Edinburgh, Theatre and Dance
The Golden Ages of Toys I mm 5.11 " .lllli l'Icc \lliscIIIII nI ('lIIlIllInnIl. ~13 lllj._'ll \IIch. 53‘) 4143 \lmrc Ilic lll.l_‘_‘lc nl \lccc.IIIn. llnIlIl‘} II.IIIIscIs. Icllll} III-.Ils .IIIIl llic \MlllIlL'lllll .III.I} .II In\ s llI.II c.IIIIc In lIIc licluccn IN)H .IrlIl ltIlII
Outside the Cities
Aclwllles and FLIII
Easter Eggcitement I nul sun 3“ \pl. Ilklm 5pm L i ILII \1nrnml \.Illk'_\ llcrrl.r;;c ('cnlrc. \lillliclIl. [lungslnrr III 51)!) H.105“ llIIIII Inr lIiIlIchI cggs The Ceramic Experience I IIlIl \\L'\l *1 “cc. Ilium 5pm 'lllc (‘crlrllilc l'.\pcIIcIIcc. 24 Album \MI). l'..rsl l‘\'lll‘llllL'.1ll:.<.< Zhil‘H l’nllci). p.nnlin;_'. snli p14) .mIl c.1lc Eggstraordinary Eggs In II Inc 33 \pl. 3pm. U 511 L105; I.IIIII1} Ilckcl Ll ‘ 5H \cnllrsli ScAlIIIIl (I'llllc‘. Ilic ll.rrl\nul. .\nrlli licrurck. “IIIle NIH:le .\g_'cs ‘ plus. H.111} \xnikslinps Ill L‘\L'l_\llllllf_‘ I'cl.iIcIl
Fantasy Masks Sun 1 ‘ .-\pI. .\lnn 31 _\pl. I ‘11 Villpm l‘I‘cc. l,n\\ l’.uks .\lll\L'lllIl. 12‘).\1IIII Slrccl. ll.ImI1Inri. illnllx US$33, l)rnp Ill Husk llI.Il\lll:._'
Minibeast Safari 'llIc 15 \pr.
Ill ll.llll. ll Hum 12 ,illpm .\ I 3pm £2. RSl’li .\'.Ilurc Rcscn c. l..rlg_'s l<n.ul. Inclmlilnncli. (115115 Silhh 1. \.IIIII‘.IlIsIs liclp _\nII linIl Illc \scirll .IIIIl \xnlillcrlul IIIIIIIlicasls nII Ilic Icscnc. Easter Eggstravaganza In
18 .\lnn 21 Apr. lliiiil 4pm. l-rcc. l’;I1.IccrI;_'3_' ('nIIIIII‘} l’m‘k. l’.|lIIchI§;;_' anl. (‘Iimhcrimulll. (11230 “JUN-l". .\ lurliil} Ila} nIII \\llll mun} .Iclnilics. Easter Extravaganza Sun 311;\pl. ll.llll 4pm. [3.511 1L1 £2.25I. l’.I\InII
llnllsc. l’.i\lnli. licrxxzc‘s l pnli luccd. H12“) “(I311 \ll llll.I} nl l Il\lL'l Ilcll\lllL'\lilclll\11l1;.1lrk‘;; lllllll_:_'.llllk'\ .lllIl I.Icc p.I:I:I:I:;;
Summerlee’s Big Egg Easter Extravaganza Mill 3” \lnli :1 \pl lIcc \IIIIIIIIcllcc llclil.I_~_'c l).lll\. llL'lll.l_‘._'L' \\.I_\. (shill‘lIIlIK', 1'1: :(I Jillhl l.rslci lllll .Icll\lllc'\ Including .Illl‘lll\l}lk'llllll.lll.lli‘l\k'.lll\lc.ll1ll\lk'\
Theatre and Dance
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table $.11 13 \pl. 4pm Li 5111:: 5|“. I.IIIIIl_\ Ilc kcl 11“ \II ,lnlln \\Ilsnll ln\\.n 11.111. SIIIIIII; Sllccl. \IIIlIic. “INN WSW)” \jgcs 5 plus
I IIIlc \Ilgcl l’uppcl lllL'Illlg' IcIclls Illc \lIIl_\ nI I1Ic:lc'.rl lillll\lll\lllj_‘.ll\lllj,'ll\l\ nI (‘clllc IIII.I_:cI_\. s_\IIIbnlIsIII .IIIIl lll.I:_‘lc
Willie the Wicked Wolf \lnll 1.1 \pl. .‘pm Li 5111:: 51h. I.IIIIIl} lickcl L1H SH ,lnlin \\rlsnn ln\\II 11.111. \lllllnf: Slrccl. \IlIlIIc.lI1(I‘).\ .‘lll‘l‘l‘l \gcs -1 plus \lccl “1111C.lllI'lllHllHl‘ll‘xC .Inll Inck'n'lnll Inxrny unll \\lln plans lll C.Il l.llllL‘ RI‘Il Rllllllf: llUHIl .IIiIl llL‘l gmlm}
Awesome Insects l Hill \Inn in Jun. L i «(1 51M; Ilrlllci l.\s Ilcc
\lllscllm nI Scnlllsli ('nIiIIII} l.Ilc. \\csIcI KIIIIIclIsIIIc.1'.IsI Krlliirllc. 111‘55 Zl-llfi'l \ Incl} li.rIIIls an c\lIIlIIIInII \lk'l\ Ill}: IIIIn Ilic unilIl nl IIIsccls \\ llll .I ling l..Ib .IIIIl IlIc cll.IIIcc In \\lllll .llHllllIl Ill IlIc Ilung limp.
A Land of Shadows l'nlil Sun 3" .llll, l'Icc (‘li.rlcllicr.mll ('nunlr} l’.lrk. (".Irlrslc Rn.ul. ll.IIiI|llnn. 111008 130313. llispiicll b} “(R lnllucrh 1.4m! n! I/lt' ll’mcx. .I l.l\\'lll.lllll_‘_‘ L‘\llll‘lllllll Inr Iill .lfJL‘\1I‘.lllii'lllf.'.l llnliliil silllngg Innni and .I clmllcc In Inmnc} Illinugli IlIc (ilillll
III‘ZRI‘PS LI L‘I'c‘zllch‘ lc‘lSLil'L‘
ucIiVily Iliul liclps (346 yczir nlcls In urn“; Slzlgccnuch Icuclics llic skills Ilic_\' Iicccl In LlL'l. sing and cluncc. lk‘lic‘l‘.
cxprcss Ilicmsclvcs cusily and clcurly. urn“ mnrc pnisccl.
lnncy ll]C_\' bcgin In
cnnliclcnl :Incl Sc‘lli-LISNUI‘L‘Ll.
1110\‘C l‘llUl'L'
lI's ‘\\'nrk‘ \\'lill Ll bubbly. likc—minclccl. grnup nl' l‘ricncls.
Slugccnuch I‘Ims l'ni‘ Ilii'cc linurs Lll \\'ccl\'cncls. Illnngsiclc
Ilic sclinnl lcrm. 'l‘licrc's nn uuclilinn.
/// “"
l5ni‘ II l’rnspcclus cull l’rincipul \ic‘k
l-c\\ is n11 11301) 325‘ 3X81.
92 THE LIST A: ' .1 .‘
1 '
’Ic‘lI II'L‘ li‘CCl_\'.
For a copy of the festival programme contact the MacRobert on 01786 466666
The Little Lost Dragon 8‘11 I: \pr. Ham :3 (iilrnniclilllull. " l'rmclsllx -\\crIIIc. 13115522 \gcs 4 ‘1 I KL'll\l‘c‘c'lI\lL‘ l’lll‘l‘c‘h l‘l'c‘w‘llh lllL' ldlc‘ Hl .lll.l\1\ClllUl'\‘ll\)l‘llllg Ilrdgnri \xlin
1mm cs \\lll1L‘l III l)r.:;_'nnl.mll III II Ic.IsI nI glillcr. music .IIIIl cnlnur
The Steadfast Tin Soldier .\lnn lJ .-\pr. IIIIIII. L5. (illmnrchilKiIZ. ‘1 l'nncrsil} .'\\L‘llllL‘. 55115523. Agcs 3 5. NW slnr} nl unrcqullcll |n\ c 1‘L'l\\ccll ;I [III snlIlicr and II pupcr bullcrmu l\ pcrlnrmcIl h) ll;lll}1lll ’l‘licull‘c (‘nmpdny Cinderella l'uc l5 .v\pr. Ilunr £3. (irlmnrcliilKilZ. U l'nncrsrl} .v\\cnuc. 331) 5522. Agcs 5-plus. ‘l’lic IrmliIinnul Imryulc Is gncn II ninIlcrn l\\lsl b) llic unrillcrlull} clicliunllng Slinrlu chpc \kllU cnlilurcs cliuruclcrs l'rnm Ilirn Ilir. Little Princess Goldtree \VcIl In Apr. llurn. £2 til I. l~crnlirll l’mrlinn. \crlmlg l)ri\c. RIIIlIcrglcn. (I34 3158. Yugcn puppcls Iclls llic Scnllrsli \crsrnn Ill. XIIIIII lWI/II' llslllg c‘lll‘u‘Il '.\IIIIIlL‘:I glm c puppcls u ilh music Ilirnuglinul, Oscar and the Deep Sea Pearl \VcIl 1(I :\pr. lllim. £3. (irlIIInrclIIlllilZ. ‘) l'nrxcrsil} .»\\cnIIc_ 331) 5522. Agcs
4 l). .\lnIiscI;I|c l’uppcls rnlrnduccs IlIc glill;ll'-pl;l_\lllg. biscuit slcullng mnusc ()scur. \xlin IIIIlsl n\ crpnu cr Ilic I‘\ ll cIIIpcI‘nr. (irllskblcr.
The Paper Bag Princess Wed 1“ Apr. 3pm. £2 til I. l’nssrlpurk .\lIllcnnium ('cnlrc. 35 .-\rIlnch Slrccl. 5‘2 (III-in. Pcrlnrmzmc‘c h} l);l\ lu‘s l’uppcls. l’rinccss lili/uhclh rs bcuulrl'ul and rich and uhnul In murr} Princc
Rnnuld unlil gI Ilrugnn dcslrn)s licr cusllc. burns ull licr c‘llIllICs and currrcs nI'I' licr l’rrncc? llnucxcr lilr/uhuh rs nn nrdinur} princcss. Shc is nil In gcl RUllulLl buck,
Aladdin Thu 1" .-\pr. 1 1.1m. £3. (irlmnrclirlKilZ. 9 l'mxcrsil} .-\\cnuc. 331) 5532. Agcs 5 III. The magic.
m} slcr} and m} slicism nI~ Ihc Arabian Niglils arc hrnughl In life b} Jack ()'l.'.lnlcrn's Irudilinnul puppc'Ir}.
Willie the Wicked Wolf llll‘. l‘
\pr. 5pm L-~L1I liclllilinllslnn l cislrlc (‘czllrct 51 llk‘lllllll‘lhll‘ll llmc. «'2‘ 5454 \ch J-I‘llls \lc'c‘l “1111C. lllc‘ :Iinlnrliikc .llltl Inclcri'rnll 1m III; will \xlin p1.ills In ml 1 Illlc Rcd Ruling llnnIl and licl gluirins In ()xcr lillc l'np's Likc nil Iliis c'lIl\\lc'l.lll"\1.lll'
Little Princess Goldtree I‘Im III \pl. 1 1.1m I\ 2pm :4 IL ‘I (i.IIc\\.I} lllL‘dllc‘. l.llil RU“. l.L‘1lll \\.lll\. ll- 3‘1“) Scc (illisgnu. l-ciiiliill l)d\llll‘ll. .Il‘IHL‘.
Willie the Wicked Wolf I‘Im III _:\pr. 2pm 13. mm!) Ilckcl {III \nrlli l‘.\lllll‘lll:._'ll .-\rIs (‘cIIIrIx l5II l’c'liri}\\c'll (mm. 1153151 \gcs J-plus \lccl
\\ 1111c. Ilic IIInInrblkc Illlkl rnck'n'rnll ll\\lll:._' \M‘ll \\lIlI I‘llllls 11‘ c‘.ll l.llllL‘ RL‘Il Ruling; llnnIl 11ml licr gmllll) In ()ch lilic 'l‘np's I.Ikc‘ nn lliis cl.Isslc I.rrr}I.rlc
The Steadfast Tin Soldier In I I .-\pr. 1 1.1m & 2pm {4 415' (i.rlc\\.I} llicalrc.121mRnu.l,cllli\\.lll\. ‘1‘ 30.“). Scc (iillnnrcllill l 3. (ilmgnxx Rumpelstlltskln l‘l’l ll .\pr. 3 illpm L5 :52 I. (}.IIc\\.I_\ ’l'liclllrc. 121m Rn“ l.L‘lllI “fills. .51- 5‘15“). .~\}_'I‘\ 5-I‘llls.
lllll‘\l\\llll\ prcscnls .I unlquc 1.11m nn Ilic (irimms' I.Ilc \kllll Ilic lllllll§ lllllc nmn Rumpclslillskln I‘cc.lsl 111 .l LIIIIiIlrI-Ilc
The Snow Ooose In I I :\pI‘. 2.3Hpm. £3; lumil} Irckcl LIII. \nrlh lilllnburgli Arls (critic. 15;:1’cnnpxcll ('nurl. 315 2151. Tim l’uppcl 1.;rli prcsclil Iliclr \crsinn nI llic IcnIlcr lulc III II dccpcnrng hnIIIl bL‘i\\Cc‘II a man. AI )nung girl and II spccllll gnnsc unlnldmg llllIlL‘l Ilic sliulinu nI Dunkirk.
The White Cat Sul 12 .-\pr. ‘ illpm B It: I. (inlcnu) 'l‘llculrc. lilm Rn“. l.crlli Walk. 317' 39,“), :\ng 5-plus. .»\
\I l\C uliilc cul liclps u )nung prlncc nn a \L'l'lL‘s nI' lil\l\\. bIIl can lic hpr llllll In pcrl'nrm Ilic liglrdcsl lhrng n! all Ilcslrn} lllL‘ Iliing hc lnxcs.’
Fiddlesticks SIII 12 Apr. 1 lam It 2pm. £4 ILRI. (inlaid) 'l‘hculrc. lalm Rn“. l.cIIlI Walk. 317 393‘). Ayn 5-pllIs, Jnm (iurlic 'l‘liculrc (‘nmpum In I: qucsl In Iind Ihc hcuulil'ul \"Inlinku.
Punch and Judy and Other Stories .\lnn 1-1 Apr. 1 lam 6; 3pm. £4 IUI. (iulcxux) Thculrc. Iilm Rnu. l.cth \Vulk. 31- 393‘). Kldglmm Puppcls