Nature’s Larder l.1nn l’all. (11111111) l’ark. Suuxlull Road. (1“ | H" l ant l'lu' l)l\ub\L'l \kl1.1l\«111oltc1 111 I 11111 Park and lllt' 1m 1pm )oU tan \1catc 11o1n lllL' 111ml to1n111on plattlx and ham lllleL'tllL’llh

May Day Festival ('|}1lt'1111111~l11cl chlonal l’.11|\.('aldt'1j_'lcn Road l.ll\ll\\llllll'\ll. 1115115 5435111 3 hey 'lakc part 111 tht- \l.1_\ Ha} u'lchtahom and thc l11\t da} ot \llllllllt'l \kllll lm'.1ltl1111t|\,

Chinese-English Corner llt.1\\t'llc .\lct1o.h('1c\\\icll l..lllt'. ‘15 .\I ll

3. ll) ‘1 illptn. l'lu' llliltll\kl _\ou1 Mandaltn (‘luncxc and |.n;_'|1\h at th1x l11cndl_\ Inn-I111); loI hoth1t-x1dt'ntxand \1x1to1'xtothct'lt}

Other events

Waterfall Day St‘ottlxh \\1|tl|11ol111\l \'l\llUl (-Cllllt'. l'.lll\ HI (lulu l<t'\t'l\t‘. \L'“ l..tll.lll\. “I 555 (10520:. ll.1111.\ 2pm. (-111.31. Su- \unl

Green Drinks lllat‘lleaIx. ll) llcll Strut-t. 552 503.1, (r. illpnr l‘tcc ll _\ou .llL' llllt'lt'\lt'\l Ill ylt't'll l\\llt‘\ 1H \kolk Ill an .1\\m‘l.1lctl 1ndu\t1_\. hcad dim” lo Blacklnarx lo1 .1 that u 1th \onlc lllu' nundcd pcoplc.

Tuesday 6


Taking Cover lluntcnan \luwunl. l'niwrxit) :\\c1111c.331142.‘l. ll-lSpIu. l't'L‘L'. l.a\\1'cnu‘ chplc gun a \llt‘l'l talk onth llunlcnan \luwunt 1n “aunnc.


Other events

Spring Walk Holalttt‘ gardt'nx. 73H (ircat Wutcrn Road. 334 2423 3pm. l-rcc. :\ gludcd ualk th1ough thc gardcm looking: at spun; l'lmx crx and thc dcwloplncnt \xorl. (atl‘u‘d out o\ c1 thc

\\ 111tc1' lttolllllx.

Greenpeace .\lono. l.‘ Klngx (‘ouI'L K1113: Strcct. 553 3400. ‘fillpm. l’l't‘t‘. Join 111thc1nonlhl} (ircc11pcau- nun-1111p and do )our hit lo1' thc Pltlllt'l.

Wednesday 7


People, Places and Events in Paisley l’ilhlt‘) \luwunt and .-\1't (iallt‘l'). lllgll Sll'L‘L‘l. l’ahlt‘}. oh") 3 l 5 l. 12.30pm. l-rcc :\n 111lo1‘111al talk by lillcn l‘arnlcr.

Other events

Drawing and Painting Classes l’ollok llouxc. JUN) l’ollokxhaux Road. (11110411). I lam Ipni, £81£(r1.x\ chancc to11np1'ow )out' draxx 1113: and paint1ng \kllh ol’ \lat'l lt‘oln \L‘I'alt‘lt. ('Iaxxm run until Scptcnihcr. (an lw altcndcd ax oltcn o1” ax lc“ tuncx ax }ou hkc and \\ Ill takc placc hoth tlhldn‘ and otllxldc.

Friends of the Earth l'llt'lltl\ 111 thc liarth Scotland. 30 ll1llhcad Slt’ccl. 33-1 “)5”. 7.30pm. l'l'CL‘. llL'lP to look .tltL‘l' thc planct and Join 1n thc monthl} l'l'lL‘lld\ ol‘ lllL‘ liat'lh lltL‘L'llll_‘_'\~ (‘all of Clnail to find out Inorc about lllt‘lll. Cafe Flicker (ilghgtm \lt‘dta x\t‘t'L‘\\ (I‘llll'L‘. 31d Hour. 34 :\ll‘loll Stt‘cct. 553 2030. 7.30pm. £1. Suhnut )our lltlhllt‘d lihn to thc (i.\l.-\(‘ and tltc) “1]! \ho“ It at 1111. 111.11 cwning ot t'1l1n.dlwu~\1on. ad\1cc and dchatc.

Thursday 8

Book events

Marjory Harper Hoolo. 253 Buchanan Strcct. 222 “no, hpnt. rm: 'l‘hc acclanncd lll\lUl‘I.tll rcadx l'rom hcr no“ book. shli'mlun‘x um/ law/m: [711' (mu! Strum/1 [clot/1n. about thc St‘otx “ho lCl‘l lltt‘xc \llUl'L‘\ [or .t ‘hcttct’ lll‘L‘ abroad.

Other events

Smarty Pants (’1t1/cn~' 'l‘hcatrc. l l‘) (iorhalx Strcct.~12‘)lll)22. ".3llp1n. t l I til £41. Soc Thu 24.

Edinburgh life

Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Thursday 24

Book events

Dan Rhodes \\.1lc1\lont‘\. 13x l)llllkk'\ \ticct. 32h loot» (rpm l)an Rhoth 1c.1d\ horn and ~1;_'11\ .opn'x ot ll|\ lalcxl 11.1;1 ponlcd}. [HUN/it'll \11111 (111111 [It'llll about .1 ladt‘d gonlpoxcl and \ot‘1ahlc \xho hwx 111.1 \t'll unpowd t-\1lc and lantaxm-x ot 1111c low and c\l1a‘.aj_'.1nl \uu'ldcx.


After Hours \allottal (l.tllt'l} .11 Scotland. lllt' \lii11111l.l\2»1 (121M

5 ant, l'n't' l‘hc 3:.1llc1yxdoo1x \ta} opcn |ll\llll.1l httlc Int lalcl' lol .1 p1og:1annnt'oltalkx.Inuxnzlcaduigx and HI count. all,

Reading Group ~Smurxh l’octt} l41|\1.11_\. 5 ('11t'hton‘x ('low. ('anongatc. 55" 23"!» (1 illptn. {I'hc Sl’l.u»nt1nuc~ 11x L'dut'atlonal and lun1t'ad1113: groupx. dm'uxxmg \.111o11\ \xo1kx Mom .1 \L'lt't'lt'tl pilt'll) .tllllliilng}.

Other events

World YWCA Breakfast \’\\(‘.\ Roundabout (‘cntrtu 4h ( i;1}l1cld l’lat't‘. ‘l.1111..lo111\'\\('.«\ Scotland and “Ulllk'll lt'om all owl Sylnc) and ('ahlorn1a lo1 llll\ round lhc \\o1'|d hicaklaxl. l’lllk'L'L'kl\ go [U\\;ll'kl\ \cndlng: \'\\('.\ \oluntm' to thc World \'\\'('.I\ Young \Vonu'n'x ('ontcrcncc 111 Brixhanc.


Shore Poets '1 hr (‘anonx' (hut. 233 ('anongatc. 55(1~l»l.\’|. 7.45pm. [31th. lzdlnhurgh's platlorni lo1‘|1\cpocl1'_\ and 11111x1t‘. \\1th 1'cad1ngx l'1‘o1n lllll Duncan and \ant'} SoInchlc.


Gainsborough, the Artist Nautmal (i.1llc1_\ ol Scotland. The .\lound. (12-1 (\Illll. [3.45pm. l'rcc. \It'ola Kahnxk} you a talk.

William Speirs Bruce Guided Tours Ro}a| \lllxt‘lllll. 3(‘ha1nhcrx Stu-ct. 2-1“ .13 l‘). 2pm. l't'cc. (iu1dcd loln'\ ol llll\ ccntcnar} mluhnion u'lchraung thc |1lctunc aclucwmcnt ol polar \t'lL'lllINl \\'Ilha1nSpc11\ Hrucc.


The Bays and Talvin Singh - Band Dynamic Workshop ('aharcl Voltan‘c. 30 38 lilan' Strccl. 320 MW). (1pm. l-rcc. 'l’al\ 1n Singh and lhc Bap gnu an 111x1ght 1nlothcmux1c 1nduxt1') tackhng 1nux1t‘1anxhip and thc not1on ol' \\o1'|\1ng_' togclht'r ax a hand. lndmtr} 111x1dc1' .lon Sladc 1x on hand “11h hix pcl'xpct‘llw. l’url o/ [Hp/it II.

Other events

GUld Crack lltt‘ \\‘a\c1'lc'\. St .\l.11'_\'\ Street. ‘5" NW). "fillpm. £2.50. chular \to1'_\tclhng_' cluh \\ 11h \pcual gucxt Jud} l’atcrmn p1'o\ 1.11111: [alt-x \\ 11h thc lllt'lllt‘ 'l '11dc1' Southcrn Starx'. Storwx mug and 1nu~1y arc 1n\ ilcd. Hewington Churches Bookfair .\l.t} llt'ltl (‘llUl'k-ll. \la}!1cld Road. (307 1533. a 0pm. l'1'cc. :\nnual hooklan' to ralw tundx tor l'ccd thc .\l1nd\ chant}. uluch ~11ppo1't\ litcrac) and unnnlunu'aholh prolcctx 1n l'..1\tc1‘n l'.t11'opc and dcwloptng L'Hllllll'lL‘\. \\ 11h lioolu. plalth. brig-.1-h1'ac and \l.1tltp\.

Saturday 26

Performance Stories in the Cities 'l‘hc \\'.1\crlc_\. St .\lar_\\ Sum-1.55" lll5l). ".30an


(iach. \1111}tt'll111§_'(cthdh1n\11t'~}outo tonic along. (11111}. l‘1111j; _\ou1 oxxn 1n~tru1ncnlx ~1nj; o1 t.‘ll .1 \to1}

Other events

3D/2D Craft and Design Fair \\\Cllll‘l_\ lx’oolth. <-1(1cot;c \t1cct. :3" 11.30 Ill‘1lll ~l Hill”. {I rflllln ('onlcn1po1ar) malluork sold ductt h} lllk' Illalu'lx

Hewington Churches Bookfair \l.1}tit'ltl('l1111.l1.\l.1}t'1cldRoadlm‘

ISIS ll|an1 noon Itct‘ \k't'lll 35


Shore Poets lhc ('anonx‘ (1.111. I ‘3 ('anongatt'.55hl15| " 4511111 t: 111 I ltdlnlitnglh plattotni lo1 hw pot-t1} and 11111x1..\\1lh1cad1ngxl1oni Kalhlccn .la1nu‘andJ11n('\\1l\onunhnnmt' l1o|n lhc \ladalnc l'1|1 l)uo


Sunday Sessions at protoacademy phflmu'.1dt111}. Room 3 l3. l.d1nhu1g_'h (‘ollcgc ol .'\1t. "‘l lllL' (i1.1\\111.11l.ct. III (Col. _‘ -lp1n l‘1cc (‘onlcnlpotau art hawd wwan'h llllll plolitat'adt'tll) [Ht'u'llh .1 l‘lt'\t'lll.lll\lll Ul 11m \xork h} Sn (lllk'lMHl lolloucd h} an .lt'k'tlllll‘.lll_\lll:._' dmuxuon group.

Kid Koala and Sace - DJ Workshop ('al‘alt't Voltall‘t'. {(1 l8 lilan‘ Strcvt. 23” MW). ipnl. l'tcc. l'lL't' \cxx1onx l1'o1n |).\l(~ au'launcd 1)] Kid Koala and Sam- p1'o\ 1111113; .111 Hwy!” 1nlo lllt' lt‘L'ltltlL'al ll\t' HI \lL'le\ .tlltl Ulllt'l l).l \klllx. l’url 11/ [11/1/11 I].

Decorative Arts: Design 1860 to the Present Day |._\on and 'lurnhull. 33 liroughton l’lau'. 557 88-1-1. 3 5p1n.('c1‘anut\.glav and Inorc arc all on ollcr at tlnx popular auction.

Monday 28


Decorative Arts: Design 1860 to the Present Day l._\on and 'l'urnhull. 33 Broughton Place. 557 884-1. Illam 7pm. Sec Sun 2"

Tuesday 29


Poetry Evening llol_\1'ood lax-cm. U llol}1‘ood Road. 5511 S1144. ‘)p1n. l-rcc. .»\ pot-11') and \pokcn “old mpht hoxlcd h} (1.11} l)cath.

Ni At HIM)? ()N THE REAL MARY KING’S CLOSE Royal Mile, 0870 2430160. daily 10am-9pm, 25-126. Cunnineg hidden in the depths of the Royal Mile is an exciting warren of concealed streets where people lived, worked and died in bygone centuries. Presenting a historically accurate portrayal of life on this site from the 16th to 19th centuries, ‘The Real Mary King's Close' guides visitors through these dark, hidden thoroughfares, some of which have never been seen by the public before. Prepare to be educated and entertained as you're

Edinburgh life

Oil‘a‘t :31. {WIS

Feng Shui in Practice RI \.\ (ialh'n. l‘ l\’11tl.111.l\t111.11.‘_ If” ‘55

L Ill \n11111odutt1onlothcgcnual p1111.1plmot authcnlu‘ lung \hu1 Decorative Arts: Design 1860 to the Present Day I )on .ma l11111l‘ull. 1“ llIoughton l’lat't‘. *‘fi XXI-l ll'anr *prn \t'.- \1111 3*

Wednesday 30

Book events

Tony Buzan \\.1lc1\lout"\. l3.\|’111u'c\ \t1c.‘t. .‘.‘l\ .‘hhh hpni Ion} Bu/an \ll\\ll\\t'\lll\l.1lt'\[l‘1ml\ "11:1/ Uri/t It” Ali/\ [in \lll',.lllll'lt’ \11111 \\1i/.\t/lt’r'/ Alison Weir \\\\'llll‘l} Rm‘ltlx i-l (lL't‘hL't' Stlt't‘t. SSH-1U" “p111 t i lhc hughl} Icyanlcd \oh luxtonan talln about llL'l lath “mi. about \l.11§ ()uccu ot \kl‘l\ and l o1d l).lllllk"\

Gerry Cambridge lit-nnu‘x Hat. x chcn \uct't. 33" RH1 Kpln t3 lllL' \t'ilh ptk'l lx'.l\l\ llHlll ll|\ l.ll\‘\l yollct‘lton liar/.1111. I11111111/(H/11'1 I’M/11x.po1npr1x1n; |1\t'l)..1llct'1111;_' pot-nix ol low and It‘lattonxhlpx ()lllt'l Ptlt'l\ and thou \xorl. 1o1nh11n


An Affordable Auction of Contemporary Scottish Art \lanxtn‘ld l1aqu.111(‘cnllc. l‘ Manxlicld l’lau‘. 45-1 0001) Want 7pm s\n .1ut’11o11 ot .‘o11lc111por.11’_\ St‘othxh .ut 111.11dol l'llk'll\l\ ot l’.1111lu1j_'\ 111 lltl\pll.ll\ Scotland and 111.lud111;; \ktil'lx\ h} \Vilhanl li.11ll1c._|ohn Hullan}. Slut-n (‘anlphclL :\lan l).1\1c. l.)\ll.1n\cn.\\’1ll Marlcan and l’luhp Rwuw

Byron and Scotland \atlonal l’o1tr.111(ia|lc1}. l ()11cc11511cct.(134 (\lell, Il-lfipm l'lcc. Stcphcn l.l1»)d you a talk,

William Speirs Bruce Guided Tours Ro}al Muwuln. 2('h.1111hc1\ Sllt‘t'l. 2-1" ‘lll‘l. lplll l'l'L'C SL'C l‘l'l


Creative Writing Workshop North l‘.tlllllilllf_'ll x\11\(‘cnll'c. 15.1 l’cnn'mcll ('oul‘l. H5 ZISI (r. it) .N,lll1)111.l'lt't'. \Volkxhopx lot adults Inlcrtwtcd 111 an} axpt'cl ol \x1'1t1nj: and thc \\ 1'1ltcn \xord.

Thursday 1

Book events

Alan Spence l'1ultlna1kct (Balk-1). 45 Marlwt Stl‘ccl. 335 2 ‘33. (1pm U

It l .501. Spcnt‘c roads pot-tr} l1'o1nl11\ lughl} acclannvd hook. (i/mgrm /¢'11.

transported back in time to a grave-digger's abode, where the family is stricken with plague, a grand 16th century townhouse and a small ‘laigh' or poor house. To add a touch of authenticity, parties are led through the underground closes by characters from the past, including a maidservant from the 16th century, a foulis clenger (a cleaner), and even the daughter of Mary King herself. With tall tales and ghost stories aplenty, get ready for a

true taste of history.

. '- ' '- l/vz, /’,.1THE LIST 99