Music rock & poo listings

Friday 2 continued

I Roost \lacSorlc} 'x. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 34X H531. 9.30pm. l'icc. Rik”.

I Bronx Sainucl l)o\\\, 67 7| Nithxdalc Road. 433 (00". 3.30pm. l'rcc. ('(ncrs.

I Daniel B Shenkin (‘alc' llula. i2] llopc Strccl. 353 1660. lell. l'rcc. x\coti\llc rock rcudcnc}


I Chaos Theory (‘aharct Vollan‘c. 36 13 Blair Slrcci. 330 ()l76. .5 9pm. l‘rcc. ()riginal conipmiiionx troin llll\ nc“ quartcl. llixing ia/l. lunk and rock. tcaluring Doug 'l‘iplcd} on \;l\t‘\. l’aul Kli‘h) on kc} \. Kc\in (ilaxgou. on haxx and (‘hrix \‘l'allacc on drums.

I All About Eve 'l‘hc Liquid Room. ()c Victoria $0111. 335 3564. 7pm. U0. \Vistlul lolk} goth coniho lroin lhc Xllx and aluap \t'L'lllL'tl too popp) to attract lhc kids in thc c) clincr.

I 2 Canoes and Eastern Lane 'l‘hcc l'ndcruorld. lianncrinank. .\'iddr} Strcct. 556 1354. 8.45pm. £4. Rough ‘l'i'adc signingx liaxtcrn l.anc join lltiltirltllh local lads 3 (‘anocx


I Darius ('lylc Auditorium. Sli(’(‘. l‘innicxton Qua). 0870 040 4000. 801.1) ()l'l. l’lux nialincc. Scc Hi 3. I All About Eve and Class King 'l‘ui'x Wall \Vah llul. 373a Si \‘inccnt Slrcct. 33l 537‘). 8pm. “3. SL‘L‘ l'i‘i 3.

I The Durutti Column and 12 Stars 'l‘ranma}. 35 .-\lhcrt liri\ c. 0845 330 350]. 8pm. £9 i£5i. Soc Hm I.

I Spleen Nicc'n'Slcal). 43l Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 0637. 9pm.

I Oceansize Burn}. Zoo (lulc Slrccl, 0370 ()07 0909 8pm. £4. Scc 'l-lltl


I The Black Hans and I Love Lucy Stcrco. l3 l4 Kchinhaugh Strccl. 576 50IX. 3pm. £3. l‘ran/ l‘crdinand concludc thcir rcxidcnc}. pla) ing in lhcir altcr cgo guixc of thc Black llanx.

I The Revs 'l‘hc ('atliotixc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 343 6600. 7pm. No agc rcxti'iction. Young rock hand l'roin lrcland \\ ho haw mittl} cxlahlixhcd lllt‘lli\t‘l\L‘\ in thcii' honicland and no“ \cl lhcir \iglil\ turthcr alicld. Ralt‘tl l1) Bonn.

I Daedalus and Slender Whiteman .\li\o. thc l3th Noic (hub. .50 ()0 King Strcct. .553 I633. 0pm. lilcclronica “ith l)J/\'J input l'i'oni

I Doctor Pockets, Overlook and Mojo Rising Sli';|\\lk‘l'f}‘ liicldx. 56 ()xuald Strccl. 0845 053 038‘). 7.30pm. {4. ()\'Cl‘- l4\.

I Kong MacSorIC} \. 43 Jamaica Strcct. :43 85M. 6pm. l'rcc. Jainic liarncx ix on holida). \o Kong \lcp into thc hrcach.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc llalt Bar. I60 Woodlandx Road. 564 I537. 4 8pm. l‘rcc. \Vcck'l} \cxxion for local lilthlc‘lttlh.

/r i;

Tueoun'un'i COLDMN

While New Order and the Happy Mondays gained noteriety as the jew Factory Record's crown, all the while, Vini Reilly was quietly blowinfl‘ with the minimal, if spectral guitar sounds of the Durutti Column.

He has collaborated with Morrissey in the past but here, in typically unconventional style, he turns his hand to soundtracking of 12 Stars‘ interpretation of the Steppenwolf story (and by that we mean Herman Hesse and not ‘Born to be Wild’). A wildly undervalued songwriter. thi

rare opportunity to catch Reilly, something of a legend. in action. .

I Sugarman 'l‘hc llall liar. Ion \\‘ood|and\ Road. 564 I533. ‘lpin. l'rcc. I Thunderstruck Samucl l)o\\'\.

65" 3| Nithxdalc Road. 433 0103. X30pin.


I Deke McGee and the Blue Rockets 'lcinpo. lildci'xlic Sti'cct. 330D!“ l‘rcc. llilo: 338 (illlh’. Sa\ lcd Rtkli rcxidcnc}.


I Kabuki, Range Eleven and The Angel Conversation 'l‘hc|llltl Room. ‘lc Victoria Sticcl. 335 3561. Trim. £6. :\rt rock cahai'cl liom notorious local act Kahuki.

I Callum McCrea and the Urban Angels Band, the Tyrant Lizard Kings and Moka Sulma}. (it) (’ougalc. 335 6766. 7.30pm. £4. :\nolhcr triplc hill ol' top qualil} local act»

I Dead Fly Buchowski, Kamblu and Severin ('alcdonian liackpackcrx. 3 Quccnxlcrr} Sin-ct. 436 7334. Spin. £4. [on down dirt} hluc\ px}c‘hc‘dc‘h;i li'oin Hl’li. indic troin Kamhlu “llll harinonicx l'roin Scwrin. chicnihcr _\ou tllll\l haw photo ID tor adiniitancc.

I Alfonzo, Opal Sky, Audio Pool, Latent Heat and Parka (‘oininplcx 40 (‘onuncrcial Strccl. lcith. 555 5633. 8pm. L5 0.3!. \lorc indic action doon l.t‘llll.

I Serafin, Saint Rose and My Electric Love Affair 'l‘hcc l'ndcruorld. Banncrnian'x. .\'iddr_\ Sli'ccl. 556 3354. 8.45pm. £5. Scorching indic

The Durutti Column

Thu 17 $39; in 80'); Office 082}


58 THE LIST 3"- ALWS Mm 303;?


troni thc hard-cdgcd. hlixtcring Scratin \xho'w \upporlcd lhc llkt‘\ ol Muw. JJ73 and l‘ccdci‘.

I SPOCK and XP021 'lc\iot Ron l'nion. lirixto Squarc. 650 4673. 9pm. £7 £8 (£4 £5i. llard goili \ounds. \ulh pounding clcclro and icclino l'll}llllll\. Sl’t )('K hcing hchind thc goth laxourilc ‘.\'c\cr ll'uxl a Klingon'. l)J\ spinning dai‘kuai c luncx through until 3am.


I Mis-Teeq, Kym Marsh, Lemonescent and The Grim Northern Social (‘allcndar Park.

(H 534 503370. l’i‘cc. lhc l.l'\”\ prcinicrc lcinalc garagc act .\li\ 'l'ccq arc ioincd h} c\ llcar'xa} pop laxxic K)!" .\lai‘\h. Scotland‘s \ci'} o\\n girl hand l.t‘lll0lit‘\t't‘lll and indic t_\pc\ thc (illlll .\'oi'thcrn Social :6 part ol' liig in l‘alkirk.


I Lamb and Un-cut ()uccn Margarcl l'nion. 33 l'nixci'xil) (iardcnx. 3 W 9784. 7.30pm. U3. \o agc i'cxiriction. l.ainh ha\ c pi‘ogrcxxcd l'i'oin hung a poor man's Moloko to a mom d} nainic \tagc \llt)\\. couruw} ol a support \lol on lhc laxl .\loh) tour. 'l‘hcir \upporl l'n-cut hlcnd ia/l and northcrn \oul inllucnccx.

I (Smog) (‘oilicr 'l‘hcalrc. ll} ndland 80ch 30-1 .5 l .5 l L l .5. Scc pm it“ on pagc 47.

I Huey Lewis and the News l{o_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U850. ()ncc thc cpiloinc ol' ['8 radio-li'icndl) AUR; mm chic-ll} rcincinlwrcd ax .\'ocl lidinondx' l'axouritc hand. 'l‘hai'x \\ hat happcnx \xhcn )ou go ahout \inging ‘li'x llip to ho Squarc' Scc Rccordx l'or rcxicu.

I Douglas, Cars are Weapons and A Close Last King 'l‘ut'x Wah “ah llul. 373a Si \‘inccnt Strcct. 33] 537‘). Xpni. £5.50. ()xcr-l-tx.

I The Futureheads Barll}. 360 ('|}dc Sircci. 0870 007 099‘). 8pm. £5. Youngxlcrx rcccntl) touch h} Nil/2'.

I Kain, Panda, Cage and Coalition g3. 490 Sauchichall Strcct. 35.3 3| l l. 7.30pm. £5. ()xcr- l4\ show Scc Hi 35 tor Kain.

I The Real Shocks, Kirby and We Start Fires SlL'rL't). 1: l4 Kchinhaugh Strccl. 5765018. 8pm. £3. l‘cixt} lcmrock l'roin Kirh} and thc Rcal Shocks arc wll-contcxxul 'rctro-l‘ulurixta \_\nthpunk monkcy'. ()oh? l‘ancfi

I Serafin and Diadem 'l‘hc

('aihouw, 15 l nion Sticcl. 348 6606

3 30pm :5 ith 50 ()\ci l4\ Scc Sat 3 I Clergy and Brutally Impaired Stiaul‘ci’n l‘lt‘ltl\. 56 ()xuald Slicct. 0.\.150<11i_‘.\'o 10pm 1.1 ()\c‘l l-l\ \lll‘“ \lclal

I The Cobramatics lhc Scolia.

l I: l l4 Sitk'kRL'll Sllt't‘l. .553 .\t\.\l ‘lpin l'rcc RKB chidcnc)

I Big Blues Jam Studio ( )nc. (iioxxcnoi llolcl. (ilii\\\‘ll\‘l lciiacc. 34l (\Sli‘ (\l‘lll l’lt't‘ lliHlt‘il lllt' \t‘\\ lllucx Surch

I Phil’s Sunday Session l ixgc licallia. 3 i3 “oodlandx Road. 564 I500 0pm l‘icc liiing _\oui oun lll\lllllllt‘lll


I Violent Delight and Span Snidm 34. (".ilton Road. 553 3358 3 30pm

(5 t" lioixlcioux punk pop llll.|\ll .l longx lroin thcxc _\oung punk lllt'l.lllt'l\ \tllH claim lhc) laich to noticc that thc acioinin oi lhcn nainc had olhci

I Darius l’la}hou~c. |.\ 33 (ilt‘t‘ll\lilt‘ Plan: 0330 606 i434. 3 illpin {IN 50 St't‘ ll! 3.

Monday 5


I Violent Delight .uid Span King 'lui'x \Vah “all llul. 333a Si \inccnl Sticct. 331 533‘). Spin t5 ()\t‘l l-l\ Scc Sun 4.

I King Adora liaill}. 360('l_\dc Sim-i. ox‘o wo‘ out») 3pm. {‘50 No agc i‘cxtiiclion. Indic lock \\ llll c_\clincr lla\c )ou \ccn thc di'uninici'x hau

I Kill II This, Everything for Some and Breed 77 lhc ('alhouxc. l5 l'nion Sliccl. 348 6606 " illplll t6 ()\t‘l' l4» ()ualil} inctal Ii'iplc hill

I Evidence of Trauma, El Chupacabras and Distortion of Purity 'l‘hc 1 3th \olc ('alc. So 60 King Strccl. 553 1638. 8. 30pm. 9.. 3,

I Azam Khan’s Midnight Special Studio ()nc. (iliixu‘lltll llolcl. (iroxxcnor 'lcii'acc. 3-ll 65”». ‘lpni. l‘i‘cc I Acoustic Jam \ict-‘ii'SIt-a/i. ~32! Sauchichall Sin-cl. 333 06%? X. illpni. l‘rcc. l'i'cc drink ax inccninc loi participantx.


I lhc \‘L‘llllt'. l3 3l ('alton Road. 557 K07 i. 7, illpni. {l5 Scc Sun 4 and pi'c\ ion on pagc 47'.

I Hot Hot Heat, Har Mar Superstar and The Bandits 'l'hc \t‘nllt'. l7 3| ('alton Road. .557 i07 i. h'pin. £3. Scc pi‘cucu. on pagc 46.

I Acoustica (‘ahai'cl Voltairc. V) 33 Blair Strch. 330 6170. llplll. l‘i‘cc. Scc .\lon 38.

Tuesday 6


I The Damned ('arhng .'\L'.’ltlt‘lll}. Ill liglinlon Sircci. owns 026 wow/limo 77! 3000. (’.'\.\'('l~.l.l.l~.l).

I James Taylor Quartet llai'll}. 360 (lulc $0ch 0870 007 009‘). h’pin {I l. \clcran acid ia/I and llaininoml driwn garagc combo.

I Ugly Duckling (ilaxgou School ol Art. I03 chlrcu Strcct. 3.53 4.5”. 7pm. Jump around to thc lcclgood hip hop gi‘omcx ol thc l‘gl} Duckling collccuw. I Nada Surf, the Mendoza Line and Tennason King lut'x Wall Wah llul. 373a St Vinccnt Slrccl. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £7. Mclodic l'S indic [angling troni lhc £tL‘L‘L'\\Ith \ada Surt.

I Soledad Brothers, Pearlene and David Viner Nicc'n‘Slcal). 43l Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 9637. 9pm. £7, Rock'n'roll liltic‘x lroin thcxc l)ctroit \(illl hrothcrx \iiih romantic lllik‘x to thc \Vhitc Stripcs to \lcg an} ua}.

I Seven Stone Lighter and Opiate 'l‘hc (’athouw. l5 l'nion Slrcct. 348 6606. 7.30pm. £4. ()wr- I4» Metal. I Justin McNichol and lsla licanxccnc. l‘) Skining Strcct. 632 8090. 8pm. l'rcc. Acoiixtic \ct.