La Veuve De Saint-Pierre (The Widow at St Pierre) I ISI Ivan-III- l.CL‘IInlc. l'fllliL’L'K.Iiliiltlll. IWXII Jullcilc llIIIIIclIL- 1 12mm Sci III 135“ (in .I \iiidll l‘fL‘llL'll l\l.’Ili(l ncar (XIIIaIla. .I \Uiiiidll l\ lnund guIII) III murder and (Ulltlt'lllllL'tl III IlcaIlI lluI ax Ihcrc I\ lit) guIIlIIIIIIL‘. Ihc wunan l\ Plilk'k'tl III Ihc (Ihlml) III IlIc Incal LaplaIII (ll ihc guaIIl unIIl mm tall ht' \cnl lIIIIn l-ranrc ('('.-’l. (HI/\ng 0 Welcome to Collinwood I ISI O... lJUL' anIl Anlhnn} Rnxw. l‘S. 200M Sam Ruck“ cll. (IcIII'gc (Tunney WIIIIam H May}. tx'hmIn III ('IIllInxxIIIIIl. a I'uII-IlImn \IIII'IIIIIIg claxx IIchlIhIIurlIImd (iii (‘lcwland'x caxi \ltlt'. lllt' uni} ea} In Inalu' Innnc} l\ in \Ical \Hlilt'liliL' clw'x PCPPL‘rt‘tl \\Illi L'Util IIIcal IIIIgII. Ilux lIIlarInux llt'l\l caper. a remake III Mann Municclh'x IUSH lilm [Sn/III Iunuu Ilhu l)('(l/ I'll .lIIIIIIIIInII $1111! I. alm lmaxlx a ll‘L‘iiiL’iitlUlh caxl III L'haI'acII-r acIIIIx. |.Ilw lcllmx l'IIIIIIIIalIIIIg \IhIIIng Jucl anIl lulhan ('ncn. Ihc Rli\\n\ haw a li'L‘lllClltliilh ITaII‘ lUl' uIIIIIIg qun‘k} \illllilliilh and own quulucr characlcrx. 'l'lIc caxIIIIg cuuhln'l he thIcI'; Ruck“ C”. III paI‘IIcular. \llilit'\ ax IhI: haplc“ hnxcr [(N) iiiCC II) Inc a lilL‘ (Ii L'l'llllL'. (iI'III’I'u/ I‘I'lc'uu'. When Brendan Met Trudy I ISI .... IKIL‘rIIII J \\';Il\li. li‘ClIIml. llllll) l’clcr McDIInaIIl. l‘lura XIIIIIIgIIIIICI'). 95mm. Rudd) l)II}lL-'\ lTl'\l III‘IgIIIal screenplay huaslx lii\ II'aIlcnIark ccccnlrlc charactcrs and \li;ll‘[)-\\ IIII'Il gagx. and lTl'\l-llliiL‘ IlIrchIII‘ WaNI “rings cwr} l.le UllL‘ unc ()l Ihcm lrIIIII II. llI'cnIlan. a nerd) linghxh Icachcr uhn Imus IIlIl Inm lL'\. has lii\ \IIIrlIl Iurncd arse-m cr-III \xhcn Trudy \Iruls up In hIIn III a pub and (lt‘lil;ili(l\ hI: hu) her a pInI. l‘I'IInI Ihcrc Ihc Iwn embark on a rclaIInIIslIIp IlIaI Iakm III uild sex and nuclurnal lam breaking. 'l‘hIx Is the lTliiilL‘ equivalent III Angel l)clIghI: light. lTul'l). \ugary and unadulteralcd. Indulgcnl lun. (iI'lmurI'III/lU/S. (i/uxgnu. 0 X-Men 2 I IZAI 0... (Bi) an Singcr. ['38. 2003) Hugh Jackman. l’ainclx Slcwari. llallc llcn'}. l l lnIIn. The wound .\'<.\Iz'n lTliil marks an cvnluhnnag Icap ll)l‘\\&il‘tl from (he Iwcrralcd III‘IgInal. .-\I first. II Is l'aInIlIarII)‘ IlIaI hrccdx cIIIIIcnI. u IIh the \\ clcnmc return of all-pIm crl'ul Iclcpalh ('harlm Xavier ISIcnarII and lllx IIIuclI-lIwcd iiillliiiil\. liuI .\'—.lII-n 2'\ no“ culling cdgc dorm-x mmll) from Its \liflflil)‘ Ilchncaicd human Villiilii. Sir) lwr a IIIIIIanI~halIIIg IIIIlII;II'_\ \cIcntN playcd h} Brian (bx. The exciting opening an assassination aIIcmpI IIII Ihc l'S president h) a (lixal'lk‘ciul InuIanI \Cl\ IlIc Iunc tor a sequel “how undcrhing iLlL'Ih and more rcwnanl \Inrylinu arc IIIII dwarfed by the IIIIagInaIIw \'l\ll;il clicch l&l\'l\llCtl ume Ihcm. Smart. \upcrim‘ popular cnIcrIaIIIIIIcnI. (iI'III-rul I'(’/('(l.\('.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

5 Lorne SIIu'I. llII‘In. “MI '11" “"33 1‘ IL'RI.

l-III' llil\ lIII'IIIIglII'x pIIIgI'aIIIIIII' IIIIII'x. plcaxc I‘IIIIIaI'I Ihc I‘IIII'IIIa IIII HHI ll” “‘23 lUi' (lclallx

GGA: Glasgow

35” SauclIII'lIall SII'I'I'I. “Hi ‘52 .{Win 2.4 MIMI,


Live ForeverIISI IIIS,

24 Hour Party People I Ix. .\ :II FRIDAY S) I. AY

The Magdalene Sisters I ISI II. I S. L’iiomme Du Train (The Man on the Thin) I l3.-\I 3315.


L’ilomme Du Tiain (The Man on the Tiain) I 13m (I. I 5. The Magdalene Sisters I ISI .x. I i


L’ilomme Du Train (The Man on the Thin) I IZAI IJIS. The Magdalene Sisters I ISI 2. I 5.


Big Wednesday mm mm. L’ilomme Du Tiain (The Man on the Train) I I:.-\I (Hill.


L’llomme Du TI'ain (The Man on the hall!) I 12A) (ITS. Big Wednesday II’(;I sun.


Dogtown and Z-Boys I ISI II. I 5, La Veuve De Saint-Pierre (The Widow oi StPierre)II5I SKIS.


La Veuve De Saint-Pierre (The Widow of St Pierre) I [Si 6.15. Dogtown and l-Boys I ISI KN).


The Powerpul‘l Girls ll’(il 13. I S. The Crocodile Hunter IP(;I JIIII.


‘3 I n

Colin Firth and Minnie Driver strive for laughs in Hope Springs

Between Reality and Fiction Itlx \ :II

Documentary and Non-Fiction Ill\

GilmoreliillG12: Glasgow

‘Il Imam} \‘IcIIIIc. 1‘" *‘.._ 1‘

When Brendan Met Trudy I I <I IIII Glasgow Film Theatre

I: l\)\)\'\‘ \IIch. nIII H: \Ij\ ('.III- l‘.Il \ll Pk'lll‘llll.lllt'\'\ lniukal‘lt' llli jl l\\‘lllilL'\ 1-1 V IL i *m \l.IIIIII'I*\ 1‘ a; It: *HI \\I'Il Ilk‘IIIII' <pIIII L T ** IL_I llIIIIlIlI- lull 1* It? 4H» (Il'l \.l\t'l\ Ll" lLl‘lll-l\\'ll\l\k'l\ lUl lllk'pllx‘x‘l‘l ‘1‘\.lll\l lUl IlIII'I' IlIIHilllH

1.InThisWorldIl<I Kill). Still. "IIII. 2. Lilya 4-EverIIxI HII. II Is xIII

1. InThisWorld I<I I I4

L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck) I I<I VIII, (Inn. .\ 4n

2. The Last Great Wilderness I I‘» 1 NH. Sill). ‘iilll,

InThis World I IS» " IIII

furl‘xl I l; l/N’ ' INTI-“I

1. L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck) I ISI ITS. (Inn. .\_ HI

Soiaris (Subtitled) I I3.\I I .15

2. InThisWorld I ISI IIIII. "III.

The Last Great Wilderness I I<I I IN). Sill). ‘HIII

l/V/ l.‘l/-\"

1. The Last Great Wilderness I ISI I.I< L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck) I ISI Till, (Hill,

Solaris (Subtitled) I IS.\I .\. III

2. In This World I ISI IIIII “III

The Last Great Wilderness I ISI <.I III. SIIII, ‘HNI.


1. InThisWorld ISI 1.15.

L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck) I I5. 3.30. mm. .\,III

2. The Last Great Wilderness I ISI IIIII. .‘.ll(l_ ‘_IIII

In This World I ISI SIN). ‘Hlll.

llll )AY ' " STAY

1. The Last Great Wilderness I ISI 1.15 L’Auberge Espanoie (Pot Luck) I HI 3.31). .\. in

Solaris I I2.-\I II IIII

2. in This World I ISI I III. :III.

The Sixth Sense I IiI II. :II.

The Last Great Wilderness ISI I) III

\"'E «1,.‘I/ ,'.. 214:". 1.lnThisWorldIISI I I5

L’Auberge Espanoie (Pot Luck) I ISI .UIL (Inn, .\_:II_

2. The Last Great Wilderness I ISI IIIII. Hill. ",Illlv

InThisWorld ISI inn. ‘HHI Tit'tllussrzlt '.'/.‘./

1. L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck) I ISI Min, (Inn. sin

2. The Last Great Wilderness I5» i UH. Sill). “till. ‘Hlll

1.BussianArkIl'I IIIII.

L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck) I I 5 FRI). IIIIII. .\,1II_

2. The Last Great Wilderness I IS» HM. «IIIII.

BussianArk III 5 III. “III

‘IsIIngs Film



5“: v. '3 . l~ .

Secretary Atlr; :II‘;III'I\IIIIII~, Sal." I‘III‘II- I', ". ‘.'.lII(‘lI ’.' I I '5 3, I’III‘.I.I‘I III'l'l .l.InII>s; 53. II 2'" .II-T III 3 .‘IIl IxIIIIltI ()l “Iqu 2". t'II» III. I- t.” TII'TII'T.I’I.ll w'lI'I'l. SIIIaIt "gIrtIII; isIII-IIIJII'J.

Mo tly Martha An IIII:;I>:;:;I‘.<2 «II'1I:.III;I‘.I§ (Iirll'IIllI IlIel takes ll() [IlI'II‘IIlllr II IIeI ()II";llll ()l ItIIlIIIgIIj. ,-. 'IilIlIl IlII: (Illf'.£1l III (I

..I:1. ltzIIIgIn VIIIné~ I:III,-l .'.’lll) l)llll(.lf;

ex ellenu

;:.I§;‘;II>II tn the l‘illlilltl IIIIIIII III tlIIt; l'lTIIlTll See ltl“.'l(:’.'.’, (JIIIIIIIII. [IIL'IIIII/rq/I,

The Happiness of the Katakuris l)l()llllfj Japanese IIIIIIIIIII lgIkzI‘IIII g/‘IIIIlIt/IIIII MIIke't; .‘.I,-:III .‘IIIII ‘.'.InnII'eI‘lIIl lIIIII'nI

.'.Illé?I'IIIIil'~, teIIII'eI i()Iil£llI(l(}.

n: If;!(,{ll If; best (lesserIIIeIl Inns: In; Sun/II." MIX/7113M: III(;(:lfI N.'g/It :II’ f/II,= ./ want; [)II’III Bnnkers. See "":.'i(:‘.'.. (/(X). (I‘I’.'I:;I;I)II* .‘I/II/ I"."">IIII/I;/'I.

The Actors lIIfSlI f)l£l“,".‘/l'l(}lll (LI/III l/l(il)l‘I‘3i.‘)()lI IlIreI;th lVlItllIEiOl (LIIIIII: and stand up ennIIr; Dylan M'IIgII‘ III IIIII; fareIele feelnnrxl AIIIM zIIIIInt llI(:Sl)l£illfi Eiiltl 'IaIIII‘IIer‘L See r(:\.’l(:‘\.‘/. Se/eeter/

Lilya 4-ever l lzIrrnx/IIIg eIrrgnIIIIt ef (I ynnng IIIrl Ill/UK} In (;IIr‘.I.e In the pry/Mt, mneken ")l'f'l‘,” Sanet llIIII.II. Bleak :IIIrl .I'v'eIeIIIIIIII. l Ill/ill; MnedyssxnIe e'vx'I'IrIII'Sgl,’ nus/erfnl lll'il .‘JIII leave I, reel “(I .‘Je/eetee" re/I3I’Ise.

Welcome to Collinwood Illnr II If. r/;I'II;'I, crane-caper pepperen .‘.’l'IlI ennl IIIIge and ‘II/xtII‘r; :I treI'IenII'rIIIS cast Ol ',I".:Ir;I',ter net/Ire SUDi/Nllllg ultra fj'rzuws'nzxtr, lean SzII'I Heelw/ell. .C‘:.r’3/,TI:(I re/e.’15;e.

X-Men 2 l/larxel COIIIICS' "Inter: superheroes return for 8 seem“: rennn 0T superpox/cred zzrl.eIIt.Ire‘;. Y'IIIS tInIe round make/I III; e,’ a tagger budget and new Characters jOIlIIFIg ‘3") .errne. Storm. Jean Grey and fl“: ether (Ifterl ,UUIIgSlQrS. (we rm’ease.

1: ’xL/ '.'::. THE LIST 35