Music folk 5; world listings

Wednesday 7 continued

I Rod PiCOt‘t 'lron lhcalrc. 'li'oiigalc. 552 4207. hpm. £" l£5i .\'ai‘iaii\c. \mok} \ongx irom lll\ ncu alhum Slim Hum. l’rl/‘l u/ If]: [flu (him/n

I Ceilidh Dance Class and Traditional Singing Session 51 Anqu '\ in ihc Sqnarc. oii Sallmarkcl. Si .'\ll(1l'£‘\\ \ Sim-i. 5‘13 (lolli.

7. 3“ ‘),3iipm. £ 3.51). Scc “ed 31).


I Taraf De Haidouks l'xhci llall. 1.oihlan Road. 223 1155. Spin. £12 £14. Scc pm It“ pagc l“ and 1111 1.l\1. in CI: I Michael Marra Izdinhurgh 1~olk ('luh. ('ahai’ci liar. lhc l’lcaxancc. 0511 234‘). Spin. £0 l£5i. 1)undcc\ pianixin~ pocl laurcaic l\1‘ii£'1\ lii\;i1l\l_\ a lcgion o1 lanx.

Thursday 8


I Taraf De Haidouks 11w Ari-hm. Arg} 1c Slrcci, 119111 1122113111). Spill, £ 12 (£111). Scc pin it“. page ~l'.' and 1111 1.l\1. “\Cl'.

I Rab Noakes 'l'ron 'i’hcairc. 'l‘ron‘ualc. 552 42(37. ‘lpm. £3 51) i£o5iii hil‘x \cicran \onguuici'. onc ol Stolland‘x lincxl. \th L'1;i\\) gluiai'x and-mouih organ ino. l’uri I” [fig [11: ('quHH.

I Emily Smith Band im- al the Siai'. Si .-\ndrcu\ in th‘ Squaw. Si Andrvux Squaw. oil Salimai'kcl. 548 (1112i). Spin. £o i£-ll. .»\ccordioni\i. \ingcr and piano play-r. Smiih “on 1a\l )car\ 1111(‘ Radio Scolland'x Young 'I‘i‘adilional .\lu\ician ol' 111C Year. Edinburgh

I Out of the Bedroom \Vawrlc} liar. Sl .\lai‘_\\ Slrccl. 557 1051).

‘)pm midnight. l-icc. Scc Thu 24.


8: opera

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 24


0 Opera North - Julietta illcaiic Rinal. 2N2 11opcSliccl. 332 9111111

" 15pm £3 511 £52 50 Sci-11H 11\1.llf_‘111 I The Glasgow Phoenix Choir - We Rise Again 1{o_\al (‘onwri 11.111. _‘ Slillt‘lilt'liall Sii‘cci. 3.23 Milli) - 311an £0 £12 .\lai'il_\n J Smilh conducix (1101.11 mum‘ paxl and picwni in 11: /\)l\('.1;'ii'lll lhc (hon .ilL‘ loincd h} axliologci l'i'ank l’ilkiiiglon ioi a (clonal cwmng,


I Dame Kiri Te Kanawa lxhci llall. 1.olhian Road. 22S 1155. 2 311pm LOWS” {>11 .511. 111C \Mil'lil H'lli'U-llk'll \opi‘ano giwx a imlal oicwrilhmg iiom clavical lo lli’oadua). .i\ \wll .l\ highlighh irom hm o\\n .\1aoii hcrilagc. I The Capriccio Quartet Reid ('onu'i'i llall. lidinhurgh l'mwi'xil). Bi'ixio Squaw. N18 2111‘), Spin. £1511 l£.3.511|. Rll\\l;illPlillll\1.'\1lll.i Kolonihkayi IN \pu‘ial guvxl ioi ihc picmicn' oi Julian \Vagxial'l 'x. I’ll/no (jut/Hr].


I Midday Concert RSAMI). loo chii'cu Sii'cci. 332 51157. 1pm, £5 i£3l. (’cllixi Riilk‘l'l ('ohcn pcrioi‘mx \Hil'hx 1i} \liklox Rox/a. Sall} “Cillllhli and Bach.

EDINBURGH FestivalTheatre 25th May 0131 529 6000 GLASGOW Royal Concert Hall 30th May 0141 353 8000



tickets: or phone: 0870 90 33 1.1.1. 1: new» ' (kc' 9mm

Argytc Si Gasgaw ‘r‘cs-g Si is prg' 8. i? as r; Rooms.

80 THE LIST Am 8 Mun 2x\‘3

I Masterclass RS..\.\il). loll chiicxx Sliccl. 332 5115“ 2 3lipm 1‘iL‘C Rohcrl (‘olicn \111k’k'1\ a Who inadcit‘la“ I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Baron) 11a|1.('a\llcSii'cL'l. 3.53 5111111, “.3lipm. £h £1S.\ \‘Ulill‘llldlliili oi “1le h} \lcndclxxohn and Saini Sacnx lt‘l1k'x'1lth‘ dilh'i'cnl mood\ and lt‘.illlllll_‘_‘ 11k" .\1.u‘cdoman pianN Simon lilk‘LWlxl in San” Sarn'x I’mno (inn uh: no 2 and \lu'iidclxxohn'x Rl'II'I'IHiIIlHII S) mphon} I Orchestral Concert RS;\.\11). 11111 RL'iili‘Cu Sli'L‘L‘l. 3.32 .5115- q 3llpiill £12 i£ll)i. Mark Sii‘ingci gonduclx Jana S_\ koi‘ma and lhc ()pci'a Norih oi'chi'xli'a in 1)\oia|\\ Siiu,'i/mriu lill'lilllulh. .\lai‘imn'\ \i/i/mmui Sunw and .\1o/ai‘i'\ Sump/mm mi J!) m (i III/HUI.


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra l‘xhcr 11a11. 1.ol|iian Road. 22S 1155. 7.3iipm. £9.25 £23. ('ommcmoi'aiin; lhc 5iiih annnvi‘xar} oi 1’rokolim .\ ilL'alli. RSNU pL‘l‘lHl'lil 11I\ \L‘orc loi'1'.I\cn\llcn\.lli'mm/i'rMas/u and “01le h} .\lo/ai‘i and Rll|1\1\} Korxakm '\ Riiniun Izuxh’r ()i c'llun'.

I The Bury Port Male Voice Choir Nicholson Squai'c \lclliodixi Church. 25 Nitholxon Squaw. ".3iipm. 15m: ('clchraung ihcir 411111 :iliill\L‘l'\;il'). ihc choir li'om lhc \\ CS1 ol \Vah'x uilh ihcii~ 5(Lxli'oiig. \oaring hannonim.

Saturday 26


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Raul (‘onccri Hall. 2 SlillL‘liiL‘llgill Sll‘L‘Cl. 3.53 3111111.

£11.51) £23.75. Soc iii 25.

I Frank Britton Masterclass RS.-\.\ll). 1111) Radio“ Slim-i. 332 5115'”. lilam. 1’i'cc. Rohcrl (‘ohcn diiu‘lx lhix Junior Acadcm) ccllo maxicn'laxx.

0 Opera North - Julietta ’i‘hcairc RH};11.21\'2 llupL‘ Sli‘cci. .332 911111). 5.15pm. £3.50 £52.51).Scc‘1’hu24.

I Massed Male Voices in Concert .'\l'l (iallcr) and Slim-um. Kclxingrow. .-\i'g}lc Slrcci. 2S7 2N)”. 7.3lipm. £11) (£5 childrcni. In aid oi th' Kch ingi'mc lh‘i‘urhislmicni Appcal 21111 \oiccx ioin iogclhcrxcnding ihcii' nolcx up into lhc \liixcum‘x (’cniral llall.


I Music by Brahms National Portrait (iallcry 1 ()uccn Sii'ccl. ()24 o2lll). 3pm. lice. 'l‘hc ('hr} \anih 'l‘i'io “i111 dii‘ccloi‘ llu'ior Scoll giw a [k‘l'linildllCL‘ oi lhrcc “orb h} Brahmx. I The Kevock Choir l'xhcr llall. l.olhian Road. 22S 1155. 7.3iipm. £S.5l) £12.51). (‘hoi'al mu~ic including 'I'ln' S/n'iu or I‘lnmr arrangcd h} John Ruiicr. Bai'hcr'x 118/1!“ [hi and John '1‘a\ crncr\ ionall} trick}. but mo\ ingl) hcauiilul 'I'lir' [um/i.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Quccn'x Hall. ('lcrk Sircci. ()(iS 2111‘). "5.45pm. £651) £21. Soc 'l‘hu 2-1.

Edinburgh I Andrew Wilde Queen's Hall. ('lcrlx

Opera North perform Julietta at Theatre

Royal, Glasgow, Thu 24 & Sat 26 Apr

Slim-l. mm 2111" 3pm £12i£"l lhc mircmcl) popular \Hlo pianixl \11l11k‘“ \\ 11t1t' [11.1) \ St‘lilll‘i‘ll'\ \ll'i'uli [In (I:( Nil/It’l. lli'clhown'x l'iuim \umrh: ll.‘ (1. a \clm'lion oi ('hopm and moic

I Waverley Singers (‘lum I’amh ('hlnyh. \loiinngwdc 11cc o. 3iipm Spring yonu'ii \\iih 1’amc1a liniiyank highl} icgaidcd group oi ;,'i11\' \oiu'x. \\l111 mum~ h) Hath. \lo/aii and lame

Tuesday 29


I Competition RS \.\il). loo chiicu Sin-cl. 332 5115" Iliam 1-in- 111c(io\cinoi\Ru'iial 1’ll/L' (‘ompciiiion ioi pciuixxion

I Medieval Soundbites Railixlinlil 'l'hcalic. ‘lS Ingram Siiwl. 5-1S 3111 12.15 12 5ilpmi\115 15iipm £1511 (‘appclla \ma \opiano Rclwu‘a 'l'awnx'i' and 11.ll[i|\1 \\ illlam 1.i_\1lil pci‘ioi'm ihc \ongx oi llllll\. \‘l'll\.l(1\'l\ and [lllgl'llll\.

Wednesday 30


I The Edinburgh Telephone Choir (ii'iii'gc Stillillt' '151lk'.11|'k'. l‘mwrxil} oi ladinhuigh. (ivoiggc Silllai'c. (i511 0105. '1 it'kvix' 332 275S ".3Hpm. £5, .v\n t‘\t'lllll_t_‘ oi \onj: \\illl guml apiwai'ant'L-x 1i} (lillk't'IS liom Ihc .\1:iiiUl Sk'lllllll 01 lililli'l

I Copenhagen University Choir Si John‘x. l’i'inccx Sliu'i. 22‘) "50". 2,3iipm. -11)‘\ll'illl\‘._' 111.11k't'11l111 pci‘ioim 1)liiii\11 \ongx h) ('ai'l Niclwn. \lt'lS \V (iadc and lradilional Sroilixh \ongx.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn'x 11all.('1ci'k Sin-cl. Mix 2111‘). 7.30pm. £o5li £21. Iznmianucl Knan CUIMlUt'lS1\\0111g111} UHlll'uxllllf.‘

\_\ mphomcx 1|a_\dn'\ no 4‘) and Schuhci‘i‘x In! 3 “1111.'\llllL‘(i;i\llllL‘1 pcrioi'ming Schumann'x (kl/o ('um (Till. I The Edinburgh Telephone Choir (icoi‘gc Squam- 'l'hcairc. l‘niwrxil} oi ladinhurgh. (icoi'gc Squai'c. 05110105. 7.3iipm. £5. Scc \M-d 31).


I Competition RSAMI). ioo chl'rc“ Sii'cci. .332 511.57. lllaill. 11cc. Annual \101111L’UliipL'lllliHh.

I Masterclass RSAMI). loo chlrc“ Sirccl. 332 5057', 1 1am. lii‘cc. (iordon .\1C1)11L'l'\(lll illi'L'L‘h :i \xiii'k\1il)[) in which a \hol‘i piccc h} \ludcnl Compoxcr Douglas \Vhaim iS rchcarxcd h) mcmhcrx oi the llchridcx [unwinth I Midday Concert RSAMI). loo chi’rc“ Slrccl. 332 5057, 1pm. £5 i£3i 'l‘hc cwcllcni llchridcx linwmhlc pcrliirln Douglax Whaicx Mm Work and Brahmx' I’iunu Trio in I! up 5'.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Baron} 11all.('a\ilc Sli‘ccl. 353 SUM). 7.,3ilpm. U) £13. SCL‘ Thu 1.