Glasgow life

Monday 1 4 continued

Other events

Stories and Buddhist Chants Workshop St Mungo Muwurn ol Relrgrom late and Art. 2 ('axtle Street. 553 2557 llHllarn noon Free lzxperrenee the drlterent praetreex ol one or the uor‘ld'x rnoxt influential relrgrom and hear \orne \torrex lrorn its 250” year hraor} tor tarnrlrex and all age~

Arts and Crafts St Mungo .\lu\eurn til Relrgttith l.ll'e and Art. 2 (‘ttxlle Street. 55‘ 255" llarrt <lprn. Free ‘l‘r_\ )our hand al rnakrng a stained glaxx mndtm ax \\ ell a\ other eralt aeth itiex ll) eelehrate the Srkh Vanalxhi and Jeutxh l’exaeh


Yoga Workshop St \ltingo \ltlxetltll ol Rellylom l.lle and .-\r‘l. 2 (‘axlle Street, 553 2557 I2 fill I illprn l-ree ll torr'xe al\\a_\\ wondered how )0“ tan do the lotux and \ta} serene here'\ )our

t hant e l'.trtttlle\ and all apex ean rotn tn tlrrx lree \xtrr'k\l1op

Tuesday 15

Book events

Andrew O’Hagan Borden Bookx, 2M lluehanan Street. 222 7700 (rpm. l'ree 'l‘he otten outxpoken and eontroter'xlal Seotx author talkx about ht\ tlnrd hook. l’er‘xmru/rn. about a grr'l'x the to tame and her eontinual personal hattle \kllli her hod).


The Fish in a Bucket llttnter'tan .\1u\eurn. L'nixerxit) .-\\entre. Ht) 422l 12.45pm. lr‘ree. Keith lngharn grxex thrx talk on the ultimate in ll:_‘\.t\\\

Other events

Arts and Crafts St \lungo .\lu\eurn ol Relrgiom l.tle and \rl. 2 (axtle Streel. 553 2557 llarn lprn l'ree. See \lttll l4

Walk on the Wildside torrtrtm l’dlh. 254h “CllSllUl RHatl. “"5 l‘li“ l illprn l‘ree Join the tarlgerx and dimmer the \\ lltlL'l \ltlL‘ Hi the [‘all\ \lk't'l .tl the \ l\llHl (Vk'llllk'

Wednesday 16


Post War Paisley l’ahle} :\rt (ialler‘) and \lllxetllll. llreh Street. Punk"). 55‘) ‘15] I2 1llprn l‘ree .-\ xhor't and rrrlorrnal talk ahout Paulo alter the war wan h} l)a\ rd Roherh

Other events

Arts and Crafts St \ltrngo \lrrxetrrn (ll Rt‘llgltllh l llL' .tlttl :\l'l. 2 (dullk‘ Street. 55‘ 2557 llarn lprn l ree See .\lon IJ

Paisley Beer Festival l’arxlt-t luv-ll llall. ('otlon Street. M2 5 ‘MSl L5 L5 'llllx _\C.ll\ annual ltt'el lexlnal 1\ organrxed h} the Renlreuxhrre hr'aneh or the ('arnpargn lor Real .-\le m rt rx no \ur'pr'rxe that there'll he o\ er lllll real ale\ to It) out.

Book events

James Robertson \\.tter\torte\. l5l I57 Sauehrehall Street. “2 ‘illl5 7pm l'ree Jallle\ Rolterlvtll teatlx trorn lil\ lillk'Sl lltHL'l. .lrne/r/l Krrre/rl. all e\tr'aor‘tlrrtar} \tor} \et durrng; a little r'ernernhered period rn Seottrxh lll\lt)l_\


Christianity Through the Arts llurrell (‘olleelrorr 2llltll l’ollokxhusx Road. 237 2550. 2.30pm. l'ree. .\ therned tour round the Hurrell led h} Ken 1'} le looking at the role ol ('hr'rxtranrt) In the

Other events Arts and Crafts St Mtrngo .\ltr\eurn ol Relrgroux lite and Art. 2 ('axtle

HORSING AROUND These world famous stallions bring their Impressive show to Glasgow emulating the Spanish Riding School of Vienna. Performing their classical dressage leaps. manoeuvres and light footed trickery they wrll prance. dance and march their way through what is sure to be an awesome equestrian show.

I Lip/)IZ/{lrrh-r Stu/Irons Show. Brae/read Arena. Kings Inc/i Road. Rent/'ch £85 4671. 7.30pm. [24.504.29.50 (£‘21.50—F_26.50). Fn 11-Sun

13’ Apr

96 THI LIST ‘3—24 Apr ?003

SllL'L‘l. (5“ _‘.‘

\lwn 1-3

Friday 18

Other events

Arts and Crafts St \ltrngo \ltrxetrrn ol Relrerottx l rle and .-\rt.2 (Lntle Street. 55“ 25.5" llanr lt‘rn llk'k' \L‘U \llill l~l

Pollok Woodland Fair l’ollok ('ountr} l’ark. 2Hth l’ollokdtau \ Road. 0‘2 920‘). llarn -1prn l ree \lake the rrroxt ot the tree\ and woodland and tr_\ out wrne eorrntrprde eralt~

Saturday 1 9

Other events

3D/2D Craft and Design Fair Rmal (‘ontert llall. 2 Sarrehrehall Street. ‘53 soon In :rrdm .1 mp”, 51 ("llpr See Sat l2

Peregrines - Majestic and Wild Seottrxh \\ rldlrle 'lrtrxt. l'allx ol (lule Rexene. \eu latrark. lll555 (rlr52h2. Illarn lree .\ ranger led \xalk urth plent) ot opporttrnrtrex to we peteerrne\‘Ul1\ Hi the \\ rld llookrng k'SSL'lllltll

BOOK Market lloplxrrk llurldrrrg. llotanre (lardenx. 73H ( ireat \Vextern Road. .N-12J22. Illarn 5pm, l-ree. l’rek up a hterar_\ hargarn at thrx popular hook \ale.

Other events

30/2D Craft and Design Fair Ro}al ('oneer‘t Hall. 2 Sauehteh‘all Street. 35‘ hllllll. ll). Warn Jillpnr L'l t7llpi. See Sat l2.

Book Market llopknk Burldrngj. liotanre (iar'denx. 7 it) (near \Vextern Road. NJ 2-122. Illanr 5pm. l‘ree. See Sat l‘).

Peregrines - Majestic and Wild Seottixh \\ rldhle 'l‘r'trxt. l‘allx HI ('l)de Rewrw e. .\'e\\ l.anark. “1555 005202. lllallr l‘ree. See Sal l5). Scotfairs Antique Fair .\lt)rl‘ llttll. \ltlehell 'l'llL‘illi'L' (.lillililk‘\. (ir‘amille Street. 287 55l l.

lllarn 4.30pm. L'l tl'r‘eei. lirotxxe \tallx laden \\ rth |e\\eller'_\. eornx. linen. rnedalx and illilltlllL'S.

Aren’t Birds Brilliant (‘axrle Sernple l.oeh. RSl’lS l.oeh \Vrnnoth. l)l5ll5 842605, I \prn. l'lL'L'. .lt)lll lllt‘ RSI’B \tal'l' and \ ten the outer hir‘dx ot the ("axlle Sernple l.oeh.

Chinese Only Corner llr.t\\et'le Metro. 8 ('r'exxxx ell lane. 552 282‘). 2.30 -l,3l)prn. l5r'ee. It _\on are eont'rdent in )ottr‘ Mandarin (‘hrnew then head dtmn to llilx nronthl} meeting: and join in the ehat. An rdeal tune to ltt'lhlt up an )otrl‘ teehnique and meet rte“ people.

Other events

Arts and Crafts St Mungo Mtrsetrnr of Religious late and Art. 2 (‘aslle Street. 553 2557. Hunt lprn. l‘r'ee. See Mon l4.

Temples of the Dead Neeropolix. John Knox Street. 552 (i891. Illanr. Join the rangers on a \ ml to the turnoux .\'eeropoli\ and explore the hrxtor'}. ar'ehrteeture and \\ ildlrt'e ot' the

Real Time: A MAX/MSP Night School ('('.-\. 350 Sauehrehall Street. 352 4900. (t..‘llprri. £40100). Sonic Arts Network pre~ent art aeeessihle L‘titlt‘xe in MAX/MSl’. the \H)llll‘\ leading sot'tuare l‘or' rnter‘aetne \tilllitl installation»

Book events

Diana Hendry Borders Books. 28.} Buehanan Street. 222 77le. (rpm. llendr'} launehes her next eolleetion ot' poerns, 'I'ru'lu' 1.1/ls.


Making Do lltrrrterran \ltr~etrr11.

l rrt‘.er~rl} \\entre. Uri .1221 12-15prn l'ree \laltolnr \ltl eotl goes a ten nrrntrte talk .t\l\lll:.' \xho needs nretal an} \xa}

Aspects of Antarctica \trrerzt-H lrhrar’v .\orth Street. lll“ VS ‘5 U52 - 5“pm 1“ ‘\ lalk and \lrtle \ll\\\\ l‘_\ \lrke (ilohtern ot the llrrtrxh \ntaretrt Strr\e_\ \xrth all rumeeth your; to the Seottr~h Soeret} tor \utrxrn

Other events

Arts and Crafts St \ttmtm ,\lrr~errrn wt Reltgrotrx l rte and .\rt.2 (Lutle Street. 55‘ 255 ' llarn lpnr

l ree See \ll‘ll l~l

Really Big Blockade la\latre l’eaee (amp. Shandorr. \r llelenxhtirgh. “H ‘h Sfll‘ltll "arn l‘lCC hurt the xrt doun hloekade ot l'axlane ntrelear l\.r\t' and t ltm' rl \lu\‘. rt lot the da_\ lather wt or the road or en e emerrtral \npport to the rttotexteh and treate a da_\ ot ~anrt_\ and peate Model-Making -\rt lialler) and \lltw‘lllll. Kel\ rrrerme. \retle Street. 25“ 2N“) llarrr lprn t\ 2 lprn l'ree Make a model or tour lxel‘trnerm e la\otrrrte rn thrx all dat drop rn larnrl}

Wednesday 23

Book events

Dan Rhodes \\.rtt-r\tone\. I5; 1*" Satrelirehall Street. H2 ‘llll5 ‘prn l)an Rhodex lead\ trout and \renx eopre~ ol hrx lalt'\l \xork. /lH1l‘/( nu lie/tr (‘mm' me


Pharmacopoeia l’aert-t ,-\rt (ialler) and \ltrwtrrn. llrgh Street. l’arxle). his") 3 l 5] l2. ‘llprn l'ree. Valerre Reill) gnex a \hort talk

Other events

Arts and Crafts Sl \lttrtgo .\lll\etllll ol Relrerorrx lite and .-\rt. 2 ('axtle Street. 553 2557 llarn lprrt. l‘l'L'L'. See \lttll l-l.


Museum of the Future .-\rt (killer) and .\ltr\enrn. Kel\ rnerme. :\r'g;)le Street. 287 2h‘)‘). Ilanr lprrr. l'tee, _\otrr Imagination rtrn trot Ill thrx \xor'kxhop to help dex r\e _\otrr ideal rnu~errrn ot the lrrttrre. llookrne L'SSL'lllltll.

My Glasgow: Poetry Workshop (ialler) ol Modern Art, Queen Street. 22‘) WW». I 3pm. l'ree. Speeral Izaxtet' uorltxhop. Hooking exxentral.

Book events

Peter Atkins Borden litmlm, 32s.: liuehanan Street. 222 77hr). liprn. l’l’HlL'xuil' l’eler .‘\ll\lll\ Ieatl\ lltilll (lull/en's l'rrreel, lll\ latest \xorL leatttrrng \\l1al he eonxrderx to he the ten great ltlL‘;t\ ol \erent e

Neal Ascherson \Miterxtone'x. I53 I57 Satrelrrehall Street. “2 ‘)lll5, 7pm. .\'eal :\\\llel\till drxerrxxe~ and \rgnx eoprex ol lllx hextxellrng hook .S-lll/lt' \lIlt ('\.' I/lt' .Sr‘tllt I! [Hi 5t til/(lllrl.

Other events

Arts and Crafts 51 \ttmgo .\lll\Clllll ol Relrgtoth | rte and -\rt. 2 (’axtle Street. 553 2557 Hunt lprn. l‘r’ee. See .\lt)ll l-l.

Meadow in the Making r’ollok (’ountr} l’ark. 2lll>ll l’lllltllxxllaux Road. 632 029‘). l Kl) i itlprn l'ree Help turn the prenre area rnto a \lillllllcl' ill)“ L'i‘lliy lllL'dtll)“ ltlL‘dl llll the \Hltlllle.

8marty Pants (‘rtr/enx' 'l heatre.

l l‘) (it)ll)al\ Sil'e‘e’l. 43‘) 0022. 7. Mlpiil. {l2 l£l L31). .’\tlllll\ trill}. Nitric lllltllltnh \ltme\ lrorn Mrehael Ker'rns as he r‘elnes his adwntur'ex durrng his return trip to Rtr~~ra