



V I saw you Dr I’atttekt ’i \t tth \rrtottIdertng e}e\ rtt the Stand (iI;t\go\\ "th \Iareh. I)td our e}e\ rrteet at the bar .\Ie gu} \\lIII denim \Iltl‘l. (iet rrt [tttIL‘It \L‘\_\' [7465/5:

V I saw you Sabreuateh (iuard I“ Satnxbut'} \ Sauehtehall Street. Iormerl} (Iarage xteuard \\ IIII ama/mg ('htnexe Ialtoox. ()ne night u tth )ott. that'\ all I axk. I’Ieaxe \\. I7465/H

V I saw you beatttilttl bro“ n e) ed \lltl Iid<(iIa\ tt'am .\lon ll/I/Il I Yott \\ ere "mtr‘tgued". Yotr ltad rrteettrtg. In tee.\ rtteet. I)I\ereet. _\'o \trrttgx. Kneex artd IIII_*_'II\. I \\a\ bold. How about )tttt'.’(ietttrttte. Repl) C’I I 7465/54

V I saw you ('ar'Ia e\- er‘).ptologl\t. ttt |)oetor .\'rek\ \IIII ltle [VIII/ll}. lie in louehl'.’ [7465/35

VI saw you \ IL‘IUlI\ l'etrtmex ur

pink hair. trr eand} a\\. tit Judax priext braeelet. ur \narll. IIer Itartd Ill ltL‘t‘ Ilttlld IIIL‘ L‘lttII [7465/56

V I saw you all wishing that )tttt‘d been \lllIIlpCtII ['r time

\\ ill eome-or maybe it hax attd u didn't notiee... [7465/37

V I saw you .\It‘\ \Ylttxkt‘t'x. Iookirtg real hot do“ n the Barn) pth Deeapitated. )ott'II aIua'u be m) .\'o I pllxx \. [7465/38 V I saw you late at the .-\rehe\. lor god \ake rnatt. )ott'\ e ptrre durrtped. b} the \\a). 'I‘. [7465/3‘)

V I saw you Jet Li \\anna be. Yotr \pintting \\ itlt a bonner abottt ("IVI‘G the lilm Ix pantx. (Iron tip you loxet'. [7465/4t) V I saw you itt ['rban ()tIIIIlIL‘t‘\- u big bltte e) e\ & blaek bag. .\Ie .\Iariah (Hire) lookalike. You've Itiiaeked m} heart? [7465/4I

V I saw you amone Ut’ amtltirtg. .\Ie rtot l'ttxx}. Looking for III) exe tI’m Adam I.I. I III\C \\\ot‘tlxl [7465/42

V I saw you (it'ollL‘Ito St Jude\ 23 .\Iareh l(I.3()pm. Yott eropped Itait' tk (ioalL‘C. Yer} etrte \\ itlt _\er mate. .\Ie beige jkt & \hirt. .\le \\lIII girl-l'rtend eropped hair - Yott looked at ttte - trte at )ott.\ ha\ e eol'l‘ee. [7465/45

V I saw you Simon ('. Iookirtg good in (ilaxgon, )tttt ha\ e to eotne tip more olten. The Irixh orte. Big \maekers. [7465/44

V I saw you Kelda \\ ith )tltll' tnini ()xama. IIaxett't \een )otl tor a \\hile \o get )our axx through to (ilthgtm. Io\ e I + 'I‘ [7465/45

V I saw you \‘ie. eatirtg eheexe on top ol‘ _\ottttg And) '\ hell} I What a lad )tlll are? [7465/46

V I saw you on the peaee rrtar'eh. a lo\ on a hotxe, \top

\\ mkmg at me. eopper'

I 7465/47

V I saw you t)J (it‘ll). teaxrng the etmxdx. littx ptrb er‘atxl Io\ed it. But I Io\ e )tltt more \\\. [7465/4.\

V I saw you xenmg tire to the Irott IIor'xe. )«tu ha\ e m_\ nutrtber'. ('aII. ['/465/4U

V I saw you beatttttul ()Il\ ta. )Utl are tlte "gtrl ol aII thrttgx :JI'L'dI” III\ e )tttl. [i/465/5II

VI saw you ho} behtnd the bar irt .-\r‘ehe\ eale bar. Sptke} dark hair: You're all right )ou are. [7465/51 V I saw you .Iudtth. _\ott \\ ere pl\\L‘tI. Ila ha ha, \\e Io\ e )ou, Right iii the .-\t'ehexll [7465/52 V I saw you goal but. You hair) trtother ot god. ring Ill) bell. (inarrmtl ooh. [7465/5‘ V I saw you .'\IIIIIt‘ lann} Iexbrantt). eann} get a mann} Cox \he'\ got a gt'atm} lann}. I,U\L'I_\I I + :\. [7465/54

VI saw you managing Iixea ttt a hugeI) \e\_\ rttattner‘. I‘atte) a go on the roundabout? I‘II but _\ou a ball ol' \trmgl I.o\e Jen. [7465/55 V I saw you I don‘t knou )out' rtarne. I’eople ealled )ou Kenn) on \\‘edrtexda_\ mqu with the rugb) elub at the Shaek _\ou \\ ere Itollll [7465/56

V I saw you Stexen ph} \iex bo}, take me to the \tar\ + baek o' bttt don‘t take tltat attger ottt on me? [7465/57

V I saw you Jim. I em )ott on the Ir'ortt ol' Bart'I} lellllgx - _\our gorgeous negattxex r \o \L'X}! [7465/56’

V I saw you “\\‘allaee" tn IIarl‘I) _\ou u ere an alplta trtale. Sho“ me )out' \\ill} \ometitnel [7465/5‘)

VI saw you bltte ~iaeket \trip} \Itottldet‘\. Smile. \enxe ol humour. What more ean a ehiek \\antl BarlI} - )ou ktttm )tttII [7465/60 VI saw you Debbie pigg} aIex. Bright \utile ((1 Raat'. [7465/6I V I saw you _\our rtattte \\ttx Kirxt}. _\ott \\ ere \mall and sex}. I \\a\ big attd \e\}. You \\ ere in \eeond }e;tr‘ dorttg pharrrtaeolog) at Strath. I ean't stop thinking ol’ _\ou. [7465/63 V I saw you enjo} ing

maxxo e bapx. I.o\ e Jeuenxiler. [7465/53

V I saw you )011 didn‘t we the. I’repat'e tor a \\IIII'I\\ ind ol' re\ enge or go e me \\hat I \eek. I’IL‘IINC. [7465/64

VI saw you reeedtng hatrItne. tightlixt. \maII poeketx. \euIIIe \Iltl‘\. ll} ermg tor Btutl} Iin'da). Want tne to btt_\ ton a drink? [7465/65

V I saw you at ['m g)m - tt tall. dark. Ittllltlxotllc medieal \tudent. .\Ie. stunning IIIIUI‘L‘ I’rime .\Iini\ter. \Vax that a probe or \\ ere u juxt pleaxed to we me'.’ [7465/66

V I saw you the I‘eaxt. I thtnk ottr ttarrte rx Stuart. Yotr \\otk rtt (‘r'oeketx and _\ou‘re a lo\' (let Ill eontaet tor \ome animal ltrrt

\ I. 465 6"

V I saw you ltlltk} (attadtatt bextde the monkey til the .\Ia\\r\ e. nree tatK. ttt.t}ltt‘ \\ e eould get together ,' [1465 ‘6.\

V I saw you In 'Iir'axh Iaxt Saturday Yott are \o beatrttltrl You knou \\ Ito )tttt are. Ilou ean )ou atleet rtte IIII\ mueh attd not be mute" You are m} \\a} loruard. Stu \\\. [7465/69

V I saw you admmrxter a era/_\ \\ah' To _\our tttate tn IIlttekI'l‘lttt'x. .\IL‘. \lttIIL‘tI \\ L‘awI. _\ott. laII. thm + bab} -laeed IIQII'IL‘IIIICI'. [7465/5Il

V I saw you \\ot'kmg at the State. )ou rttgged tk manI}. rrte. \hort. dark Itatr & eunaeroux pull me like the per'l'eet pmt

\\\ eetheart & u e eatt \\ot'k on the Itead together? [7465/7I

VI saw you \\alkrng doun tlte meet u. ith _\ottr' pal. l Io\ e _\ott7l Iit'om (iordon \\\. [7465/73

V I saw you ettte \itllti“ reh tttaker - \ha\ ed Itead & glaxxex - me. big \IIIIIL‘ - big earringx - I'll \Ieep \\ ith _\ottt' monke) art_\timel X. [7465/73

VI saw you \\ ith ginger Itatt'.

riding )our Ble paxt “the 'IInder".

I‘m ga). hope tr are too? (iet itt totleh lor a ht tt Ioalll [7465/74

V I saw you making at ()K(). You great \t} Ie & lllt)\ er. \\‘hat a dancer? You're \\\ eeter tltatt ereme-earamelI .\Ie lat. \uxhi- gorgtng girl - “an! to get ran tk lixh) \ometime'.‘ [7465/75

V I saw you bIonde \Iightl} eut'l} trailer [t‘ttxlt hair man itt Polo Lounge Sat 22nd Mareh. You tartned and looking \CI'IUth ont ttlld \C\_\. .\IC [IIII [IttI'Ik and tired in ugI) red t-xhirt. too \h} to \a} hello but smelled _\ou It'om behind. You \melled good. [7465/76

V I saw you \e\} dark haired lad} \\orkittg in lIou er \Itop II)ndIand Road. l.e\bian'.’ I hope \ol I'm bttxt} artd leixt) artd \\aitittg lor )Utl to toueh rne \\ ith )ottr green lingerx. [7465/77

V I saw you \ath. great legx. blue e) ex. blaek bob - think )our lltlttte\ I.e\|e} - on I5}re\ Road. itt l’olo Lounge and iii in} bed. - \Yell. ttot _\et... [7465/78

V I saw you \haktn’ that thartg. rubbin it do“ it. You lit the tigltt number. me on the lease. See )tltl at the MM rub doun il~ _\ott pIeaer [7465/7‘) V I saw you bel‘ore. during artd alter .\lanehexter. ['r addietixe I'. [7465/th

V I saw you tall. bluntle. eur\) lad} beItind the bar itt barl‘l). I \an _\ott & _\our great axsetsf Would the three ol' )ou like dinner \ottlettrlte'.’ [7465/8I


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V I saw you tn the ( 'tt_\ (‘ate behtnd the bar I'Wt}d.t_\ _\ott ga\ e rtte a tree hug attd kl\\ \\IIII III_\ eollee \tm [ou‘te gone rboo hoot I'Itltll the I'I}t'II\tt} I 465 l

V I saw you trt ( )deon. ("lerk Street You \\ete out to ttte I \.t\\ _\out Ilt't\tltl\ Iittgetx. maxbe I tottehed them. rrt.t}l\t' it \\a\ tuxt m_\ trrtagtttattott. ma_\be ('onlexxtonx ( )t .\ IIartgerottx .\Itnd. .\ It) Sal I‘ 465 I

V I saw you ( ith at the IIoI}t'ood I‘.t\ern. 2| Itaxtmg ol \\hrxk} and Iookmg tIl['.ttII_\ let me eaxt .t Sprrngttrrre \pell rrteel _\ott ttttderrteallt m} \\IIIH“ Il‘t‘t' ' .\\ I 465. 5

V I saw you let. Stratltearn Road K\\II\III. trtanhattdlmg trailer \\lIII tttate You _\eIIo\\ tttrnper. gorgeottx \ltItIIl laugh .\Ie. lItlltItI} redhead trt \\Ittle ptek up tr‘ttek blaxtrng I‘I‘IIIR \\\ mg, You eheer'ed a tired \\orkmg girl. [7465/4

VI saw you I.ennart. rubbing _\ottr ktrk agamxt )our law bible Keep the dt )Itulltllh eotrtmg It It Kl'hIllI .»\td, .\II\\ )ttll. .\\ [7465/5 V I saw you It] I'opp on Satut'da}. You had a \mall amount ol gte) hatr on the lelt \ide ol _\ottr head. It Ielt rtte leelrttg \trangel} et‘otre ('aII ttte. [7465/6

V I saw you \\hen I eame to we _\our “at ath e the ('ameo' You are dead \\\ eel. “It”! to meet up lot a drink - \h} art \ttrdentl'l [7465/5

V I saw you I] \\orkmg up a \\\eat in IIoIttte\ I’Iaee I Io\e )ou. I’I’\\ [7465/3

V I saw you tettdtrtg bar at I'Upp - \\hal'x \o tunn} about 'lattn} eakex'I’ trtmmtrtrrr. \aanIa. [7465M

V I saw you long brourt beatrtiltrl hair. \\hteh Ittd _\our' stunning laee. I \ang Juxtm 'I‘imberlake. )ou laughed, I tell III Io\ e. [7465/lll

V I saw you III} darling (illx - )tttt had )our hatr' eut - I low it artd _\ott. ("an't \\atl to go to IIIL' I‘CIIL'II. [7465/I I

V I saw you in the .\Ieado\\ \. We met at the tral'l'te Itghtx a had a moment I.o\ ed the tIttIItltIII\ \\axn't \ure about the IL‘CkI [7465/I 3

V I saw you .-\J xx IIII broad \houlders artd dark \pik} hair: Ihink )ou \au rrte too. rrt Pear Tree. \\atehtng rugb) on Sttnda} 22 .\Iareh, lime) grttng rtte a ‘tr_\ "."Y I7465/I 3

V I saw you Andre“ III ehureh on Sunda}. Sing a p\a|m I'ot‘ me. [7465/I4

V I saw you gor‘geotrx ginger. (‘orne dou n. the I’riee ix right to take the High Road \\ith me? [7465/I5

V I saw you t‘tII\I\I[' \aptet. ('ortteI} Hank You Itke \tttte RHI‘IIIM‘II \\ ttlt .t horxe It‘II\II \Ie I‘lg’. ted hatred trottt I rte attd \\eattng tool \tttth.t~\e\ I'd Io\ e to \III.I\ k [out pott_\'

[ »I'\5 II\

V I saw you \tttatrda \It toda}' Your \Ie\t\ att e}e\ are \o ettte I IN e _\ou artd \\l\II trte artd )ott \\‘III\I IIIII .ma} together \\ It} ate tItttt;'\ Itke the} are ’You make me \o It.tpp}' \\\ II I’\ _\ott are art angel I 465 I5

V I saw you pleaxt-tl man

I Ike [our t Illll\ I\I\I\ \\attt to get IIIIII_\ agattt' Ihurxtla} It: I"( )ttt I‘ll do lttrtt rt [ott do \aIatI' [ 465 |.\

V I saw you rrdmg' _\otu Ittke .\II\I\II\' \It‘atltnk \\aIk I‘I III ‘--‘ i illtxh ()ur etex meet \le gIaxxex and long bIortde Itatt. Itke [out \ltIt‘I‘tIIth ' ltat I.III\\ trteettrtg up ' I 465 IN

V We saw you Itttxttttg otrt \ortte ItIltt'\ on that petleel \tmn} da) \\e \\elt‘ \IIIIIIj.' urtderneatlt the horxe \laltle. dartemg. .I\I\III_L' lot the porno trttro Iurtk (tune and toek ottt \\otld hard I‘ 465 II!

V I saw you blue II.tltt‘tI but belttttd the bar ttt the I’ear Iree \lrrttttrtt. taxt} I 465 II

V I saw you tn l’lanet I ha alter I.)eeurtt You are gorgeoux .\Ir (iap You reall} t‘lIII‘.tII.t\\t‘tI trte. l lotgne [on \Ir e\ II\I\ XIX-16533

V I saw you .IL'II HI IIIC IICt' artd tttdepettdertt IIII lederatrort What a eraek' I.o\ mg )ou more and rttote eaeh da_\ I 465 II V I saw you pretending to be ('Irttt Izaxtuood at the I’eat 'Itee (‘orrte on. _\ou're tuxt a tedd) bear. (io ahead t\ adttttt )ott low on" IIoItta [465/24

V I saw you .\IIIII["\. ltae .\Iu\\_\.I1II'I’urelltg \ tk' I’\ Your Itatr Iook\ Ion-I} toda}' [7465/35

V I saw you “uh .I (‘attter'bur_\ top on \\ Ito are )our te‘all} good looking II'IL‘IltI\ ' I 7465/36

V I saw you 'I’op lttot‘ w the (‘orrttttottuealth l’ool I55 looking lit rtt trutth .\le \oakmg net and \er} ted You're lab' Ilapp} btr’thda} t ttte In») \\ [7465535

V I saw you t’tnk Ittttk.tIII.t‘ \\ IIII \Iattl} e}e\ and a \[IIk' \Ile'k} ottl ;t\\. I)o )otl .tI\‘..t}\ tII‘lIIIk .tl (.Ik'\k'I I)teI\\ IitI III.[' to knou )ott better I 465 25 V I saw you Joe IIIIIII I )\lttItI rtt I’lanet ()ttt Ixt'te (‘atttona Iookaltke nae ehat. ttae lookx bttt ttree gu} I’Itone me, (i. I 7465/39 V I saw you lit the \IottIm Rouge tr. I);tl'l\ artd I realtwd )ott \t. ere the gtrI I wanted to spend the text ol m_\ Itle \\ tth X. [7465/ III

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