
UGC Parkhead: Glasgow

1111' 1'11rgc. 151118116011. 0141 55(1 ~13“: 10111 .1011(‘('11111111.1111:.08"01555 13(1 :1) '1'.) .v\111111£450 ('111111' £3 501311111 1110

£2,501 Si1111c111‘£3501.\11111 '1110 £2 5": (‘1101‘1'801111 £3 50 1.10111} 11.1w: "12 00 -\11 11.1.1'18 1‘1ci111‘c 11111111 £3

Blue Crush112.1\1 1111111111. 120 5.50. (1.20. 8.50 The Core 1 12.11 8.30. Evelyn11’(i1 11.10.1111. 120. 3.45. 11.00. 8.311

Just Married112.-\1 4.011. (1.211. 8.50. Maid In Manhattan 11’(11 1 100.1111. AManApart1181 1.25. 4.00. (1,35. 9.10. The Recrult112.»\1 11.55.1111. 3.00. (1.110. 8.45.

Shanghai Knights 1 12.-\1 11.45.1111. 2.40.

5.20. 8.15.

11 30.101. 2.30. 5 30.

11.25.1111. 145.

33CAY‘f-TBLRSQAKIT Blue Crush 1 12.-\1 1"1‘1 “1'11: 11.00.1111. 8.50.


H.111}: 9.05.

How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days 1 12.41 81011811111: 11.00.1111. 1.20. 3.55. (1.30. 9.00.

Johnny English 1P(i1

1).111_\: 11.45.1111. 2.00. 4.20. (1.40, 9.00. The Jungle Book 2111

1).111_\: 11.15.1111. 1.15. 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. Just Married1l2.»\1 1'11. 8.11 18 .\11111 11111: 4.00. (1.20. 8.50. The Little Polar Bear1i'1

H.111): 11.00.1111. 100. 3.00, 5.00. 7.00. AMan Apart1181

1).111}: 9.10.

S Club: Seeing Double 11’(i1

1).111_\: 11.30.1111111111 8.111. 1.45. 4.00, (1.15. 8.35.

Shanghai Knights 1 12.-\1

1’0 S1111: 10.30.1111. 1.01). 3.45. (1.30. 9.10.

M1111 11111: 11.45.1111. 2.40. 5.20, 8.15.

1.211. 3.511. 11.20.

11.25.1111. 1.45.


Progrummc Iikcl} 11111c 810111.11111111c 12rc111111\ \\ cck. Phone 08701 55.5 13(1 1111‘ 1111.018 .11111 11111c8. NC“ 11101811111- 11111pcn 1111 1’11 18 Apr:

Bulletproot Monk 1 12.41

How to Lose a Guy In Ten Days 1 12.-\1 Phone Booth 1 151

UGC Rentrew Street: Glasgow

7 chl'rcxx Sircci. 1111‘11.11111('(‘ 1111111111131: 0870 907 0789. Adult £4.50. Child/811111111118 £2.50 181011» 111111; £3.50 11511 $11111. (‘11111‘1‘80111182 £3.50. 15.111111) ticket £12. 1i.11‘1_\ B011 01111108111118 111-1111c 12.1111: £3. K1118 ('11111: £1.50. 111110111111 (1011: £9.99 per 111110111.

IHUBSQAY ‘9 Blue Crush112.1\1 9.211. Chicago112.-\1 11.30.1111. 2.111. 5.111. 8.1111.

Contesslons of a Dangerous Mind 1 151 11.40.1111. 2.50. 5.40. 8.20. TheCore112A1 1.1111. 2.10. 5.511. 9.111. Cradie2the Grave1151 11.20.1111. 1.50. 4.20. 11.50. 9.311.

Equilibrium1151 11.00.1111. 1.25. 5.55. (1.30. 9.111.

Evelyn11>(;1 2.20. 5.411. 8.30.

The Hours112.»\1 1100.

Just Married 1 12.-\1 11.50.1111. 3.00. 5.50. 8.40. TheLiteotDavidGale1151 2.15. 5.40. 8.40.

The Magdalene Sisters1151 2.00. 4.50. 8.110.

Maldln Manhattan11>111 11.30.1111. 2.40. 5.10. 8.1111.

11.40.1111. 3.20, (1.10.



38 TH‘ “81' ‘121—21‘. AL" (ILLS

AManApart1l81 11 30.1111. 2 3'1. 5 4". 8511

HationalSecurity112.\1 11411..::-.. 21111. 4.211, (1.111

Personal Velocity 12-\1 11 50.1111. 81111. 9.00.

The Planlst1151 The Recrult1121\1 9.20

The Ring 151 9 111 The Rules of Attraction 181 150. 5311. 8,311 ShanghaiKnlghts112-\1 11 10.1111. 2211.


11111. 4111. <11

11 30.110. 2 3‘1. 000.


.24”. .. v vn/P

Blue Cmsh 1 12.111

1).111}: 11.50.1111. 3 30. (1.20. 9 20 Chicago 1 12.-\1

1"1'131‘111': 5.10. 8.001111118111111

11111: 8.40.

.1\1118 01.1101cc 111 “m1; 11.30.1111. 2 10 Contesslons ot a Dangerous Mind 1 151 111. 8.11 1& .\11111 “1'11: 11 40.1111. 2 50. 5.411. 8.30.

The Core112.>\1

1‘11 “111: 9.111.

Cradle 2 the Grave 1 151

11.111}: 1.50. 4.20. 11.50. 9.10 .>\18111.11c1-1'11& 8.11: 11.55.

Evelyn 11’111

150 M1111.\\'C111k'11111: 2.20. 8 20. The Hours 1 12.-\1

1'11'1 311111. “1'11 «K 11111: 5.20.

How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days 1 12.41 5101 1& 11111: 11.40.1111. 2.50. 5 50. 8.50. Intact01l51

1).11|}: 11.50.1111. 3.011, 5.411. 8.40. .»\18111.11c1‘111k 8.11: 1120

Johnny English 11’(i1

1).111}: 11.30.1111. 100. 2.10. 3.311. (1.00, 8.00. 8.50.

.-\1811 1.111' 111 1k 8.11: 10.40. The Jungle Book 211'1 0.111): 11.20.1111. 130. 3.40. 11.00.

Just Married 1 12.1\1

1).111}: 11.50.1111. 3.00. 5.50. 8.41).

.1\1811 1.111: 1’11 1& 8.11: 11.40.

The Lite oi David Gale 1 151

1..11c 1511 1& 8.11: 11.00.

The Little Polar Bear 111

1).111): 11.00.1111. 1.10. 3.30. 5.411.

The Lord of the Rings: the Mo Towers 1121\1

1).11|}: 1.20.

The Magdalene Sisters 1 151

1).111): 5.20. 8.10.

Maid In Manhattan 11’(;1

1).111): 8.10.

A Man Apart 1 181

1).111): 4.00. (1.3010111 '1‘111‘18 “0111. 9.20. Memento 1 151

Tue: 11.50.1111. 2.30. 5.00. 8.20. National Security 1 12.41

1).11|}: 11.50.1111.

Phone Booth 1 151

Wed: 8.30. 11111: 11.20.1111. The Pianist 1 151 1).111): 4.30. 7.50.

The Recruit 1 12.-\1

1).11|}: 11.30.1111. 2.40, (1.00. .-\1811 1.110 1'11 1\ 8.11: 11.40. The Rlng1l51

1..1lc 1'11 1& 8.11: 10.50.

The Rules oi Attraction 1 181 1).111}: 11.10.1111. 2.10. 5.20. .-\1801.11L‘ 111 «K 5.11: 11.30. S Club: Seeing Double 11’111 1).111): 1100.00. 1.30. 3.50. Shanghai Knights 1 12,-\1 1).111): 11.10.1111. 220. 5.10. .»\18111.1ic 151113; 8.11: 11.10. Tieasure Planet 11‘1

1).111): 11.20.1111. 1.411.

The Wild Thornberrys 11'1 1).111}: 11.40.1111. 1.50.



1.40, 4,00. (1.30. 8.50.





9:; DAV :52‘1—1V233Av 2.: 1’1‘11g1‘.101111c 1111111 111111-81011141111111.- prm 111118 \\ cck. 1’1111111‘118"11‘)0" 0'89 1111' 11c1.1118.111111101c8. New 111018 1101' 1111111110 1111 1‘11 18 Apr:

Bulletprooi Monk 1 12.~\1

How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days 1 12.-\1 Phone Booth 1 151

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Cameo: Edinbu :h

38 1111011.- \111'1'1.111 3': .33\ 11 '11 (1

111101.10; 11131.‘f\ 111111.11 31111111: 10111101011110110.‘ 11131.‘.‘\.‘\"‘I 11 L5 :11 IL 3 <11 1111118 11.:\ 111.'811..\

111111811.1_\ .1011111.1.1_\ 8.111.111 11.4111.- 11111111.L350.11111.11 \1111111.18 .1011 101-8110} 111001111 11.~11-1.' 1110: \\.‘11 :1 1110181111 1081811108 1.11.- 111g1118111111~ 1.111: 01;:111 111.110 1111..‘ 501. 11111111112111011011‘ 14511 111111111.'1\11181\101 01.11101'1- 1.111' 01121111 2.1 5111:. 5 511.1111. \1 uni/é: '

Adaptation 151 900

Far from Heaven 1 1.‘ \11125. 8 85 L’Homme Du Train (The Man on the Rain)112.\1 4 30. 1150 DpenHearts1I51-105. 11 *5 905 The Virgin Spring 1 |\1 .1 15

ll. '1,‘.‘./ ' '

Adaptation 1 151

1).11|} 91111

Far from Heaven 1 1.‘ \1

1).111_\. (13010111 101- .\ \‘11-111. \ 55 .-\18111'11. 8.11 1\ 11111 4115 Intacto1151

H.111}: .1111. 11411. 11111 .1\181101.11101'1‘ 111 8110 411

A Matter oi Life and Death 111 ‘11 .1111". (1.311

Open Hearts 1 151

H.111}: 4.15. 11.15 :\1811111.111111'1'1'11 81111 | 45 Sans Soieil 1 151

1'11.\ 8.11 | 50. .\11111 “1'11 4 .311, .'\1\11\\1'11 (1‘ 311

City of God 1 181 1 Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) 1 181 31.111111'1-81111, 1 50

PHDAV ' H.131: (0110131228414110131.328 281111111 11111. 011.1 111111} 111111-1.11111' 1111011111‘ (11111001111 [‘1‘11111111111111‘111111'8 S1111111.111111'c111120 \111

High Society1l 1 1 Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1 151 \101101‘1'8110'

Dominion: Edinburgh

11\ NC“ 1‘.1111L‘ 1111011211151 ~1~1~4~H1 111111: 111 51 44‘ 211110.11111 4.1“ 8.1511 ('1‘ 1111141111201 31 »i4"-1“1 1(1'81.101.101 11.11. 11)} :\11011.Sl.11111.1111 L5 1”. 81111111111 £5110. 1’111101.111 [11201111111111 (11101.\1110 11111. 814011.011 L 3 80. 81111111111 14 40. 1’1111111.10 L5 401 ().»\1’1l 1140. 810011.011 L 3 80. 80111-11111 £4.(1H.1’1111111.10 £5 20.( 10:01.1 3.\ 4 £4110 1111:11111' (11101 L 3 \0.( 01190.18 3.\ 4: £4401 ("1111111111. 810011.011 £11. 81111111111. (int-01.18 3.\ 4 1.41111111111111- (111111. 510011.011 L3\0. 80111-11111 £4 10. 1’111110.10 £5 201 1.1001} 11.1.10 ~1.111.11 £14111-11104111011101}


Adaptation1151 305. 91111 Chicago11_‘v\1 11311

Evelyn11’111 11111. 515 815 TheHour5112-\1225. 540. .8511 TheRecruit112112411. 531181111


1).111}: 1411 Evelyn 11’111 1).111}‘ 21111. 4111, "111

The Hours112.-\1 0.111}. 2.25. 1100. .848

Johnny English 11. 11 v.1. \1.1

111a Pianist 8

li~ -‘ . ‘1. .\

1 '. '1. 0o

Fllmhouse: Edinbu 2 II

88 1 11711.11 |<11..: 11111.“8 ‘1188 11.1: 1\’.'8t.;..1.::1' 1 11 \1.:::1 .".."':11;' 1101\1

8.1.‘31111138 t5 “1121\111; 1111. 1.1111 1'-.'I‘.1T‘:' .' \101 111011001 \1.1110.'.'8 \11:. 111.1 1101\1 1:20.131

3_ 811131211.

1. Santa Maradona 181 ,‘ 110 Gostanza ol Libbiano 18» 11 18

Truth and Lies (La Forza Del Passato) 115. \ L8

2. Frida1181 11111 111111 \111

3. RussianArk11 111. 111111 Persona 18. 81111. '1111

1.1nThisWorld1151.‘0111118 818 2. Days (Giorni) 181 .‘ <0

Across the Border (Dltre II Contine) 1 81

Santa Maradona 181 8 10

3. Russian Ark 11 1 <0 Frida118111‘811

1. BBC the Lite oi Mammals on the Big Screen 11’( '11 .‘ 1111 InThlsWorId1l8181111 ‘1111. 111111

2. Days (Giorni) 181 11110

The Council at Egypt (11 Consiglio D'Egitto)1 181 818 3. Russian Ark 11 Frida1181 1110


1. In This World 151 .‘ 110, 11 18. 8 .18 2. Swept Away . . . (Travolti Da Un Insolito...)1181 .‘ <0

Hannl Moretti Diaries 181 11 00 Tobias at the Cale (Tobia Al Catte) 1 81

3. Russian Ark 11 Frida1151 1110

{111. |11111

1. In This World 151 f 1111~ 1. |8‘ \ .18 2. Tobias at the Cale (Table A1 Catie)

‘1 j 111 Rosa Funzeca1181 1.1111 Seven Beauties (Pasquallno Settebellezze) 1.81 .\ :11

3. Frida 15. H0

The Story otOuiJu11.‘. 1. :11 Russian Ark 11 1111111

1. In This World 1 181 .‘ 011. 11 15. 8 .15 2. Bitter Rice (Riso Amaro) 181 .2 <0.

Love and Anarchy (Film D’Amore E D’Anarchia Owero...) I81 .8 45

3. Madame Curie 1| 1 1111 Frida115111<11

Russian M11 1900

1.1nThisWorid'151 3110. 1115. 815 2. Neapolitan Heart (Cuore Hapoletano) 13 \. 3 :11

Blood Feud (Fatto Di Sangue) 1 181 1100 Fellini: I’m a Born Liar (Fellini: Sono [in Gran Bugiardo) 1 151 8 <0 3.Frida1151410


Russian Ark 11 191111

1.1nThisWorid1151200.1115. 8 45 2. lFF Shorts Programme 1111. 1 2 <0 Summer Night...(Hotte D'Estate...) 1 1.81

Neapolitan Heart (Cuore Hapoletano) 12 \1 5 3"