Edinburgh Saturdays continued

I Joy III I.;_'n I IpIII Run t Ill «Ln IIII-IIIhI‘Iw Ill \III} \InIIIIII} l p lInnI. IIIII} IIHII\L' yrnnwx nn Ihc IIIIIIII IInnI lInIII .‘\I.'III IIIId \luypn' In} .Ind IIII'II Klnj: In unIk )nu up InIn II I.llIIt'l nn IIIL‘ IIIIIIII lInnI I’qu 'lIt-nd} \M'nd} IInd SIIII} I '\ I'III'I'k} llll\ nl \IIlII. lunk .lIItI L'IIIIII III IIII' IIII\\II\I.III\ \IlllI' \UIL' IIIIII III} I\ II k'IlII‘ lnI gm) PI'UPII' .Ind IIII'II IIIL‘II(I\

0 Luvely III IIIt' IIquId RnnuI

IllpnI -l.uu LI31LIIIIIII‘IIIIK‘I\I I.\I.I_\ \Innlhl} .\ \Illlt'} \nuu'. grt'IIch Inxqudx II tunuu-d t'lll“ d IIIId II'IIIuIIIIgJ II Inuxn' pnlu'} nl lull nn. dII\In;: IInIm' lInIII lt‘\lIIt‘lII\ 'InIIIIII} K. (il’. \I-ulnn and 8mm and .IIIII-d, .\InII- IIIt‘IIIt' lll_L'Ill \Ilk'llillllfJIlIh ;l\ IIII\ IIInIIIh xccx Ihcu (NI—7 Ilnnd .I_L‘I‘ \KIIII II I;llt‘\/II‘II\II dI'I-xx I‘ndu SIIIIkI'II IInd \III'II'd.

I Majestica III IIIL' \‘cnuc.

Ill. {IIpIII IIIIII. IXIII}. .\lnnI|II_\. I)n\\n IIIId IIII'I) IIUIINI‘ lIl_L‘III lI-IIIIII‘Iny IL‘\IIIL'III\ “and :\Inn\ Izd I). III-\nI (i. IIIIIIIn I' K and I<_\IIII IzllI» IIanIIIy II St‘nluxh IIIhunI IIIIInch InI \I'I_\ \pu'IIII gucxh I'quchIInI‘k nn dI'\ and I-.\. and IIIIII‘x IInI IIII II\ (Hunt-Inn l.\il\\ \IHIIL'}|)I‘IIII) \I IN yucxl \PIIIIII'I. .Xu- [Mind

I Medina III \II'dInII. IIIpIII IIIIII, L2. \Vt'ckl}. I),l I)II\I' pIInx IIII_\IIIIII3_' IInd cwr'ulunp I’II'III} nl dI'Ink pInIIInx IIII nIthI IInd anI'I lnIch In pIInIu' III IId\IInu' In I'I-xcnc )nuI PII\IIII' hnnlh.

I Messenger Sound System III IlnIIan'luh. IIpIII IIIIIII £7. In .'\pl. l'nI'InIgIIII}, IlIrxx nl hnucl \IIIIIIng: pInpnI'IInIIx Il\ Ihc IIII;_'|II_\ \lmwngu Snund S)\It'lll I‘III\I\ nuI Ihc III-\I llI I'thu'nux I‘nnlx IIIId duh Icyguc.

I Mingin’ III SludIn ll. ll). {IIpIII iIIIn, £5 hclnI'c nndrughl; Ur IIlIL'I'. I .\III_\. I'IH'IIIIpIIII}. RI-xIdcnIx BI‘IIIII I)I-IIIp\II‘I‘ IInd .'\I;lll In) IIan IIIL' ll\ll;II \lIIIgIII‘ Ill;IIIllC\\. lIIIII_\ hnuxc IIud I\\I\II'(I II'IIIII‘I' lnI II Il'l\k_\ IIIId pI'cdnnunIuIII) gII} CI'U\\II. Rt'nu'lnhcr III‘kI'Ix lnI' lhc Mingln‘ :\hn_\ hnIII II'Ip I I7 .\III_\ I Inc nu \IIII' nn\\ lil'lt‘t'ti (IS

I Mission Jnr All SIuIIIn 2.1. 7 IleIII. £5. \Vcckl). (inIh. Inck. punk and nl cnurxc IIII IhIII nu IIII'IIII \Iull IhIII IIII' klII\ L'I'Iiw \n IIIIIL‘III Sn Il )nu cu'I \InIIdI'I'L'd uhcu- IIII IIII)\C hIIu‘k (IIId )nulhx lI'nnI Ilu' Inp nl (‘nckhuln SII'ch \u'nl ilIlL‘l' dIII'k lnnk nn luI‘IIII'I’. Ihc III-\I IInd nI‘IgJIIIIII unch I.\'\ IIII'IIII gIIIhL'I'Ing III In“ II.

I Mission III SIIIdIn 24. I lpnI IIIIII. l5 IH Inclnhcrxl. 2r» .v\p.1 l-anIughII}. Nighl nl IIII'IIII IIIII)hcnI. gnlh I'nt‘k IInd lIlUl'I‘ Il'Ulll IIIL' dIII'kxIdI' II I‘CIII IidInhIn‘gh Ill\lllllll0ll IIIIII l‘L'lll\L‘\ III) dnuII IInd dIc.

I Opal Lounge III ()pIII I.nung_'u IIIpnI Run. £5. \Vcckly l)II\c Shcddcn \\IIII III\ nu\ nl (“\k'U IIIId lunk_\ hnuw II'IIt‘kx.

I Ourhouse III IIII' \I‘IIIII‘. .\InnIhI_\ nml dIIIc I',’ May

Back of A List card

I Popcorn III (‘IIIIIIII'I \'n|IIIII‘c.

IIpIII .IIIIII. L31 LN ILISI) £7I. 3 .\III_\. XIIIIIIIII}. RL'\IIICIII\ (IIIIU and II) M I.\InIIu'I'luukI dI'np luuk. um] and det‘n \xhilc III‘IIdprII'x Ihc RcwIIIInu' IuId Slt‘u' .'\Il\llll pI'n\ IIIL' \uppnrl. SpI'L'IIII gume I)J\ IIII\ IIInIIIII cnIIIc III IIIc lnIIII nl NUIIIII‘L'IIIIIH\ |)I‘IIdhL'III\ \xhn‘w hIId IllII\\ mm SnIIIII. \VIII'p, (iI'IInd ('cnlI'III and HIV IIlnng: IIII' \\;l_\.

I Progression III “IV I.It|llltI RnnIII. III..I()pIII SIIIII. L'II L'I-I. II) XIII}. Duck \IIII‘IIII. (iII\ (iI'IIIII and Alan I)nhxnn Iu'c Inincd h} \PCCIIII gut-\I I)II\L' SL-IIIIIIIII IIIIIkIng hix highl} Illlllt‘llIéllL‘II I't‘IlIIII In dish nuI IIIc hcxl III

This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card.

I Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, you can get a brand new card in the next issue.

You can use this pass as many times as you

Valid from: 24/04/03

Until: 7/05/03


IIIU I Isl}; A I ISI girl) I:; II III:;;nIIIIT


I§CII13'I‘!'I‘,"I.iII‘II fl IIIIIIIIIII‘: III III A: 'I:t$t:'.t' T'II: VIII“. Ii, '(r'.rf;‘.t ‘.;IIII:'~ xxx: .5 .II Hm ’;'I", (XII.- Innsur‘

IIII'IIII:;:;III"I IlIn path; has "a II‘IIIIIITIII‘.

Soul Biscuits host another MC battle, Fri 2 May

Ir‘IhIIl l'Ii)IIllll\. I’I‘c I‘Iuh \t'\\IUIl III Ihc ('II} ('IIII' lI'nIII h’pIII.

I Rewind III Ihc I.lt]lll(l Rnnin.

II), IIIpIII .IIIIII. £5 in. In Apr. .\lnIIIIII_\. 'I'hc I'Vll't' I\Iilll(I I)J\ \xIll ht- nn IIIIIId lnI \IIIIIC cIIIIIp III NRO Iu‘IInn III Ihc Iiilt'kliitilll “hilt nld \knnl dixcn Inckx Mick (‘nnl Iind Shugg} BL‘SII' III\II nuI IIII' IXWI III 70 \ IInd Ix’llx [Kiplihllt' Iuncx III Ihc IIIIIIn I'nnIn.

I Souler Power III I)l'I\L‘I\ ('Iuh. Spin. H. In .'\pI'. IIIIII‘I'DIIQL‘II HIIIlt‘\ IIIId IIII l'I‘nIII ()II\ \nul II’UIII l’L'\l(IL'lIl\ :\II. IIIIIIIIII) and (}III'} il\ \wII il\ \pt-I‘IIII gumlx (‘nIIn \Vnnd IRIdcrx ('Iuh). (in) III-IIIIIgIIII IRIchx ('luh). Hulk) and JnIIII I|)undcc Snul (‘IuhL

I Space Face III lIu' \‘cnuc.

Illfillpin 33””. U hclnI'c IIIIdIIIgIII; £5 IIlIcI'. ll) XIII}. St'nII l-I'I'guxnn IIIId IIIL' SpIIu' I'IIL'I' cicu am back In cuIcrIInn Il\ “uh Ihcu' IIIIIIIIIIIhIc nux nl IIIp IInp. hnuw. Iunk IIIId dm'n.

I Stereotype III Iicr‘hn IIIt'I'hIIIIx.

I lpIII shun. [5 hclnrc IIIIangIII; LII IIIIL'I‘. 3h Apr. I'nI'IIughIl), Ilugg} Burgcr ()IIu-n l't‘llll'lh III III\ IIL'\\ gulw III SIL'I'CnIHx'. III'IIIgIIIg: IIUIIIL‘ IIIC hexl IInuxc Iu'nund IIIId \\ cIt'nnIIng \(IIIIL‘ nl Ilu‘ IK'\I gucxlx III umn. .>\nd Ilux InnnIII I\ III) cwcpunn il\ ('nlnqu lll;llll\l;l) JnIIII \IIIIII‘IIII IIIkcx (III'L' nl gut-\I dulicx.

I Tease Age III (‘III'IIx ('Iuh.

I IpIu RIIIII. £5. \Vcckl). 'I’Inx llltIlL‘ \IIIthIrI dixIIu up cwr'ulung lrnIn

\\\ IIIgIng ()()\ Iill\ In hugg} Munchcucr Inn-x ;I\ no” ;I\ II IIIixl nl' Clll'lL‘lll XIII; L‘III'IrI INIIIIL'II'I'\.

I Thee Jailhouse III In InI RU“ l’nInII. I IpIn .IIIIII. U. 36 Apr, I-nI'IIIIgIIII}. RIghII-nux Inck IInd nld \chnnl IIIcIIII III II L‘IIIxxic :\('/l)( '. \lnlnrhcud IIIId SIIHIII \cIn. plux II lcu nl IlIc ncu cnnIcndcrx IIIIII IIIch Ihc gI'IIdc: .'\lItIIU\Iil\C IIIIII kIIIdII Ihing,

7) Ultragroove Ill (LIIqu-I \nII.uIc IIpIII Run tlll In \pI InIInIglIII} Sct'nndl III.I;_'Inn\c nl Ihc IIIIIIII‘II \kacnd \\ IIII du'p IlUlhI‘ IInnI I’IIIIIIchphIII IIIIII\C I\In;_' IIIIII

I Underground [Gimme Back My] III IICIIIII IIII'IIIIIIIx lllpnI KIIII IIcc lenIc IIpIII, t5 .IIIL'I III “In \k'“ IIIngII IInIII IIII' I‘thKIIM'II tic“ .Ind Ihc_\ '\c dIIIlII'd III (‘IIIIIIII \\.IIkcI mu “1.!” leund IIIc III.I\\I\I' Hug/I «'l fin (III .IIhIIIn nn SHIIII IInIm‘

I Vain III Icnnl Rn“ l Iunn \lnnIIII_\ III'\I IIIIIC I~ \III}

I Vegas .II I gn ‘lpIu Run 1" If H] IAIN) \III'\\I IXIII} \Innlhl) III'deIdle m lll‘L‘. I'nunII} I‘I.I\\I\\ .Ind \II'II/I IIxIcnIng \\llIl )IIIII IIIgIIrkII‘kIIIg; IImI~ I'IIIIIkIc SIIIIIJIIII. Hugx} SI'IIglIII. IIIIIn \IIIIIIIII .Ind IIII' \qunIng: \cpn \IIH\\},‘III\ \nd dn II_\ In IIIIIkc .In I'IIUII \\IIII IIII' IIIIII‘} dchx Indc. ch SIII I \I.I} hcguh .ll ‘IpIn \\IIII .I lIIthnn \hnu II} \I'I'nnd II.Ind \‘IUIIIlIljJ cIIIpnIIunI \lIll\llIIlI}"\ Ikm‘d nu IIIc IIII'IIIL'\ nl huh I llllll. Sm .Ind IIII- ('II_\. I-unk) l.III.III and 3le my III-rm Im \Iln“ \\lII hc .l\.l|I.lI‘II‘ In Illl_\ IInnI IIII' \hnp. .Ind IIUIIIIIIIIII\ \\III by Inudc In IIII' \\.ll\'IllItI (lulu) lnI I'III'II Il.|ll\.lt‘llI|lI

I Wiggle .II Izgn Ill iIIpIII IIIIII 1" H48 Incinhcm In -\pI \InnIlII_\ \IIIggIc and Man In} nu-d nn IIIIIIKIIII'IIHII .Ind Hm I\ lIlt'lI Ilt'“ nIgIII nl ya) lun .uId IIUII\\ III Ihc IIIIuII InnIII \HII hc III-nd) “Huh .Ind Jnn I’II‘Im'd pl.I}IIIg_' II.I\'I\\ III.II .llk' .I IIIIIc hII t'illllp. .I IIlIIt' hII t'llIIIIIjJ cdgc huI .I \xhnlc lnII.I IIIII I)n\\II\IIIII\ SIIII} I .Ind \IICIIL'IIL' \HII hc dcplnIIny RIKI’». IIIp IInp. Iudn' IIIId I‘IIIIII Iunvx .Ind IInu I'nuld m- lnIch IIII' lnwl} I’I'nn} I’nIn\I.II nn II.IIId In lllt‘t‘l IuId gin-I IIII' punII-Ix I’Ic I‘luh \t‘\\lIIll III I’IIIIII'I ()III \\llIl IIII'II KIII}:

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva .lI (‘Iucmhxh/l )I\.I IleIII IIIIII. I'lt't‘ III-InII- I lpIu. UI .IIII‘I \chkl}. 'I'III' lull} lI‘Illl'IIhIlI‘II \pIII'I- IIan\ II Iuglll nl IIII Ihc gInm chl Iulx lInIII IIII' Mk ‘lllx. \HIII \‘llllt‘lll I‘IIIIII Iil\t‘\ nn IIIC Inp IInnI. ()\t‘l :fix IIIII)

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party In .\Innd. ‘IpIII IIIIII I'Icc hI'lnII‘ IIpIII. LI IIII'C In lllL'lIIIX‘HI IIlIcI. “cl-kl}. (‘IIIIII pull) and thI IIII\ lI'nIn I).I \IIIIIIII

I The Party Continues . . . III I’I‘ppI-IIIIIIII I nunpv IlenI iqu H \VL‘L'kI}. Sk‘t' I'll,

I Shake It III l.'.-\IIIII‘IIc Ill IleIn {IIIII H hclnn‘ I IpIII. £5 IIIII‘I \M'ckl) l’IIII} llllI\l\' lI'nIn IIIL‘ ()II\ I’Ighl up In I;l\l \wck. plux IIliIII\ nl dI’Inkx pInInm In \inxh II IIII dnun “uh,

I Subway West End III Suhuu} \VI'xI Iznd (IpnI iIIIII I‘l'CC hclnIc 9pm. [5 IN! IIIIL'II \VCI'kI) ('IIIII‘I. dIInu' and thou} Iuncx IIII IIIghI Inng: huh)

I The Subway III SuhuII} "pIn IIIIII L'l \Vcckl}. Sec IIIII


Ill IleIII .iIInI (i lenI‘I' IIIIIIIIIgIII. L"

IN [5) iIIIL'I. \Vcckl) ('IIIu’I IIIId pIIII_\ IllI\ IIIl IIIgIII Inn;

I Why Not? III \\ I1) \nI’ Illprn iIIIII U hclnn' IIpIII; L5 " 5H IIlIcI \Vcckh SIT I'I'I.

Edinburgh Sundays


I DeathDisco III IIIL' \‘L'IIuc

Ills \leIn IIIIII [5 4 \III} .-\IIIII \Idicc on. 1/1”! :\IIIII \ldicc. il\ III Ihc IIIIIII IwIIInd ('IcIIIInII Rccnrdx. )nu knnu IIIC lnIkx \kIIU hrnughl ux ()ihhl Inqu III’ I‘ilIIUll IIIIIIIIIIgcr IInd puhIIt'le In my IIka III I.L‘II lt'p. \Illl'c BUIIIII. NC“ YUI’II I)IIII\ Iind IIIIIII) Innrw hrIIIg ux IIIc III-\I III rnck. Inll IIIId IIII}IIIIII3: clxc IIIIII IIIkt-x IIIL'Ir lung}. I DKY III SIIIdIn 2-1 I IpnI .iIuII

{I50 L: \VL'L'RI}. “KY \IIIIIL'\ L‘UIIIIIIClllI} IIIIn ll\ IIIIrd )cIIr \IIIII IL‘HIIL‘III I)J\ JnIdI. (iIIrth Iind I)II\I- pIII_\Ing_' rnck. gnlh. IIIcIIII. IIIduxu'IIII IIIId punk IIICIIIL‘ liljJIIh and lrcc _L‘III\ (Ulllhlllc In kccp Ilungx IIIIL'I'L‘\lIlIg_'. “Mk III. \wck nIII. 'IIIIkIng nl Much 33 Apr nIIIrks DYK'x IhIrd hu‘IIIdII} \n pct In Iin C\lf;l \ch'IIII pIIrI} Innnd In Ihc rcudcnlx dIN dnu II cIIINt'x lrnIII Ihc Iihl lcu )t‘ilh ;I\ \\ c“ ;I\ II lcu \llfprl\t'\