The Waco Brothers play the Subway, Edinburgh, Sat 29 Mar

I Ceilidhs at the Caley (‘alcdonian Brcucr). Slatclord Road. 228 5083. " lpin. uiit‘ii. i,1\L‘lllll\1\' l‘roin lhc l’ictx.

I Indian Music and Dance Collective Si limit-k (i‘llll‘L‘. ()1'\\L‘H 'l'cri'acc. No 1-1115. “(Slipni L5 (L2 Ur. lidinhurgh-haxcd collcctn c cclchi'alcx Indian dancc and lllll\1L‘, lahla. hand druni. hai'inoniuin. iillltlllSlillll claxxical \ocal lllllSlL'. kathak dancc and hhai'ai ll;ll_\;tlll_


I A Terr in the Terraces Siirlmg 1-‘o1k('1uh.(}oldcn 1.1onHoth. King: Slim-1.111250 313521. 1pm lain. .\ \pccial da} ol' inuxic. mug: and \\Ul'i\\lltip\ \\ itli an cwnrng conccrt.


I Reiver Festival l)i-umlanrig\ ’l‘oucr. Hauick. :\11 da}. 1)a\ id Killitlll'lt‘k iKClSU Hills (‘ltllH \CHS Romanian lllSll'lllllL'lllS. including: lap harp\ and t\\o-ocla\ c \HHKIL‘H

\_\ lophonm lor childrcn. JttlllCS W) ncxx ilutci. lilxpcth Sincllic iScottixli harpi and l\\ti traditional inuxic duox li'oin Hamck Hiin School pi'cxcnt \hort conccit rccitalx \\ hilc outxidc thcrc arc pagcantx and ClitlL‘llllL‘llh.


I Kesha (‘alc (‘oxxacholm Rll\\l;lll (’ultural ('cnii'c. King Strcct. 55311"53. Sillpin. 15 (Ni. \igcl ('lark iguitari. ()Icg l’onoinarm ixiolini and MW :\t1a\ 1\1Ulllll[k‘l'l01'lllHlL‘ll'Hl'llltNU1111\Ul Rll\\ltlll. Balkan. 14);“). Jan and KIc/inci' Illll\l(.


I None of the Above Bongo ('1uh. Nc“ Strcct. 55053114. S._‘~llpint LN rim. i’L‘l'ltll'llldllCC pocir) l'roin .-\nita (imaii'. Indian Cltl\\lc;ll IHHSlL‘ and dancc tioin 11uina}un Rana. harinoniuni. \‘iia_\ Kangtitkar. lahla. and damn .la_\cc1a Moulik; and anat'chti-clti\\ici\l\ .\1r .\lc15all\(‘hainhcrioincd h} \ctcran linglixli l'olkxingcr 1)a\ c Brad).

I The Listening Room 'l‘hc Blut- Blalcr. Spiital Strch 33‘) 51130. Spin. LC \uggcxtcd donation. .»\coti\lic l'ndcrground'x l’cici' .\1ichac1 Rim an hoxtx a night of unpluggcd lllUSIC.

I Donal O’Connor \Vcc t-‘nlk ('lul‘. Ro)a1 ()alt. lnl'irinai'} Strcct. 55- 2‘17». S..‘~()pin. £3. .-\ noch \ingcr and \onguritcr ironi RUSCUIHIHUH “how rcccntl} -i'c1ca~cd alhuin. lr‘x .l/mu! Iii’l‘ \\a\ dc~crihcd h} (‘hrixtic .\1oorc ax 'purc io_\ ',

Tuesday 1


I Acoustic Underground ('axilc :\rin\ Bar. .loliiNon li‘l't‘au‘. Sillpin. l‘i‘cc. :\ii}thiiig gocx acouxtic iain SCSSIUII “llll opcn inic \potx. hoxicd 11]_\ l’clci' .\1ichacl Rouaii thouxc guitar and l’.'\ pl'in ltlcd is

Wednesday 2


I Ceilidh Dance Class and Singing Session Si .'\H(ilL‘\\ ‘\ 1H ilic Stiuarc. oll Saliinarkci. St .'\11tll't‘\\ '\ Sti'cct. 5.1.S’ 01121). ".311 ‘)._il)piii. L551). Tricia Matthcux [Ctltlx a \\ cckl) dancc SCSSIUH iipxtairx. 1)o\\n\tair\ at ('alc Sourcc lhcrc'x a traditional \inging \cxxion ior \ingcrx and Iixtcncrx ilrcc. l’roin S3llpini. .\'o hooking: iict‘L'\\;ii"\.


I Brolum lidinhiirgh 1‘olk('1uh. ('aharct Bar. lhc l’icaxancc. (i511 334‘). Spine £5 NHL-111 Hroluin ini\ traditional lllSll'lllllL'llh and contcinporar} \t}1c\. hoili acoustic and electric.


I Chris Mills, Matt Hill and Remedy Stcrco. Kchinhaugh Strch 221 556‘). ('hicago-lxixcd i'ooh) alt.counir) rockcr \ingx \ongx l'roin lroin illS latcxt album [in Si/i'i-r 1.1m:

I Linda Miller and Nathan Curry l.i\ c at lhc Star. Si .-\ndrc\\ \ in thc Siiiiai‘c. ol'l’ Saltinai'kcI. St Andrcu \ Strcct. 548611211. Spin. {(i lL-il. l-roin ()ttau a. a ('anadian/(‘cliic \}lllllc\l\ \\ ith inno\ati\c arrangcincntx and \killcd inimciandnp.


I Steve Earle and the Dukes l'xhcr Hall. l.othian Road. BIS 1155. "pm. {1—511 it‘lhi. Rootx} countr} rockcr \xho \pcnt .\cai\ battling drug addiction hut ha~ i‘cturncd lighting tit and IS hci'c to proinotc thcir \I\H1 album in \l\ _\C;ll'\ .lt'I'Il\ti'l('HI.. an album laiidcd tor HS phlic criticixin of thc BllSh atliiiiiii\ii';iioii. \oincthing 1c“ i‘lg namc at‘li\l\ \ccni uilling to do

I The Alexander Brothers S1 Bridc'x ('cnlt'c. ()i‘\\c11 '1'cri'acc. 3-10 1-1115 Spin L11. l.cgcndai‘_\ xicrcot_\pc\. Tom and Jack ll;i\L‘ l‘L‘L‘n .il lhc 10p til thc Sctih L‘lllL‘l'ltilnlllClll \L‘L‘HC l'iii‘ «ill )L‘ttl‘x I Out of the Bedroom \Vawi'lc) Bar. St Mar} \ Strcct. 55- 1115111

“pm midnight. 15rcc. Scc Thu _


I Guitarfest thll‘AilHlll llicatic. Ingram Sticct. 5»1\ Rik-i 5 15pm 1\\o da} \ oi guitar inmtcit 1.:\\'\, \koikdioi‘» 1111111-:_'1_LW and tclchiit} 1L'\,\\21ll i).:tli(il'c':_'\‘1_\. l’ctci \icondina and inuxit xtudcntx

I Steve Earle and the Dukes Haiiouland. :~1-1(ialln\\:_'.i1c. 55: Joli] " ‘llpni Llii ()xci-l~3\ \him Scc Iliu I The Glasgow Lewis and Harris Association Ceilidh Dance .l.tlllt'\ .\loii Hall. (i1.111\ll]&' Sticct. ‘lpni lam LS Songx and 11111\1c tioin ciiicigin; Highland l‘atid \lcantiinc


0 LO’JO and DuOud ()llt'k‘th Hall. (‘lcik Sli'cc1.(rh.\_‘lll‘l. 1.o'.loini\ \i‘ahic lllt'liltikW..ittllldlcdllli1}[l1111\.

\ iolin and licatx \ihilc \orth \tiican lutc p1a_\ci\. Sinadi and \lchdi Haddah aka 1)u( )ud lu\c traditional \iillll\l\ \\ ith clcciionica and drum tk ha“ in a unitiuc collaboration c\o1\cd troin lhc i’dllS |.i// dancc \cciic Scc pi'cx It“.

I Fundraising Ceilidh Si liiitltk (critic. ()iucll 'l'crracc. No 1-1115. -\l‘in. U». .\lu\ic troni lhc Kingdom (‘cilidh Band. l'undraixcr loi 1’11.\H Kid»


0 Daimh Piping: (‘cntic. \lcl’hatci Strcct, Spin. L5 1-ioin .'\1'1\;ilj_‘ h} \\.'1_\ ot 1i‘c1aiid. ('apc Hi‘cloii and ('aliloi‘iiia. lhc grcai pla}ci\ 111 lhc \cht Highland hand i\tillll\i\ likc '1)i\c' 1 launch a \ccond alhuin \iith cutlaxxcx “oodcn 1cg_'\. [\IPL‘S. hanio. liddlc. guitar and hodhian ax tlic l’imlm 0/ I’llll'li

I Guitarfest Rtlmxlli‘l'll ’l'hcali'c. Ingram Strcct. 545' ill-l lilain Scc ['11 -1.


I Fundraising Ceilidh Si iil'ltik"\ (‘cntrc. ()i'\\c11 '1’crracc. Hr» l-lti5. Spin, U1. .\lu\ic l'i'oin 1)a Hoolc}. 1‘undraixci‘ 101' :\.\ll(.:\.


I From Russia with Lev ('alc (’oxxachok. Rll\\l;lll (‘ultui'al ('cntic. 111 King: Sii‘cct. 55311733. Sillpin. l'rcci RUSSIUH. .'\l‘lllk‘lll;lll and (mix) lolk inclodicx l'roin \lUllHISI l.c\ .4\tla\.


I The Listening Room 'l'hc Blut- Bla/cr. Spittal Strch 330511“) Spin, £2 \uggcstcd donation. Scc Sun 311.

I Ben Edom \Vcc liolk (‘lulx Ro)al ()ak. lnlirinar) Sii'cct. 55" 2‘)"(i, 315013111. £5. I.cading_' Scolx acou\tic lingcixlflc guitarixtx.


I Edinburgh’s Youth Gaitherin Bruntxiicld l’i'iinai'} School. Moiiipclicr. 5-10 119-“. £55 101' liitli' da_\\. I'iitlt' dti} \ til llhll'lllllcnltil and \oc‘al \ktii‘kxhopx on traditional intixic loi )oung pcoplc, (ilIL'Sl lulot'x includc (‘atriona .\lacdona1d lroin Bla/in‘ 1-iddlcx and (‘larc McLaughlin o1 1)cat Shcphcrd, \':\it

\x \x \\ ,c} goi'giik t'or dctailx.

Tuesday 8


I Edinburgh’s Youth Gaitherin Bruntxlicld l’riinar} School. Montpclicr. Bruntxlicld. Ho 11*)". L55, Scc .\lon " I Acoustic Underground (‘axilc Arinx Bar. Johnxion 'l‘crracc. Sfillpin. iii-CC. SL‘L‘ 'l'tlL‘ ll

Wednesday 9

Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Class and Traditional Singing Session Si

'\j\’\ :\ i\\\i_\ n§15


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Men of Steel il‘v ti'f

‘7 l Ii'ni iii, 1mg. SA '1")

7:13?) |<lt i,

cram s<


imi':v1:1"l‘i"tlir'l 'vawl "‘. liifikdii'flfli 5.01% )-'"‘Z'T$ [Sirisiaa i’ Etiu‘t Nita, in“ (L’lll‘.£1";1i)(}1‘iil):;t) ,1>'g>1,‘;:_3i~ [<.'I".’;;i’i}". VAL} i} ,‘Iifi",

Lo’Jo a"<1 DuOud lrw. Arabic i'ioloslios. tlai'uiiixi'i "1:,t'iiirits. Nortl‘ African ou'l coir.» iziaazvn 817161”;£1'1t1ix4i3l‘fl? llgicivtal, fawtrn-

"‘Silill'iOlliE; traditional

\ylflili" ilii‘}‘c> (“Hi i)‘7(iti>

:rritriiwy sourvlsxritl‘ (:i(?(Lii"()lli(L{1{llVl ’l'li'” 8. bass. tjiriiigi'iii ;: tastr: of 1hr: PEl."i?31£l//, (lain/1: sum: 1') S<;r;tizi"ri Sm,- ;ir<3‘.':r:‘.'.' ()ueén,’ Ht’i/x', f (fulfil/git. l -.‘ firir; /.\i't,’i‘}f>,

(},’asgo'.'., Sim Am.

Andrcu \ in thc Stiuarc. oil Saltinaikct. .Sl .-\11dt'c\\\ Slt'L'Cl. 543$ hill”. “.5” ‘l. iilplll. L islli SL'C \Vt'tl 3


0 Men of Steel i'.tllllhlll'f_'ll l-olk (illlll. (’ahat'cl Hat. lhc I’IL';i\;iiicc. (i511 23-1‘).Spiir 1;" {SW51 ()nl) lhc \ccond outing: Ithc lil‘Sl \'.a\ a month or \o ago in ()rcgoni h} thc quarth ol intci'national guitar \tarx: Scotland'x 'loii} Mc.\1anu\. Bcppc (iainhcita li'oin Ital}. .-\incrica\ |)on ('rai'} and ('anada'x 1)on Rtixx Scc plL‘\ icix.

I Edinburgh’s Youth Gaitherin Bruntxlicld l’riinai'} School. Montpclicr. Hl'tllihlicld. Nb UHF". L55 SL‘C \iiili

Thursday 10


I Singing in the Round i.1\t';ll lhc Star. St Andrcu '\ in thc Stiuaic. oll Saltinarkct. St :\ndic\~. \ Sti'cct. 5-13 011311 Spin. i‘lL'L'. Spccial Siar iolk cxcnt “11h gucxt \ingch pcrtoriniiig tlii\|.llxltillx in ('alc Soiircc. 'I'hc hat “I” hc pavcd ‘round tor donationx to thc Siar ('ltih'x lundx

I Blake Gillespie Leahy Jur} '\ Hotcl. (il'L‘nl “'L‘Slcl'li Road. ()plii. London iflSil trio. all \upcrh play-ix on llutc. liddlc and hoti/ouki launch thcii' lirxt alhuni


I Edinburgh’s Youth Gaitherin Bruntxlicld l’riinar) School. Montpclicr. Bruntslicld. 3-H) (19-57, £55» SCC Mun _ I Out of the Bedroom Wmcrlc) Bar. 51 Mar} ix Strcct. 55- “1511.

9pm midnight. 1‘rcc, Scc Thu 2"

.2 ' '.'1:’- ' , 9],,V1THE LIST 55