Glo life

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

John Harris llottlm 3v Buchanan Sltccl. 333 “llll 6pm ltcc John llarttx lL'.ltl\ ltom lll\ ncxx hook lln [an] I’urtt. a tll\\L'cllllll ol lhc Btttpop phcnomcnon and lltc ll\L’ ol ncu laltottt. tracing thc tralcctortcx ol Suctlc. ().t\l\. Blur and Blatt.

Ian Pattison \Vutt-txtottc'x. l.<§ IV Sauchtchall Strcct. ii3 ‘llll5 "pm l-tcc 'l‘hc crcator ol Rah (‘ \c‘xhtll launchcx lll\ nc“ llU\ cl. Sun! (Hill [rm/u lino/[cunt Roddy Doyle (itlmorchtll(il3. ‘) l'nt\ct\tl} .'\\cnttc. Kill 5533 "pm L5 t£35llt 'l hc Bookcr prt/c \xtnmng attthot rcatlx lront lll\ tic-hut \ct’ccnpla) ll It. I] Bl't'IIi/(lll .l/tl I/tu/\. lhc tl|\L'll\\lllll llllltt\\\ a \crccntng ol lhc lilm,


Steve Hill Btachcatl .\tcna. Klll}'\ lnclt Road. chlt’cu. 5'35 Ill! 6. illptn U .\ \pcctal (illl'hllall L‘\L'lll lltl\lt‘tl l‘} lllc‘ cmngcltxt “ho \[Mlkt‘tl a tc\ nal at thc Bromtxttllc :\\\cmhl_\ ol (iotl tn l‘lUlltlJ

Other events

Contemporary Cuts ('('..\. tin Satlchichall Strcct. 353 -l‘)llll 6 8pm [-l “33). (‘(‘:\-l. RSAXll) \ltltlclll\ [\cl'lolltl a rangc ol contcmporar} ltaltan pla} \ l‘olltmctl h} a tltxcuxxton on thc lillL'xl tn Italian planurtttng,

Orienteering for Everyone .\lugdock (‘ountr) l’ark. ('t'atgalltan Roatl. .\lilngaxic. 9566100. 63” ".Sllptn. LI 150m. (‘l)tlc\itlc ()l‘lL‘lllL‘L'l'x \\ tll \cl up a \‘arict} ol' oricntccrtng challcngcx lot hcgittncrx right through to L‘\|tcll\, .\lccl at Drumclog .\loor car park.

Book events

Dr Dorothy Rowe’s Guide to Life Bordcrs Bookx. 3‘3 Buchanan Slt‘ccl. 333 7700. 6pm. l‘rcc. lhc \clllhclp guru talks about hcr hotth on hon to changc your lllc. and ho“ to lacc otll' lcat'x hcl'orc “c can gatn lull and laxttttg happincxx.


Steve Hill Brachcad Arcna. Kingx lttch Road. chl‘rctt. SS5 lJ-l 1. 6.30pm. 9; i. Scc Thu 33.

Robin Harper R0};ll (‘ottcct-t Hall. 2 Sauchiclntll Strcct. 353 .\‘llllll, lplll.

£3.50 Ll. Rohtn llarpcr. mctnhcr ol lhc (irccn Part} and thc l'lx'x lll'\l (it‘ccn parltantcntartan la|k\ ahottl lll\ catch and his planx tor a grccnct' ltttutc Scc photo caption.

Other events

Contemporary Cuts (‘(‘.v\. 35” Sattchichall Strcct. 353 won. 4 6pm. Lil l£3l. Scc Thu 33.

Bat Walk Scotlhh \thtlltlc ll'lhl. l'a|l\ Ul‘ (‘lylc Rcwn c. (H555 665303. 8.30pm. £41£3l.:\ gcntlc \lt‘oll \\ ttlt an opportunit} to Icarn about hats and thc othcr nocturnal llllltll‘llglllh ol tltc l'c‘\L‘l\c.

Saturday 24

Other events

Birdsong before Breakfast RSI’B. l.och\\tnnoch. lll5ll5 843663.

4.30 6.30am. l‘t'cc. Book III atlxancc lor [his opportuntt} to “alk round thc rcxcn c at its moxt tranqtnl. l.t\tcn ottt tor lhc calling of \umntcr \ txtttng \\;tl'l‘lc'l\ amongst man} othct' I'L‘\ltlk‘lll \pc‘clc\ ttt the tin“ n chorus.

Farmers Market .\lana'tcltl l’at‘k. Hyntllancl Strccl. 387' Mott Illatn ‘ptn.


l tcc' \ cltancc' lo htt} llc'\ll t‘lmltlcc‘ tlnccl ltom local lallllc'h

Strange Behaviour - Suspect Culture Symposium ( ( \. Wt \auclttcltall \tlccl. ‘53 ~l‘lllll

Want 5 :“pm :33 I115: ltaltatt .llltl \cllllhll tllllllk'lhk" gcl logclhct to \ll\cll\\ Bttltxh .lllkl llaltan lhcattc .:\ pat: ol \attthtatc lhctc l\ alw a .hancc lo \cc l<\.\.\ll)'~l K ptcmtctc ot Int (1/! 1mm. h} (tum-mic .\lanltuh /'t;I.'w' \1ti"’,'ll.ttll Birds on Biodiversity Day ('lttlctnttttshtcl chtonal |’.ttk.( .tltlctglcn Road. I ochtttnnoclt. lll5ll5 MN”;

llatn 1pm ltcc Stall ‘\\akc up top Btttlx' \xcck “fill a \llilll guttlctl ualk to

\ Ic\\ tnootlantl l‘ll\l\ tollo\\.ctl h} .t \tctxtng ol Inc 'I \ [‘lcllll'c‘\ ol lhc talc llcn llatttctx

Open Weekend (ila\:_'ti\\ lltllatllc (i.tltlcll‘~. .3 ;ll ( llL'Jl \\ L'\lclll Rthttl. li-l 3~l33 Ilam ~lltm ltcc \n oppottttntt} to \ l\ll lhc notntall} \lll5k'kl ptopagatton arms and c\pcttcncc lhc hcauttlttl lctn houw Derek Acorah l’.i\llltlll 'lltcattc. Ill chltcltl Sttccl. “3 lN-ltt T illptn t|3 5H Spun tnctltutn |)ctck .\cotah httngx lll\

tlt) \llcal shit“ to (ilaxgou.

Other events

Open Weekend (ilaxgou Botanic (iattlc‘Ih, 3 ill (ilcal \\ c\lclll Rthltl. “l 3433 Ilam ~lpm l'tcc Scc Sat 3»l Fame Academy 2 Rtnal ("ottcctt Hall. 3 Sauchtchall .\ltcct. ;5; MW) Vallt l'tcc .\llcl lllL‘ \llc'cc\\ til lhc lll\l \cllc\. ltmn' .lt lit/(NH 3 l\ httltng lhc toatl looking tor a llL'\ll hunch ol \\.llllltll‘k'\ lo atttltlton Scc pic-\tcxx,

Scottish Computer Fair KL'lHlt llall lntctnattonal Slltllh .\lc‘lltt. l-l-l5 .-\t'g}lc- Strcct. ‘57 3535. Illam ipm. 9.3 It; l 50!. llclp and MM tcc and a cltaltcc to l‘lli\\\t' and hit} lrotn a \\ ttlc \clcclton ol cttlltplllcl\ .tlltl acccxxot ch.

Plant Sale (ilaxgou Botanic (iattlcnx. " lll ( it'cal \Vcflct‘tt Road. H4 3433.

Al )l )I l t( )’48


lllatn ~145ptn ltc'c \ chattcc to hu} wntc g‘lallh and\'c‘ llllltl‘ tn support ot lltc (tattlcnx Pond Life \olttxh \\tltllttc ltusl. l all~ ol (lnlc Rcscnc. lll555 (\h53h3 1pm 1-1 t2_3t ('clchtalc lhc tcccnll} l‘lllll pontl tltmttn; platlotnt antl tltxco\ct \xhal lttth hcncath lhc uatct Conservation Volunteer Day 'lttlctntntshtcl chtonal l’atk. ('altlctglcn Roatl. l l‘cll\\llllll‘\ll. lll5ll5 N35”; l me l tcc Jotn tltc (‘ounlt'uttlc Ranch and do somclhtng ll\L'llll lot tltc counlt} xttlc lain Heggie and Des Dillon ‘ltott lhcattc. 6‘ ltongatc. 553 ~l3h" ~l illpm U .\n .tttctnoon ot ptlcll). plow and pallct ltont ltxo ol \cotlantl'x most ptoltln \klllL'h Dreaming Dreams, Seeing Visions chttcltl \t \tcphcn'x ('hutclt ('cnltc. 36H Batlt Sttcct. ;‘3 3536 "pm l‘tcc lakc part lll lltc tnonlhl} llol) ('tt_\ tla} and lhc lhc tttnc to contcmplatc latth tn ctt} ltlc totla)

Monday 26

Other events

Open Weekend (ilaxgtm Botanic (l.lltlL‘ll\. "‘ ill (it'cat \chtctn Rlldtl. ‘34 N33 Ilatn 4pm l'tcc Scc Sat 31 More May Day Action (‘Ittlcmtntshtcl chtonal l’ark. (altlctglctt Roatl. l.och\\tnnoc|t. lll5ll5 543303 9am l'tcc l'.ll|o_\ lhc \pttng \\c.tlhct on art aqua lllkL‘. touhoat ot lttc}c|c on lhc llL'\\l} \tlllaccd track al (KNIc Sctnplc (.L'lllll.‘ Film Quiz ('alc (‘oxmo. (ilaxgotx l‘lllll 'l llcallc. l3 Roxc Sllccl. H3 ()5 i5. Hel5ptn U5”. I’m )out' lilm knoulctlgc to thc tcxt tn lllls popular cwnt ll(l\lL'tl h} qlll/lll.l\lL'l\ lillc antl l'ct‘gtts.

Tuesday 27

Book events

Edwin Morgan liottlctx Books, 23‘s Buchanan Slrcct. 333 7700 6pm. l-‘rcc. (ilaxgoxt '\ l’ocl l.atlt'cal l'L‘iltl\ llom lll\ llC“ collcctton ol pocllh. l.utt' uml u Inch

Royal Concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehall Street, 353 8000, Sun 25 May, 9am. free


Love it or loath it, the public just can't get enough of reality TV. From Big Brother to I’m a Celebrity Get me out of Here! they‘re all a ratings success. Originally it was thought that Fame Academy was going to be the exception to the rule with poor audiences and a hard time from the press. In the end they managed to shrug off the ‘poor man‘s Pop Idol‘ tag and get the ratings they had been hoping for. Finally it was down to Sinead Quinn, Omar, David Sneddon and Ainsley Hamilton fighting it out for the record contract, Audi TT, cash and luxury flat. Young cheeky Paisley chappie Sneddon won on the night and hasn’t looked back since, or made a decent record come to that, but the young lasses seem to like him and continue to

guarantee him a place in the top 10.

So with the promise of a year of luxury, a probable number one record and celeb mates it is time for all young wannabes to head to the (often soul destroying) auditions. In Glasgow they want all the 18-35 year old singer songwriters with a stunning personality to start queuing early to bag their place in the Academy. Not that they go on looks. but don't forget to bring a full length photo of yourself. (Jane Hamilton)

Glasgow life


A Brief Introduction to Chinese Law (ialllc‘llllll .\lttlttculttnal (‘cnttcz 31 Row .\ttcct. “"93" 33h‘h~ 3 ‘lpm l‘lc‘c‘ -\ talk on ('htncsc |.t\\ antl lhc lcgal \}\tcm h} .lc'\\lc.t .ha. a l.t\\ gtatlttatc ttom \Vuhan l'ttnctxtt}. (‘htna and a PM) cantlttlalc at Sll.llllcl.\\lk' l'tttwtxtt} “fill a \pcctaltu tn [‘lttl‘c'll} l.l\\

Other Events

Joint Action against the M74 Meeting (imanhtll ("ommttntn (critic. l).ll\} \ltcct. 3 .illpm lhc .lllllr motoma} mowmcnt J.\.\l"»l tltxcuxxcx lhc nc\t \tagcx ol tlcmoctattc oppoxttton to thc conttmctxtal t5llllm .\I‘J c\tcn\ton .lc'lU\\ Ruthcrglcn and (ilaxgtm

Wednesday 28

Book events

800k Launch (ll.l\_‘_'ll\\ Sc'lltuil ill .\rt. .-\tttum (iallct). l‘Ulllh Btnltltng. I58 chltcu Strch 353 458‘). 5 3pm l'rcc. lhc launch til Joanna Klimt-ml}- 'l'a'\|or\ nc\\ hook. Hut/1c (1”(l .\1 rent- I’I'mlmu on It’lll/(W.

Tony Parsons llttl’tlch llookx. 333 Buchanan Strcct. 333 73””. 6pm. l't’cc. ('clchratctl \xttlcho) tottt'no turnctl author l’at‘xonx rcatl\ lrom .llttit (Ull/ lltlc'. a Ito\ cl about lhc ll'lill\ and tribulations ot |o\ c and marrtagc. Scc litlmhurgh l.tlc ptc\ tcxt.


Paisley Art Institute l’;ll\lL‘_\ .\luxcum and Art (iallct‘). lltgh Strcct. 88‘) 3 l 5 I. I3 illpnt. l'rcc. .-\ \llttl'l and tntormal talk looking at lhc annual art c\hthttton,

Thursday 29

Book events

Alvin Hall \Valct'xlonc's. I53 I57 Sauchtchall Strcct. 333 ‘)lll5. 7pm. ltcc lrottt lhc hranch. 'l‘\' monc)‘ guru :\I\ lit llall tll\L'll\\C\ lll\ latcxt hook )imr .\Imtm or tour 1.1/0


Scotland’s Innovator’s Network (ilasgtm Scicncc (.L'llll‘t'. 50 Pacific Qua). 430 50“). 6pm. £5, A lccturc h} l’rot l)an Kirkxxood on tltc impact and itnportancc ol c‘ttlllpiixllc matcrialx tn lhc .»\cronautical induxtr}; Einstein’s Universe (ilaxgtm Sctcncc (t‘lllt‘c. .5” Pacific Qua). J3“ 5(llll. 7pm. L595 (Lil-1M. An lllll\ll'illL‘(l ll\ll't)llt)lll) prcxcntatton h} Dr Martin llL'lltll'} ol' lhc l'nttcrxtly ol (ilasgtm.

Other events

Badger Watch Sculllxlt \thtlltlc Trust. l‘allx ol' ('Iydc Rcscn c. lll555 665263. 7pm. £6 (Ur. A rigorous \xalk lollou ctl h} lhc opporlunll) to spot hatlgcrx tn thclr natural surroundings.


Common-Place Seminar The laghthouw. ll .\lttchcll Lanc. 331 6363. 9am -l.-l5pm. £35 £50 l£l3l. Accompan} tttg \cminar to thc (‘ommon-l’lacc cxhthition which Itmk’x lurthcr into the idcas and lxxllc‘s ratscd. namcl}. what arc comtnon placcx and what do thcy inc-an to us.

Other events

Meet Your Neighbour St .\lungo .\luscum ol Rcllglnlh [MC and An. 3 (‘axtlc Strcct. 553 3557. l-‘rcc. lhc lllth annixcrxar) ol' lhc museum will he cclcbratcd utth \uirksl‘lnpx. muxic pcrlormanccs and actix inc-s cncouragtng (ll\c‘ll\\l()n hctwccn many pcoplc ol tlit'l'crcnt latths, ()n lhc Sunday a pilgrttnagc utll \tsit dtl'lcrcnt placc's ol \Ktlrxhlp on lhc \(illlll stdc ot lllL‘ c‘ll_V.

22/ '.'£:, 'C , .' £- THE LIST 99