The Front
fiac‘k‘ln sync COMING SOON
Some of the Rush crew I With news that
"Sync are getting stuck into recording a new
I rrters ms to c u c ass be seeing even more of
the hardly under- exposed Justin dinburgh's Hush l estival has announced two big names to trinity 2'. .2 2* 2 " 2 u 22 2 2 '2 . 2- Timberlake. While
Underground festival gets big book names. Words: Ruth Hedges
headline the capitat's celebration of gr; ssroots talent 2‘. A: +: 2.222 at 2' ° '2 -2 ' 2 2 :2 22 2. ' '2 22 ' Timbers has launched mid May. Alasdair (Bray. father of mode”: Sco tsr‘ 2.2.2ri'..2ig r .2'. 2' '-- '2 2 .- 2. -- 2 2 22 2-- 2 .- 2 " -2 an astronomically and most famous for the groundbreaking l aha/k, and Anne .-.-a2t. in '."-'-2-,- at 2" -- 2: 2 ' 2 2 22 2 -- 2 '- glorrous solo career. the Donovan. author of Buddha [)a tust nominated for the ()range nee.“ 2‘ : 2"..i '_ '." 2" 2. -- '2 2' 2 2 " ' 2 " -- '2 ' : 22‘ only thing Lance Bass Prize 2003 first novel award are to take part in a night of cabaret 2at2‘e2 2“: ltr- 2: -- 2- .22”. 2" 2 ' '22 2' 2 w 2'2 . -- 2 : 2 ' has been laurrclrrng is featuring live music. readings and poetry entitled Kin presents ll’.-<,- 6,21-12' 2 .2 2. : 2: 2 2 ' l . 2 ' 2 :22 himselt. lrrto outer Krush. r\""-’: {)::"./.32" '2 '2 2- '2 w 2 2' 2 ' " 2 Space. Bass has this is the festival's second year and is put together by 11% .2.2i'.-::-2:; "um 22‘ 2 i- 2 2 ' 22 2 ' '2 -- ' .2 undergone astronaut independent Edinburgh organisations who run. events throughout iror‘e :,'.i\ :2" :22 2- 2 2 .' 2 ' '2 2' . '2 2 2‘ training in Russia while the year. ‘It's fantastic to see so many different local talents cor22rng 2‘ :22”. 222:,2-2 .2. _.2 2 . k '2 2 ' 2 ' 2 2 ' ' 2 his tTlllSIC career has together for the sake of local audrences.‘ says l rancis Hickmore. sap; 'I t“ 12‘ T' .- 2. '2: 2' 2". 2' 22 2 2- 2 2' been tloatrng in limbo. .
director of Kin. 'With mentors like Alasdair (‘iray !ll‘.()t‘.’(}(t. we hone "{t‘.t’: a x r:" 22.2: 2 -» 2: ' 22 -- ' 22 ' -2 2 22 2 " . Another corrreback rs it's going to inspire new writers. artists and musicians iivmg r2 "(53.2.22 2-..-'. .2 --'. 2 2 '2 2 i 2 ' . Chewbacca. hooking Scotland to come out of the woodwork." he adds. :leta s H .2 '2 2 2 . ' -- :2 . 2 '2 up again With his Star Some of the Festival's highlights include muSic from [.din'rxirgh's; ______., - M. ___ . . Wars pals tor the trnal longestrunning ska band Bombskare. the Big Word Performance The Edinburgh Rush, various venues, Edinburgh, Sat Installment due out in Poetry -- All Scotland Special. a Scratch theatre night and 10-1 7 May. 2005. The film's title wrll
no doubt be subject to _ the usual daft asked fer the doors to f3:;r:'.'. s" [2322 -'-'. rerttarned resoluteiy :: rise 1': 1'3,- :
speculation . . . Talking since Ashley Page took ‘31: 22: 6-222 f"
of daft. Johnny year. and wtrrle this 2.2.2<2;2!:: s..:;.;-2u'. t2
Vaughan is rumoured c e 2. :‘osir: 2 2ks'.:: wk '.t~ 2 New boy Ashley Page moves Om" m " ‘~’ ' ”
to be re-uniting wrth ex- Brg Breakfast partner in. Words: Kelly Apter
would seem the re2.e2:;e is 22.1; A: Denise van Outen for
recent [)arlgre (Ior‘2‘e;:.' 2:"::.-. a new BBC chat show. t yesterday's news really does become (‘ilasgo2.2.. a gay-.2 drcmrhg; 22.2-2'. :2-2.2‘.-,- 2 " The plan is to chuck rt today's chip paper. Scottish Ballet students two yea2s' ea" (22. It. *2 .2 X2. 2 .2 onto Saturday nights to cosied up to quite a few fish suppers ;n not only fSlQlléti.(}(t the a" 2. _:‘ a 2222;2'. take away some of Ant autumn 2001. The (I()lltt()‘.(3ti$|éit decision by choreographer. cat :;<:222e~22.;~ ~ ., 2 and Dee's vast
tollowrng . . . Mark adopt a mere modern approach prompted 2 2ckoned Wahlberg is set to star letters. headlines and a parliamentary But Page‘s; piar‘s iEXTe'“) r .2. 2 2' 2 l; 2, 22 2' 2 2' 2 2 2 22 -- 22 2 ,22 . in The Adventures of enquiry. while the news that artistic directo2. ()‘.'.2'l‘- talent. cit 22g (i'1:)'€::?;;'2i: 2: .2 2r 2 22 2 2 2 2 2' :-- ' 2 . -- Wyatt McHenry. about Robert Nodh. w0u|d be leaving Scottish l5arar2(:ni2r~::«_ Ashton. Man“ .222 2 . 22 . 2 2- 2 2 2 i2 2 2 2 an adventure tour guide Ballet at the end of his contract met with Cunningham :)r‘ 2‘ 2: «2222221.: 2-..- ::," u'. 2 2 2 2 -- '2 2 22 who trades in modern consternation from dancers and public alike. Ecectrc taste. secured t" -:-'.-x-"« z 2 . :2 ° ' ; ' 22 2 ‘ 2- : ' '2 -2 antiques and gets
Yet throughout months of calls tOr his career at tt‘.(‘: Rt:2.a2 Ba -:;-‘., l) 2 2-2 2 -2 " z 2" '2 -- 2 2' -2 ' 2' : 22 2 : -- involved in situations
Scotland's main classical dance company to mould his dancer:; 222:;2 :2 ‘22::~:-°. 2:2.
rCSignation. the company's chief executive. from pupil to soloist 1:2 2es 2-5-2“. : . 2. 222 2 '2 w '2 : 22 . requiring extreme Chris Barron. remained defiant. If Scottish choreographer. r“a’le " :--,: 2 2 : 2- . '2 :2 2 : '2 2 2 heroism. Sounds swell. Ballet was to Sun/WC. he insisted. it needed candidate ?'c2 Ba22or‘. f 2 2 ' 2 2 2 22 2 '2 -- r2 Except it's based On a a new direction, a new directive and. alienate old school a_.:2 2;:"f‘-::~ 22 2 22' '.' -- > " ' 2 2 ' .2 2 :22 -,-' ' 2 novel which hasn't been fundamentally, a new director. demand fo' 'no2e exc t 2,22 -- 2 -- ' " -- : . -. ‘. 2' 2 ".1 -2 ' written yet.
Eighteen months on, he's got what he Scotland. '\‘.’e won't 23.2129; 2 -.2 :
4 THE LIST 8 3'3 May Ptl‘ui