iiiiAnk THOMAS

Seen at the Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh: touring to Cottier Theatre. Glasgow. Mon 31 Mar-Wed 2 Apr oooo

H ’r 7' it'i " ‘: " "' it {it ..' '.'W ' . :o' ,f°'t: , Int" ' Tun ..'t t“: I, 'I; ' - ‘7.‘7'V‘S‘J'Ltll/llfl‘filltl' i 1' i’. " . ré- 5‘1' x w '.‘v,"' " r‘ ' t< :xtiiuz'” [itrrtr'iHv' "19' "'J: :: ‘-’-.'. may (at l'inrt ":Zti" writ :‘»".f .'."‘:l‘.- it .’;' 7w " "";"-' et;,;,r’;:.' gtti: l"*;’.f:;t':. "t: ‘r‘wa'n'x: T'tt:

l' T:‘.'

" m't' '."<. .Mt'. "(ill litrzt'twts. t/‘J’n-Y "t .

', " . " ""1": "not. fgt'titiuttzrt flirt.” the filial l‘itxt‘m; iitt‘i luat'intl ttf>.‘.

’t'v‘tr‘t-r-t (18”)! {l from: :tzttt It"; it?) if my: "it"li'ifl at "t:.'.’ lU'll‘ m‘ t:"tt:ttatnt"t:nf that's St’t"“:‘.'/l‘tt,"t’?

tit:t..’-"~"l' 1w: f;’>éltil)())( and 371‘} (.(‘ll‘tffh gig ilz‘. m? I‘. a" lllf)l)l'£lli()ll£ll broadside agarst tltt: '.'.at on ltatt.

.'"'lft“.l'ill£tl‘. .’(:£ll tr) fitrtltl trio zllltllt'lXLt: out .ttto the .‘.’()ti(l (2'7lt'"l"l.'i(,‘tl ll) tttgtko a tlztftr't3ri(:t>. l'i lll(?§3(: litmt'ut‘; ‘; a ll(]ll't: 'tf totvtashttig ()ttl’l"lf;!l‘. arguing (i()(_t(}llll",'

that haut: l"()lt,‘ t><>‘.'.'(?l t'tziti two '(féllitil? ti'itl flint '.'.'(: art) not

(tlh’lt’ f;ltt;.;t:l‘t"tll.tl\/1gitkltt;lit)ti

I 1‘. EM .l'lf)/.'l.'l.‘; also {Mil of {no 88:”

Mr. Motif/o. ()r; f;§}()l‘l’. Sun (it) Hm

I l.-l5ptn, l't'cc. hut llt‘lu‘lt‘tl. ()nl) ati l:\cu\c “l'llt‘l‘ .lonalhon Watxon l'L‘lllt‘ll\ \\ Hit a ncn \crtc\ ot hix radio \llou. (‘all tor ltckctx or ctnatl tickctxtr' cotncd} ttnttcottk Justin Moorhouse and

Patrick Monahan (‘ttl tlt‘ Sac Soutlixidc/Atlic. I I70 l’tllltlk\lltl\\\ Road. o-l‘) ISI‘). Spin. [5 to (U £5l. Scc 'l‘liu l in! of UK 7'. Greg Proops 'I'ltt- Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 037” (till) 0055. Split.

t' Ill. Scc 'l‘lttt .i. ’urt n/ (i/( ‘l'. Glasgow Stands Up ('axllclnilk (‘otnntttnit_\ (critic. III (‘axllcntilk l)rt\c. ()8‘15 W) .i5lll. Spin. £2 lLl l. Scc Sat 3‘). I’ll/'1 o/ (il( 'I'. Tina C 'l‘ron 'l'licatrc. (i3 'l‘rongatc. 553 42o". Spin. L'S L'lll. Rhtncxtonc L‘tmgll'l 'l'tna (‘ ix hack ax a \cll-proclaitncd attihaxxador tor thc :\tllL‘l'lL‘;tll \xa} ol~ lilc. '41” U] (i/( Jeremy Hardy ('otttcr 'l‘ltcatrc. 03 05 ll)ndland Strcct. 557 .iStrS. Spin.

Ll” (ll. SL‘L‘ [Hill 5. l’tll'! HI (;I( Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l‘(i(' Building. chl'rcxt Stt‘ccl. llS7ll 737 (Wt)? S.l5pni. L‘IJ. Scc 'l'ltu .i. int n] (i/('l".

The Festival Club 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \thtldl;llltl\ Rtmtl, USN) ()(NJ 60.55. lll.5lll‘|ll. [7 L‘X. Scc 'l‘hu .i. l’urt u/

(i/( 'l-.

Late Night Craic ('ul tlc Sac Soullixtdc/.-\tttc. I I70 l’ollokxhanx Road. o-l‘l lSl‘). llpnt.£5t£4lSccl5r13S l’urr of (i/( ‘l-'.


The Stand 'l‘llt‘ Stand. .5 York l’laL‘L‘. 55S "2‘3. ‘lptn. ['7 (UH .'\tl\ll';lll;lll onc- ltncr \pcctalixt Brucc (irillitlix purx c) \ lll\ laid back philoxophim. \uth (‘olin Ratnonc. Martin l-‘urln. ('olin .\lc(iill and gut'xt cotnpcrc l5ranktc lio}lc.


Ed Byrne MacRohcrt. l'nncrxtt) ol' Slit'llllg. (ll "So Jolihoo. Spill. f I” (IS l. Scc ptm tcn.

Big Word Performance Poetry 'l‘olhooth. Jail “and, (ll 7S0 374W)“. 7.30pm. £8 t£5.5(li. Manic pcrt‘ortnancc poctl‘_\ tour \\ ith 'l‘ini 'I‘urnhttll. Dominic \Vaung l._\ rical. .-\nita (im an arid Jctn Rollx

mutt r-ztiitt::, .t; '£tfl': (t'l't piss/z" "It: a when," ’l'.l" t. l’. .: l/it‘J.’ a'tft tita'it‘stg tiallwt xii”)! /7:)t. ‘:,t Hit: To Wit ‘a’,tt‘o’:t"tn<; .ti flit: ;:!'it_ttgt"""t: 'au‘. no. Lit it

takt: l'7(7 Jiltlltfl‘fié.‘ :.t:r qua, lit? léllllil‘“; (my f'tta T"H:t‘ omit slaw. thou; art: .‘ "lltl'tr’l “its.” amour, T"(: auditor ta" zttt'l lit-3; a ()(flrli,’l(?‘fl:l‘ti‘llllllllf)(fi{)ltiilliili’tf<1‘Xhlt‘litil

ast'ttttt: fiélltfl‘alr,

' 't’ mat tar:t:,_ létll‘l'WKl .'."t'l tour; and infused t)‘. a

H‘tf;t:tzttilt> farms.

', lt'st :lattttototis. tltrtttantttng a'ttl :ltaltttotts;



ant: ail flit: l)(.’ll“tl

out 2n, ( ).' 1i:


Pam Ann 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Voodlatidx Road 0870 (ule 6055. Spin. £7 £8. (’otnc ll} nith lhix \nccl-lalking lt‘tillc) doll} as \lic \L'illL'S tltc hciglitx ol~ llllhtt‘dl coined). Scc photo caption. I’ur/ of (fit ‘li

Arnold Brown ('otttct- 'l‘hcattc.

93 U5 ll)nd|and Strccl. 553 43(i7. Spin. {S U). ilillt‘ gl'alldltlthtcr ol Scollixlt cotncd} with his truxtt‘atton at tho l'ltltllC\ ol' conlcniporar} In tng. I’ur! of (il( 'l-I East End’s Best and Guests 'l‘ollct'osx \thtcrgardcnx. 'l'ollcroxx l’ark. \Vt‘llxhot Road. (>40 ISI‘). Spin. liz'cc. (ilaxgon gag guarantor l)c\ .\lcl.can lllll'UtlllL‘L‘S Bt‘dl Inn pt‘cxclllt‘l‘ l)t‘\ (’larkc. plus Janey (iodlc) and lrixli/lranian/(icordic contcdian l’atrtck Monahan. /’t1rl u/'(il('l*. Alan Carr (‘lll dc Sac Southxidc/thic. ll7‘) l’tllltllt\lltl\\\ Road. (i-W lh’l‘). 8pm. to t£5l. l)c\crihing_' hitnxclt a\ [ho \piritual \on ol' l’t'ankic lloncrd. thc Bl“. NC“ ('otncd) :\\\ard \\ inncr and camp ('ontcd) Storc rcgular l'licx \olo. l’url of (il( ‘l‘. Glasgow Stands Up Bartnulloch Hall. 4o \Vallaccwcll Quadrant. (LS-15 330 .i5lll. 8pm. £2 til i. Scc Sat 2‘). ’urr n] (i/( 'l-'. Jackie Clune 'l‘ron ’l‘hcatrc. ()3 'l‘rongalc. 553 4267. Split. Ll” (LSI. .\'o\\ a lull) -tlcdg_'cd ltctcroxmual. ('Iunc ix hack to spill thc lk‘alh on hcr lint (‘mft lilcxl}lc. I’url 0/ “KY”. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(' Budding. cht'rcn Strcct. ().\"7(l 787 0707. S. I 5pm. {I}. SL‘L‘ Thu .5. Par! (If (i/(VC Glasgow Comedy Festival Fringe Slatc Bar. l-JS llolland Strcct. 0-16 938‘). 0.30pm. £5 tut. (icrr} (iranl lutttx llti\t Bill} Bonkcrx. The Festival Club the Stand. .‘~.‘~.‘~ \Vootllantlx Road. 0370 MN) (M55. lll.5(lplll. [7 £8. Scc llill .i. l’ttrl u/ (il('l’. Late Night Craic ('ul dc Sac Stillllt\ltlc/.-\lllc. l l7” l’ollokxhanx Road. MU lS‘l‘). llptn. £5 rig-ll. Scc l-"rt 3S. l’urt

twigs Comedy

Thomas is eloquently poised between soap box and stand-up



Ed Byrne l'xlit't' Hall. lollilan Road. 333 l|55 Spin (12.5“ til 5” Scc pit-\tcu The Stand {l‘llt' Stand. .5 Yolk l’lacc. 55S ’3") llpnt. LIN. Scc lit -1


The JOKE BOX ll.lllll\llt'\ lltltl\t'. ‘l: “M Sncddon Strccl. 5ol "Ill". ‘lpnt l‘tcc l’olloutng ll\ ntmhctncnt in tlic l’anlc} ('otnt‘d} l'cxlnal. thc Jokc lio\ l’t'\lllllt'\ ll\ llltlllllll} \lot \\llll And} “talc and \lartorto


Go tor it Govan the Stand. * \Vootllalttl\ Road. “3—.” NJ“ “U55. 8.30pm. £5 tL-ll. 'l‘hc gradualcx ol tlic Stand'x tcxtnal norkxhopx \tcp ttilo tltc \potltght. ()nctintc I'll/INT lt'tl \lal’ Mich;th Rcdtnond takt'x cotnpcrtng honourx. \\lltlL' tht- cwr halltxltc

Ra} tnond .\lcarn\ llL‘;ltlllllt‘\.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l'ltt- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "3'2. lpni. l'lt'L‘. Scc Sun 30.

Jethro ()uccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. HMS lel‘). 7.5”[illl U3. 'l‘hc ('orntdi tttntntnan ctnharkx on lll\ Sim-A Rut 1/12 Iltrltkt'l'x tour.

Bruce’s Sunday Social Fund 'l‘ht- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 5’37} Sitlptti, {-1 1L5l. \ltitlict'ncll'x Mark llratchptccc [Ullh rcxidcnl Stlnda} night hmt lirucc l)c\|tn. (‘oltn .\lc(itll and lhrcc gut-xix. Reg’s Night @ Yo Ho Ho Sushi Yol BL‘ltl“. (ih Rt)\L' .Slrccl. :2” NH”. 9pm. £3. (ilcxga pallct' tncrchant Raynond Mcarnx. local lad Joint .\lclirtdc and poxh hlokc \ctl \lcl‘al'laltt‘ lead the cotntc chargc.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge llol}t'ot)tl 'l'a\ct'n. ‘) llt)l_\l'ot)tl Road. 55'.~ 4‘)": 9pm. £3. 'lcdd} and Slt‘\L'll Dick ltllkL‘ L‘Ullll'lll tll lllt\ \\ L‘L'l‘xl} coincd) cltth.

Edinburgh Red Raw 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "2'2. S'Rllptn. L'l. ('otnpcrc Bratch} and

licadltnct llcnc l.tll\‘llt‘\llL'U\ put around ctght ncuconicrx through lhctt Pl;l\'t‘\

Tuesday 8


COT 'l'ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 572-72. ‘lpni. to tt'5i. (in) lttcndl} caharcl \\tlll lorratnc lloncn. .loxanka .Slt't‘l. f._'alllt‘\llll\ll't'\\ .llll l’t'acnt‘lk alltl hoxt (tan: lltll.

Wednesday 9


OOT 'l-llt‘ Stand. “5 \Vtititllanth Roatl. osTo “(in no“. 0pm. in «LS». St‘t‘ lllt' S.


Walkout Wednesday the Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S "373. 0pm. L11 H; M. lllltlllltlth tnontlil} c\ploratton ol all llllllfJS ollcnxtxc. outraycoux and douttrtghl tillh).

The Globe Comedy Club ‘I llt' (iltihc. \tddric Stt‘cct. ‘lplll, l'rcc. \cn ltll'lllllelll} cotncd} cltth \ttth lint-up \llll lo hc conlirtncd.

Thursday 10


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'( i(' litnldtng. chtrcu Slt'ch owo 7H" o7o7, S.|5pnt. U». Raynond .\lcarn\ introduccx l’aul li l'.(l\\.'tl'tl\. lrcland'x lllllxtL'al madman JUL' Rtitillt'} alltl Rlltll l,lc‘l\\\tititl.

The Stand 'l'lic Statid. Hi \Vtititllantlx RtiatL (LS—ill (dill (ill55.

0pm. L5 (L4). .\'aIi\ c ('altlornian cotntc .lo\anka Stccl puts a \ttlctlo hoot lltlt) tltc dutnh hlondc \lcl'col) pcx. Support contcx lrotn (ircg Mcllugh. Wood} and cult conipcrc l-rankic Brnlc.


The Stand ’l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 9pm. £5lL-1i. lloxt l)onna Krachan lllll'titlllc'L'N Nick Rcwll. \Hlll John Scott arid liratch}.

Snatch CIUb ilillL' l.lqllltl RHUIII. ()L' Victoria Stt'cct. 235 3564. lllptn .iant. £3.50 tL‘Z5Hi. Scc 'l‘hu 27.

/".‘I:' ' " THE LIST 69