.IIIIl \lk'lllll nl II'I‘IIIIIMI uncut (Lorin! \l;It'l.II|.IIII"\ pInIluI'IInII IlprlII} \. In lll.l\llllllill I'llu't. IlII' hmuIIlul .III'lIIII‘I‘IIIII' nl IlIc plu}. \xlIIlI' .\lc\.IIIIlI.I \IIIIluI-K I'I-nlral pcIlnIIIIaIIII- l\ pcrlccll} IIIIlgI-Il \nI .III I'm} \mtch hut \Irnngl} II-I'nIIIIIIcIIIlI'Il llllllL'lllt‘lt'\\


3 in \lnrrungxnlc RnIIIl. 33” J H‘). ll’. Ill

Singin’ in the Rain Inn! 8.” I: .-\pI " illpm ISIII III.It 3. illpuii. L'lll llc—‘ll \lmlc lIIIIInux h_\ IlII- \l(i.\l llllll \IIII‘IIII: (iI‘III' Kcll) lll 1953. llll\ .IIIIuII'uI pInIluI'IInu nl II lllllL‘lL'\\ llllhlt'lll (It Ul'Illll;llI'\ lllL' \llI‘kI‘xl nl \IIIIpp} IlIIIIngIIc. I‘IIIlIIIIIIgI} catch} quIIhI'rx. gcnumc clIIII‘IerIII. and .III cngugmg pII‘tIII'c nl Ihc llnll}xxnnd lllIlll\ll'_\ In truanIInn min the bargain. Anything Goes \VI‘Il In Sal l‘) :\|\I'. ". iltpm. {H IUH. liIIII'IIIn llII'IIII'I‘ ('nIIIpIIn} Pl't‘\t'lll\ (‘nlI‘ l’nrlcr'x popular lllll\lL';ll .Ihnul II mun ll'_\ lug: ln \\ Ill n\I'I lux nIII' Iruc lan'.

Vocal Variations ‘l‘lm 11 Sat 2‘) Apr. ".llllpm. (HI. l";I\nurIlc mugs lrnm lhc \lugc IIIIIl Illc \ll\L‘l' \I‘I'I'cn pcrlnrmcd h) the l.nllu;ul Ynulh .'\l'l\ Ik .\lll\lu';ll\ (‘nmpuny l'nI' llk'lxt'l\ cull

(H .‘\l 470 (“£15.


l3 3‘) \Icnl\nn Sll'L‘I‘l. 53‘) (illllll. Ill. \\'( ‘. \\'..\|

Summer Holiday luv 23 Sui 2‘) Apr. 7.30pm I'llIII & SIII IIIIII 330mm U35“ [3 l .50. This popular lilllxlt‘éll IIIIIIlI‘ lillllttlh h} lllL' ('lill' RII'IIIII'Il lllm l\ I'I'I'IIIII'II'Il hcrc h} SII/unnc 'llI'III"S;I}’ Slum IIIIIl SlI-lun ‘hnI'Ing JIIIIIII' l'rnm lln/lImIAx linnlh. (inIl hclp


3 Lou-II SII'I'I'I. 53‘) (illllll, Ill. 'l'l. \\'(‘. \VAI

Mum’s the Word I'nIII SIII It) .-\pr

Innl Sum. .\lnn 'l'hu 7.30pm; l-I'I Ik Sat 0pm Ik 3.30pm L'll L‘lh’. 'l‘hIx wll nut

\lltt“ l\ hack u IIlI \tnlluutlk nun llurhura Raltcrt} at my lIcIIII ('nIIII' and laugh \\llll llII' hcxl nl IlII-III III Ilux pnlggnanl .IIIIl lIIIIII) pla} .Ihnul lllt' In_\\ I'l [MIL'tllllIHlIl

The Blue Room luv 33 Sat 3n \pI illpm. S.II 3 illplu Ik " :“le1

U3 5“ {lb 5H “and llarc'x \IIuIIII} IIIIIII‘ldlll'll nl [14' II’nIIIII gnt III.I\\I\I' gnu-rapt l.l\l )I'ur \klII-II lnI'IIII-I \ll\ (‘IIII\I'. \Icnlc KIIlIImn gnl llt‘l kII nll tnr IlII' \\C\l l1IIIl [‘llNlllL'llt‘ll l'I‘llllL'l (.I‘IIII \l.ll. liau‘) 'RI'.” nl lllL' \I'JI~ Shaw takes up my _‘_‘.lllllllt‘l [‘l.l_\lll:_' Itpltuxllc .l.l\Ull ('Itlllk'l'}, SL'L' [‘IL'\ lt'\\


ISII l’cnnpxcll ('nurl. 1l5 3l5l. Willie the Wicked Wolf lhu III x\[tl'. SL‘I‘ KlIl\ ll\llllj_‘\.

The Snow Goose l‘ll I 1 \pi. Su- KIle ll\llll:J\

Wit \VI‘Il In .-\pI. ". illpul. L5 It; in, SI‘I' lulmhurgh. llruulnn llIcutIc

The Steadfast Tin Soldier 1 In: I“ Apr. SI'I‘ KIle lIxIIugx.

The Magic of the Mummy l-n l.\' .v\[tlfl SL‘L‘ KlIl\ ll\llllf_‘\l

Jessie Kesson: A Good Crack at Life luv 33 Apr. TRHIIIII £5 IL'SI. x\lll( lllk'illl't‘ (‘nulpluh Iclls lllt‘ \Inr'} nl IIII' III‘I'IJIIIII'Il \InI‘)II'llcr .IIIIl pl;I_\\\I'I;_'hl. lI‘nIII lII‘I‘ I‘lIIIIllInnIl ill lzlgul In Mr ;I\\;II‘Il»\\ IIIIIIIIg unwlx.


l.\' 33 (II'I‘I'lelIlI' l’luL'I'. (that) (“(333 l ‘. Ill. \\'( I \\‘.t\|

Beauty and the Beast I‘nul SIII 13 Apr. 'l‘lIc cnchunung \lnr} nl' II girl and IIII ugly hunt cnulI'x In No In I)l\llt'_\ '\ \pcctuculur lllll\lL‘;ll.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (ll‘llltllil) SII'I'I'I. 348.1848. ll’. ll. ll. \\'('. \\p\|

If Only . . . l‘ulil Sal I3 Apr. "45pm ISIII IIIIII 3.30pm). £7 £13. ScnllleI pI'I-IIIII'I'I' nl' IIII' IIuIIrhingruplucul plu) IIhnuI IhI' l'L'l3lllItll\lllp hI'luI'cu l-I'cnclt-

(’.III.IIlI.III l‘la} \\ll:_‘lll \lII'lII'l lI'IIIl‘lJ} .IIIIl lux lllI‘lllL‘l playwl h} l III-cu IIIL'lI Rum." \lI('.IllIIIII \lIIIII‘l RI‘lllIlllkW IlIII-I'Ix \kllll II-.Il .l\\lll.lll\'k‘. \\lIIlc Saul I{.lkll‘lll\l\_\ \ \t'l \‘llt'l\ lllll‘lL‘\\l\I‘ \lll'l‘l'hk' RI'I’nIIIIIII'IIIlI-Il


lIl()I'\\cll l’I-Imvc. Uh HHS [\H'.

\\ \l

The Matchgirls l lllll sun 1: \pr SI'I' KIle ll\llll:_‘\

Abandonment \\I-Il 3i 8.” 3h \pI ".JSIIIII L" 5” \Iklc llImIII‘ (’nmpan} l‘l'llifJN lx'atc \IkInxnII‘x lII'xI lull length pla) nl I‘nIIII'Il}. k'll.l\‘\ .IIIIl f_‘llINl\ In lllI'.


('IIIIIhIIIlgc Slim-t. 33h l-lll-l. [l’. ll. ll. \\'I‘. \\.-\I

God’s New Frock \\I-Il II» sun It) .\pI1 5pm, till I {-1 {In 'l‘hc lll'\l lull pInIlucIInn nl _lnlIn ('lIllnIIl'x plu} look at trunxgcudcr .IIIIl I‘I‘Ilgrnn. 'llux quirk} .IIIIl nI'IgInul no“ \Inrk llllll'k\ ('lIllanl’x Ilchul .l\ II [‘Cl’lltllliL'l'. lI.I\ In; I‘xluhlleII‘Il lux naruc In tho ;I\\;II'Il-\\ mum): IIuIlInr nl lllllllt‘l'ltlh pla} \. IncluIlIng luxmg lI'II/I I . Inn I/I‘ (In/m. [III I\ (I [Dunn and (hurt l: l/’('( [III/um. Confessions of a Psychic SIII It) Apr. 8 0pm. 9;” IlLSl. Real lIlI' Its} cluc. l’ctI‘I‘ lumnnt. l'L‘\t'lll\ \\ll.’ll I'I'IIII} you no In llk' IIIIIIIl and III Illc \I‘IIncc I‘nnm. I’III'I III {III IaI/III/IIII'g/I SI II'III (' l'('\IIlIl/. Wit 'l‘uc 33 SIII 3o .'\pr. 7.30pm ISIII 3.3(lpml. {Ill I£4 UH, Soc liIlInhurgh. liruntnn 'l‘hculrc, l’lcuxc nnlc that [In- Sat IIIIIIIIII'c I\ II chant} cwnl \\llll IIII prncchls gnmg InuIIrle ('gInccr I<t'\t‘lll'(ll.

Outlying Islands Thu 34 Apr SIII lll .\l;I_\. 3pm. {Ill I {-1 UH. \Vumcr nl IIIc Sunlxmun l‘l‘lllgt‘ lust and llI'I'IIIIl .‘\ng_'cl Imam III Illc liIlIIIhurglI l‘I'xlnul l'I'Ingc 3llll3. l);I\ iIl (iI'ch'x plu)

l'nllnxx \ l\\n gm I‘I'nmcnl nrnIllInInngtx arm In; In \urw} 3| I'I'IIInII' Scottish lequl on tho cw nl' \VnI'IIl \Vur ll. RmimmcnIchl.

Istmgs Theatre

Liquid Theatre Company CHARACTER

FLA WS Wed 9th - Sat 12th April @ 7.30pm

The action Is In a flat somewhere In Glasgow Six characters change as their lives develop All aspects of modern life we lIeIe erm alcohol to drug abuse to sexuality and religion

The friends face questions about the reality of their llVCS Stralght’?gay'? both’P'? l ove and frIeIIdshIp laughter and betrayal An unto-date black comedy With a km of charm and realism thrown III for good

n, I fit 41 ,y .4312? -' 2, Ramshorn Theatre 98 Ingram Street Glasgow G1 tel: 0141 552 3489

Thursday 17

New York Aclor No“ York Actor

I)t‘ll_\ lanI I)Cll_\ llnal Soc Kids

.\'.IIIIIIl.I} \I;.'lIt l-cn-I

SCI: Rock IQ l’op

Sec Rock & l’op

Friday 18 Saturday 19 Sunday 20

\.IIIIrIl.I_\ \I;'lIl l'cwI \.IlurIl.I_\ \IglIl lI‘\I‘I

\I'I' (‘III I III'

.\'I:\\ York Actor

\I'c ('II} I NC

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24

Soc (’lusxlcul

\.IIIIIIl.I_\ \l}'lil lcwr \.IIIIIIl.I) \Ight lcu'r \.IIIIIIl.:} \Ighl l I-wr \.IIIIIIl.r\ \Ight l-I"-I'I

Slurx and Tlgllls

SCI: (luxsrcul

Mojo Mick} ho Mojo Muck}in



Citizens Main Citizens Circle Gilmorehil|C12 l' King’s Mitchell Th Ramshom BSAMD Theatre Royal hon

Stars and Tights

Mojo Mickflx)

80} Rod) .-\tl}llllllg (ion Nothing (IIKK

Mum'x the Word .\lum'\ Ihc Word

(iod‘x NL‘“ Frock (ItKI.\ NC“ I'Tnt‘k

‘L‘I‘ I‘ll} l IIC

SIT (.ll_\ l IlC

.-\n_\lhmg (inc-x

.\lqu\ the Word

Goth Ne“ Frock

SI? (.11) l llt'

\IIIIIIIII’I llnlnla} \IIIIIIIII'I llHllIld}

Thu Bloc Room The Blue Room

\VII Wit

Brunton Church Hill Festival Th King’s Playhouse Royal Lyceum St Bride’s

Wu . 'li‘averse I

' “haverse 2

Vocal Vlifliillulh \IIIIIIIII'I llnlnla)

The Blue Room

()IIIl}Iug: I‘ldllilx

"/ {(-1 AI.’ ZZZ", THE LIST 61