Film index

Ferris Bueller’s Day Of! t 18

... llohti Hughes. [8. l‘Mhi Matthew Broderick. Jennifer (irey. ('harlie Sheen. 103mm A sunny Spring day iti ('hicago is far too good to spend locked iii a classroom so the irrepressible l‘L‘ffh Bucllcr feigns a malady. cuts classes and promises his two best friends a day to r‘eriieiiiber (‘haractcristically llughes tceii comedy that scores with fresh dialogue and appealing characterisatitiris. but has the draw back of some laboured farce and the need to make meaningful statements ()ilemi .-lt The (Jam. (i/(tyeuii

Fire l l5) 0.. tl)eepa Mehla. ('anada. l‘)‘)(ii Shabana :\/llll |0~1rnin Sensitiye examination of the break tip of a New l)ehli family as seen from the perspectiye of deyoted wife Radha. When Radha's brother-in-law brings his fiesty. new wife into her home. the ties that bind begin to unwind. (il"'l. (i/rnerm

Frida l l5) 0.. tJtilie ’lityllitif. l'SA/(‘anada 2002i Salrna llayek. Alfred Molina. (ieoffrey Rtish. :\lll()lllt) llanderas. Saffron Burrows. lidward Norton, l23rniri. Actor Salma llayek fulfills her lifelong dream of portraying the Mexican icon. artist l‘rida Kahlo. in this film which chronicles her extraordinary life as an artistic. political and sexual reyoliitionary; (fl-“l. (i/trsemi ; .S'ter ('erttttry. Iz't/rIi/iure/t.

Full Frontal t lxi O... iSieyen Soderbergh. ISA. 2002) Julia Roberts. l)tl\’l(l l)uchoy'ny. .‘slary .\lc(‘ormack. llllllllli. Set in his Angeles. this arty wink wink comedy shamtmlically tells of the loose and often missed connections between such friends over a 24-hour period; all are linked to the mysterious. seedy littiy‘fc mogul (iiis (David l)uchoy'ny'). \N'orlds within worlds emerge and the whole narrative tlrtVC begins to fragment before our eyes. A piece of indulgence that deseryes to be indulged. irresistible for lovers of cult cinema. See l‘CVlcw. .St‘lt‘t'ft'tl I‘t'lt‘au'.

The Happiness of the Katakuris t l5) 0... ('l‘akashi Mitke. Japan. 2001) Kenji Sawada. Keiko Matsu/aka. Shinji 'l'akeda. I 13min. So bizarre it beggars belief. this film throws together the Alpine musical. Jan Sy‘ankmajer-style clayiiiation. early 80s music video choreography and some well hamrny acting to produce what can. at best. be classified a ‘horror musical‘. The film tells of the Katakuri clan. a close-knit guesthouse-owning family whose \‘isiltirs keep dying inexplicably, To avoid scandal. the fatnily bury them near a toxic lake . . . and the dead re-emerge as all-singing. all-dancing zombies. A truly stunning spectacle that's surreal in the extreme. (.'(i(' Rerif'rew Street. (i/uy‘gnii‘: ( '(}(‘. Iz't/ttilmrgh.

A Hard Day’s Night (H 00. (Richard Lester. l'K. 196-1) John Lennon. Paul McCartney. (ieorge Harrison. Ringo Starr. 87min. This re-release of the Beatles' screen debut. complete with digitally restored soundtrack. features the Fab Four supposedly preparing for a live TV performance. Actually. jigging with the exuberant energy of youth and the fearless arrogance of those who are adored. they dodge their manager. taunt their fans and make a playground of the streets. Lester's mock documentary received two Academy Award nominations. Today. the camera tricks may seem less than impressive. but the innocent upbeat humour comes as a timely relief. }"f/Ittlttttl.\’¢'. [z'ili'nhurelr The Heart of Me (15) O. (Thaddeus ()‘Sulliy'an. l'K. 3003) ()liy‘ia

Check out the great


on page 11

34 THE LIST 22 May —5 June 20C?

\Villiariis. Helena lionharri-(‘arter Paul Bettany 05min Sisters Madeline «Williams: and Dinah illorihaiiit 'arteri both loye Rickie illettany i 'lroiible is Rickie is married to Madeline. but is haying an attair with l)inah It's an uninspiring. unor'igiiial loye triangle set in Wills l.ondoii that‘s sa\ ed from being a complete waste of time by a high caliber cast and some interesting character portraits that resolye around faiiiily squabbles l'l/Hl/ll'llu. Iailrrziviueii The Hero 1 llxM tYirriou /.harig. (‘hiiia. 300% Jet Li. 'l'ony lcting. Maggie (‘heung ()(illllll l’reyiew of Yiiiioii‘s coritr'oyersial take on the life of laiirperor ()in. one of the bloodiest reign‘s iii (‘hincse history and unsurprisineg one of \lttti ’l'se lung‘s heroes, lt slats Jet it so who cares (‘( ll. (Yule/mu}.

Hi Tereska (Czesc Tereska) iteir tbci tRobert (iliriski. Poland. 3000: 30mm 'l‘his gritty drama captures the downward spiral of a l5-year-old who is pulled itito a life of drinking and dissolution l‘l/IH/ttttlyt‘. [LtIIII/HIIQ/t Hope Springs l l::\l O. i.\t.iik Herman. l’S/l 'ls'. 3004i ('oliri l'ltllt. Heather Graham. Minnie l)ri\cr' 93min. In art. as in politics. Britain and America hayc long been iii bed together laterally in the rom~corri where the iitittttig of British and .'\ltlL‘rlL‘.tll actors is aimed .it ensuring box office success on both sides of the pond In Hope .S'prmey. liriglish portrait painter (‘oliri \Vare tl-irthi leay es London for the New lzrigland yillage of Hope to get oy er beiiig dumped by his fiance. Vera tl)r'i\eri In no time at all. he meets Mandy t(iralianit. a free-spirited care worker who proriiptly gets drunk and then gets naked. Things improy e when Vera turns up to reclaim her man. btit not ey en l)riyet' in classy litiglish pow er bitch mode can saye this leaky ship from sittlslng'. (it'ltt'l'u/ I't'lt'ttM'.

The Hot Chick t 12A) 0 t‘l‘orii Brady. (‘8. 2003) Rob Schneider. :\ttli;t l‘ar'is. Rachel .\lc:\daiiis. l0lmin, A teenage girl. the school bitch. becomes trapped in a 30-year-old man's body and subsequently spends the remainder of the

It i i ,‘l

tiliii trying to get back lhere's a loose theiiie ol identity iiiyolying futile iiioriieiits ot self realisation. but ultimately this shallow tiliti is ltlll ot stereotypical chaiaeters. and \liiieidet's petlotiiiaiiee as the ‘teeriage g‘lll. is iiiote etletiiitiate than teriiiiiirie lhe riiiiiiiiial plot is used as an excuse for crude. riiostly toilet related htiitiour \ee ieyiew (it lit Inf It ft tin

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ill.\» 0. tl)i'll.tltl l’etiie. l \. :le‘i Kate Hudson. \latthew \lc(‘otiaughey llhiriiii Based entirely on a iiitittial deception between tll.t_‘.'.t/ltlt‘ leattttes writer \ridie \ndeisoii illiidsoiii and brash adyertisiiig eset iitiye

lleniaiiiiii Barry i\lc(‘oiiaiighey i. this romantic toriiedy is all so \eiy siiiiig arid lt'tllt‘lh [INN [1' [NH ii (l-il‘t U.“ /" [lays is a film that affects an air of \lldllldlh tension where tlieie is none and the type of Hollywood studio picture that is churned out like so iiiiith fast food It may look the part. but it lacks any real tlayour or substance (it m m/ it [um

I Capture the Castle it’( ‘o .00 I'l'iiti l‘ywell. l’ls. Illllii ls’oiiiola ( “Ill \tghy. 'l’ara lit/geiald l Ilrriiii ("assandra i( iaraii is a I" year old budding writer who ll\ es with her eccentric tatiiily in picturesque poyeity Ill

We don’t advocate starvrng yourself on Egreens or gorging on angers and over-easy eggs, but there are a few prinCiples inythe detox theo which are being adop ed by ,retyai ers in a sh htly less intimidating fas ion. Maureen Ellis on detoxing tips, see Shopping, page 113.

Blair Underwood and Julia Roberts get schizo in Full Frontal

a d:l.:pi.lated eastle it: l‘Hl's \iiltolk llei elder sister Rose is despeiale to eseapc the‘.'ill\ 's indigent \‘\l\it'll\c‘ and sees her . haiiee iii an eligible young \iiieii..iti Hut heartache lies iii store beloie the laiiiily ‘s totttiiies t an iiiiptoye It. atithoi llodze \tiiith s tiiti.h loyed

l his adaptation ot

coining ol age tioyel boasts the tosy \ll.!llll\ ot the archetypal ltt‘tll.i.‘e' tliek l ridetiial‘ly \lIL'ltl ll would :‘o down a treat as \ririday teatiiiie tare oii l\

Into the Deep it '|\.tll\‘tl\. t s. .‘lNll \liii the

swim with eoloiiitiil :‘.tlll‘.tl\ll. stattish

l’ut on your ill glasses to and sharks play l.t'.' witli sea lions .iiid obseiye rarely seen behayrotii ol \tlllltl and other t ieatuies Ill \ \ ti.'..\.;i Johnny English .I’( .i O tl't'lt'l llowitl,l l‘s. .‘Hfl‘i ls'owaii \llslllv‘ll. \atalie ltlll‘tllL' ia. lohri \l.tll\r‘\lslt \7‘lltlll l’eppeied with \li lieaii sl\le

slapslie k this story iiiyolyes ageiit

l iiglish‘s attempt to saye dear old lilighty from a dastardly plot tooked tip by eyil | ls'llslllt‘ l’astal \aiiyaz‘e lotally inept iii the task. l llt‘ll\ll is bailed out of iiiiirieiable tiiie iiiesses by his iiriderlrrig Holt and his |o\ e interest. liiteipol a-.'eiit loiiia (‘aiiipbell i\atalie liiibiin'liai \oii tan see \'.l\ll disaster toiiiirig a mile olt. btil somehow that doesn't stop you hiding your late Ill shariie when they happen (it In rirf It I. try!

The Jungle Book 2 it to.

l\lt‘\t‘ lls‘lll‘llllt. l \. :llllii \tIh t‘\ til .lohii (ioodiiiaii. Ilaley loel ( )siiieiit. \lae \\ hitriiaii "lriiiii \logli has left the iungle to become t l\ ilised iii the \ illage “Ill. feeling constrained by the rules and regulations ol \illage lite. it's riot lHllj.‘ before he's bat k swinging Itoiii the \iiies_ prekiiig prickly paw paws .iiid singing about the 'llaie \ecessities ot lite‘ l'\t‘lt those who loyed the original l)isiiey classit will feel iiiildly iiistilted at seeing the show re lllll with the same songs. saiiie thaiat tets .iiid satire style of animation Sadly. this .iii exercise iii tepid nostalgia in its plat e (/4 ll! mi

N lr'tt'u'