


Property To Let


Eastern New Town . unluniishcd 3 double bedntoiit. spacious. yet} attiacliyc modem llal in quiet location. large liying room. large lillcd kitchen. ballintont. W.\Il l. IX 1. caipcits/ curtains. pi'tyatc pailstiig. iicai' all amenities. :\\;lll;lI\IL' now. £660 pcm Call Myles 07810 865 91 1

New Town,

1 I low C Street end 1. |.o\c|y I bednioin llat within (icorgian 'Iownhousc, Spacious liyiiigi'txtiii/ kitchen and bathroom. l-’/l. £535 pcm + deposit. Stiil prolcssional oi' couple. Tel: 0131 339 6277/ 07751 606 431

Edinburgh - Leith. lmcly one bedrixini llal. ()pen plait liy iiigi’ooni / kitchen. Spacious double Ix'tli'tttilll w ill] L'\L‘CIIC111 storage. littll ( K '11. l’owcishower and \L'Pill‘dlt' W( '. l‘ice parlsing. 10 min walk 110111 city centre and on csccllciit bus route. £435 pent.

Tel: 0131 478 1120

I Large central 2 bedroom l'ully l'ui'nishcil llat with \icws to (‘alton Ilill aitd Iidinbtirgh ('astlc. l’i‘ol' couple. £575 pcm. ‘IL'I: 07769 703 263.

Contact: Carole SmithlAune '18: 01620 810 620


GLASGOW IWest End flat. I’mlcssional

peNin required to sham loycly llat with 2 other gay guys. Double morn. IX‘quIIIIII} l'umishcd with all mod cons. £300 pcm including ('1~ but + share of bills + references. ()wn phone line. 'Icl: (ll-1| 357 I396 or 07980 603 47 l.

I Double room in brighl. spacious llal. (ireat location & amenities. n/s preferred. £300 pcm + hills. Tel: 07710 419 643 or 0141 334 4279.

I Southside. Large room in a lovely furnished tenement flat to share with 3 professional l'einales. Access to a sunny garden. £167 pcm + ("l‘ + hills. Tel: 07789 345 968 or 07976 907 480. Please lcay e a message.

Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610


I Short-term. Double bedroom in a 3 bedroom llat iii a quiet spot oll Maryhill. l-‘roiu lHtlt May 5th July 3003. £75 pw inclusiyc. Ii\cc|lciil access into town tk ('ity. All modern facilities ayailablc. Tel: 014] 945 l040. I Southside. Double bedroom in a lull} l'umishcd quality llat. 10 minutes l'ront (‘ity (‘cntre li\cellcnl bus & train links. £350 pcm including ('1‘. Suit prol'essional or mature student. n/s. Tel: 07967 445 803. room available in l’anick area. to share llat with one lcinale n/s. £300 pcm including hills. Tel: 07976 346 975. I Warm, sunny quiet rooiii in West lind garden flat. 5 minutes lroin uttderground. Work station. u. all mod cons. dog & cal. £340 pcm including hills. Tel: 0141 339 3109. I Shawlands, nls, female llatinatc for a beautiltd flat with (i('ll & all mod cons etc. lixccllcnt amenities & transport facilities Rclcrences required. Tel: 07748 637 017. I Room M in sunny Sotilli lacing (ilasgow llat. Wotild suit pml'essional or post graduate. n/s essential. .-\\'ailable lor 3 months. possibly longer. (lay friendly person preferred. £290 pcm including bills but + telephone + electricity. Tel: ()7799 735 937. IGueens Pat. Lage bedroom for 1 person in smart llat. sharing with 3 others. Stiit milessional. Fully equipped & lttmished. Igugc lounge & kitchen. Next to train station K; buses. Available 1st June. £268 pcm including ( '1‘. Tel: 07891848 736.

How to place a Flatshare advert mmmmbfaWMamtommamflatmdisardh abbandanoessmlwayoffiruhganwflamiatenissinpbmuseauhaesmmdo.

When you telephone the Hotline you will be asked for 1. Your name, address, postcode and daytime number, including dialling code 2. Up to 30 words of description about the room, rent and type of person sought

3. A contact number for would-be-flatmates to ring

The List magazine comes out fortnightly on a Thursday and weekly during the festival. Your Flatshare advert will appear in the next available magazine and will be included for one issue only. Subsequent insertions must be telephoned in again. The deadline for flatshare is 12pm on the Thursday before publication.

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes. Calls from non-8T and mobile phones may cost more. If you need help or are concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870-120 1504.

Pleasemtefltatflatshamlsonlyforpeoplemkhgaflahnflmflywwbhtophce anyoflverkindotaccommodaflonadwrhsuchasfloomsWaMed,PmpertytoLetor

PmpedyWanted,youshouldusethebookingfonnlnmebackofniIsmagazlne. If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phonellne Is not barred irom

Premium Rate numbers. In the event of barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone.

Only those looking for a flatshare should be using this service and as an advertiser you are advised not to give out personal details when recieving enquiries about your flat.

Always ensure you have someone with you when showing people your property.

122 THE LIST 33-3.? May 3003

I Langside. Lovely double room ayailablc in langsidc .-\\cntic. oycrlooking Queens Park. .-\11 mod cons including (i('lI. Shared Isilcltcn. liying rooin .& bathroom. .-\\ai|ablc lllth .\lay £235 including ("1 bill + bills. Tel: 0141633 7700.

ILage doable room ayailable iii langside .-\\ cnuc to sluuc w ttli 3 other pl‘lllt‘\\ltlll.'ll\ Would stiit outgoing [X'l\011.:\ll mod cons.

(i( 'l I. shared kitchen. bathnniii & liying nioni. £335 including ('1’ but + hills, 'l‘cl: 0l4l 632 7766.

I Southside - Cardonald. GM w antcd lor large. newly deconitcd sunny room in trad sandstone \ illa. (3(‘ll tk IX 1 etc. li\ccllenl public transport. nut to tunnel. £340 pcm + bills. Tel: 0141 333 4392 L'\ L'lllllgs ttl‘ \\ L‘L'Isl'lltlS. I Single 8: double rooms in lusury West lind llat to share willt a pi'olcssional lcinalc & a dog. All iitod cons. 5 minutes from all amenities. £400 pcm iiicltidiiig ("l‘ ('1‘; all bills. Tel: 07974 0I6 353.

I Room available in large ('larence l)ri\e llat. sharing with 3 others. All mod cons £335 pcm. Suit post graduate/mattire student. Tel: 0141 334 8324.

I Room in Paisley Road. West ('raighton. I5ully l'urnishcd llal Willi (i('II. I)(‘ 1% electric shower. (‘losc to all local amenities & public lransporl. To share with one other. £360 pcm including ("1‘ + £360 deposit. Tel: 07900 2 l6 S34.

I Sen-.5 4 r- “- living. ()w'n luxury liyiitg roont with bedroom & ensuite shower room within Wayerlcy (iardens. Shaw lands. Wooden flooring. newly decorated in neutral colours. shared kitchen. I’rol‘essional only. Tel: 07956 631 I53.

I Large double room, in Southside l(’rosshil|) tenement llat. lIllllIllhy111111110011} centre. (i('Il. I)W. ctc. Sharing with gay male. £250 pciti inclusive + phone hill. Tel: 0141 5X5 8685.

I Southside, double room in cosy Queens Park llat. suit l'riendly. n/s. professional l'eiiiale. (K‘II. lixccllcnt access to public transport & ('ity (‘cntre £300 pcm + ("I~ + hills. Tel: 07810 441 SSS.

GLASGOW (continued)

I Room in quiet w'cst lind llat sharing with 3 young professionals. 10 minutes from tube stations. £230 pcm + bills. Tel: 0141 946 0308 evenings. I Garden flat share Slralhbungo (Queens Park). (i(‘ll & parking. .\Itist hate own duster. £255 pcm + ("II Tel: 07836 700 999.

I Professional, nls person required to share loyer West lind llat with 3 other gay guys. Double room. beautifully furnished with all mod cons.

£ 300 pent including ('1‘ but + share of bills + references. ()wn phone litte. Tel: 0141 357 1296 or 07980 603 47 l.

I Room available in Merchant ('ity penthouse llat l-ully lurtushcd. double bed. lllll’l‘ttl‘t'tl wardrobes. ow it phone line & all mod cons :\\.III;1I‘IC now £400 pcm including (‘ |' Tel: Ill-II 5.53 0S46 or 0793’" 435 03" or latitail

inanin tiiillci‘30td .iol coin

coinloitablc shared llal. great location close to all amenities large litted kitchen. .ill mod cons. (K 'II. modem bathiutiii .\ huge lounge Siiil tt/s lctnalc piltlcssional oi iiiatuic student. £3 30 pcm including ('1‘ Tel: 0141 433 3877. I F'Iatmate

modem. cosy flat in IX‘lllllslttllll. Newly lumtshcd large bcdrtxini. ii/s lt'lllilILN piclen‘etl. Sky t\ & showcrclc. £300 pcm -r ('l' + bills + deposit. 'l'cl: 07739 I74 I55.

I Mount Florida. Suit It‘lllitlt‘ n/s. Bright. spacious well equipped llat. l0 minutes by train to (My ('enti'c. £240 pcm. 'l‘el: 0l4| 5S6 6303.

I m We llatniatc wiuned to slime with 3 others. £311) pcm + ( '1' + hills + £2ll1depi isit. Available now. 'I'el: 0|4l 333 5 337. I West End. Double room ayailablc tn spacious llat Jtist olI By res Road. All inod cotts. big kitchen & (K 'II. Still prtilt‘ssiotial l'einalc 35+. it/s. £300 pcm + Bills. Tel: 014] 334 0339. ILovely m “mom in lab 3 Hour Sixitltside llat iit cotiyened mansion. (iorgcous lounge. hard wood flooring pltis lrieiidly labizidor. I’nyatc [xu‘king £31!) pciii including bills. Tel: 0141 637 3374.


I Sunny room available in three bedroom Stix‘kbridgc llal. £200 pcm + bills + ('1‘. l‘cinalc n/s prelcrrcd. Tel: 07779 683 703. I New Town. Lovely, bright. sunny double room in l'ricndly ('entral llal. close to all aiitcitities. To share with 3 lcinalcs. Wotild siiil prolcssional. Ayailahlc etid of April. £320 pcm + ('1' + hills. 'l‘cl: 0|3l 5560515. I Lovely, bright double spacious rooiii iii a modern Marchinont llat with sunny garden \ icw s. All mod cons. £260 pcm. Tel: 0131 477 7I03. I dotble room in (‘anoninills to shaft with 4 lentales. Ayailablc lor May only. £240 pcm + hills. Tel: 07779014 l24. IEasygohg m waned lor double mom in llat oil I citlt Walk. sharing with one guy & one girl. £211) pcm + ( 'l‘ + hills + deposit. (lay lric'ixlly‘. Tel: 0131 476 467. I Room with WT! di iublc bed iit lXiliy l.'pper( 'olony. Suit n/s pml'essioruil. sharing with 3 others 8.; a cat. £270 pcm including ('18; hills but + one month's dcpt )SII. Tel: 0131 337 8895. IW‘R dotfle room in flat. Would suit n/s imilcssional. £260 pcm + hills. Tel: 0131 554 X973 alter 6pm weekends.

room It nistic. cluiraclcnul. gay friendly Mczidi M's llat sharing with 3 others. Optional l'umishing. Suit friendly. l‘un person who likes being cooked wondrous dinners. Available 1st May. £250 pcm + bills. Tel: 0| 31 667 4216.