Edinburgh Museums continued


lad) \IaIr\ Houw. Lad) SIaIrK ('loxc. 5.“)JUIIl \lon \aI lIIan‘. 5pm.

In the Heart of the Wilderness Sal I2 .-\p1 Sal 2H Sup .I\n cxlnbluon mplorlng Ihc hIc and \\oI‘k ol John \lun. Ihc chIcr-urncr. pool. ~IoI_\Icllcr and \IcnIIxI and Iook~ aI Ihc Inllucnyc oI urIIch lIkc Hurm and Sir \ValIcr Soon on ill\ uork.


l‘nnclxn} ol l)undcc. l3 l’crlh Road. HIM: 3-1533” .\lon l'll 9am 5.3“an Sal lilam 4.30pm

My Mouth is Quiet But my Mind is Noisy l‘nIII .\ion l-i Apr. .«\n c\hlbltlon cclcbrallng Ihc \M‘l‘k ol Ihc IrncrnaIIonall) rcnouncd rl|u~Iranr .lohn \Vgllum I i‘Nili :iiiiiiL

Interior and Environmental Design Department I'nuI In I I Apr Ilamcr i‘o} cr (iallcr) II .-\n L‘\llli‘lil0ll ol \xork b} mIcrIor and cnnronmcnlald01ng \Iudcnh rcxpondmg lo a brlcl Io rcconxtrucl a nc“ oblch HUI HI llIL' pal‘h HI an Uhl oleccl.

Legacy - Images of South Georgia l'nul Mon 14 Apr Il.amb (Lilla) I. :\n L‘\llli‘llll\ll oI paxl and prcwnl phologl‘aplh oI' South (icorgla Stacey Hunter 'Iuc IS Sat II) Apr; .‘\ collu‘llon oI' photograplh b_\ Slaw} llunlcr “Inch documcnl a rcccnl Irlp Io Hamburg.

Aspects of identity i'll l8 Apr Sat .i .\ia_\. Ilamcr l’o) cr (lallcr) I. .»\n mhibiuon bringing Iogclhcr Ihc uork oI a numbcr ol' wcond and Ihird )car \Iudcnlx uploring Ihc Ihcmc ol' idcnlil). Jordan Baseman I-‘ri Ih' Apr In 23

XIII). ((UUPCI (ialiCI) ll \ ltlL'U \MIIkx i‘_\ .lonlan iiawman on loan IIom Ihc Saagln ('ollcclron and Ihc .-\rI\ ('ouncll oI langlaml l'oyuxmg on Ihc 'abrcd' lll \ik‘lcl). iiik‘lIIlICIIlaI} loolagc l\ UkliiCli inIo Illxlurbmg narramcx |ca\ mg Ihc

\ chxcr llllxlII'C oI \xhcrc Io morall} piHIlIUIl “10!thth

Artist’s Talk 'l'hu l~ Mn, IIHIlam. ~\ look aI pm roux pronx‘h b} -\mcrrcan aI'IN Jordan Hawman \xho l\ cuncnll}

"A surreal My. [Mariam enmlemalc minimum mesa uneasy limes “um Imam m 2002

THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY | I-‘II II \I ‘»I II II‘ I I /\l I II RM 45 MARKET 51min [EDINBURGH £ng IDF rom 225 2383 r- OI3I 220 3:30

www h munarku ( 0.lll\

Artist's Talk | Saturday 5 April ZpIn

Exhibition publication now available U2

90 THE LIST 3.: AL' apps“

wwwrlu-imwaui ( mm “H” 'iil In IL" \ ll

Nathaniel Mellors presents new work at the Changing Room

\houmg aI Ihc gallcr}.

Sonology of a Mute Spectacle i'l'l |.\ \pl 'lhu 1 \la} ()blu'lx Irom Ihc \luwumx (‘ollchIon arc Ingolporalul 1n audio \xork~ \‘lL‘JiCtl b} .\lalk \cInon


l5: \thcrgaIc. III 352 *IIItNIIo

'l'uc \Vcd. Sal & Sun lllfillam 5 Winn. lhu & i'l'I lilillam 8pm. Christopher WOOI l IIIII Sun \ ,lun l he llI'\l IIIaIUI' ivi\' \HIU \ihm IUI lllL‘ InI'IucnIIal .4\mcrlgan arIrxl. (‘lnlxlophcr \\ool. knoun Ior ill\ bold and oIIcn IIIIIIII-la}¢r'cd pamIIngx \xlngh gombmc wrccnprmung and mm) pann \\ nh pamlcrl) brmhuork. Horn lIl (likklg‘u m NSF and no“ baxcd Ill \cu York. photograph} hax p|a_\cd an ImpoIIanI part In lll\ \\oI'k and Ihc c\hrbn|on IcaIurg'x [no group oI [\lIoIogI'apih L'ayh ol owr lIIIl Imang ax \xcll ax lalgc \palc pamungx

Gallery Talks 'i'hu 1H V-\pr, b illpm .\n Inlormal til\(ll\\l(lll abouI Ihc ('hllxlophcr \Vool mlnbllron \\ lill gallcr} \IaIl.

Craft Focus I'nul Sun 35 \Ia} Dcunauw )CI lunpllonal 1c“ cllcr} b_\ .-\nnc l’inla} and \nnplc Manny Ionm b} Sam Halls

Alistair Clark _\lon IJ \pr Sun :5 \la}. l’rmlx bawd on \alclhIc Imang

\ 1c“ ml on radar and gompuIcr \ICUIh b}

.-\ll\l.lll' ('lal’kl


:5 lb \lnl \\'_\Inl. \lnl \\'_\n\l iilkilhilldl iaxlalc. HUB: 235952 luc Sun

noon 5pm,

To the Care of the British Empire . . . l'nIIl Sun ll \la} inc Smurxh aruxlx cmnnnc Ihc \tk‘lai. hlxlorlual. political and gcucrauonal Inllucngcx rcllchcIl Ill gonIcnnmraI} nlcnIrI} III a dncrxc I'angc oI amqu muhumx Including hlxlorlgal porIIan panning. \ nlco Ill\i.lii.lllilll and nnmmalN wulplurc. .'\l'll\l\ mylullc ng‘ildl'ti Bla“. Rodcrrgk Buchanan. (iraham l'agcn. \llghacl l'ullcrlon and 'lon) Nolan.


.klbcrl Squaw. “IRS: 4‘2th \lon Sal III.31I.IIII 5pm. Sun ll ‘H 4pm. lhu IIUHam "pm.

The Scottish Photographic Federation - The First Hundred Years l‘nul Sun -1 .\la_\ .\n mlnbmon cclcbraung lIIII .\caI\ ol club phoIograph} Icalunng nnagw. l‘l'lllh.

\lnlcx aIIIl \.IIII\'I.I\ or. loan TII‘fI; 21.;le of ill\' ii“. \‘l \l‘ \lLIiM '.“lI-' ". .lec I)" ill\' ik'tlx'iJiil'ii

BFITISh Art i :1le \IIII f‘ I”, \ \"l.‘.'.. (\llli‘lllilll IcaILIIIn-x \‘.I\Ik\ 'v. \\.Iltc: \nkcrLJohH\..\I1.nnl\I.:ley. \Ix'r‘ac: The Beatles in Dundee I :ml \I~:, ill .lIIll \ \olin IIoII oI pholojlaplh lIom IlIc l)(' Ilm'nwn .mltzic looI.:;'c Io IIIaIk Ills “III: .Lili.'..-\'i\.'.i ~. «‘2 HIV licallvxpl.:j\111;' III lhanicc Guided Tours \a If \p: \u 3pm (iunlc‘l Ioun ol III; \IIII‘..\I.

\ .IIII‘I I:I::

I" \1‘:

I’holograplln luIil-IIIIIHI‘. c‘~.I.:":III-II Print and Slide Shows/AV Presentations \a I.‘ \;~: \.:'. I" \pI ‘pm \ \crlm oI \iIIlc Io aHompan}I|1c\\oIII\l;I’hoIonragrlm i\'\i\'l.lilU|l \'\illi‘l'.lr'll

Outside the Cities



3H \\c\l ilIL'lI \qu-I, HI ‘II' \lon 8.1! IIIth *pn. Barry Scottl IIII‘. \.;I l" \;‘I \ ll\'\‘. Alllblllon b_\ IcH'III ..II : taxi...:1.' Hall". \oII \'\l‘lt‘llll;‘ I‘chIIalle.. I..:.\l\ alu- alle III}Il1Ule,‘}

e of BM:



MOUNT STUART GALLERY \loIInI \IIIaII. HI "WI VI“ " \lon “of \\ ill \Im l‘IaI! ‘gnll

Artist’s Workshop l ll Ix \I‘I

llam lpmA l 1" *‘III‘HI \IIIU. i’aIIIcla \o h'axb illlx ‘.‘.Hlk\ilt';‘ To In nil‘iigk.\\I1lk.\|‘lliiiik.iiiiilk-\iiill‘i\.ll.iil \khnh \xlll by plau'll on HIV Tloor .zta‘. \l\‘\\\'\i b} \1\IIoI\ lIoIIl IlIc lII\'. gallcr} Ilurmg Ihc l mm unuchza‘. Katy Lynton: Trip the Fantastic ill 1\ \pr Sun I lun l’.:IIIIa!I;'\ 3"; l\I.Ij. i.}llliIII mxpncll b} a yummy} Io ills \oulh \wxlcrn \IaIm oI \mcrlm


‘5 lhc \Inhng \uadc. III""~ ‘L'Vibl luc SaI llam flnn

Prince Lightening The Long Scratch \a < \w \a 3'. \Iag. \thanIcl \lqlloh prcwmx pfufloz'ragrhx IIIIhIgallria\IIll‘IIIIail!I\!.:l:.:I1HII'.'.l;I\

\logumcmx lu\ IIIwIIIIoII or l’rrngc l.1gl1Igmng.a‘Il1\;\l.mxlwul~Iaz trcatcd during lnx Ionlcmj. .II (III/mlalc

\rIx .