Music Ja/z listings


Dave Brubeck is one of the most famous names in jazz, and the octogenarian pianist and composer is still going strong. He visits Scotland with his well- established quartet for two dates as part of a UK tour, and both his old and his present record companies have jumped on the bandwagon with CD releases. Park Avenue South features his current group captured live last year at a Starbucks Manhattan store on that very street, while The Essential Dave Brubeck is a two- disc set gathering many of his most famous tunes, including his most famous composition

that he didn't actually write, Paul Desmond's classic ‘Take Five'.

Brubeck always divided opinion among hardcore jazzers, but has achieved popular appeal that comes to few jazz musicians. and is one of the music‘s handful of genuine household names. (Kenny Mathieson).

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Jazz listings continued

Monday 28


73 Just East of Jazz ‘l'i-on 'l'lieatre. 6‘ 'l'i'oiigate. 552 4267. 8pm. £7 t£5i. See llii l,l\l. right. 'l‘lie hand will aim lL‘illlll'L‘ in a ll\ e hioadcaxt on Radio Scotland'\ lie [in]; to III/t Hop on Wed 7 May 17. I 5pm). I 4 Jazz (ia\in\ Mill. 3 (iayin'x Mill Road. Milngaue. U56 2255. 8pm. l‘i'ee. ()tiai'let producing \wiiiging ia/I \tandai‘dx leattii'ing gtiitai'ixt Boh Sloan aitd \oealN ('atnphell (‘onsidine


58 THE LIST 3-: ALMS Mai. (.‘T‘T‘fi


I Dave Brubeck Quartet l‘xhei- llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. £l5 i£22.50i. See Sun 27.

Tuesday 29


I StandEasy the Stand. 33% \Vtititllttlltlx Rtititl. 087“ MN) 0055. 7.30pm. £4 i£.li. New night at the Stand ol' iinpi'm ISL'tl and e\periinental ia/I. “ml and hip hop.

I Preston Reed 'l‘ron 'l‘lteatre. 63 ’l‘i'ongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £7 (£5). 'l'liix



' Scotsman'

t 15 may, 8.00pm . £12.0 (£10.00)

.\ineiican guitarhl play the whole \peetitini ol |.l// lt'oni l‘lllL‘\ to romantic llllplt'\\li‘lll\lll \Hlll lll\ chai'actei‘txtie [‘L‘lcll\\l\ e USU ol the iiNi'titnent

Wednesday 29


I Three Candiru 'l‘eliait )\na. 43 ()tago lane. 557 4524 £ l .50. Michael l)ean\ and Nick \Vexton e\et' changing |.t// hand toined hy \tll'lillh gtiextx


I Ross Milligan Quartet lleniy‘x Ja/l ('L'llttt'. H \lttl'l'lutn Street. 40. 5200. 8.50pm. £5 (illllitl'hl Ru“ Mtlltgan e\pand\ lll\ ti'io \\llll the addition ol pianixt l’atil llai'i'ixon,

I Fleamarket Funk (‘ahaiet \tilltlll'L‘. .50 .53 liltlll' SllL'L‘l. 3.2” (il7li. I Ipin 3am. l'i‘ee. 'l'ight local (lllllll playing their own l\llltl ol hig hand lunk ill a new weekly i‘exidency \\llll l)J \llpptll'l\ and other li\ e act»


I Brian Kellock Plays Fats Waller Henry R JaI/ ('ellai'. 8 Moi‘i‘ixon Street. 467 5200, 8&0pni. £6. Scotland'x lttl’L‘llltHl ia/l pltlllhl i‘epri\e\ lll\ all'ectionate trihtite to the lccl~gotid. loot-tapping lllthic til l";tl\ Waller.

I Millar, Spencer and Travis ('otninplex iloi'inei'ly (‘ltth Jayal. 40 (‘tillllllcl‘cittl Slt‘ct‘l. l.eith. 5.5.5 .5022. 8.30 l0.30pni. £4. See Thu 24.


I The Fusion Experience The Liquid Lounge. Wext Regent Street.

5 8pm. l-‘ree. See l'l'i 25.


I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party llenry '\ Ja/l ('ellai'. 8 Morrixon Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £5. World t'ootx. al'i'o heat and Latin llayottred jail l'i'ont 'l’ohy Shippey'x new \exlet. I Chaos Theory (‘aharei Voltaire. 3f) 38 Blair Street. 220 (il7h. 5 ()pm. Free. ()i‘iginal coinpoxitionx l‘roin this new quartet. fusing ja/I. lunk and rock. featuring Doug 'l'ipledy on \axes. l’atil Kirhy on keyhoards. Keyin (iltlxgtnk on haxx and (Mix Wallace on drtinix.

I Brian Kellock Plays Fats Waller Henry's Jan (char. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £8. See Thu 1.


I George Burt/Raymond McDonald Quartet Bret. 3‘) 43 Axhton Lane. 342 4966. 3 6pm. Free. Winnerx ol‘ the Sunday llerald'x Seottixh Mttxicianx' of the Year award \Cl the \\ eekend l()llL‘.

I George Lewis and the ICI Ensemble Munich (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. £10 (£8). 'l'roinhonixt. llllL‘Ulllprt)llllSlllg lree iinpro\ ixer and acclaimed composer of experimental electronic lllllSlC (ieorge l.C\\'i\ (not to be confused with the New ()rleanx style player of the same nainei teams tip with the l('l linxeinhle Munich.

I George Ogilvie’s Chicagoans (‘ale Source. St Andrews in the Square. St Andrew\ Square. oil Saltinarket. 548 6020. 8.30pm. Free. The best in New ()rleanx ja/I led by (ilasgow \ longest established haiid leader.


I 12-Hour Playathon (‘haplaincy Centre. Brixto Square. 662 8882. l0.30ain 10.30pm. £thc. A l2-hour \potixored playathon hy the lllCllleTS ol' the Tommy Stiiith Youth Jan ()rchextra to raise lunch for the hand. Tommy

Smith will alxo he theie tloi at leaxt path with lll\ etii'ient ti'io

I Rumba Caliente lleni'y \ .lax/ (chat. 8 Moi'i‘ixon Stieel. 46~ 5200 Midnight £5 Se\tet lead h} Salxa (‘eltica ti'tiiiipetei l‘ohy Shippey. pi'oyidtng the linext in hot I .ttiti \tllllltl\ I May Bank Holiday Jazz Barbecue Royal liotanie (iatden. ln\eileitli Row. 552 “lql \oon 4pm ltoiii £3 50 l-nioy aii alteinoon ol ea\_\ MN on the l'ei'i'ace to hail the ai'ii\al ol \llllllllt'l .v\l\o lace painting and puppet \llti\\\ lot childien

0 George Colligan Quartet lleni'y \ Jan Cellar. 8 Moi'tixon Sheet. 46‘ Sloo x \npm t‘ln See llll I l\l. lL‘ll.


I Jazz Brunch (‘ate Sotiice. St :\lltll't‘\\\ Ill lllt‘ Square. St .'\ll\llC\\ \ Square. oll Saltiiiai‘ket. 548 6020 lptn £7.05 iliee il not eatingi llohhy

\\ l\ll;tl'l and ll'lt‘ll\l\ play a tan hitineh ltll' tl Clilllk‘kl t‘lltl lti lllt‘ \\ L't‘ht‘lltl.


I May Bank Holiday Jazz Barbecue Royal Botanic Garden. lmerletth Row 552 7l7l, .\'oon 4pm li'oin £3.50. See Sat 3.

I Mike Rogers Trio with David Patrick ()llll'llSU. 55 (‘axlle Slieet. vl-l" 8722. 1 4pm. l'l't‘k‘. See Sttii 27.

0 George Colligan Quartet lleni'y '\ Jal/ ('ellat'. 8 Moi‘i‘ixon Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £8. See llit l.I\l. lel't.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet lltiinaii lie In. 2 8 \VCxl (’i'oxxcauxeway. ()()2 88(0).

9pm midnight. Free. See Sun 27.


I 4 Jazz (iaun’x Mill. 3 (iayin's Mill Road. Milngtnie. U56 2255. 8pm. l‘ree. See Mon 28.


I May Bank Holiday Jazz Barbecue Royal Botanic Garden. liiyei'leith Row. 552 7l7l, Noon 4pm. ll'Ulll £3.50. See Sat 3.

Wednesday 7 >


I Late-Night Ellington RSAMI). I00 Renl’rew Street. 332 5057. 9.30pm, £5 l£3l. Bryan Allen condtlclx a trihuie to the Duke hy the Academy Big Band.


I Chick Lyall/Rob Hall Quartet llenry'x Jan ('ellai'. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. A newly lorined hand with original L‘tilllptixllltins featuring Roh Hall on sax. ('hick l.yall on piano. Mario (’arihe on httxx. and Tull] Bancrolt on drunk.

I Fleamarket Funk ('aharet Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. I lpiii 3am. Free. See Wed 30.

Thursday 8


I Smash and Teeny featuring Sarah Peebles (‘('A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. £8 (£6). linprm ised llluxlc‘ l'roin Smash and Teeny created from electroacouxtics and prepared electric guitar.


I Scott Hamilton/Brian Kellock Henry's .lau ('ellar. 8 Morrixon Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £l0. Saxophonist Scott Hamilton up in a high-leyel swing dialogue with Scotland's leading ja/z pianist.