Glasgow clubs continued

Glasgow Sundays


I Audioporn at \lcicur} loungc. llpiii iain £ibc “cc-kl}, A night ior ihoxc \xho xtill niourn ihc paxxing oi :\laxka “in night hax a illlli} tcchno and iunlx} clcciro bcni. and an opcn door policy ()nl} thc dccpcxt tlli'l} hoiixc and lcchno \\ ill do

I Bennet’s at “Cllllt'l‘X

ll.3l)piii 3am £ iv \Vcckl}. In it inch \x c arc coniiontcd b} a xti'angc pai‘it} loll] pla_\x tuncx lo\cd b} l3r}cai‘vold girlx. pliix \t)illt‘ bangin' handbag. to cqiiall} appi'cciatixc ga} iiicii. l'iinn} old \xoi‘ld. I Bite at lhc (’athoiixc 10.30pm .iain. l'i'cc bcioic Iliiipin; £3 t£l.5(ii aitcr. \Vcclxl}. .'\ inildci llll\ oi indic and rock than )ou'll iind at ihc cit_\ 'x pi‘cniicr rock \cniic on i’ll oi Sat.

I Boogaloo at lhc Social. ‘)pin Rain. l‘i‘cc. \Vccklyi .\ llk'“ rcgiilai' night at tliix xuaiik} ncxx \cniic ’l'hc night pi‘cxcntx block xl}lc part} gi‘oo\c\. hip hop. iii‘ban Rtkli. xci'alch inixiiig. Inc pcicuxxion and giicxt .\l('x c\ci'_\ \xcck.

I Club Tropicana at lllL‘ (iai-agc (Attici. I Ipiii iain. £51£3li\\cchli\. lndic. both claxxic and contcinporar). “till it hcalth} doxc oi lli‘ilpop.

I Come to Bed at Blankt-i ll'ol'lliCi'l) Bcdi. llpiii 3am. £4 i£3i. \Vcclxl}. Scotti B and Mark l)oncl|_\ arc )oiii‘ hoxtx at lhix ncu karaokc night. i‘cplclc \\ ith l‘L‘Hl bcdx and iiiici'ophoncx. lndulgcncc iiixt i‘cachcd ncxi hcightx on Sauchichall Sli'cci.

I Cut the Crap at MAS. l lpiii 3am. £5. Wall}. (in thc (’i‘ap laiinchcx thc tic“ in ixtcd houxc and clccti‘onica night at iliix xinai't \cnuc.

I Definition v Audio at Baril).

l lpiii 3am, Wet-kl). \Vhat bringx Dciinition and Audio logcihct' ix a xharcd

78 THE LIST 8~22 Mai, 2003

9 YOU HAVE OF'2003?

ill be notified by ..

cnihuxiaxni ioi pl.i}iiig iiiuxic that “1.1th _\oii “ant to dancc xo much that _\ou drop a dicxx xi/c. \xithout ihc toiiiialii} oi

ha\ ing to dicxx a cci'tain \\.i} \o nccd to xtand on cciciiion} hcic \\ iih a xoiindtrack to _\tilil Sun likc thix. ioi‘gct .\lon morning. and conic domi to Haiti) ior thc pcricct cnd to ilic \xcckcnd.

I Disco Badger .il Bamboo

5pm 3am. £5 i£3r “cc-kl} l)oininic .\laitin in lhc Rcdiooiii. Scotti B in Room I and Iain llanlon in thc loungc it inuxt bc Sun at Bamboo.

I Dream at Sti'axxbci'i) l'icldx. [H.3Hpin 3am. £l5. “with l'iitccn quid toch in"\'ou‘rc ‘.i\in‘ a laugh. ain‘t _\a’ But \xait: ihc bar ix coinplctcl) inc all night. xo xtop inoaning and gci drunk and pixxcd up on boo/c,

I Kinky Urban at 'li‘axh. l lpiii Rain. £5 (£5i. \Vcclxl}. l’aul \._IIC pl.i_\x haid iiink} xoiil and hip hop. uhilc Stcnc Bromi pla} x oiii lhc part} tiincx clxc\\ltci'c on thc prcniixcx. Rob Ii alxo prox idcx ihc xoundtrack lo _\Ulll 'l'iaxh} night out.

I Life’s a Drag at lllL' \iL‘ic'lll} Loungc. HP”) Rain. l'i‘cc. “cc-kl}. .\ night oi iiiiixic Mom 1)] (‘oliii l)a\c_\ plux rcgular drag pci'ioi'inanccx.

I Liquid Sundays at thc|llltl Loungc. 3.50pm 3am. \Vcckl). All da) happ) hour lotiiiging xcxxioiix \xith Inc inuxic and l).l‘x including l)c\in i.\lixh Maxhi. \Vatxon. 'l‘hoinax Kink and Brcndan llixlop.

I Liquid Cool at liaba/a. ‘Ipiii 5am. £5. \Vcckl}. .-\.|. Krix ix'ccgan and Ian 'l‘hoinpxon pla} top-notch \ocal garagc and liouxc to a club paclxcd \\ itli h}pcr- hcdonixtic l\\L‘lll}\t)liiL‘llilllg rcwllcrx. all oi \\ horn xccni to ham: i‘orgoticn that llk‘} haw \xork in thc morning. It qualit} iuncx and glanioi‘oiix anticx arc )oiii' bag. Sun at Baba/a ix uninixxablc.

I Miso at lhc (‘apiain’x chi. \cxi datc lbL‘.


’05 4' 700' 00.00 boating”.

he bars and 9': r. Look out d you will rizes.

k and

ubclu nts at U x - Bacardi cloth roducis - Comio

I One Sunday at thc liinncl

I lpin ‘ain £4 i£li \\\'Cl\l_\ l'hc Rikli continiicx \x iih ihc lunncl cicu on ihix xiniul \ahhath cclcl‘iation \\c.ii iiicc clothcx ii i adinixxion. plcaxc

I Optimo .il lhc Sub (‘ltib

llpiii iaiii £~ «UH \\ccl\l} lunch. \Vilkcx. Roland and \lac .iic ioincd h} i'L'll\ Rubin on I l \la}. a llaiiihuigci in a iciching giccn xiiii

I Streaker iii Shack

lli .illi‘lil i. want £5 «Ni \\cckl_\ Ill Jaiiicx ‘thc lio}~ (iaidiici xpinx thc iiackx ioi thoxc cnioung iiniiiattiic .iiiticx and nalxcd iiin 'l hix xoiindx likc a good latigh. ch’

I Sunday Surgery .tl (‘qu

llpiii 1.iin. £5 i£ii “ct-kl} ("aincion ('i‘aig dixpciixcx xonic\c ioi )oui' xoul in thix di\crting \x inch donnci‘ urth .i incdical lllt‘lliL‘.

I Sunday Best at lhc Slit-ti

iiifiiipin 3ain. £i i£3i “ct-kl} lhc Right Rcwrcnd .liin l).i licxi Ill}pc. (‘ubci plain \xliatc\ci thc hcll hc \\.iiiix cach and MM) Sabbath toi thc hungoxci

I Transistor at ihc l’olo l oungt- llpiii 5;!!th £5. \Vcckl} Rcal pop ioi rcal pcoplc “llli l)_lx Niall .\lc.\liiii.i} and \\';i_\nc l)i\on.

I Vinylicious at l,o\\do\\ n.

Midnight 3am. £5 i£ii. Wall}. 'l'hc \ci‘} xc\} pcoplc iroiii Soiilxa bring iix anothcr iinc night oi hotixc inn and gaincx.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at MAS. llpiii 3am. l'i'cc ioi' xtaii iii an} pub or club; £3 to cxcr)onc L'I\L'. \VL'L'lxl). l)J\ Xiii'tiittii tiiid /.ctix pi'cxidc o\ ci' tlic biggcxt and Iongcxt running xtai'i' iiighi out in lll\ltil"\. l'rccdoin i‘oi' thc uorkci'x. and thci'c'x alxo a giicxt appcai'ancc cwr} no“ and again

I Breakaway ai thc Shack.

llpiii 5am. £5 i£3i. \Vcclxl}. .-\lcc and And} drop thcir uniquc blcnd oi chart ia\ouriIL'x. l)ci'initcl_\ onc i'oi' thc pail}

I In Bed with Jim Da Best ai Blanket ti'ornici'l} Bcdi. llpiii 3am. £4 t£3i. \Vcclxl}. Jiin imich xou to liix boiidoir i'or an mcning oi popiaxtic traxh. iunlx} xhit and a \xholc lot clxc hcxitlcx.

I Passionality at (‘uim

l l.5i)piti 5am. l'i’cc. \Vcckl}. l).l Shaun cnxurcx that thc \\ cckcnd ix xta_\ ing ahxc \xith lhix poxi-ixcckcnd night oi plcaxiiig chartixtr}.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Boo at Bamboo. llpiii 3am. £3 i£3i. \Vcckl), (irahaiii l'crguxon hoxtx and l)Jx at lhix ncu (ilaxgim xtiidcni night

I FUN at ('iibc. “.50le 3am. l'i'cc. \Vcckl}. l‘iink} uniquc and Hi) naught} packcd \\ itli plcaxing pop iniixic. iroin Shaun and (icorgc) Ho}.

I Laid at thc Shack. Iii.3()piii 5:1”), £5 (£5). \VL‘L‘H}. 'l’hc bcxt and Ialcxt indic- pop-rock-guitar-hip liop-Rth-chari- dancc. thc ultiniaic xtudciit TUL‘.

I Juicy Tuesdays at Blankcl ii'orincrl} Bcdi. llpiii Rain. £4 i£3i. \Vcclxl}. Sta} i'rcxh. xta_\ )oung: gct into bcd on Tue \iith Bill} Milligan in thc big back bcdrooin \xith inouth-natcring xtudcni i'axoui'iICx \xhilc Scott 'l-‘ingcrx' McMillan prox ldL‘\ xoinc iiill ilmour hut in ihc lront hcdroom.

I Million Dollar Disco at MAS. lipin 3am. £4 (£3i. \Vcckl}. l_oadx oi funk) dixco niadnc'xx aiincd xti'aighi at )iiiir iacc. AI Kcni ix thc main man.

I Pink Pound at the .\lcrctir_\ Loungc. lllpiii 3am. £l. \Vcckl}. |)J Miclicllc pla) x upi‘ront dancc and part} xoundx \\ ith a onc hundrcd pcncc door charge.

I TIT at Traxh. I [put .‘sain. £5 i933). \Vcclxl). Paul .\"Jic pla}x out R&B and hip hop. (iracnic licrguxon hitx )UU \xith

ihc xtiidcnt cl.t\\lc\ in Room 3 and lx’oh Ii ix in thc ihiid iooiii l‘ltHiig‘ paiix .inthciiix and bar tiincx

Glasgow Wednesdays Citii)

I Bennet’s .ii licnnct'x

ll lllpiii I.iiii £3 5” til 5H» \\ccl\l\ \aia takcx coniiol oiicc iiioic iii thc club iainoiix toi iiiadncxx and .iii. ahcrn. libcial chat up polic}

I Cubata .it lianiboo 5pm z.iiii :5 i£“l “cckh Scotti Ii and liiiiioi (Liiiipox ioin thc don bctnccn l.i//. iiiiik. xoiil. hip hop. lx’t\li and I aim to dclnci .i \\oi|dl_\ iiiuxical nii\

I The Edge at thc l dgc ('oathiidgc llpiii Kiiii Liiiicci “ccklx Ill Iaiiicx ('iii‘iic piping .ill thc bcxt pail) iiincx to an up loi it out oi lo\\ti \ll‘\\\i

I Elastik at |i.iiil_\ iioiiiicil_\ thc liih \otc (‘liihi llpiii iain £3 \\cckl_\ l)| ()na iaka \iiianda iioin liixi and Ill \liiigo go. takc o\ci thc ilill\l\.il xclcction ioi ihc toicxccablc tiiiiiic \xhilc Ml: takcx a bicak to conccntiatc on othci thingx lnicciing xonic iniich iiccdcd ocxtiogcn into tht- \xoild ot “hug and pla} iiig xoiiic daiiin tinc clcctio inixcd into .i randoinh xclccicd xoiindxcapc

I FAB at liaba/a llpiii iaiii l icc bcioic llpiii. £31 ii aiici \\k'k'hl_\ l’aiil Rca. (ioidon “dim and (‘iaig Kk'lllidll blcnd gaiagc. Rtkli and iiink} lioiixc. pla_\ ing to .i dicxxcd up cil\\\tl uho hclp to niakc lhix onc oi ihc biixicxt illitl\\t't'l\ nightx in (ilaxgow

I Fourplay at l‘.li\} llpiii iaiii £1 i£3i_ \Vcckl}. \cu night oi dancctciia ioi thc (ilaxgou xci. (linibiidgc Sticct “I” rock

I Jungo at .-\i'chaox. llpiii iain £3 iii‘cci \Vcclcl). Studcni claxxicx. iiidic and t‘lit‘cxc tilc liit‘ oldi'i ol llit‘ da) .il thix \\ cckl} \Vcd.

I Joints and Jams .tl (‘uhtn

llpiii iain £i i£3i. “with, lhc award winning club briiigx ion thc bcxl Rik“. hip hop and xoiil l).lx in thc cii_\. chidciitx Martin llcxkcth. .lohn l.}till\. l’iippa Shaiigo and “NIH on rotation cwi'} \Vcd. \Vith i'cgiilar giicxt l).lx x and l’.'\x. it‘x no \xondci' that Jointx and .lainx ix thc longcxi running Rtin night in (ilaxgou.

I New Flesh at l’ii\i|cgc ‘lpin 3ain £-l_ \Vcckl}, Rock and nu inctal .it thix llopc Sirch lioxlcli'}. lhix ix a night that i‘ci'lcctx ihc tllH'hll} oi clubbing at thc

I People Music at MAS.

llpiii iaiii. £-l (Illa \Vcckl}. \c-u night oi hip hop and houxc ii'oin tuo oi thc bcttci undci'gi‘oiind (ilaxgoxx liti}x .\lichacl l’cck and Toni Rccxc i'aclx thcin up and knock llk‘lil dim n. (ii'cat ior a \Vcd,

I Shackass ai Shack.

ltiriiipin .iiiliain £5 i£.ii \Vcckl) 'lhc. cr. iiiiinitablc l)J 'l‘oaxt xpiiix thc iincxt in chart claxxicx. \\ itli a hcalth} xiiiatici‘ing ol chccxc tilxo.

I Stud’essential at Jongicuix.

‘)pin 3am. l-i‘cc. \Vcckly l't'cxh xtudciii night at ihc coincd} club in th' big building. l't'cc cntr) and a xhitload oi drinkx proinox nicaii that thc crond “ill bc in linc lclllci

I Traffic Light at lilanlxci iloi‘illL'i'l} licdi. llpiii 3am. £5 i£.ii. \Vcckl}. Stop and thc lightx and gct iiiio bcd c\cr} \Vcd. 'l‘hcrc'll bc intiinatc pillou talk in thc i'ront hcdrooin and xL‘\_\ Rtin and pop in thc back bcdrooin. Watch out ior thc lt‘aiiic policc \\ ho gnc i'rcc alcohol to all lhoxc \x ho darc to xit in thc car xcat.


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgi

See page 83 for details