EDINBURGH YOUTH ORCHESTRA WITH TOMMY SMITH EYO celebrates its 40th birthday with two major concerts, followed by a summer tour of Russia and the Baltic. Special commissions include Edinburgh by Tommy Smith, who plays the work at home and on tour. “This is my first large scale work and the process of composition has been exciting for me, especially imagining what the music might sound like with all these instruments,‘ says Smith ‘Knowing we had nine performances of the concerto, I purposely wrote very few notes into my part which will allow me to be free on each performance and create a new version every time we play.‘ (Carol Main)

IAcallorfii (3." M Apr.

ccillul) l<ll\\l.lll \\Ul1\\ on llcr \pcclaII} huill Sui“ collccrt harp 'l hc proglarrlrnc l\ .l lllll\lt‘.ll llllllllt'} lo l\'ll\\l.l. locuxln; on Ith .llltl I‘llli \‘t'llltll) \Hll1\\.l\lll inclutlcx a plccc ll} llt'l' o\\n huxhantl. l)a\ ltl (lotllel. I'rir/ I” /.(/II1/’lllL’/l Hill/l Int/ml.

I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra 40th Birthday Concert l'xlici ll.ill. 1.ollll;irll{o.iil._‘_‘b 1155. " ,‘llpln {111 L13 It: 511 LM. Scc Sat 13

I New Scottish Singers and Ensemble Ilaiclax (lllllc'll. llar'clax lint-c. :35 33m. 0.53; l. ".liipm (‘t-ii'it; choral and lll\ll'lllllt'lll.ll illllxic ol lllt'tlllJllUll. rcllcction .llltl r'c\c|alion.

Monday 14


I Waterfall of Time - Scottish Flute Trio, Elizabeth Ogilvy and Joji Hirota St \lar') '\ (‘athctlr‘al 31111 (iicat \chtciil Road. .13" 2303 hpill. {X it‘tii. Scc 1'11 11

Tuesday 15


I The Euphonium Rallhlltll'll 'l‘llcaiic. ‘1.\ Ingram Str'ccl. 5‘18 1-111 1,15 :l‘lll. £3.51) l‘.\t'l\t't‘1ltll hcartl .i cuphonitlin" .\\ parl ol 1111\1‘1’111l.|lll Itillchlinlc conccit \L‘l'lt'\. John l’oucll alltl pianixt Slcuar‘t 1)t‘.lllllllt'\t'lll a pl‘ogr‘ainlnc ol original cupllorliuni t'tlllL't‘lllH. Snack |unchc~ .lrc ;t\;lll.l1\lt‘ liolll ll.~l5.lin.


I Afternoon Tea Concert \lt'rclllxlorl (‘axtlc School. 3‘14 ('olinloil Road. 475 sun. 1 -lpill. to .-\ltcr‘nooil tca lo illc iiint- ol llll'cc Scullhll ll.ll'pl\l. 'l‘ickcl pr‘lcc inclullc\ l't‘ll't‘\lllllt‘lll\ I’ll/r or [villi/lurch Harp lullru/

I Scottish Opera-Go-Round - Eugene Onegin llrurlton 'l‘llcalr‘c. Lathncll \Va}. \ltlxxclhtlrgh. (m5 32-11) ".illprn. £12 it‘ll. Scottish ()pcr‘a (io Round prcscntx a brand llt‘“ production ol 'l'charkm \k) '\ Ixuut'm' ()rir'urn as part ol lllc Shcll 'l‘our Still} 'l'hc opcr'a tcllx thc \lor',‘ Hi lhc lo\ c allair' uloonlctl. ol coulxci llcmccn 'latialla .llltl ()ncglrl. .llltl c'l‘lll.llll\ \Ulllt' 01 11h 1110\1 [apltll’tlth lllthlc.

I Llio Rhydderch and the Harp Consort \lcrclllxton ('axtlc School. 3‘14 (‘ollnlon Road. 4‘.\ 5'4th ill lllpin. {Ill qul 'l‘hc \Vclxll ll.ll'[‘l\l knoml a\ lllc

' r‘fll’l“ (lllb‘il 11"11. Silt 7.51/\/)I:(/11r,1(" }/\7ll_ /l:-'.v1,l.l'

1" 8w)

‘Quccn ol lhc lllplc harp‘ pcrlorrnx lllll\l( hour 1ch rich cultural hcrltagc antl lllc llarp (’ollxot'l [ll‘t‘\t'lll\ Spun/Jr (h/Hu \ l"th cclllur} tlallcc lllll\l\', ’ln'l u/ l.t/ll1/’1(lg’lll/tll'/’l’('\llltl/.

I The Longing of Return Rcitl (‘oilccrt llall. llrrxto Strliarc. l'rcc. l lllpln. .\ lurlclltinlc coilccl't ol llach'x (lull/In r;- lill'lllllrllh tl‘ailxcrihctl lor' \tliilg trio ll_\ l)lnlilr_\ Silkonwlxk} .llltl pt‘l'llll'lllt'tl h} lllt'llll‘Ch ol lhc Scottish (‘hainhci‘ ()r'cllc\lra

Wednesday 16


0 Siobhan Armstrong and Diego Laverde \lt‘l‘cllhlllll (.thllt' School. 311-1 (‘olllllon Road. ~1".\ Hill» 3 4pm. {‘1 lull. Scc llit l.l\l. right.

I Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman \lct'clllsloll (‘axllt- School. 3‘1-1 ('olilltoll Road. 1‘8 MM». ".111 h. illpnl. L' 111 it" I. \lr'luow guitar and llai‘p pill'lllt‘hlllp lllal hax loui‘ctl lllc \xorltl and l‘lt'lltl\ 1|'l\lltllltl Scottixll illuxlc. |a//. llltlcgl'axx alltl ltal‘oqtlt‘. ll"! of la/irr/lul‘u/r Hill/r Infill/l.

I The Longing of Return Si :\lltllL'\\ ‘\ tllltl SI (it'lll‘gt“\ ('1llll‘cll. (lt‘lll'gt‘ Strcct. 1.lllplrl. l‘r‘cc. Scc TM 15.

Thursday 1 7


I Cappella Nova Kclxinxitlc lllllllt‘dtl ('hurcll. ()hxcrlator') Road. 353 Milli). ‘lprll. {N lull. 'l‘hc cclchr'alctl Scottixh \ocal crlxcnlhlc pcr'lor'ni tllc Il'iii'lirm' Rm/Hrlrwr'rm 1‘} (lc\tl;llt1il i 1.501 1015'. llltt\1 l.tlllilll\ lor illurtlcr'lng lll\ \\I1t‘ altcr' lllltllllg llcr in llagr'anlc tlcliclo \\ illl arlotllcr' man. lll\ lllll\lc l\ \llllllal'l) unlllngctl \lal'tlirlgl} cllroirlallc and lllllhllill har‘rllonrc \lllll\. hut lull ol crotlc lorcc and clrlotional llllCll\11_\


I The Longing of Return .\‘;ilional 1’Ul'll‘all (lallt‘l‘). l (‘lllt‘t‘ll Sll’t‘c‘l. (‘34 (C(11). 13,-1.5plll. l'IR‘L'. SL‘L' .lllL' 1.5.

Friday 18


I Cappella Nova (ir‘qlr‘rarx Kirk. (ir‘cflr‘rarx l’lacc. mm 2111‘). “pm {8 run. Scc Thu 1".

classical & opera listings Music



I Easter Sunday Concert (uniongalc Kirk. Ro)al \li1c.l‘fl\ I‘ll" h .511l‘lll 1" it!“ lutlus llaroguc (‘llailll‘cr (lrchcxlr'a

\\ illl '1 unit} llaroquc cclcllratc Izaxtcr Suntla} “1111 .i lolall} appropr‘latc clloicc ol lllthlc h} Hacll .llltl SchuU. including lllc lor'rllcr‘\ (Vim: Jug 1/: [will \hilrli/u: arltl Wrru ii: I irrltflrr

Wednesday 23


I R3 Tenors ('ill/cih' 'l‘hcall‘c. l 1‘1 (lilll‘.tl\ Slrccl. «13911113: _ 511plll £1:

'51 Hi .\ lloxl ol ucll-knmm \ongx trorn tllc \xoi'ltl ol lllll\lc.ll thcalr'c

I Russell Watson Sl:(‘(‘. l'irlrlicxtorl Qua}. lls‘ii llJll Jiiiiil Iiipm. {.15 ()pt-ra 1.r\otll'llt'\ .llltl \\at\on\ o\\ll llllt‘l‘l‘l't‘lalllllh ol claxxrc pop \llllgx,

I Winterreise Rs.-\.\ll). lllll Rc‘llll‘c“ Slrccl. 3“: 5115' Spin 1111 MAI .-\ llllltlllt‘ lilirlic r'cxporlxc to Sclluhcr'l'x rnmt l‘l‘illiltllltl .llltl tlL'Mllalt' \Hllf; \‘}t‘lt‘. Plt'u‘lllt‘tl in collaboration \\ illl ()pcra .\orlll .llltl thc ('ontcnlporar} x\rt Socict). x\lltllC\\ 1-oxtcr-\\'illiaillx 11‘;l\\-1\;ll’llllllt'1 ailtl (‘hrixtophcr (iotiltl Ipianoi pcr‘lorrll lhc c_\c|c. \\1llL'1lcll;ll‘l\lllt‘ protagonlxt'x liltll'llt'} through a lro/cn lantlxcapc. \\Illl llllll\1‘_\ .\lar‘iclc Ncutlcckcr to tlL'L‘lllllptlll} cacll ol thc 24 \orlgx .l\n allxolutc lllll\l-

Scottish Opera - Gotterdammerung A: six and a half hours. this is tho iongost. as '.'.ioll as tho last. of tho tour oporas making up \N’agnoi‘s illighti. Hog cyclo. (latch it now. as ti<1kots l()l Scottish Opera's rtrosontation of 111012111010 thing at this year's Edinburgh International 1 ostiya' aio already sold out and it's agos until

\cc. it hits Glasgow. /(?5;1/‘.’(U [float/o. Edinburgh. Sat 72‘ Apr. Thursda 24 , y Siobhan Armstrong and Glasgow Diego Laverde Ono of tho many

0 Opera North - Julietta lllcall‘c Ro}a1.3.\’lllopc Slr‘cct. 3330111111. “.l5prn. £3511 £53511. ()pcr'a North prcxcrllx .\lartlnu'\ haunting opcra. tlcxcrlhctl h} lllc c‘tllllpmcl' llllll\t‘ll as ‘an L‘\ll'iltll'tlllltll'll} hcatitlltll ailil pocllc lanlax} '. .\ll\L‘lltl arm c\ in a \L‘ihltlt‘ ltmn. \carclling lor a girl “how \oicc hc oncc hand. But llll\ is a placc \xhcr'c no-onc rclncrrlhcrx thc past .\lar'lln Audit" contltlctx this 1097 production h) l)a\ ltl l’oulnc). Sung iil lingllxh.

I The Glasgow Phoenix Choir - We Rise Again Ro} a1 (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchlchall Slrccl. .153 80111). 7,3(lpin.

£13. .\l;ir'i1)il J Smith corltluclx a prograrllrrlc ol choral lllll\lL‘ paxl arltl pr'cxcnl in 11k Kru' .‘lL’tllIl. lllc‘ choir l\ lolncll h} axlr‘ologcr l‘rank l’llkinglon tor a cclcxtlal mcrung.


0 Dame Kiri Te Kanawa t'xllcr llall. 1.olhlarl Road. 33‘ 1155. 7.3(lprll. £39.51) {41.511.8cclllt l.l\l.l‘lf_‘1]l.

I The Capriccio Quartet RL‘ltl ('onccr't llall. litllnhurgll l'nlxci‘xit}. Brlxlo Squarc. (ion 2111‘). h’pirl. £4.51) lUSlli. litlinhur'gll-haxcd string quartct l\ joinctl h} )tltlllg Rll\\ltlll plilllhl .-\|irla Ktlltlllll\l\;l}il for thc prcrnicrc ol l’runn Qllllllt'l h} llt‘\\1} crllcrging L'tllllp(\\L‘l' Julian \Vagxtal'l. pltlx \lor‘ks h} l‘r'anck and l)t'1\ll\\_\.


delights of this year's l:dinburgh Harp Fostiyal ~ in its now Colinton homo ~ foaturos [)iogo Alonso Laverdo Roras from Bogota. Columbia. who is a master of Ilanera harp. part of tho fantastic tradition ho has pioneered intornationally With tho dance group Ballot lolklorico Columbiano. i‘i/lordiiston (last/o School, Edinburgh, Wed 1(5/1p/2 Kiri Te Kanawa Tho Daivio herself. KIVJI Kiri (piotlirodi. is the latest star to appear in tho Ushor Hall‘s own firiilanlent of illusioal wonders. Since making her legendary UK debut at tho Royal Opera House in tho oarly 70s. she is now one of the world's greatest operatic sopranos. Mozart and Richard Strauss may be favourites. but she's pretty keen on more upbeat numbers. as well as songs from her own Maori heritage. Usher Hall, Edinburgh. Thu 24 Apr.

A programme bursting wrth energy and colour. and a rare chance to hear early music on early instruments.

"/ 3/4 Ar,’ 23531115 LIST 57