
Products, fashion and style

All things bright and beautiful. - : Anna Millar

eeprng up .‘wt': .‘J'nat's rr‘ ‘.ogue

rs; arr arduous 1615K. even for

the rrlost ’l(:'irr:£ltr:rl follower of fr’l‘rilihll. Jllfri (if; ’ri‘rf: If(:ll(1 Ii; 8L 5380(1. another comes trottrng down the catwalk And 'rzrnrrrtalrsrr‘. rt appears. rs about as passe as last year's boho chrr; fad lrze rr‘ :ssage rs clear: urradorrred rs unacceptable, Defrnrng the upbeat. feel good /ertgerst of sprrng_ patterned perfectron rs a rr‘ust- have accessory Colourful pop art prrrrts ‘.’rr;- wrth monochr‘orrre rrrlages. rrch batrk desrgns battle rt out wrth sophrstrcated chrnoserre and strrkrng strrpes challenge outlandrsh spots.

But the vrtalrty of the floral Hawarran prrrrt - from delrcate iorle de Jouy to exotrc. saucer-sr/ed orchrds - rs undoubtedly the surprrse hrt of the season. Whether rt's chrffon dresses strewn wrth roses. brrght turgu0rse brkrnrs clad Wrth funky Ama/onran desrgns. or rntrrcate beaded motrfs. floral manra rs here WIN) a vengeance. And that's lust for the Iadres.

All harl a fashron revolutron. At last the hrgh street has recognrsed that men. whrsper‘ rt now. are partral to a spot of fashron too. Albert a pared down versron. Made rrr brrght colours. Hawarran shrrts were first worn on the beaches of Calrfornra and Florrda. sportrng fr'urt. flowers. flames. women or mar‘rne flora. In 1919 Esgu/r‘e labelled rt ‘a bold new look". Over half a century later. everyone from FCUK to Dresel to Ourcksrlver‘ are gettrng rn on the act.

And rn the same way that a couture prece can be transforrrred rnto a cheaper hrgh street vers‘ron. so too has the novelty value transcended the boundarres. materralrsrng rn all rts offbeat glory rnto lrvrng rooms and bedrooms everywhere. Mrnrmalrst gurus. lrke IKEA. have rrrodrfred therr srmply-desrgned offerrngs. rntegratrng beautrfully rntrrcate parsley and romalla desrgns rntroducrng a Technrcolor palette rn drrect contradrctron to therr usually serene savorr-farre.

Habrtat's rmpresswe new collectron. Super Nature. showcases a truly eclectrc range. as Manga-rnsprred deckcharr slrngs co—exrst wrth bold cartoon strrpes. So now your borne can look as fashron eonscrOLrs as yOur wardrobe. Go plarn at your perrl people. The future rs br’rght.

(t) Aklko deck chair. £9. Habitat. (2) Pink fluah bluah. £20. Pout at Harvey Nichole. (3) Hawaii pink a purple flower curl cllpa, £4.95. Boota.

(6) Mix and Match Hawaii range. from £5. Whittard oi Chelaea. (5) Pink floral flip flop. £25. Acceaaoriae. (6) Sakura Ountuft rug. £155. Habitat. (7) Peach beach hat. £10. Topahop.

(8) La Perla awlmwear. available trorn Harvey Nichole. (9) Garden light. £2.50. Habitat.

(10) Minnie printed bed linen, from £8. Habitat.

(t 1) Blue floral ahlrt. £26.99. Next.

(12) Red floral beg. £20. Acceaeoriae.

(13) Net Nat tropical bikini. £30. Boote.

2x: Apr-41 May 2711 THE LIST 109