Clubs lIsIIngs
Glasgow Saturdays continued
I Saturdays in Bed .II lchl IlnI'IIIcI‘l) IhI' \I'lwl RIIIIIIIxI lll .‘llpIII idlll L" 1L5» 'l'hc IIIIIkII'xl Rtkll III lhc L'll} lik'lv lhI' hIg hack thlI'nnIII nII II S.IIIII'Il.I_\ III “Cd “llll lhu lcchIIlIII‘} RJ) IIInIIIl \\'nnle JIIII dd licxl .IIIIl hIx llllhlL'IIl .IIIlch kccp )nII .mnkc lll Ihc lInIIl hchnnIII III.Il\IIIg llIIx llL‘\\ SIII IIIghl UllL‘ nl Ihc IIInxl panIl.II III lhc (ll) I SGiSITIiC .ll x\tl [Ill \L‘U ILIIL‘ llk‘ I The Shack .II lllL‘ Shdck lll. illpIII ‘SIIIIIII L" IL'FI \chlxl} )Hlll h.III Ilnun IIIIIl hwn lhIIng up on Ihc Ildllc‘t‘lhml [H lllL' \t‘llllti\ Ill .lll _\Ulll' Shack I The Shed .Il Ihc Shul lll.3llpIII ZIIIII. U1. \Vcckl} l)cIII.IIIIl Ix hIgh InI' lhIx nnc. xn gcl lhcrc L'III‘I} ‘l'IIIImgI' kiL‘Pitl)L'ti h} 1)] R;I_\IIInIIIl l).'I\IcII III lhc III.IIII hull. Rtkli illlL'llllliltlIl ('hI'Ix lluxkclh III lhc 1.0“. I Soulsa ill .\l.r\S. l lpIII .idlll. LIN WITH}. MM} and Shuc I) .III' lll chIII‘gc III lhc club 111 Rn};Il l:\ch;IIIgc Square .»\ gII'IIl xnIIllIIl hnIIxc xcxxInII nII lhIx \xcll» Ilcxcrwtl pull}. I'm 3‘! .llIIr It 5 .“I’I illll\ '.\'I.l\,'l(lltl [III/(It'IN 'Jr'! 1: UN (It’ll, [ll‘llt (1H lug/II. I Streetlite ;Il l.IIIIIIIl lounge. \ml thllt‘ llk‘. O Subculture III lhc Suh ('lIIh. llpIII .iillll. t'lll \Vt‘ckl}. :\ll IIhxnlIIlcl) hlIIIIlIIIg l0\lL'l nl lull-III lI‘nIII lhc L‘Il} lthl guw Ihc \InI'lIl gnnIl hnuxc lllll\|L‘. (‘hIcIIgIL Ix III xInI'c .Il SIIhI‘IIllIII'c III cnIIIIIIg \wckx. Ynu'w hIIIl llculhcr. IInu Il'x lhc IlII‘II nl L‘l;l\\ III'l \lurk l'III'IIIII nn 5 :\pl'. IIIIIl th‘ll Ihc nIIc. lhc illll}. Derrick (’III‘ICI‘ III» :\pI'I. Nnhntl} Ilncx ll IIIIIIc lIkI‘ th' (‘hlcugn .\l;lecrx. . Superlly .ll lhc \Viltlilflth‘ Sik‘llll. lllpIII 3am. £5. 5 IIIIIl l‘) .-\pI‘. l-Iwhughlly 'l'hc px) chcdclic cuhuI'cl cnIIlIIIIICx III th‘ \Vnntlxitlc \\ ilh lhIx IlnIIhlc hclpIIIg nl' xltcuml IlIIIIchCI‘III Lllltl xItlt'\\.I)x-IIIIIkIIIg clubbing IIL‘lInII. I Syntax III SnIIIIIlhIIIIx. .\'t‘\l IlIIIc lhc. I Traxx III SnIIIIIlhIIIIx. l l.3llpIn 5am. W (Fl. 5 Apr. .\lnIIlhl_\. \lL‘IIihcrx .IIIIl lllL‘ll' gIII'xIx nIIl). 'l‘hc 'l'I‘II\\ at“ I!“ Ilc 'l‘nIII (‘hIII'chIll nl liIIInlII‘nII IIIIIl llI‘IIlepIIcc I‘ccnI‘IlIIng IN ;I IIIghl nl' high ncIIIIIc hnIIxc hI‘IIIIuIIcc.
Vegas III lhc Runlrcu i'L‘l‘l'}. ‘lpIII IIIIII. £8 IUII. 2‘) Mar. .\lnnlhl_\. ()nc nl lhc IIInxl clIIII'IIIIIIg. l'IIIIII_\ IIIIIl hihlL‘illl} I'IIInthII- cluh IIIglIIx III I'cccnl IIICIIInI‘} l'L‘llll'lh In IIIIlec Ihc Rt‘llll'L‘“ l'I'I'I'} \\\ iIig nIII‘ IIInI'c IIIIIc. licIIIIIIlIIl I‘I‘nml. gI'I'IIl clIIII‘IIcch'x III Ihc llL‘llll and II IIIIc \L‘llllL‘. SnIIIthIIIg xpcciul ;Il| I'nIIIIIl. l)l'L‘\\ In llllpl'C\\ Ul‘ )nu‘rc lhc “L‘ll'kill. I The Winchester Club III lllL‘ \letlflth‘ SUL‘llll. I Wired III :\x.\ lIIIII. (';IlmlnIII;III l'IIIwI'xII) l'IIInn. lllpIII .iillll. [3. WITH}. (iIIngnu 'x lIiIIgcxl I'lIIIIIIIIg .lllL‘l'llillHL‘ IIIIlIc IIIghl \\ Ilh IlI'IIIkx pI'nIIInx uplcnl}, I Seduce III .-\I‘ch;Inx. l lpIII .idlll. {8 IN»), \Vcckl}. (’hIII'I} dance and Rtkll. IInI In lllL‘llllUll IIII llllllt‘llllh} xIIIIIIIcI‘IIIg nl' cliccxc nII IhIx hugc SIII IIIghlI'I‘.
Glasgow Sundays
I Audioporn III Mcrcur) l.nIIIIgc,
l lpIII 3am. Uhc. \Vcckl). :\ IIIghI l'nI‘ lhnxc uhn xIIll IIInuI‘II lhc pIIxxIIIg nI~ :\l;ka;I. 'l‘hix nighl hux ll lillll} lcchnn and limb clcclrn hcnl. and IIII npcn Ilnnr policy
I Bennet’s ill Bcnncl'x. l 1.30pm .‘~;IIII. £3. \Vcckl}. lII “hich “c are cnIII‘I‘nIIIcIl h} II xII‘IIIIgc pIIrII). Tum pl;I)x lllllC\ lnx cIl h} 13-)cur-nld girlx. plux xnmc huIIgIII‘ handling. In cqliull} IIppI'chIIliw gII) lllL‘ll. l-‘IIIIII_\ nlIl \xnrltl.
I Bite ;Il lhc (';IIlInIIxc. lll..‘~(lpIII .‘MIIII. l‘I‘cc below 1 1.30pm; £3 It; I Sill IIl'lcr. \Vcckl). .-\ IIIIlIch~ llll\ nl' llltllL‘ .lllLl luck IhIIII )IIII'll I'IIIIl '.Il Ihc cil} 'x prcmicr Incl. While on Fri Ul' Sal.
I Club Tropicana III lhc (IIIIIIgc I.-\lIIcI. llpIII .‘~;IIII. {3 IL’ZI. Wet-kl). IIIIlIc. hnlh clglxxic and cnIIICIIIpnIIII‘). \\ Ilh ;I hcullh) tlnxc nl‘ BI‘Ilpnp.
76 THE LIST .Q‘ ‘~‘.I'—-'.‘ AI"
I Come to Bed .II III-II Iiilflllt'll} Tllt‘ \I'lwl RnnIIIxi llpIII iIIlll :4 It'll \M'CRI} \‘nllI ll .IIIIl \iIIlh l)nIIcll} .IIc )nIII hanx .II IlIIx IIcu k.II.Inl\I- IIIghI. Icplclc \\ IIh II-.Il thlx .IIIIl llllt'll‘l‘lli‘lltN lIIIlIIlchIcc IIIxI I‘c.IghI-Il llL‘\\ lIt-Ighlx «III S.IIII'hIch.Ill SIIch
I Cut the Crap .II \I \\ l lpIII 1.IIII £5 \VL'I'H} (‘III [llk'LIIIl‘l.1lllltllt'\lll;'llt'\\ l\\lecIl hnIIxt' \t[1\iL.lL.Lli|‘iil\|l IIIglII .Il llIIx
I Definition v Audio .II limb
l lpIII .RIIII “ct-kl} \\ h.Il hIIIng DcliIIIIInII .IIIIl \IIIlIn IngI-IhI'I Ix .I xlI.IIle Cllllllhhhlll InI pl.I_\IIIg lllll\l\ llI.II lll.Ih‘\'\ _\nII \\.llll In IlIIIII‘I' xn IIIIIgh Ih.II }IIII IlInp .I Ilicxx xI/I'. \kllllillll Ihc lnIIII.IlIl} nI h.I\IIIg In IlI‘Cxx .I chl.IIII “.l} \n IIcI-Il In xI.IIIIl nII cucninn} lIcIc \\ uh .I xnIIIIIllI.Icl\ In }I'lll SIIII hkc lhIx. InIgcl \lIIII IIInI'IIIIIg. .IIIIl L‘Ulllt' \il‘\\ll In l’ml'll} InI Ihc pI-Ilcgl end In lhc \wckcntl
I Disco Badger .II ll.IIIIl\nn 5pm idlll £5 lL_“|_ \\cckl) \ IIIghl llle “I” hung IngcllII-I gucxlx lI'nIII .Ill l‘\L'l lhc (il.ngn\\ t‘llll‘ Lllltlxtkllk‘. Sillt'. lllL' llim Ilct‘t‘IIwIl \‘nIcIIIIn and .I plclhnI.I nl nIhI'I I'lIIhx \\ Ill ht‘ IlnIIIIIIIIg prIIIIch III lhI' \‘I‘llllllg' IIInIIIhx I Dream .II Slumhcri} l'Iclle
lilillpm .‘\.IIII {IS “with l‘IllchI IIIIIIl In gcl lll ‘ YnII'I‘c '.I\III' .I l.IIIgh. .IIII'I }.I' BIII \IIIII: lhc hIII Ix t‘nIIIplI'lcl} III‘I' .Ill IIIghI. xn xlnp IIIn.IIIIIIg .IIIIl gcl IlI'IIIIk .IIIIl pIxchl up nII hnn/c
I Freakmoves .II The (il.ngIm SIIIIIIII nl .'\l‘l lI‘nIII (hilch). llpIII idlll L'llx~ \Vcckl). Dunn and Nice nl l‘I‘cIIl‘IIIcIInmcI‘x pIII} nIII hIp hnp. I'lI'I‘IIn illlti \\hIIIc\I-I clxc lh.II xnIIIIle gnnIl .Il IhIx lI'nIIl I'nnIII \\llll :I lnl nI xnIIl.
I Kinky .Il 'l'I'.Ixh llpIII .‘\.IIII £5 IUI Weekly l’;IIIl .\".lII' play h.II‘Il IIIIIk} xnIII and hip hnp. \thlc SIM Ic liInuII play nIIl the pull} IIIIch I'Ixmxhcrc nII lhI' pII'IIIIxCx Rnh ll ;I|xn pI'nx IIlcx lhc xnIIIIIllI‘IIt‘k In )nIII ‘l'mxln IIIghI nuI
I Life’s a Drag .II lhc \lt'II‘III') l.nIIIIgc Rpm .iillll. l’II'I'. Wall}. .-\ IIIghl nl lllll\lL' I'I‘nIII l).| (‘nlIII DMC} plIIx I'chIl.II' thug pcI'l'IiI'IIIIIIIcI-x.
I Liquid Cool .Il llIIhII/I ‘lpIII .iIIlll. 1'. Wall). :\J. KI‘Ix chgun illltl l.III 'l'hnIIIpxnII phi} lnp-Iinlch \nc.Il g;II'.Igc .IIIIl hnIIxc In ‘.l cluh puckcll \\ IIh h}pt'I'~ thlnIIleIc l\\cIIl_\xnIIIthIIIg I‘cwllI-I'x. .Ill nI uhnm \L‘L‘lll In ll;l\L' lnI‘gnIchI IhIII lhc_\ haw \xnI‘k III lhI' IIInI'IIIIIg. ll IIIIIIIII) lIIIch ;IIIIl gIIIIIInI‘nIIx .IIIIch .II'I- )IIIII' h.Ig. Sun .II Bill‘ll/Il Ix IIIIIIIIxxuhlc.
I Man with No Suitcase III th' (iI'Il'l'III. 8pm IIIIIlIIIghl. (i :\[\ll l'I'cc. MnIIIhl}. 'l'hc IIIan cluhhx pI‘c-clIIh IIIghl III III“ II lulu le xclcclinn nl \\ IlIl p;II‘I_\ gumcx and pub I‘I'II/Incxx In IIIInIhI'I' lcwl. Shunhn hI‘IIIx .IIIIl I'nhnlx IIglIIIIIg III‘I' .Ill p;II'I nl' th‘ mpI'I'II-III‘I‘. ()I'II'III l-.\pcI'IcIIgc Ix th‘ lllL‘lllL‘ lhIx lllllL‘.
I MiSO Ill lllL‘ (.Ilpllllll.\ RC“. \C\l IliIlL' [l‘\‘.
I One Sunday III lhc ‘IIIIIIII'I
llpIII .illlll. H I“ l. “Ix-kl}. 'l'hc RIM” Cllllllllllt'x \\ Ilh lhc 'l'IIIIIIcl (II-u nII lhIx xIIII'IIl Suhlmlh cclcthlInII. \\I-.II' lllt'L‘ clnIth l'nI' :IIlIIIIxxInII. plant
I Optimo (Espacio) .II "10 Sub (‘IIIII llpIII .iillll. {Ihtt \Vcckl} SIIll lht‘ higgcxl and IIIan IIIIpnI'IIIIII Sun IIIghICI' III lnIIII Il'x IInl IIle .Ihnul IIIIllInIIx nl IIIIIka. xII‘;IIIgc pcnplc .IIIIl \lllL‘ll} gIllCI'pJI'IICx. nh IIn. Il'x .Ihnul xn much IIInI'c Ih.III IhIIl ’l‘hc Rilpllll'c I'clIII‘II In lhc chili IIIch' .I hlIIIIlIIIg IIIII‘nIlIIclInII In Ihc clIIh. uh (I .-\pI‘. and II hcullh} xIII.IIIcrIIIg nl' gi'cul gIII'xlx .II'c cnIIIIIIg IIp xIInII.
I Streaker ;Il Slidck. lilfillpm 3.3”.IIII £5 IN» \Vcckl). l)J J;IIIch ‘Ihc Bny (iunlncr prIIx lhc lI‘IIt‘kx InI‘ IlInxc mun} IIIg llllllllllllrL‘ who and naked lllll 'l'hIx “‘1”th lth‘ ;l gmld laugh. L‘ll‘
I Sunday Surgery .II (‘IIlm
l lpIII .‘IIIII. {5 IL'FI. \Vcckl). ('.IIIICI’nII ('rIIIg tll\pL‘ll\C\ \IllllL‘ x;Il\c l'nI‘ )Illll' xnIIl III lhIx IlIerIIIg \xIIItch‘-Iln\\IIcr \\ Ilh .I IIIcIlIcIIl lthIIc.
I Sunday Best III Ihc XIII-II.
10.30pm IIIIII. £3 till \Vcckl}. 'l'hc RIghI Rm L'I’cIIIl JIIII l);I licxl Ill}pc. (‘uhci pl;I_\x uhnlm L‘l‘ Ihc hcll hc \\;llll\ cuch .IIIIl cwr) SIIthIIh lnI‘ lhc hungnwr nIICx
Glasgow Tuesdays
I Transistor .II :‘II.- l’uiw I
IlpII. ‘.-.:I. 1‘ \\;;'.x1_\ Raf. pup in: :.-..‘.
g‘t‘np'i; will: lllx \1.;lI \l.\l.1:t..j.‘ .::‘I‘. x\ w: \\.I}I:I- llzwz‘. I Boo .9. ll..:“"~~ . :1 1.‘ I Vinylicious .II I n'IM‘ln'Ati \\ .~.-;.'.\ (It..."..::'. l .."..i l‘lx \lIIlrtIglII :.-.::2 L‘ L; \\;.'Zk'._\ lit; :czx 'ftzx “.90. (II..x;‘~'-~. xt'\} pcnpiclInII. \n.f.x.z“t::::.' ;;x.;:1I"."IcI I FUN .-.'.l l '. llllt'Illg'lZII‘?llI‘Lht'l1;72.:fl\l;.;iiqu (I:.‘..'. \\.'.".~. x l .I':.i x jLIIt‘xlx. lnI- I‘l‘. z" \l.-.t illclt'Ix “.3; l’.’ g‘.-.. \m‘. ‘.x:'3: t' ..x'. fInII‘I \.:ll\lll.ll\ \t‘..'.\.:: ..:1.‘ I I.2 ‘. llw I Laid 1.“; \I~...'-. 'I' *I'p“ 1..“ A Glasgow Mondays :1 \\.-.-I.:~. l':.- '. 1m}. '.'L.21.:f 'li',‘ ‘.-I;‘ '. i.?:..z' t“..- Cl‘dl: .;l'.::‘.:.I'I;x111.1.""' I..I'l\ \l I Burn .5 \l \\ I ‘IpII-I XIII: l in! I Juicy Tuesdays ..'. Ila. x x:.:ll nl .III} [‘lll‘I‘l .lIIh. :1 Inc\.‘t\n:I; \.".:.". lx'~~:'. x '1'.“ M.“ '2 °. I'lxI' \\I'cl\l_\ lllx \nIIII.III .IIII‘. /\‘l!\ \\.';I.I\ \1.I'. frcx'f'. x'..:\ .' pII'xIIlI' n\I'I llII' hIggcxl .IIIIl lnIIgI'xI Ixxi l...‘ I: ll \l:':'.: ‘..l'. 'f‘:.~ h" IIIIIIIIIIg xl.III IIIglII nIIl III lIIxInI§ l II'I'IlntII inn}. ‘13: -:.I~;.::I .-..;:.~: :. x InI lh: \InIkI-Ix. .IIIIl IlII'II‘K .len .I gin-xi t.:\nII::I.-x 'u.t::':c \«1' l \l. \l! L.::~ .Ippmmnt‘c cxI'I} IInv. .IIIIl .Ig.III: pIanIlcx wry; t...' 1'.v.'.~.;: f.I:* 2:. ‘.:~:;'.
lx'IlIn. ~II‘.
I Don’t Forget your Passport .II
IlII- \II.II-l llpIII i,‘.l‘.l U m4 \\I~.-l.l\ I Million Dollar Disco \l \\ .lIIIIInI ()IIIIpnx prIIx .III I'IlctlII xI'lI\I:I~II l'zpi'. Km. 1,; ‘ ‘ \\.'.”.-... l I‘ nl IIIIII'x \‘.lIIlI' xnIIII' luck} pctxnII I‘I-Ix IlI." III2I'M ::‘.:.I" xx '.l x' " chant‘c In um .I hnlIIln nI IIIcII l‘ll\ l.‘.l\' 'I.I\I' \I lx.-I:I Ix t'rI.~ TlI.‘.ll‘ I.I,.
hnIIII' I In Bed with Jim Da Best .II Hui
IlnIIIII'Il} IhI~ \I'lwl Rihllllv 'I'IpIII ;.'.lll
I Pink Pound .Ii III." \lI'II 'I'I!‘- Inn: t: \\.'.",-.3\ Hit' 11. '.‘It in .‘x \\l:.:'. 'tInz.
“1m 1"" Z‘crIzz:
Ll I13: \\I'I'kl§ .lllll III\Il.-x )nII In lIIx .le. lnI'
hnlIIlnII lnI .III I'\I'IIIIIg nl pnpl.IxII. IIIleI. I TIT .Il lI..xlI inIII kw. 2‘ f i
lllllk) xhll and .I “hilly lnl I‘lxc l‘I'xIIlI'x \\I'I‘kl_\ l’.IIII \' II.‘ ;~'I..\ x I‘.;'. lx'.\ ll .329. 'zIp I Passionality .Il (.Uht' ll illl‘lll KIIII lInp. (llJCillI' l .‘Iz'IIxnII :::'.x \Ill. Iif. lll.‘ l'II‘I' “cckh l).| .\l1d\\llI'll\lllt'\1ll.ll Ihc x'.IIIl.-II: . l.;xxI. x I:: lx’nnzI. ‘ Id. lx'n‘n ll I \xI'ckcIIIl Ix xI.I}IIIg .IlI\I- \\llll lhIx pnxl lllt'illllxlTI'I‘llll‘l.1\liii' pzzz‘. .z'.'t‘..~::.x .,I..‘.
\wckcntl IIIghl nl pIc.IxIII;.' \‘lI.IIIleI} lsz lllllt'\
VINYL RICHIE Leaw” .es at Glasgow 52"”,2 ‘ Ls. TH. 3 {Apr Vinyl Richie has been battling In
turntable competitions all over the
world since 1999. but instead of relying
on other people's samples and accepted
techniques. he embraced new technology
and started producmg his own 'battle
weapons'. 'Advances in technology represent
new possibilities for the musician.‘ he says. ‘As
the technology Improves. it allows me to do what I
do In the studIo when I play out live.’
For his latest production. Vinyl Style. he's teamed up with UK DMC finalist Tiger Style to create 'an extremely mUSICal album which explores the frontiers of turntablism'.
Battle weapons? Frontiers of turntablism? Sounds lIke Star Trek sponsored by Technics. which is great it you‘re an eight-year-old boy with nae males. but the rest of us might need a little more convincing. Vinyl Richie and TIger Style are trying to open things up. Bringing in elements of drum 8. bass. electro and even opera. they hope to do more than simply wow us with their qUIck wrist actions and their favourite new toys.
ThIs LP Isn't jUSt about skills' he says. 'lt's about feelings and emotions. Vinyl Style will be played lIve usmg cutting edge technology and will be a joy to watch.‘ (Stet Macbeth)