Edinburgh International Science Festival

Wednesday 16 continued

Fuelling the Future Roin Huiaim (idltlt'll. lnwilcilh Run. 553 ~‘lil Illain 5pm i'lt't' \t'c l'll ll Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On l<ti}.il Hotanit' (iaitlcn. liixt'ilt'illi Rou. 553 a I ~'I

llain l3 ‘llpiii & 3 i {lipin L5

1L3 5m 8w l'll ll Design-A-Dinosuar Ro}.il \llht'lllll. 3 ('hainht'ix Slit't't. 31" ~13 I”. ll Wain tk *llptii L3 St'c in II The Zoo and its Role in Conservation lzdinhtugh /.oo. (’oixioi‘phiiic Road. {H 0|”, l. (i Hpiii L”, 5t) St't' Sun 1*.


The Death of Competence RHMI .\ill\t'lllll. 3 ("liainhcix Sti’cct. 3-17 -l3l‘t 5. ill “pin, Lo l Llli .loin thix tlt'l‘éllt' .ll‘tilll \kllt'lllt'l lltL' .L'\|‘k'l'l\l (an \llll ht- li'uxtt'd in you-innit'iit. \L'lk‘llt'k'. liiianu' and. t‘\L‘ll nit-diciiit'.

Figuring it Out 'l l.l\L'l\L' illt'dll't'. ('anihi'idgt' Stu-ct. 33.\' Hill (i 7pm. Lo iL-li, \latlh lit-ad. tliat t‘laxx \w mud to \lup at \L‘lltltill ll|.lllt'l\ ax |)r lii'ut't'

“m It'\ ltllllx\ .tl lllt' t'tililit't'lltill hut“ t‘k‘ll iiut'lcai‘ \tationx .iiid (‘hiiicxc talwanap, I Know That Face 't’iaxt-rxc 'l‘llt‘dllt'. (.Qllllhl'ltl‘L'L' Sllt‘t'l. 33H l—llll Spin. Lo iL-li‘ \Vc'w all had tho 'Knou lht' law hut t'an't i‘t'iiit'inhci’ thc iianic' llltllllt'lll. hc ll “alking donn lllL' \ti'ct't or \itting in a hai. l’l'Ult‘\\Hl' \likc Burton tallu ahout lllk' coniplm and aina/ing; ahilit} ol our brain to i't'cognixc tlic lacc. hut not llL‘L'C\\.Il'll} tht' nanic. Stabs in the Back and Shots in the Dark ladinhurgli l'nixci'xit}. .'\ll;tlUlil_\ ’l‘licati'c. (icoigc Squai'c.

h’ ‘lpiii. Lo iL-li. .'\ltl;tlltl.l Silt/ii ll'mit'u liui'ton cat _\oui~ licai't out. l.cai'ii thc lt‘L'llllltlllL'\ inonth Ill ltHL‘Ihlt‘ wicncc L‘Ulll'lt'\_\ ol ladiiihurgh l'iiiu-ixit) \ l’l'tllt'\\til' Anthon} lilhllllll.

Eye in the Sky Ro)al .\ltl\L‘tllll. 3 ('liaiiihcrx Sti'u'l. 317 43W. 8 ‘lpiii. L7 lL5i. .»\t a lll;I\\l\t‘ |35in high. lllL' lMlltlUll law I\ an ;l\\t"lll\|‘ll'lllf_' picct- ol' t-ngiiicci‘inu l)r .-\|l.in. \\ ho \xoi‘kcd t‘liixt‘l} \\ tlli lllL' colhlt'ltt‘llult. tlI\L‘tt\\t‘\ lllt' ltltltlcll \L‘L‘l't'lx til lltl\ ptiptllttl' ltittt‘l\l

Other events

Discovering Edinburgh’s Volcano - Arthur’s Seat :\l‘llttii"\ Scat. Illaiii noon k 3 ~1piii. L5. ('onit‘ on a guided \xalk to dixcm t'i‘ thc talc ol itx di'aiiiatit' t‘icatioii 33” million )catx

Catch a Falling Star l<o_\al ()l\\L‘l'\;llUl'_\ \"ixiloi' ('cnti't'. Blackloi‘d Hill. («is H~lll~lr Illani 5pm. L3,(i5 tL‘lh’5i; ltllllll} lit‘lwt u». St‘c luv 15. Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On RU};ll Boiaim (iai‘dcn. liiwrlt-ith Rou. 553 7l7l. llani l3,_il)pni & 3 .iillpin. L3 (£33.5(ll. SL‘L‘ l'l'l l ll

Friday 18 Talks

Strings, Branes and the Universe Unravelled Rti};tl .\itl\t‘lllll. 3 ('hanihcrx Sti'ccl. 3-17 43 l‘). (i ~pin. L7 tL'5i. l’i'til'cxxoi‘ l)a\id liailin giwx a talk on the many thcoi'}. and ho“. accm‘dhig to IIL‘\\ a ltlL‘llCC. it could In“ L‘ lk‘L‘ll lllC cauxc til lllL' lily Bang.

Secrets of the Red Planet

'l‘i'a\ crxc lllt'dll't‘. ('ainhi'idgc Strcct. 33H lJtH. 7pm. L7 lL5i. l.cading mpci'h on .\lai‘\ pi'cxcnt thcii' limiting and road l'i'oin thcii~ “ork.

Rise of the Vampire 'l‘rmcrw 'l‘hcati'c. (‘ainhi‘idgc Sum-t. 33R l-ltH. .\' ‘lpiii. L7 tL5i. (‘alliiig all uannahc \ttlllpll'LNl l)a\ id l’cwod. aka l)r Dcath. rcxcalx ncu i‘cxcai't‘h into thc ni_\th ol thc hlooduickcrx. and NW [X‘tiplc “l1” thpll‘t‘ tn l‘C UIIL‘.

100 THE LIST A: ' .1 r A

Rise of the Vampire

Lighting Chips Rt‘};tl \ltixt'uni. 3 (‘hanihci‘x Sti‘t'ct. 3.17 ~13l‘). H ‘lpin. Lo lL‘ll‘ .loin llll\ tll\\'ll\\lUll on ho“ \ilit‘on thipx loi' thc llL‘\l gcnci‘ation ol coinputt‘i'x could changt' tht' \\.t} _\Hll \L'C lL‘t'lttiology

Other events

Discovering Green Energy l<o_\.i| liotanic (iai'dt'n. lint'i'lt'ith Ron. 553 ‘l‘l Illani 5pm, l-i't'c. l)o )olii' hil loi llit' \xorld around ll\ \\llll lltl\ iaiigc ot \kiitl\\ltt\]‘\ and at‘tn lllL‘\ on l'L‘llt'\\.tl‘lt‘ t‘iit'i';) lroni Split-it SL‘ICIIL‘C.

Catch a Falling Star l{o_\al ()hxt'natoi'} Vixitoi (‘t'iitita lilat'kloid llill. (ioh' 8404, lllani 5pm. L305 lL'l 85L laiiiil} tit‘la‘t Ln. Scc lut- l5

Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On Royil Botanic (lttl'tlt‘ll. lnwi'lt'ith Ron. 553 ql‘l llain l3. illpiii «k 3 3.30pm. Li 1L3 5th, Scc l'l'l ll, Building Stones and a Geological Wall l)aiiit‘l Stcxxai't‘x and \lt'hillt' ('ollcgc. 3 Killpni tk ". illpiii L5. Dixt‘owi‘ tlic hiddcn \toi‘itw that lit" “lllllll tlic uth and l\lllltllllf._‘\ ol l);llllL‘l StcnartK tilltl \lt‘lHllL‘ ('(illL‘L‘L‘. \lL‘L‘l lll lllL' \(lliiol t‘ai' park on Rawlxton 'l'ci‘rat‘c ;\d\aiit‘cd hooking: t‘\\t‘lllt;tl.

Saturday 19


Out of Body Experiences: in Search of Self Ro}al \llht‘lllll. 3 ('li;iiiiht‘i\ Strccl. 34" 43W. 3 5pm. L" lLSl. iit'l\\t't'll NV: and l5” til lltt‘ \Hit'ltl haw L'\[\L‘l'lL‘ll(Ctl an ()ut ol‘ Hod} l'.\pci'icnu‘. Ix it an llltlxltlll or thc i'cal thing

Science and the Fight Against Violence Rina] .\ltl\t‘lllll. 3 ('hainhcrx Strcct. 34"»131‘). (i ~pin. Lo lL-li. laii llant‘oclt coiixidcrx \\ hat gcncratt'x \ iolcnt hchtn row and \\ licthci‘ ll't‘dllllL‘llh can \xor‘k ;t\ PI'L‘\ L‘lllleC ltlcaxlll'Cx

Death and Ritual in the flindu Kush ’l'i'awrxc ’l‘hcati'c. ('ainhi'idgc Sti'cct. 338 I404: (i Tplllt L'" iL5i. .\lr l)a\id l’L‘WtKl lalla ttl‘tltll lllL' l;i\l \lll'\ norx Ul thc Kalaxh tribe and tlicir attitudc lti\\;tl'tl\ dcath.

Other events Catch 3 Falling Star RU};tl ()hxcnatoi'} \'i\itor (‘cntrtn lilacldord llill.

(ins 8404. ltlaiii 5pm. L305 lL'l N5i; laitiil} tickct Scc luv l5:

Discovering Green Energy l{o_\.il liotanit‘ ('iardcn. liiwilcith Run. 553 "|"l Illani 5pm. l-icc Scc l'll |.\

Exploring the Seven Hills (".iilion lllll. Rout-m lt'iiat‘t'. Illani I illpin t\

3 5 illpin LllltL'h'i. 8w \loii l-l Rainforest Roadshow l{o_\al llilldlllt' (idltlL‘ll. liiwi'lcith Ron. 553 "lql, llain. l illpiii tk ipin l'tcc («mic and int-ct l).l\t‘ and Sut‘ Slia“ \Hlll lllt'll talcx lioni South .-\nit'i'it‘.i and lioi‘nt'o and \'lk'.lllllk'\ ol the Normal i'aintoicxt

Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On l{\i_\al liotaiiit‘ (iai'dt'll. lmcilcith Ron. 553 ‘l‘l Ilaiii l3 illpni t\ 3 Hllpiii Li lL3 5th Scc l H II

Sunda 20 . . Book events

Genesis of the Pharaohs l<ii_\al .\lll\L‘lllll. 3 (‘haniht‘rx Slit-ct. 3-l" -l3|‘l -l 5pm. Lo (Lil; lainil) tit‘la't Llo. l-.g_'_\piolog_'ixt 'loh) \\ lll\lll\Ull tallu ahout lll\;ll1l;l/lllf_' (ll\L’ll\L'l'.\ ol (illllll )t'ai‘ old rock can lllj_'\ in thc ht'ai‘t ol tht' t'axtt'rn tlt'xt‘l'l.

Extinction! Ro}.i| .\ill\t‘lllll. 3 (‘haiiiht‘i‘x Sti't't't. 3-17 -l3 l‘). 0 "pin, Lo lL-li; lainil} tit'kct L'lo [Holt-“or \lit‘liacl .l iit'llltlll lalln ahoul lllt' natural tll\;l\lt‘l' that nt'ai‘l) “lpt‘tl out all lllt‘ on cai'th 351 million _\t'ai\ ago


Dr Bunhead’s Filthiest Show on Earth 'l'i'awi'xc ’l‘hcatrt'. ('ainhiidgc Slit-ct. 33X l-lllJt N ‘lpiii L" tL5i. Scotland'x la\ouritc niawi'it‘k \t‘icntixt l\ hack u itli an uploxnc ncu \hou iiithigating our low-hatt- i'clationxhip

oath and ritual in the Hindu Kush

\\ ith oil and \'\[‘l.lllllll:__' hou to put div '1' hatk into \atcr \c\ \k't' l‘l\‘\lt‘\\ and kith ll\llllj_'\

Other ments

Easter Treasure Trail at Edinburgh ZOO ltlltll‘tllffll /oo. ('ohtoiphinc lx’oad. “l "I ‘1

"am (\l‘lll L5 IL ‘~ “till a tonx ol the lt'\ti\al l’ioyiainint‘i \\ in .i \ liot‘olatt‘ \llll‘lht' .t\ ton tollou tht' \pct l.tl .iiiinial tiail

Discovering Green Energy l\'«i}.il liolann (ianlt'n. lnxcilcith lx‘ou. 5‘ “lfll lllani 5pm lit‘t' \L'\' I ll IN Raintorest Roadshow l\’«\_\.tl liotanit (l.ll\lt'll. lnwilt-itli lx’oxx. 55.‘ “I”! ll.illl. | lllpiii t\ 1pm lit-c \t't' \al I"

Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On l\'ii}.il llolalitt (l.ll\l\'ll. lll\\'ll\'llll Rim. 553 "l 'l

Ham |.‘ Wpin .\ 3 \cc I ll ll

Catch 3 Falling Star Rout ()hxt‘ixatoi} \ l\lli|l ('t‘ntit'. Illat kloid Hill. (i(i.\ .\-1lll \tiiin 5pm {3 (i5

ILl .\5i. laniil) lit'kct Lo \t-t' Inc 15

Monday 21. . , - , - Talks The Quantum Century Natal \luwuiii. 3 ('haiiiht'ix Stit't'l. 315 l3l‘l 5' lL'5i lt-ain hou quantum illnxit'x ll.t\ lt'd lo lllt' ll.tll\l\lt'l. lllt' llllt'llk hip and Hit" inoliilt' lllltillt'. and hou it'lcpoitalioii \\lll .lllt'kl out hum in the 3 | \t t't‘iitui) Faster Than the Speed of Light RU)“ \ltiwuni. 3 (‘liainht'ix Mint 31" J31” N ‘lpiii L" lL5i l)i ,loao \laput'iio. ol tht' Iiiipt'iial ('ollt'jst‘. t'liallciigt'x l.in\tt'iii\ [ht-oi} ol it-laiixin

1 Hip”) 1;”) Q”.

(i ~pin L'

Other events

Easter Treasure Trail at Edinburgh Zoo ltdinhuiyh /oo, ('oixtoipliiiic Road. N-l ‘)|"l

‘lani (iliiii. L5 tL'i “fill a pop} ol lllt' i‘k'\ll\.ll l’ll'j.'l;lllllllt'l St-t- Sun 3” Discovering Green Energy l<o_\.il liotanit‘ (iaitlt'n. llHt'llt'llll Rim. 553 "lal, lllani 5pm llt't‘ 8w l'll IX Catch a Falling Star Rinal ()l‘\t‘l'\tlllll} \'i\iloi (‘t-ntit'. ltladdonl llill. Nix X-llll lllani 5pm L3 ()5

“El Nil; ltllllll,‘ “(ht-i U) St‘t' lllt' l5 Edinburgh Physick Garden: 333 Years On Ro)al Hotanit' (iaidt'n. lmt'ilt-ith Ron. 553 "|"l

llain l3. illpiii «k 3 4. illpin L i «L3 5th SCC l‘ll l l

Tuesday 22


The Search for Human Perfection Roin Sot‘lt'l} ol ladiiihuiph. 33 3o (it'oigt' Slit-cl. 3-ill 5lll)(l_ " 0pm U) lL-li Slliitlltl \kt' ti\t' \t'it'nu' to _L'itlll lllL' [writ-gt hod}, atliit'w athlctit~ t-u'cllcnt't' oi pt'iloiin gt-nt-lit ciihaiit‘t'iiicnt ' You du‘idt' u itli ll|l\ inloi'int'd talk

Other events

Catch a Falling Star l((i_\al ()hxci'mtoi'} Vixitoi' ('t'ntic. lilat kloid llill. (ihN X-ltl-i. Illaiii 5pm, L305

lL l 85 i; laniil} tit'lu't Lo: St't' 'luc l5