Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth "edges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 8


I Smash and Teeny featuring Sarah Peebles ('('.-\. 35o Sauclircliall Slrccl. 352 4900. 8pm. £8 rim. lrnpionxcd lllll\lL‘ lroin crcatcd lrorn clcctroacrruxlrcx. prcparcd clcctric guitar and tlic \lio.


0 Scott Hamilton/Brian Kellock llcnr) 's J.r// ('cllar'. 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. .107 5200. 8,.itlpin. ill). SttMiplltmlxl Scott llannlton III a high-chI suing dialoguc \\ llll Scotland'x loading _ia// plilllhl.

I Apache llurnan lic-ln. 2 8 \cht (iroxxcatlxcna), or): 88M). Uprn. l'fL‘L‘. lll\ll'lllllt'lll;ll acid ral/ quar'lct drau mg on tlic l'ttrih ol hip hop and nu \oul.


I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet .\'c\\ Douglax l’ark. (‘ad/ou .'\\ cnuc. (llol)8 33mm. 8 l lprn. l’rcc. The Hamilton Jal/ ('luh rclaunclicx with a null} \cxxron that \xclcorncx guest lllllle‘ltllh.


I The Fusion Experience The liquid loungc. \VLWI RCgClll Sll‘CL‘l.

5 8pm. l'rcc. Ne“ (ilaxgtm-lxixcd thrcc- piccc acid-iaH/l'unk hand l'caturing Ra} inond ll;tl'l'i\ on llainrnond organ. Stcl'l .\lc(‘lu\kc} on haw and Jarnic ('urric on drurnx.

I Christoph Reiserer (‘(‘.-\. 350 Saucliichall Strccl. 352 4900. 8pm. £8 tt'tii. ('hrixtoph Rcixcrcr play. \oprano \a\oplionc. haritonc and clarinct in llilx \(llU pcl'lrtl'lllallcc.


I Tony King Collective lit-m} \ Ja// ('cllar. 8 .\lorri\on 8trcct.~1(i‘ 52W). Midnight. L5 l'i’cc\l_\lc lunk “Illl \ocal\ lrorn 'lon} King. lormcil} ol (irooxclhggal.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet (‘altarct Voltarrc. Vi ‘8 Blair Strcct. 2le MW). 5 ‘lprn l'lcc l)rumrncr Bill K}lc\ l.rlc\l grouping. lcaturing (iordon .\lc.\'cil rxa\c~r. Stuart (iorinan iguitari and Ill»}c’.rr old haxx \t'll\£llltlll Km lll (ilaxgrm

0 Scott Hamilton/Brian Kellock llcnr} \ .la/l ('cllar. 8 Morrion Str'cct. 4r)? 53bit. 8. illprn, ill). SL‘L‘ 'lillu 8.

Saturday 10


I Poindexter Quintet lir-cl.

3‘) 43 .-\\lilon l.anc. 3-12 40m». 3 opni. l‘rcc. (illlléll‘hl ('harlcx Rcrll} lL‘;l(l\ llll\ linc rnainxtrcam lit/l

I Stuart Gorman Quartet Blackl'rlarx. 30 l‘lcll Str'ccl. 552 5024. 9.30pm. l‘r'cc. Ja/l lunk lroin thrx _\oung quartet lcd h} guitarrxt Stuart (ior'inan.


I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llarr) \ Bar. Randolph l’lacc. 3.30 (rpm. l-rcc. Angic King lullh llllx lurik} quartct to pro\ idc tlic \ocalx.

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (‘ahar'ct Voltairc. Ar» 38 Blair Str'ccl. 33H ()l7b, 7.30 lllfillpllt. l'lCL'. :\ modcrn \clcction lrorn llll\ clcctric |a// quartet lcd h} drurnincr K}|c.

I Green Juice llcnr'} '\ Jan ('cllar. 8 \lril‘t'ixon Slr'ccl. -l(i7 53W), 8.30pm. £5. lulcctronic hrcakhcal ja/l lrorn (irccn Juicc. lcaturing \axophonixt Martin Kcrxhau. Will) .\lolltl\on and SI) Si. plux rappcr l-‘r‘oxh J.

I Trudy Kerr llcnr} '\ Ja/I (‘cllarp 8 Morrion Strcct. 467 520i), 8.30pm. £3. Sn“). \pall'lx'llllg‘ ll\L' \ltou: \L'L' panel.

Glasgow I Brian Molley Quartet Blacklriarx. 36 licll Strccl. 553 592—1.


Australian singer Trudy Kerr pays a flying visit to Henry's

with a local rhythm section.

She arrived in London in

1990. and worked as

I secretary to clarinettist Acker Bilk while burlding her own reputation by steady gigging. Her breakthrough arrived

when the late Ronnie Scott offered her a week at his Soho club in 1995. and she has repeated that many times since. She works a lot With her husband. ace bassrst Geoff Gascoyne. and

released her fourth album last year. My Old Flame: A Portrait of Chet was a homage to Chet Baker. (Kenny Mathieson).

‘l zllpni licc Young \.t\rll\ll\'lll\l \lrtllt'} llrtllh llll\ it‘lll\lllllk'


I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()lrtlr‘M‘. ‘5 (..l\llk' bllg't'l. llfi 85:: l Jpni l‘rcc lna ncu |.i// \cnuc tor ldrnl‘urgli tlic \lrkc lx’ogcb trio \\llll l).r\id l’atrrck on piano pcrtorm togcllicr \\Illl ncxx [\orrng talcnt including l tic} Kcndra. \thall llcnning and l orna lx’crd Hll \\

I Toto's Jazz Trio lht- (ioll Limit. Dukc Strccl. lcitlt. 3.3” -l illprn l‘rcc 'l'lnx lirnc it\ Jrrnrn} (iilrnorc iornrng 'loto tor \ocal mclod)

I Fionna Duncan lit-rink Ja/I ('cllar. 8 .\lor'rr\on Strcct. lo" 5le“ 8.30pm L5. chouncd \oc.ill\l Duncan prcxcntx a \ar‘rcd rcpcrtorrc ot MN

I Zu 'l'lic 'l'ron. ‘) lluntcr Squarc. lligli Strcct. 330 (Nil 8 45pm. U ll.lll.tll lrcc ran/rock trio ol \a\. tlltllll\ and ltaxx \uppor'tcd h} Scottixli

rrnprox l\;lllitll hand (Brant 'lank u itli ha“. tll'tlllh. lira“. clcctronrcx. \orccx and hornc rnadc inxtr'urncntx, lnlcrcxtrng. to \a} llic lc.i\l

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet lluman llc—ln. 2 8 \\c\l (it'oxxcauxcua), ()0: won.

‘lprn midnight. l'rcc. Scc lit 9.


I Zu Stcr'co. l4 Kclunliaugli Slrccl. Ill 556‘). 8pm. {-1, Scc Sun I l.

I 4 Jazz (ia\in\ .\lrll. .i (ia\rn\ Mill Road. .\lrlnga\rc. ‘)5(i 2355. 8pm. l'rcc. ()uartct producing \\\rngrng ia/I \landardx l'caturrng gtrrtarixt lioh Sloan and \ocalixt (‘arnphcll ('onxidinc.

Tuesday 1 3


I Kieron Docharty Ran-hint liar and Rmtaurant. l28 .\lcrrHcc Road. (ill) Ntltl, ‘lprn. l‘rcc. .-\cou\tic \cl lrorn llll\ \ingcr \ongurrtcr in tlic Rarclnrd'x nc\\ \xcckl} \lol.


I Lazy Bones llurnan tic-In. 2 8 \cht (‘roxxcarixc-ua}, or»: 886”. ()pm. l‘rcc. Ja/l \tandardx arid \\\ trig \ocal\ l'r'orn thix guitar. \a\ and \ocal ll'lr).

Wednesday 1 4


I Jazz Brunch ('alc Sourcc. Sr Andrcux Ill tlic Squar'c. 8t .-\ndrc\\\ Squar‘c. oll' Saltrnarkct. 548 (itlltl. lprn. £7.95 rl'r‘cc it not catrng l. liolth) \‘l'ixhart and t'ricnds pla} a ran hrunch tor a chilch cnd to thc \xcckcnd, l’r‘rcc inchich rct'rcxlirncntx.


I Panacea 'l‘lic (‘anonx‘ (iart. 233 ('anongatc. 550-148]. 7.30pm. l'rcc. l‘olk and jal/ trio.

I Mahoganny Dreams llcnr} \ lull (t‘lltll‘. X \ltil'l‘lutll Sll'L‘L‘l. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Intriguing \oundxcapcx t'rorn lliix ncn quarlct mixing acouxtic lll\ll‘lllllL‘lll\ and digital lL'cltttolog).

I Live Music llurnan Bc-ln. 3 8 \cht ('roxxcalixcua}. ()h: 8860. ()pm, l5r'cc. Next \xcckl) night \houcaxing lidinhurgh'x undcrground nu \oul and funk llllhlc‘lzlnx.

I Chaos Theory Soullicr‘n (‘nm ('alc. (33a (‘ockhurn Slrccl. ()2: 0022. 9pm midnight. l‘rcc, ()rigrnal L‘Umpnxllltms t'rorn lllh ncu quartct. t'uxing jaH. funk and rock. tcaturing l)oug 'l‘rplcd} on \awx. l’aul Krr‘h) on kcflwoardx. Km in (ilasgrm on ham and ('hrix \Vallacc on drums.

I Fleamarket Funk ('altarct Voltaire. tr» 38 Blair Strcct. 2le M70. l lpm 3am. l-rcc. light local outtit pla}ing their om) kind ot hrg hand lunk in thix ncu \xcckl) rcudcnc} \Hlll a smattering ot~ l)J supportx.

1:; is: rigs Music


Scott Hamilton and Brian Kellock Saxophoruut Scott llar'irltor‘. it. a regular .lf;li\.l '..:

finest: Harts. but a.\.'.a,:; a t'a-lt‘or'ie

one tlarnrltont; (Lt;l'll‘l{llltl it warn; into bop ltlltfl'lfi ar‘rl high le.el ot l‘rt:l(/tl!<j and harmonir I'l'.t:l‘.llt)ll will be (itiniprer"er‘.terl bx nit; ta.ourife collaborator an the Scottish scene prarwst lir1ar‘. Keiloek Heart 2; Ja. (let/at.

I (In/‘1)tl/Q/l. l/‘b 8 In f) 7;:

Frederik Nordstrom fisreditsh saxophonist l retlerik Nortltstior'i tincturedi .5; one of the excellent Seandinaxran rnuarrnant. who has; built a lt:lilll()ll?)ll|l) firth Scottish players throagh repeat appearanees; at Henry's; lhe powerful saxr'ian lm’llllS up With Scotland's; brightest young; rhythm seetion. Arden ()llonneli lb; 35.. and John Blease rrlrumsi. Henri}; t/a/z’ (Rural, [dipping/2, flat 7 f 161' May:

The Mancini Project lhe l‘ltlfSIC of composer Henry Manernr has attracted iax/ lllllilelEtllT) of various SlyllfSllC hues over the year‘s. lhrs l)l'()l(:(,‘l lll‘.'()l\.’(:f; tour l‘lllflelElllS from the more experimental extreme: Pat lhornas; on keyboards and electronics.

b; ssrst Simon H l ell. and pereussronrsts l lan Bennink and Steve Noble, lhe Nth {Milli/(:lSItFy of Maneirir's birth is the spurious; occasion for a gig which should kick ott the lolbooth's Le Vi/eekend in r'iernorable fashion Io/boot/i, Stir/mg, l‘l’iu .92 My



I Guy Davis ()UCCII\ llall. (‘lcrk Slr'cct. ()(i8 zill‘). 8pm. {l3 lillll. l)ccp. cartli} lilucx to \tornp along to lrorn lhc gu} \xho knoux him to do ll right.

I Out of the Bedroom WawrlL') Bar. 1 St .\l;rr')'\ Slrccl. 557 [050.

Uprn rnrdrnght. l'rcc, Scc 'l'hu .


I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet Ncu Douglax l’ark. (‘ad/ou Ax cnuc. tll(i()8 28(iltl3. 8 llprn. l'rcc.

SL‘C ‘l lit] «8.

‘Stran er than a basket full of rssrng raccoons.’

Paul Dale on Dead End, see Comics, page 103.

'1 22. Via, 27/1 THE LIST 55