ ho pertorim thing 11i\ oun sell-huilt iiixtrumentx creating tncditatn e soundxcapex. I’ur! n! 14' lli'i'ki'nil. Stirling‘x experimental inUxic l'extixal. I The Mancini Project 'l‘olhooiti. Jail \\'}iid. 01786 374000. 9pm. l)a} ticket £13 (£81; tuo da) pttxx £33 (£14); textixal paxs £40 (£30). Four of Europe's moxt imentixe exrxiriineiital litlhlclitnx ll’at Thomas. Simon 11 Fe”. llan Bennink and Stexe .\'ohlei take the 79th aniiix'erxary ol' llenr} Manciiii'x hirth its the mock starting point t'or 1111\ titltxicul L'\cltr\ion. I’ul‘l (If/4' lik'r'ki'nd.


I Westlite S1i(‘('. 1-‘innieston Qua). 0870 040 4000. SOLD ()1"l‘. l’op‘s Miduich cuckom continue their \ irtually unchallenged reign as hlandest ho} hand of the age.


Broadcast (11180538121) perfectionist; or sloxenl‘. 80(18" Either war, Broadcast are hanll. [)lO1liltI ‘111tf‘.'l("1()lll|llt] in support of the” second £111)ill‘.l in seven yearsi but “3.1111 their elediac elerttro rock. See l)l(?‘.’l(?\.'.’. (Jar/int; Atlldcllll. (Elasgoir. lire . ’7 lat

One in Four Festival Hack 1()l{1&5(}(T()ll(1\(?ill.(1l112ll111111llf; léllSllltl1)()11llll()ll(?\1()l(lll(1111t+ profile ()1 various local iriental 110211111(Z1lill|1|(}f3\."lli1l{llilléllll‘y clutch of gigs lioin (froldliapp and Arab Strap (picturedi to V 1‘.‘.’lll 1 and the lrashcan Sinatiats. l or ' Goldlrapp. see feature. page ’2’2. Various venues. Glasgow ll/ed ."H l Mt'iv- Sun 1 Jun. 1

Marilyn Manson As much a cabaret as a rock concert. big bad Brian invoke the new ish drama of Wieiiiar Geririany, Slayer and the Bay City Rollers in one evening. What more could you ask for? See preView. Br'ar-gliead Arena, Glasgow. Men 2 Jun.

Tindersticks l he more soulful direction adopted for the splendid Can our Love has been shelved tor the moment as 1|ll(1(3li$1l()kf3 favour a return to their tried and tested nialingering, melodious maladies. Dark but beautiful stuff. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh. Mon 9 Jun.

Bitty Clyro This perverse power punk trio JUSl keep letting better. Rock squall collides W1111 bGWlICillllg rrielodies as exemplified on their new 1P The Vertigo of Bliss. See preview. LiQU/d Room, Edinburgl‘i, Mon 2 Jun.

Deftones A truly feromous live act. Sacramento's introspective rock beasts blow away the competition With their lllll111- faceted eponymous‘ly titled long player. See preView. Brae/read Arena, G/asgow. Tue 3 Jun.

Ani DiFranco More Jazz tinged aCOUSIlCa from the original righteous babe who is proving prolific as ever With a new record and a much welcomed return to Scotland. Queen's Ha/l Edinburgh, Wed 4 Jun.