EDINBURGH (continued)
V I saw you thru the [tale of a rocking sunday. your showerprool tackel and your vest will not protect you' We can slltlc'. [7467/20
V I saw you in putk underwear and pigtails. l)id yoti see me tn ttty vest" [7467/21 V I saw you swimming in sewage. You looked a bit ‘doirrty' but I have to say 'I [me Ill. [7467/22
VI saw you at ‘( 'unos' with your skin head. baggy teans and big cy es. \Ve looked al each other. [III I went home, I'm not with anyone. get to touch. we are cute [7467/23 V I saw you at I’lockton. You w ere so hot and I'm so glad you‘re tny wile. [7467/24 V I saw you III the liarl oI Marchmont you always wear a black hat. the and my friends think you're a dream. [7467/25 V I saw you lovely oriental girl in the l'ilmhouse bar. Reading about anhouse movies while crowded by llorror fans. II you want to apologise to the agaitt I'm happy Io let you do sotllellllllg bad lll"[ this time. [7467/26
V I saw you Mutty in Thai .‘vle ['p. [' hard hearted harbinger of haberdashery. Me special needs bunny in the yellow ltlls selisel [I special friend big hugs fae me \. [7467/27
V I saw you the cheeky dark haired Iondoner From the happy dancing girl in lispionage on sunday 20th fancy doing some market research on me',’ [7467/40 V I saw you naked on the green leather couch. looking hot and bothered? loved it. and you? here's to another 3 months of conquering weird places. and more L‘tllICL‘s/lCdS/tlllIL‘les... love K\\\ [7467/29
V I saw you Kills at the April reunion. well done to the man that organised it. A warm hello to you all that were there and to those who didn't make it. [7467/30
V I saw you evil retarded puppy sery ing at the Queens llall bar on Saturday night. Your grumpiness only makes you more adorable. Love \Yanell [7467/32
V I saw you watching as \‘alhalla burned - l2/4/03. Yoti: grey llL‘CcL‘. beige trousers. alone'.’ He: young guy looking for new friends. You've cattght tny eye before - wish I'd had the courage to say hello. I)o
w e share a passion for music - tnaybe more',’ [7467/33
V I saw you boogie girl and II was groovy. with your blonde wed friend. and you mixed the tunes at Mandy's party so so line on Sat 26th April. A big shame .\Iandy is moving Southwards since I may never have that chance to chat to you. I so wish I had taken it? 'l‘ake it easy babe. \ [7467/34
V I saw you I‘rona m pmk.too nice to be playing games in l-‘ingers 25/4. Did I add to your score',’You left in a hurry before our match was colttplele. [7467/35
V I saw you dancing by the bar aftert-lrve - you were
w earmg a black 6; white top. Kid Koala blew my tnind and you left tne feeling 'a bout de soul-Ile'. [7467/36
V I saw you in the beer tent at the HT cup final on Sat the 26th. You were wearing a pale blue fleece. I Used to serve you pints of carlsberg every thursday in the Murraylield llotel. ('an I buy you a pint instead‘.’ [7467/37
V I saw you in my house and drove you in my battered ma/da. Me too shy to ask for your mrmber. Tell me more about soft tops 6‘; cash registers. S. [7467/38
V I saw you behind the (‘orn lixchange bar for (irace Jones. You: petite with short hair that looked like it had gone through a btish on your way to work. What a sweetie. [7467/39
V I saw you in lidinburgh. in your smart Paul Smith shirt. planning to go to the Mad Hatters tea party. And. even lllough there's a lot less of you, I loved you more. And more. I want to go down with you. lir. l tnean down under. [7467/28
V I saw you half-a-haircut girl. pouring the wine in llavorit at Tollcross. Your asymmetrical semi-baruet sent my brain askew and your sweet smile finished it off completely. My sense of aesthetic is lopsided now. Don't ever get that haircut finished - ok'.’ [7467/84
V I saw you Angie was your real name. If we had flirted any harder or exchanged numbers I would ltave lost tny job. unfortunately you couldn't tnake 6pm. Your job description left me lost for words, I wonder if we have any other mutual interests'.’ [7467/85
V I saw you i-‘inegans Wake lidin 21/04/03 you gorgeous blonde wearing grey t-shirt blue sleeves Japanese writing. So many guys talked to you I never got a chance. I would love that chance. [7467/31
V I saw you on Bruntslield Links Thursday I7 April at 6pm-ish. You: dark. beautiful black hair and brown eyes. looking playful. Me: slobby looking guy in jeans and blue fleece. specs and silly hat. I-"ancy looking a bit more playful sometime‘.’ [7467/86
V I saw you tall farm hand. hulking rugby player. How do you lit behind the fopp counter'.’ I would love to squeeze you in. [7466/l
V I saw you bash baby in the Botanics one sunny afternoon. You should have been at uni. bar distractions are tnore fun. s l [7466/2
V I saw you ('hrrs play mg pool and drinking whiskey .. Its high noon and I want your
loy in? [7466/3
V I saw you at the film house qm/ - short hair and coming fourth. (iet out more? [7466/4
V I saw you in the protest on Saturday carrying a ‘nest' sale bag. you capitalist? You are beautiful. all the same. would you like to take tne shopping'.’ [7466/5
V I saw you at the Opal Lounge 10th April 2003 at 9.30pm. You sexy. dark-haired nurse. Tall. sexy male from I-‘ountainbridge wants to meet for a drink'.’ [7466/6
V I saw you my most fair gingerbread lady. With your beauty filled eyes and sugar dtisted face. I'd love to hear froru your butterflies. [7466/7 V I saw you the staff at Maison Bleu. Your breath smells but I love you, so stick up to Dean that dreadful beast from Algeria: he‘s a terrorist. you know its true. [7466/8
V I saw you at the Pear Tree weaning your lingland shirt - luv ya. [7466/9
V I saw you eyeing/queuing for me at STA Travel on Nicholson St. Black-haired. blue—eyed. American dreaming girl. Let‘s book a holiday down- under. (‘hris [F/466/10
V I saw you big lady at Pear Tree beer garden 4/4/03. highlighting like you never saw tne. Buxom blonde eyeing you from afar. [7466/I I
V I saw you and know you would always be my special pie head; love little bo-pipe. [f/466/I 2
V I saw you little Irish babe you. You can have my: pot of gold any time. Love from the duvet beast. Xxx [I/466/l3
V I saw you at HMV at St James (‘entre. You have long hair- I don't. I saw you again beside Blockbuster in New'ington walking to work- I was wearing aviator sunglasses. (iirl seeking guy! Xx [.7466/l4 V I saw you freckly ginger I.RT bus driver. rnincing around my bedroom in your panties! You're my wife now. Lol papa Lax. X L7466/I 5
V I saw you Dundee disco diva enjoying yourself in the capital on Saturday. Hope to share the limelight with you again. Grinning Boy. [7/466/l6 V I saw you on the podium- thought it was going to be a ‘Begbie' moment. (‘ [.' down at the disco? Xxx [7466/[7
V I saw you beautiful angel. a vision of loveliness... Thanx 4 a heavenly weekend... lets resist temptation till we hit earth. [7466/18
V I saw you boy for pele. asleep beside me. The snoring made it less romantic sexy birdie. Love gigolojoe L7466/l‘)
...|F r S‘IIUR
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8—22 May 2003 THE LIST 125