Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Disabled access key

\\ ’\ \\ ht'clt’hutt .lkkL'\\. \\ -\ '\ \\ th'ILh-lll .lttk‘\\ \IIIh .Ixxixtnnt't‘, l’ l’.ItkIng l.l\lllllk'\. \\ (~ -\tl.tplt'd Unit“ \I

Glasgow Drama


35 i :\I'g_\|c Stt‘cct. (NH! “23 (NM. [\\‘(‘. \VAI

Boston Marriage t'nnl Sui In Mn}. 7. leIII. Ln ([4 I. Rupturc 'l’hcntrt‘ prcwntx thc Scullhll prcnucrt- nt l);I\ Id \ltunct'x \\lll) plu} uhnut [\KU \t‘ht'nnng \MIIIIcII. \ct at tho turn nt thc |;I\I t‘t'nlur}. SCC t’t‘\ It“.

Tam O’Shanter and Other Works luv 2() Sat 2-1 .\l;I_\. 8pm. £7 1H). Burnx' lIlU\l lilllltllh pnctn limr U'S/mnlwr l\ hrnught tn the \tugc undcr lht‘ ditu‘tinn nl And} .r\rnnld, I’t'rlanncd l‘) lllt' :\I'L‘|lt‘\ ‘l-hk'illlt' (‘tItllPéttly llltx durkl) CllllllL' prndut‘tinn I‘t'tcllx thc \tnr) nl drunken 'l‘tnn :IIId hix hlll'\L' Mtg t'nnt'rnnting the \\ llL‘llL‘\ uttd unrlnckx :It ."xllnugn Kirk. Scc prcucw


350 Suuchtchgtll Stt'ccl. 353 40M). |\\‘(’. WA]

Scambiare VT to Exchange 'l‘hu l5 Sat 24 Mu). 'l‘irncx :Ind priu'x \III'}. 'l'hix lt‘tt-tltt) l‘L'\ll\il| (L‘lchl'tllt‘x lht‘ hut nl' L‘nntcntpnt'ut‘} ltnlittn thcnlrc. liltn ttnd lllllNlL‘ \inh :I Scnttixh l\\i\l. A \clcctinn nl Itctnrx l'rnIn thc RS.-\.\ll) pcrl'ann nu“ ll'illhlillllllh. thc \Vultcr I’I';Iti\ ()ptlx linxctnhlc lukt'x In thc \tugc “till the (iluxgnu lntprm Ixcrx ()rchcflru. \Nllllt‘ thc mcr cult-(tic Suxpcct ('ulturc giw ltulinn :Ind Scnttixh ttl’ll\l\ II Incl} t'nrunI l'nr dixcuxxinn. liwntx tulw plticc tIt tltc (‘('x\ tttttl lhc RSAMI). SL‘L‘ (ilmgmt Iilt‘ listingx t'nr Innrc dctnilx. Scc pm it“. Contemporary Cuts@CCA \Vctt 2| Fri 33 Mu}. \Vcd t\' 'l'hu (I 8pm; Hi 4 (mm. £4 (£2). (‘('.»\ 4. RSAMI) \tudcntx pcrl‘nrtn :I rungc nl' cnntctnpnrur} ltuliun pl;l_\\ l’nllnucd h} :I tlixcttxxttm nn thc lutut in llnlinn

plu) writing. Scc prm iv“. I’m! a] Stunt/Iran:


I l‘) (int‘hulx Strcct. 42‘) 0022. ll’. ll. 'l'l‘. \\'('. \VAI

Smarty Pants t'nnl Sui In Mu}. 7.30pm. {II It! HI. Adultx nnl_\. Mnrc \tnrit‘x l'I‘nIn \lichucl Kcrinx ‘.t\ hc rcliuw hi\ :IdwnturL-x during hix rcturn trip tn Rthxltt.

Weetom - Hats for Sale l‘nnl Sui It) Mu} Innt Thu 8 k Fri 0). Scc Kidx ltxlltlgx.

Outlying Islands luv 13 Salt I7 Mu}. 7.}(lpni.£12t£l HI. \Vinncr nt 'I'ltt' Xi‘nhnum l'it‘ingc l'll'xl and Ht'mlt/ .-\ngcl tmurdx ill thc lidinhurgh l-‘cxtixul l‘ringc 2002. I);I\ id (ircig\ plu) l'nllnux twn gm crntncnt Ul’llllllttltigl\l\ ttl'l'l\ ing tn \urw} II rcntntc Scnttish ixlund nn thc CVL‘ (ll. \Vttt‘ltl \Vttt‘ ll. Rccnrntncndcd. SL‘L‘ rL'VlL‘“.

You Go to my Head Inc 13 Sat IT Mu). 7.30pm. £6 (£3). Snngx t‘rnnI thc l‘l-ltk nmxurdx t'cuturc in lhl\ ncxx lllll\lC;lI rcvuc t'rnnI 'l'rum Dircct and thc (inrhulx Ynuth and (‘nnununit_\ 'I‘hcutrc. Did you Used to be RD Laing? 'I‘uc 20 Sat 24 Ma). 7.30pm. [l2

til £4). .-\ plu) charting thc t‘tw tn \xnrldwidc tinnc nt Rl) Luing MIn hcczunc thc Innxt nntnrinux [3\}L‘lltttlt'i\l of NW (\(l\.

West Side Story Thu 22 MI 24 Ma). "7.30pm tSut Inut .‘IpInI. ill)


«U» 1M l.cnn.nd licrnxtctn‘x llll‘tit'lll dd} Run“ II and 1/4/11 I l\ pcrtnIIncd h} \lttdt'tlh nn thc Inuxltul thtuntc gnurxu. lllL' “dint St’llltitl III Stitlldlltl


V [Inn-mt} .\\cnuc. “H ‘53:. Dialogues - A Double Bill ‘I hu IS Sat 1. \ln} "pm £5 IL-lI lnI' nnc \hnw. {5 IUII tnr‘ hnth |’|.Itn\ t'nnIIt lll\t‘\ll_‘_'.lllltll nl Inw. III! \IIII/Imrum. [Ht't't‘tltN I/II [ml Hm \ II! \III lull \, \Nlllt‘ll punt-rtull) ghurtx tht- \tnI} nt tht- plnlnmphct‘x klk'llll\k'


3‘)“ Bath Stt‘t‘ct. 3-1” I l l I III. \\('. \\ \l The King and I l ntII Snt I“ \l;I_\ Innt SuIII, " .‘Illpin I\\t-d K s.” III.II 2.“)PIHI {5.5” £3551! l’npulnt Rndgcrx :Ind HuInInt'Ixtt-In Inuxit'ul “llll ;I [nun \Iidnu luIIIng lnr ;In .Iutnt‘IiItIt‘\‘ll ,Ind Itatt'htng hurt .'I thing nI tun ;I|nng lht‘ \\;l'\.

Jesus Christ Superstar \tmI

l‘) Sui 2-1 Mu). ". illprn I\\'cd & Sat III.II 2. VIIIIIII. LN LI", 'l'ht' Rch l.ln_\d \Vt'hhcr dnnunaitinn L'Ullllllllk'\. llll\ tIInc \\ Ill] th‘ LIIL' Ul th' lttxl \C\L‘ll tl;t}\ III llIL' lilc nl JL'\ll\ nl .\';I/;Ircth. [It‘rlnInch hL'lL' h} tlIt' I’;Inthcnn ('luh


(I (irum Illc SII'L‘CI. “3-15 H(I “HI. Ill. Tl. \\'(‘. \\'.-\l

Glasgow Gaelic Drama Festival ‘I‘hu l5 Mu). 7.30pm. .v\dult (incht' drgunu l'cxtnul.


NC“ Sll'L‘L‘l. NH.— llllll. I”. “'(I. \\4.'\| The Story of the Little Gentleman \Vt'tl [4 Mn}. SL‘L' KIle lixtingx.

The Beauty Queen of Leenane Sut I" Mu}. 7.3HIIIII. LC“ IUSIII. .\lull l.Ittlc 'l‘hcutrc pt't‘xcntx lI'Ixh pl;I_\\\I'IglIt Martin Mchnugh’x durkl} cnniic pln} uhnut u lcuding Inntht'r and daughter. Stuck in each nthch pnt‘kctx III llk‘ll' “Ill—till“ II t‘nttugt' nn tlIt' \th (‘nuxt nl lrclnnd. lhc l\\n “UlllCII \II'ugglc lnr dnnnnntinn. until ;I pntcnttul hn}tricnd L‘UlllL‘\ culling. .\ \xclt'nnIc rcx I\;Il l'rnIn Ithl yank .\lul| \t'uxnrr

Fun with the Sun 'I'ut- 3n & \Vt-d :1 Mn}. SL‘L‘ Klti\ |I\liIIg\.


()8 Ingram Strcct, 553 345"). ll’. \\'(’_ \VA. \\';\.»\I

Show me the Way to the Whisky Bar 'Iihtl I5 Stil 17 Mu). 8pm. £3 IHI lrnIn 548 2553. Bcrt'x llIlhnn BullrnnIn Hand pt't‘xt'lth u Incl} cuhnrct cxnt‘utiw nl' tho )0qu hctuccn thc \\;ll'\. incnrpnruting \nngx. pnctr}. l‘t‘HIll and dL‘L‘iltlL‘llCL‘.

Squirrels \Vcd 3| Sttt 2-1 Mn}. 3pm.

U tL-Zl tInIII “A 3*“ HI; \u‘llhl‘; t‘rt'IIIIt'Ic nt I).I\Id \l.nnct\ tnIIIt-dI hmcd «III .III .hl‘lllllg‘ IAIIIcI I\ IIcht-IIch h} PUI‘C I’Indutttnnx thmttc tnIIIImIII


UNI chtIt-u \tIct-t. “I ‘HV \\ \;

Classic Cuts Hut 1* In :1 \I.I_\

' Wprn. \\cd I\ lhu I Wptn t\ " “mm L" IL ‘I \uxpt't't ('ultutc dIIt'tInI (mum I'litnugh .Ind llh II.IlI.III HI.I/III.III .Iwnt‘tdtc \lllllllxlt' I’.IInnI dc ()Ixttn \Ulldl‘t‘ldlt‘ \IIth the l\’\ \\ll) In pint-III [hL' unrkx nt tun III.IInI II.IlI,III [‘l.t}\\tlgitl\ Int \Iumfluns (I:.;I:.'\ h_\ lngI l’II.IIIdclln .Ind III/.1 \IIme I\_\ (finln (inldnnI \t-t‘ [‘IL"~1\‘\\ l’m.‘




2‘ \ltwn I)II\t-.n.\.t< NI WII II’. II. no \\ \1

Stars beneath the Sea l nut \.II III .\l.I} .\|IIII in {N IL“ LII \gw \. I’L‘Itntnmnt't: .InIIn.IIInn. nIIgIndl mum .Ind puppt'tt} t'nInhInt' III \.IIII\hIn;' l’nInI'x talc nt thc htuw lllt'll .Ind \xnInt'n \xhn [IInnt't‘It-d dccp \m dI\ Ing Domestic Affairs II Sn In syn I“ Mn} Innt Sun lllt'l lch \I.I} \ I‘lun. “mi N Sat 1“ Mn} Rpm UI L"

IN LSI. l)utt'h \‘nInpan lhmtic l \lmtc t'nnIhIncx lilIn. light .Ind \II.Idn\\. Int't'htnnt‘x. \tt'ntn. tn.un. ll\t' Pt'lll‘llllt'l\ .Ind mnnplcd IIquIt' In (It'dlt' .I \cnxnI} drcntn uhcrt- t'\t‘I}tlIIIIg l\ IInI qtntc .I\ It \ccrnx. Soc [um It'\\


(Ii 'lI‘nIIgtItt'. 552 lln“.

Gecko - Taylor’s Dummies IIIu .\' Snt III .\l;I_\. HpIII. LN IL'SI. llIglIl} lll\t‘llll\t' \hnu nl lllt' tint-\pt't‘tt'd. t‘lInllcngIng )IIIII [It'rt‘t'pttnnx \Kllllt‘ crt‘uttng dccpl} Iunn}. hIghl} dI.InI.ItIt' \ct‘ttcx. I’III'I H] “In um I [I

Glasgow Dance


(Ix ilil'llll‘L'illt'. 552 -12(I_'.

Company Chordelia: Double Bill \Vcd H Mn}. 3pm. {H IL'5I l‘xxn ncxx duncc ptu‘t‘x lrnIn ('ninpnn) (‘hnIdt-lm ln Salim/III Mull! l)l\t1\ t‘IInIcngthpht'd h} Kttll} l.|n'\d Jl‘llt". thI'ct' lt'Inult' dilllk‘t'l\ rccrcutt‘ :I IIIghI nut “Ill! lllt' \l/t' rug dnllx. “llIIL' .Um (’I. Hunt/II I. VIII/flu dm iwd h} (icnrginu Bull t'\plnt't‘\ \\ it i\ lth' ltI llt‘ul' \Uttttd\ titllt‘t't'tlll}

Edinburgh Drama


l.;lt|}\\t'll \Vzi}. \lttxxclhurgh. (I05 23-“) ll’. H. Ti. \\'('. \\‘.r\| Mistero Buffo In 0 Mn}, ILSI. :\nd_\ (iru_\ \t;II\ III lllh nnunmn

". “mm L")

Breathing House, Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh


Birmingham Royal Ballet

Outlying Islands; :. I

I- .I :' l: ' } '.-' I. ' t. C .‘ I I. l . z T'It-i’._:-’.’-' 't ) 't I o : ~l r' l,‘ I,

v i “it \ II I]. l )1 gr ' 'lII ‘I’II 7' . .I' I ". i". K‘fl‘ll, if‘mt'l’l‘.) .I .II In . : .I. 'II (I'..%IIII. twat!» /. ..'I:H .III

1, /‘,'ti" I)(: I, (1.: V l” I. ,".iI'; (“11"1'»: /':'(:"It:i. "/‘/'I'(i. I, I' \./I(,!IV'I1'I l(:()‘):r":}\l 1' 'f, N. .I

‘It/f‘VH‘I‘I'If} I I l,tll' . '

III'w, I: /. I :r I/.I':;‘.

pln} lmwd nn lilt‘ III}\tt-I} pl.I_\ \ It In \IhIt‘h \\.l\ l.l\l pcttntntt'd III \tntlnnd III '9‘)” h} RHN‘IU ( itlllldllt' \t't‘ lt'\ lt‘\‘. The Story of the Little Gentleman S.” In \ln} \t-t- Mk llxllllg’x

High Society \M-d II \II I“ \In

" illpIn t" IHI I'IIt'nIt' Plk'\t'lll\ ( 'nlt‘ l’nttct'x lll\[‘llt'ti lllll\|\.t| [tuiturntg lllL' \nngx '\\ hn \\.IIII\ In hc ,I \lIlIInIInIIc' and "l'rut' l.n\c'

Mary Queen of Scots Got her Head Chopped Off \\'t-II 3| \n 3'1 \lu} VIIIIII.'IIIII\1.I'\ l-l‘pIII tk

ani L") ILSI I.I/ l.nt*hht-;Id\ \hnrp. w\'\. tunn} .IIId \hnt'ltIng pin} .Ihnut Iht' lt‘litlltllhhlp ht'txkccn \t‘ntlund IIIId Ipngland


VI ‘3 lilgtlt Sllt't‘l. 32H (II-VI

Scratch Theatre In In \ttx Mun L31”; ~I St'tntt'h lilt'dllt' l\ \IIIlet-d In ll\

lmrc llt'L'L'\\lllC\ .t\ "R" IIIIIgIt-\\ nt .1 PIL'L c

lI'nIII rim \t'I‘IpI In lintxhcd unrk I\ put unch thc llllg'lthg'ttpt' I'll/'1“, IIIIII/Hllt‘ll RIM/I,

Silencio MI I" .\t;I_\ < III I‘lplll. U ILZI Surrcnl nllt-I‘Ingx ;l\ .Iluu} \ t’nurtu} nt Illh lllllt)\;tll\c pcIInIInnngc cwnt. 'l'hh Innnth'x Pt‘l'lttl'lllitllt't'. cntItlcd

’t‘l't lltlllll III /)I'i‘u'lll.\ l\ .t L'tllltHL‘lll txthnrct nl \killx and pmrlx. \llltthL‘ and lllll'l’tll\. chutnpugnc and .Ithnthc. {Mar} and lllll\l\. lIght and Ih}thIII. film and llltI\L'lllL‘lll .Ind lc.tlll_\ and S drmnnng ’urt III Ill/III/IIU‘J/l II'Inlz