LOW GREEN, 01292 678100. [9. WA]

Sister Sister \un ll \l.x_\ lllpn. llL'L' ll llL' t-xci nnpnwxnt- liurlt-Ihuuxc [HUu'IIh lln\ pIcnnt'n‘ .ll‘I'lll lllk' ll‘-.Ill} \‘t' It“. lL".‘.

helmet-n law \l\lt'I\ 1.41M

Hit/in “'1: ii Hm! OSWALD HALL

.\utlnntiunt'. Ill)”: 53* “ll

Mrs Oswald’s Wake \II In \In

(1 lllpin L3H lullnuinf,‘ .l hulch Intuil hmw lllk' gliml nl \lh \l.u_\ Humid lll Ilnx owning ml lll\llll|\’.ll ic t'ndt'lincnl .ind cnlcrlmnrncnl. lllll\lllll_‘_' ull “NH .1 Lk'llltlll Il.int‘c ’iul HI Ilium rink." Hm:


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Klltlllllll. “13% "‘1‘45‘ ll’. H. 'l I. “(I \\'.‘\|

Island lllll K \ln} " -l*pni LN Itii

'l llL' .‘iu'lunnul 'l lt'\llL' lhmlic ('onnmn} ll\k'\ Ulll Ilit- inmyint-Il lilc ml in \mnmn “how It-nmnix ullcn- lonnd on .1 lmllit' l\l.llltl lll lllc \chl \litllJntlx l'xing: lll;I\l\\ and Inuxit‘. Ilnx coined} .ll‘lllll .I li'Iith-il} lllill\\ uI Ihc l\Ill.'lllUll Plk'MllClll lll pcoplc’x ll\k'\ ul lllL' \I.n'l ol lllL' lel u'nlni'v

The Fabulous 503 and Swinging 608 Show \Vcd M Ma}. ":15pnl. [Ill If», l.c;ih IIL‘ll gintl .lollnn} Dc l.llllL‘ I'clurn \\llll Ihcn hlt'nil nl Inuxlt'. dunn- and tuihgn'cl. It't'rculing Illc llll|\l\' nl .lnhnn} Ru). .lcrr} Ire l.c\\ l\ and ('nnnic l'll‘llllx'l»



lit) Square. (ll ‘33 3235 ill Il’. ll. \\‘('. \\‘.‘\|

The Laird O’Grippy l'nnl Sul In May-7915an {5.5” [13.50

it'lfill ["SIH. 'l‘ht' Illinth Rep I'mnlcnl minpun} pi'cxcnlx Ruler KcmpK CHllllL‘ill Scollixh ll'llll\l;IlIUll ol \lnlrcit“\ original. I'ln’ .l/Iu‘l' In'xl \ccn lll Ihc

lII<ll\ \CC lk.‘- l\”~‘-

Five Blue-haired Ladies Sitting on a Green Park Bench \I.»n

l.‘ \u I" \l.x} l‘r‘ln »\.iI nut

3min“. illifll 11* <ii.1\ <ii t]?

\ tunnt p14} HI l.nlI\'\ III Illcn 1.1ch }\‘.:I\ who Inch I'M-I} 11.1} on ‘: \cx‘. \urlt pill lwnth In tllcv. lllk' tutl. \Iuriinj; \ligucl Himan, \lnilc} \nnt' l It‘ltl. l\’II\\‘ll llunIt'I. lx’IIIl1\l.ulm .unl l Il.I \ltl turn Mistero Bufto luv 3:» \n :1 \I.i_\

" l‘pnt \nl lllprn t\ " l‘pni

05in Lliiilqlfli L” \k-\-

I.\lllll‘lllj..'l1. llInnIun lllmlic \CL' Inn-u




l'..I\l l’iIIl. Hl lb; ll-lllllll Il’. ll. \\(‘.

\\ \I

Copacabana I nnl 5.11 In \In

" l‘pin lllk' Kcll} \llmml \xwt‘mlmn pit-win Han} .\l.inilm\ \ Impuuil lllll\lL'rll

Mary Queen of Scots Got her Head Chopped Off In In \I.r\

T {lllmr LNSHIU» {q Sill Sec llklllll‘lll'jlll. lininlun lllL'JllL'

The Story of the Little Gentleman Sal l“ \ln). Ht't‘ KIle ll\llllj.‘\,

Alice “ml 31 \lu}. ". *0an LR qll 1th “SUI; Linnl) In‘kcI £351.r\)_'c\ «\ plux. llL'llt'lllHllh and lllL'llllL' 8.1m l'mnlit-I’cx prcxcnl .1 l.ll\\‘ on lht' (l.l\\l\‘ t‘lnltlicn'x \lUl'lC\. ,lln (' '\ ,ll/l mum \ m llmn/u/um/ and llmruu/I I/Ii' Inn/dug (i/iiu. \\llll lhcn \ll\llllL'll\k' l‘lk‘lltl nl

\ l\ll;ll/]lll_\\lL'ill lllL'JllL'. plnx Inc Innxit~ and mngx h} Slew Kclllc) iSulxn ('cllit'ui and Michael Duke. Su- rm icu.



lauxlnnml l’ni'k. Rnnkcn (ilcn Rmnl. 5" ~l‘)"ll.

Scottish Dance Theatre ‘I hu 8 \l.i}. “I illpin. StnIluntl'x no I dnnt‘t' compgin} kid“ oll ll\ \[lllllfJ [our \\ llll

picnnt'n‘ {mun In Ilm hunk l’t-Icl

l).lllk'll (‘lInIcu;'Itxp|II\ \v..utl\\1nncix



lop nl Klny \Iit'cl. lllf‘l.‘ h \lllll Catalunacy \.1I lll .\ \un ll \l.i\

‘l lllpin llk'k' lnIcrn.rIn>n.z| \Irccl llnuiln‘ lIunI \l‘llllllllll \I‘Jllhll tnlnlxxn} llUll/Illll;‘.i /'«.'I.'u'/)’1iir:\mr I; lilo"! DICK INSTITUTE MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY

lzlinlmnk \\t'llllt'. “I *h‘ “l V1; fl’.

\\ ( '. \\ \]

Tam O’Shanter and Other Works lllll .\ t\ In W \l.l} llHlll HI 3": (WWW) Scc ( il.1\_~.'u\\.. lln'

" Winn 95

.\It'llt'\ \t't' plmn'“ I’m: «'1 Ilium in: it"



HOWOEN PARK CENTRE Hmulcn.lll‘llh-l‘Vfi-l |I{\\(1\\ \1 Company Chordelia: Double Bill S.” l" \l.I} ". lllpin t5 It in Sa-


Boston Marriage. The Arches, Glasgow. then touring

at '32:: Theatre '1‘;

(ll.l\f‘\‘\\ l ).lll\ \' Mary Queen of Scots Got her Head Chopped Off luv .‘n \I.r\

' ;“pm t\ '25! \t't' l Illnlwnx'h. llInnIun

I llx'.lll\'

SIM lll It}


lni\cI\II_\ nl \lllllllt'. l'l


Mistero Buffo llm .\ \I.n \K' I Illlll‘llli‘ll. llIIinInn lllk'Jllt'

\‘t‘ It'\ luv.

Hamlet \il lll \l.I_\ \pln I \n [Mnu' ( 'nInImn) \t'l\ Ills l).Illl\ll

‘\l\ lllllhflh

Mini 27'


l’IIntt'k .in_-.'ni\l1 In lllll\l\ v. llll

tnnlmnpni.n_\ (Lintc \t‘t' [\Imn‘u Ouangle Wangle \.n In .\ \nn II

\l.ll \I'L‘ l\l\l\ll\llll1'\

Swan Lake In In 1\ \.n I" \I.I_\ 5pm I" tun Hallcl \M'xl ll‘lllll|\ K‘.|lll ll\ l.ll\‘\l I‘llNlllkllllll ul lllk' \ Limit \\‘..lll low


Stars beneath the Sea \..1 I '

\l.I} ll.llll .\ lltllll\‘..l_\

.‘pin H \n‘ ( iltixvuu.

Thursday 15 Friday 16

You (in In in) llcml You (in In in) llcml

()nlh lll’.' l~l.in«!\ (lull) lll;‘ l~l.nnl\

I)I;IlUL‘llL'\ Sec ('II) Lil'c

llk‘ l\1n;' .nnll l'nt‘ |\in;,' .nnll

(ELugnu (lJL‘lIL'

\llmx Inc Ilic \\.i_\ \hnu nit- Iht‘ “.0

(Il;l\\lc (’uh (‘l.l\\lc (lllh

SCI: Rock 1% Pop Sec Rock 6: Pop

Saturday 17

llic l\n:;' .llltil

You (in In Ill} Haul

()nle my l~l.:ntl~


SL‘C Rock N l’op

Sunday 18 Monday 19

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh's main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21

l)nln'I will ul Ii-lx‘ lliiln'l y-ul so! Iulx'

Thursday 22

“lni llIl’llLux Md lml}

l‘I.-(’ '\.;-?'



Citizens Main Citizens Circle Citizens Stalls Cottier Th GilmorehillC12 King’s Mitchell Th Ramshorn RSAMD Tramway non


lll_‘.,‘ll Mun-I} llI;'li \uticlx

Ring .unnnd llic Moon Rm}: .uuund lhc \lnun (‘nmwlm ( nmx'lm

Our Song Our Song

5LT Rock \\ l’ilp

llI; llrgillnxzy lluuw

(Juanglc “angle I‘lllJllg‘lx‘ “unglc

mi‘pcl 1.;

Mn" llnxfllnn; ll-‘uxc Ill;


Ring .uuund Ihc \luun

\x'x‘ Rik ‘\ l’I‘i‘

()ul Sung;

Sci: Corned}

\t-c Rutl. t\ l’--I‘ \l.;:~. film's: or \ v

\Ihlxlllllllk'l \Ig'hl'x

\l..:. (Joirz. r' \

Brunton Church Hill Festival Th King’s Netherbow Playhouse Royal Lyceum St Bride’s Traverse 1 Reverse 2

:. THE LIST 67