Art listings
In our regular (Jo/(1mm. a team of mystery artists give their thoughts on the current art scene.
NO 94 Words: Artbug B
In Scotland on Sunday's Spectrum maga/rne on 27 Aprrl. there was an article about Scotland's most powerful men and women. It focused on the top 100 people who really have their hands on the levers of power and have the abrlrty to manoeuvre them.
Some of the names were very famrlrar and, some might say. best tor‘gotten. Sir Trrnothy Clrfford, drrector of the Natronal Galleries of Scotland for the last 1/ years came Ill at no 33. which rs probably for hrs abrlrty to use controversy to boost column Inches. At no 76. we had art rrnpresarro chhard Dtnnarco. another figure who pops up rn the press for all the wrong reasons.
A new entry at no 94. which took me by surprrse. was the artrst and skateboarder Toby Paterson. The Glasgow-born artrst rs best known for hrs archrtecti rrally -rnspired parntrngs and for wrnnrng the prestrgrous Beck's Futures award last year. At the age of 29. Paterson has burlt upon thrs and rs now rdentrlred as one of Scotland's new collectrve of artrsts exhrhrtrng to rnassrve acclaim. Well-known to Glasgow audrences. he currently has hrs first solo show at the CCA (see revrew).
Edinburgh artgoers may remember hrs wall painting rn the Scottish Society of Artists show at the Royal Scottish Academy rn 2000. This was a grand piece influenced by the architecture of post-war Brrtarn. In this case. rt was airports and was entrtled Departures. The work was crrsp and clean. creating interesting spaces and the rdea of Jerrrneys. but yet devoid of human presence.
I think it's great to see that someone so young can be getting the recognition for the positron that they command wrthin the art werld.
88 THE LIST 8—22 May 2003
Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.
Glasgow Galleries
_ Bonrnonl (Lit'tlcnx I“I JINI Ill-II :“I 4334
Glasgow Heights Ihu I5 .\l.r\ lut- I5 .hrl. I’Itologlapltx ol (iImgou In \lx'ilI.l\ Iinlmull
I(\-i \\HiuII.IlltI\ Rind. “3 “(Ex \Illll I ll Illnrn 5pm; Sat Ill.nn Ilillprn
Water Sal Ill .\nl iI \I.n. I’.unnng_'\ \xrth ;r conunon lhcrnc In \.urou\ .u'trxtx Including Ilrunrxh \I.rt‘l )UII.II\I. .I.unc\ ( Mr. H) IIClttICtMtll and Joe Kmrnc}
35.: .'\l'j:}It‘ SIICCI. II‘HII III: “VIII Eltono + Nuria l‘nul S.rr Kl .\t.r\ \ yolIahor'alnt' \Itrm lr'orn .\I.rrIr'rtI h.qu .u'n\I\ I'.I 'I‘ono .ran .\"urra. l‘xrng nun-«I rncilra. the} proilucc .r \L‘II\'\ ot signature \xorkx III\PIIClI In \rlc .rml L'HIIIL‘\I
End of Season 03 In In .\ln .\pm. [5. I)L'|I\C (.IHIIllllg l( iI;l\f_'H\\ I .lIItI
(1.”) nrnpr rInmIoni prcxcnl the curl ol \Iltl\\INLII(I \mxon pail) \ch In c I).|\. .r pcr‘lorrnunt‘c tr'orn pcrt‘uxxron group \\.rn_\.r .IIHI thc l'rnnlrxtx ol lhc l‘K .nn‘rtcur' \IIU\\I\U.II\I photographcr and lilrn CUIIIPCIIIIUII, I'or' rnor‘c rnlorrnalron \\\\\\.(It'|I\C\IlIII.(Ullh
I‘) I’.u'ruc Slrt'cl. 553 "7", .\Ion Sal noon Spur.
The MacRoberts Open l'nrrl INC 3‘ \IJ}, .\runrrrl opcn mhrhrtron ICJIlll’lll}: .n'ouud l5“ prcuw In mlnhlrxhnl unil ncu mhrhrlor'x. Lurch incaxur'lng: IZIn \ Ilru or' smaller and under [35“.
IZ‘) Bath Str'cct. “7733 32233 ‘.
Suite Art l'ntrl Thu 8 Mn}. .\ \cr'rcx of null} C\IuI\Ilron\ Lurch \Itou rug: lhc \xor'k ol a dillcr‘cnl \IllkIL'III currcnll} :rllcnthng: (iI.l\;:o\\ School HI .-\l’l. I.Ul'll;l IIllIt'IlL‘Ult \Ilt)\\\ “or‘k unlrl .\' .\I;r_\.
ISM Hath Sll't'cl. 333 333”. Inc Sal Illnrn Sillprn.
Ronald Bryan I'nhl l-r‘r ill .\I;r_\. I’rgur'alnc and laurlxurpc [hllllllllg\ In I'.(IlIlI‘lII';_'II"I‘;I\L'\I .ll'll\l Ronald Bryn].
I i-I III}lIl\\\umI Slt‘ct‘l. 333-102",
.\Ion I-‘r'i l)..‘~ll;rrn Sillprn; Sat Illurn Iprn Gordon K. Mitchell: Ways of Seeing l'ulrl Sal I~ .\I;r}, Nun pillllllltgx
Bob Crooks: New Directions l'nul Sal I" .\I;n. IioIiI nc“ glam tchignx. Snapshot Munich l'nirl Sal I“ Ma}. No“ conlcinpornr) tcucllct‘} \IC\I:_'II\ lr'orn (icr'nmrn,
THE BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY Surlc 543 iith lIoor'l. Ilulut~ ('lmrnhcrx. 51! Wellington Str'cct. 3-15 I‘NI. .\Ion I~r'r Illrun 5pm; Sat Ill.uu Ipln,
The Spring Exhibition l'nul Sal ‘ .Iun. .\ spring: sclcclron ol |‘.llllIllI:_'\ In conlcrnporxrr'}. I‘Ith and Illlh u-nlur'} .lt'll\l\ rnclutluig \\ot'k\ In Izlr/‘rhcth Blackadtlcr‘. I)\' ('.rrncr‘on. John Kno\. ('hur'lcs Slcnhouw. \Vrlharn \Itl‘aggnr'l .rnd man} rnor'c.
Ill King Str‘ccl. 557‘ 0733. Inc Sal l l.3ll;un 1 1pm
Pushkin: Puppets and Folktales l llIlI I rr :1 \I.r} \ \oIourtuI c\ItrI‘rlrorr “'Ichrtrlrn; Russia's Ix'xt ontxl nrrlcr. l;.rlurur; IIIilIk'IItlI rcInm; to I\)tl\\l.rll puppet lhturuc .ruil I\‘II\I\‘I\', .rx \\;‘II .n puppclx IIIJKIK' In lohn IiIuruIcII
:II\I I Ioor. U \Ihron \lrct‘l. llfl,‘ 30"th Photography Exhibition Irrt- l I \t.r\ “ lllpru I uxlon l \cnlx prcxculs .rn mhrhrtron ot photograph} In (iI.r\:_'o\\ ('oIIU;c ol IIurIiIrn; .ruiI I’rrutrn; stutlcnlx
:51] \allL‘Illt'ILlII \le‘x‘l. 1‘3-I‘IIIII
\uu “ml II.uu hprn. Ihu \rt
II.nn .\pm
0 New Facade: Toby Paterson
l riuI \rm 3* \Ia} \ Itlxl \HIo \Ilou tor Hal's I uturcx Illll: \\IIIII\'I Ioln Paterson I ookrrlf: .rl .r Lint-t} ot rcxpouws to hurlt cm rroruncnh rrtt IutIruf: IIIC Srlcsr‘rn I’atk ot ('uIlurc .III\I Ix’ctn'alrou lll (‘hor/ou. lhc I \'\Il\.tI ot Iirrlarn \II\' in
I orqun and the uork ol (iI.r\;:o\\ I‘d‘k'ki ‘llt‘IIllt‘th (lIII\'\|‘I\'. KliI .tllxI (-HIJ. I).lI\'I\\‘II has clout-d .r I.u§_'t' IIIINIIII.” \\.rII. .r wrrcx ol ucu p.unlrn§_'\ on pcrxpm .lIItI .r \\.r|I painting: IIrx pcrrn.rncut .tll\\\‘lI\ tor lhc (‘(‘ \ \erI i‘\' unerth on I‘ \I.r_\ .\cc
Arts in the City I “III Inc I i \I.r_\ \k'“ [‘IltllllfJIJPIllt' .qu \rtlco nork In _\oun;_' pcoplc \xho look p.ul ru \rtx rn lhc ('rlx
(‘l.rrk\rorr Road. ms llnfin
Glasgow Southern Art Club .\‘Jr to NM Il Warn -I illprn Ihc 50th :rnuncrmr'} mhrhrnon ol lhc (iI.l\j_'ou Southern \rt ('Iuh
l'nncrxrl} of Stratlnlylc. I: Rlx‘IllllHlltI Strt'cl. 5-15 3555 \Ion I u Ill.un 5pm. s.” noon -Iprn
June Evans: Borderlands syn ltl \I.r) but _‘I .Iun I'.\prc\\l\c. IlleltalIM‘ paintings In lhc I.rlc Iunc I‘\.nt\ III\PIIC\I In tho Iilc and culture ol lr.ncIIrn;: pcopIc \E :1." COMPASS GALLERY
I".\ \\.L'\I RL‘fJL'lll SIlCCI. ::I “in”
.\Ion Sal Ill.rrn Sillprn
Hugh Gillan: Familiar Territory 'I‘hu .\ .\I‘r} 'Iuc \Iun (il.r\;:o\\ .\thool ol .\r'l grailnulc Hugh (irllr.rn shims .i scum ol nc\\ parrlungx rIcprt’lrn; lhc I‘.I\I\IIIC Body and thc \llllttlllliIlllf: .u'm
.V‘ \VLWI (icotgc SIICCI. ii: \IUII \tl Warn 5 .iflprn
John Lowrie Morrison l ii In
.\Igi} Sal I-I .lun, \ luII collation ol uorkx In .lohn I,H\\llC \Iourxon lII IunrtuI ctIrtron
I‘lutt. 55"
Saltoun lane. 13 Rulhwn Strcct. ‘5" I‘ll)”. .\Ion In & Sun I: in 5 illprn. Sat Il.nn 5 iflprn
Beach Party l'nrrl \\t-tl _‘I \l.r_\ I’:llllIllI}_‘\ In I,.rur‘.r \ IIuntcr. Kmrn Ilunlcr. John Inuit". (‘onnrc Sunnrt'rx. \ant‘} Srnrllrc .III\I Kllxlall Srrnpxon
()uccn Sum-l. 23‘) I‘l‘lh .\Ion 'Ihu & .\ul Ill.rrn 5pm; I'r'r Sun II.rru <prn Sanctuary I'ntrl .\Ion I‘l Scp Int‘khu; rxxucx ol human r'r;_'hl\ and lhcu’ .iI‘th‘. lIll\ rn.r|or' L‘\IIII‘|IIHII hr'rngs togcthcr lhc \xork ol ou‘r' it) gonlcrnporar'} .llIl\l\ I)c\cIopCrI rn partncrxhrp \xrth \lltltc\l_\ IIIIUIIIdIIHIIJI .ran lIk' Scottrxh Rctugcc ('ount'rl. Ihc mhrhrlron mplrvr'cx \uhrct'ts xut‘h .rx lort‘ctl migration. (II\PI.ILCIIICIII. torture. opprcmon. nit-nut} .rntI poltgcph ot hornc Scc to run.
Roukcn (ilcn Road. 0300215. \lou. 'I'hu. I'rr tk Sun I .‘ll 5 ‘llpui. .\ng
lI Warn 5.30pm
Kirsty Wither \uu II \I.;_\ \Iou .‘ Inn \ \HI.» \hon of ms! ill l‘."\\ \\o:',\\ In
I'xrrsls \\rlIlcl
1-1\ “ml Rugcnt \nct'l. .‘II ‘H‘l‘
\Iou \rt " Warn ‘ illpru
Mixed Exhibition I llIlI \M'iI 2* lun \ rurqu \Iton ol p.uutrn;_‘~ rnt‘lrrilrn; “Mia In Icrguxxon. I .rriIIc}. (hurt: \Itluntc and man} othcrs
I: I\,i‘\'\' \IIK'CI. 1:: \I:\
Project Ability I nlrI \rt zI \Irn In \uII.rI\orirtron urth I’rortxl \InIrty irn c\hrI‘rlron ol .rll\\olI\\ In _\ouu§: pcoplc \\ rth .runstit xpcttrnrn iIrxortlt-r
3: \\ 3< Kill; \IIK‘k‘I. {3‘ “a”; Ill't' \JI Ill.un * lllprn
Barbara Rae: Travelog l nlrI \rt to Us} I’.nnlru;'\. rnononpcx. ctIrlrorrciI xi rccuprruh .rntI t'I\IIIII}'\ In IIalI‘ata Ix’r rrrxprrctl In II.t\‘\‘I\ irntI rcxrilcni It" [It
I mutt: II\'I.2II\I. Ital}. \iotlanil .IIItI lItc I \ \
Joyce Leitch: Something Else l nlrl \.rl Ill \I.n \ writ-x ol txkcln' rnononpcx .lIIiI l‘lllll\ rcprt'wnlruz' thi- mouths lll lhc _\c.rr rnsprrnl In I ours \I\ \x'lu'v\ [‘ilx'lll. Hi i {II}: I’r'fl'.’ Shu-Ching Yeh: Etchings and Drypoints l nliI \rrr In .\l.r\ l ItIllllf.‘\ .III\I tIr}pornl\ In IIll\ ‘. |\lllll_‘.' .rlllxl trorn I.u\\.rn
Elizabeth Blackadder l H In
\I.r_\ \.rl 3\ .luri \ II\'\\ \L'll\'\ ol vultures. \\.II£'I\UIUUI\ .lIItI orI p.unlrn§:\ In I Ir/.rI\cth lilatkrtlilcr \t-It‘hmuny lhc\h ol IIK'I (ti’l‘tl‘ji'K’IIl KUIH'IIIII I'l (rill/JIM “who .lIIlI Including; .r ncu \crrcx ol ctt Illllj.,'\. \l'lllill \ or (uh -'
Catherine Stewart: Elements of Grace I II If» \I.n Sat 33 Jun \ \lIIIk' ol rnl.i;_'lro prrntx In (Lilht'rrnc .\lcuall ruxpucil In \c\\loll\ I’run rpr.r \IJIIIK'IIIJIIKJ
Ex Libris - Five Continents l H In \I.r_\ Sat 35 Jun \n mhihrtrou ol .rrtrxtx' hooks lrorn :rcroxx IIIk' \\|‘II\I .ran Pllllh trorn prrut \IlltIlll\ .rround thc I K
In" chln-n Sun-l. 5‘ filth \Ion Ihu Ill.un "pm. In Ill.rrn l -1*prn. \rt
Ill.rrn noon
0 Lucienne Day: Silk Mosaics and Early Textiles l nlrI \rt In \1.r\ I\I.rt‘krnlo\h (i.r||t'r}r Iut‘ri'nnc Din. .rIorn' \xrth hcr IllI\I\.lll\I Rohrn. piouccrctl thc rntrotIut'lron ol \‘ontcrnporau iIt'xryu iIuirn: lhc I‘le .tlliI I‘erlx Knoun lor hcr .rhxlmt'l. goornclllt' Pdiik'lli‘ lor It'\IlI\'\. thrx mhrhruon \urwp I ut'rt'nnc'x \xork owl IIIL' I.l\l iII _\L‘.ll\. .tllrI Ik'.lIlIIt'\ \ I.t\\l\' TIN tIt‘xlgnx .qu \rlk rnoxart'x ol IIIK' \II\ and 'III\ IIrgh qualrl} Ik'PIlNIlItIIUII\ ol \ornr- ot I).r_\ \ t‘erxit‘ t.rI\rrt'\ haw I‘k'k'II prrnlnl .rl thc IIL'\\I_\ (\laI‘IlsIl (‘t-nln- tor \iI\.rntt-tl 4I\'\IIIC\ .tl (iI.t\f_'H\'. \\‘IlimI HI \lI JIIKI .llt' .r\.uI.rI\Ic to hit} \cc
\\ \x \\ t'I;r\\rt‘li'\tr|c\ torn
Master of Fine Art Interim Show S.” I‘ In ill \I.n i\I.rt'I\inlo\h .rud \t'uht-r} (Lilla) I \nuu.r| t'\hrhrlron ol work In lust _\c.u \IlMIt'III\ on lhc utlctlmllonaI rcuounul \I.r\tcr ol I urt- \rt (l‘lIIW' '.I ... ‘3", .‘.
The Toolbox l'ntrI I it ill \l.n \lrrurn (i;rIIt'l}i \Iiut} looI\ :r\.uI.rI\Ic to HIV \rIxcrxnulh or rcut-Ilcr haw .r inuIlrpIrtit} ol uxcs. wrnc haw onc \rnjglc .rpplrtanon .rnd \I‘IIIL' rn.n haw to by III.I(IU \ptx l.lII} tor .r partn‘trlat purpoxc or ctlctl 'I III\ mhrhruon c\plorc\ lhc trunn- rn.uupu|.rtron ol III.IICII.II\ through lhc ductt .IPPIILIIIIUII ol tools rn \ rcirlrw IlalnIx Photography Auction Ihu \ \l.r_\ qu‘ (i.rIIt'r}I \n uhrhrtron ot photographu “oil: In thud .IIIKI tourth _\c.rr (iI.r\f_'o\|. School ot .\rl photograph} sludcnts IHIIHU-L'lI In .rn auction .11 hprn
JOHN GREEN FINE ART In: Hath Slr‘cct. i“ I‘NI .\Ion I'rr Ill Warn 5pm. Sat Ill illnrn Iprn