
cotiritr) horiie lot‘ a w eekentl. lileganl coined} ol genteel period iiiannerx. which although not ol the genre one axxociatex w ith liergtiian ix rie\erthelexx handled with a good deal ol’ detached w it and xophixticatiori. lt w ax_ ol course. the model lor Wood) Allcn'x .lltrliunmier Night'i Set (’onrerli. I'i/mliouu'. I‘altIt/iurelr. Smoking Room l ISi «trial/Julio Walloi itx. Spain. 2002i iiduard l‘ernandel. Antonio l)echent. Manuel Moron. 89min. When a ['8 firm takex o\ er a Barcelona compan). their new no xmokiiig polic) irituriatex Rairii're/ il'erriande/i who iriitiatex a petition lor a xiiioking room. The firm'x rexporixex reprexent a range of male attitudex and behai iour going thix low -budget film tioriimated lor two (}o} ax an inctxii'e portrait ol ollice politicx, Film/route. [Jilin/Hugh. Solaris t l2.-\i O... tStexen Soderbergh. [8. 2003) (ieorge ('loone}. Nataxcha Mclilhone. 99min. 'l‘hix truncated. but xtill \er) el‘l'ectiie riew \erxion ol‘ the timel b} Staiiixlaw l.em demonxtratex the enoriiioux \erxatilit) ol' Stei en Soderbergh. llix xcreeiipla) comprexxex the fier hour ol~ 'Iarkoixk) 'x W72 film into ten rniriutex. xenditig px_\chologixt Kelun i(ieorgc (‘looriei in treiiieiidotix l‘ormi oil to the troubled xpace xtatioii orbiting the planet ol' the title early on. Here. he ix al'l'ected b) a debilitating neuroxix. ax liix wile Rhe}a i.\'ataxcha Mclilhonei - who committed xuicide )earx bel'ore appearx. and ix ax real ax Keli iii liinixell‘. lt aiiiouiitx to one of the moxt thought-prmoking and mo\ ing lilmx of tlie )ear. Ster ('enruri. Iii/inhiugli. Space Station (30) tP(ii t\'arioux, 2003i .\lin tbc. Big xcreeri prexentatioii, I.\I.-l.\'. (II/(Menu. Spider l lSi O... tl)a\ id ('rorienburg. ('anada/l'lx'. 3003i Ralph “Gillies. Miranda Richardxoii. (‘iabriel [3)rllc. 98min. Aliiioxt certainl} liix bext film xincc Naked lame/r thkewixc a prc\iouxl} thought unfilmable rimel i. (‘ronenberg hax taken Patrick .\lc('irath'x exocatixe xecond time] and prexented it on xcreeii with clarit) and maturit). Spider. aka Denriix (‘legg (Fiennex a re\clation l. ix an itching dixeaxe of a llltlil. Shul'lling from liix boarding houxe in London'x liaxt liiid to the eiidlexx terraces of earl) (itix and back again. he ix a man hunting for the xource ol‘ the madnexx that kept him locked up from childhood tiiitil thrown onto the xtreetx under a (’are in the (’oiiiiiiunit) -t)pe programme. A bewildering autixtic xcrearii into the darknexx. ('iimeo. Iz'dirthurglr. Spider-Man l lZAi O... tSam Raimi. ['S. 2002) Tobe) Maguire. Kirxten Durixt. 121mm. A big budget blockbuxter baxed on a bext-xelling xuperhero comic book » )ou'd be right to expect .xpectactilar ellectx and bland .xtor}telltng in a l‘laxh} btit ultimatel) dull film. Spider-Mint. b) contraxt. ix a delightt'ull} unexpected mix of xpectacle and engroxxing human drama. lt'x xurprixiiig tiiat Rairni. w ho made hix name with the highl) xtylixed genre pax'tiche tT/ie li‘i‘l/ Dem/i xhould l‘ocux xo much on character. The caxt

Francesca and Nunziata, playing in the Italian Film Festival

acquit themxeli ex well. although l)aloe hamx up the \ illaiii). But Raimi'x lead. lobe} Maguire. bringx iiixt the right amount ot knowing humour to l’arker/Spide}. w hicli ix emblematic ol Raimi'x whole. winning approach to the film. ((El. (i/iiiemi.

The Story of Qui Ju t lb .000 chang Yimou. (’hiria. lWZi (ioiig l.i. l.ei l.ao l-‘heng. (ie lliiiuri. ltilliiim. [hang makex a departure from the opulent beam} of In Don and Rune the Red lulllt'l‘ll w itli thix docuriieiitar} -xt) le tale ol’ a xh}. pregnant woman who reluxex to accept the iiiruxtice dealt out to her huxbarid. Again the role of women tn xociet} ix highlighted and again (iorig l.i ix xuperb ax her rexilience ix pitted againxt the uiil'eeling authoritiex. .-\ maxterl} perl‘orriiance. Iii/urbtufie/i I‘rlm (int/d. IL'drIi/itu'glt.

Summer Interlude «Pm oooo tlngmar Bergman, Sweden. 1951 i Mai-Britt Nilxxon. Birger .\laliiixten. All KJL‘lllll. 90mm. in thix the fier lull} -rounded lemale portrait in Bergman'x work a )oiing ballerina lookx back on her firxt ecxlatic lo\e al‘l‘air in Stockholm. Film/tome. [film/Hugh. Summer with Monika «PG: 0000 tlngmar Bergman. Sweden. [953i llarriet Anderxxon. l.arx iikborg. .-\ke (ironberg. Wmm. The bright liieliriexx ol Anderxxon ix what dri\'ex Bergman's drama. She xtarx ax a )oung woman who getx pregnant w hile on an ixlarid holiday. btit then lea\c\ the lather holding the bab). The director'x bleak \ ixion tw hat liuture ix there for thexe adolexceritx'.’i ix otl‘xet b_\ wonderful photograph} b_\ (itmnar Fixcher. I’tl/iilrnuie. Edinburgh.

0 Swept Away . . . (Travolti Da Un Insolito . . .) l lh’i tl.ina \Vertmuller. Ital). 1975i(iiaricarlo(iiannim. Marrangela Melato. 120mm. A Sicilian-deck hand ((Eianriinii and hix hoxx‘ w it'e t.\lelatoi find themxe|\ex adril't on a dingh}. Alter two riightx the) reach an ixlaiid on w hich the} carr) out a xeriex or xexual and claxx xtrategies. Realit} intrudex when the caxtawa)x are rexcued. Recentl) remade

and panned b} criticx b} (ill) Ritchie and hh tnlssux. (il'ul: (i/trienii,

Treasure Planet U 0... tRori ('lemeritx and John .\luxkar. l'S. 2003i \"oicex ol~ Joxpeh (iordori l.e\'itt. I)a\ id ll}de Pierce. limma 'I‘horiipxon. ()(illllll. Dixne} 'x back. That 'ole magic returnx in their latext. a reworking of Robert l.oUix Ste\enxon'x claxxic that xeex a xhilt or location from the high xeax to the xtarx. Not xmce The Lion Kine hax there been xuch an epic. conxuming picture in w hich the cartoon characterx Inc and breath on xcreen iii iiiaxxi\e. thLlllillll} painted xetx. Meanwhile. the lititurixtic xettirig allowx {or w onderl'ul c) borg creationx tie one John Silieri. And the creature who talkx in flatulence like one big bubbl} l'art ix real a winner with the kidx. General I'c’lt’tln‘.

A Tribute to Tex Avery it'i tTC\ .-\\er). l'SA. Variotixi 80min. Selection of memorable animation iiiornentx irtilll the man who created Dally Duck. Droop} and Bugx Bunn}. UPI: (iluieoii.

0 Truth and Lies (La Forza Del Passato) l 15) ti’iergiorio (Ea). Ital}. 2002i

Sergio Rubirii. Br‘dlli‘ (i.tl‘./ ‘Miiixii (iiaiirii ()l/at‘. iRLll‘lllI' ix .2 x‘accexxlul write: whose lather. at: .irrii} general he blaitiex tor i’lh urihapp} childhood. hax tuxt died ()r/ari meetx liogtiaxeo t(idl‘i/ -. an old triezid ot tizx tather'x. w ho kriowx much about hix permzia‘. lite liogliaxco tellx him xtoiiex that. iii the ‘l‘ace ol tour dab. caiixe (Jr/ari‘x world to collapse around hiiii [Mn/loan lziinrixuei: O No Friends (Due Amici) well it»: tSpiro Sciriioiie. llai}. ZHHZi l'ratieexco Strameli. Spiro Sciiiionc ‘ltliiiiii l’iiio and .\uii/io ll\ e in the xame houxe. raiel} coriiiiiuiiicating. iii the cit) outxkiitx ot northern Ital} 'lheir r‘elatioiixhip ix marked b} the incteaxe in paradoucal truextiorix \uri/io axkx. lollow ed b} l’ino'x curt btit accepting aiixweix \uri/io tallx iii lo\e. arid thix coupled w itli hix deteriorating health. bt’irigx the two men cloxer together /-r/nt/'ioim. [adririiure/i

No Weeks Notice I2.-\» 000

i.\larc Lawrence. [8. 2MB» .\liri tbc \\ hen em iroririierital lawyr l.uc_\ Kelxoii Ilittllocki taka a lob w tlli (ieorge \Vade 1(il‘dill i. the lecklexx btit char'riiirig xcion ol a huge \ew York real extate coiiipan} r'uri b} hix brother. xhe ht‘l‘ex to c\ploit the lirm'x charitable luridx and protect an old c’tillllllllllll} centre llowe\ er. litx corixtarit iieedinexx xtartx getting on top ol l.tic} and xhe haiidx iii her rexignation. but. ax their working relationxhip windx down both begin to doubt the w ixdoiii ol parting ('ruciall} lor an L'.l\}-:_'illll:_' but xlight romantic coined}. there ix a dixappointirig lack ol laughx. dexpite xe\eral w ell-obxen ed grace riotex (it Ilc'l'iI/ n [mu The Uninvited tl’(}i tl.ewix Allen. [8. I‘M-ii Ra} Millaiid. Ruth lltixxe}. Donald (Thp. 08mm. (‘laxxic chiller iii the Ri‘ht’t ( (I mould there baxed oii Dorolh} .\lacar‘dlex no\ ell about a brother and xixter' who mote into a xeaxide houxe that‘x been abandoned l'or‘ man) )earx witli good reaxon. Sr Bride '\ ('eltrre. lz'u’mbure/r.

El Viaje De Carol 1 l5) Ilmariol l'ribe. Spam. 2002i ('lara l.ago. Juan Joxe liallcxta.

l'"1‘i‘.‘.l‘. lr‘. Iitzx ct‘ZTXZZ‘.” of age draiita xet agaizixt the i:\ i::~_' aax x of the

('i‘. tl “at. 11-year old (‘aiol .ttu‘?t‘.".ti‘.‘.t‘\

'\l\aro de l Lli‘id

her mother to the itozthetr‘. \1‘.:?‘.‘.\!‘. x :Ilaee of her itititli \leatiw'tiiie. (‘azoi‘x \lYL‘c‘ZlcaZ‘. latliet tightx with :he l::te::i.:t:o:2a. li:::ade

(‘arol dixeo\e:x a xpeera'. Tzzerid lialiexta and witriexxex the grow in; tertxzorzx .-.x the end ot the w at iooiitx [flour .m War and Peace l‘(iv \z:.-.::ei l’atwardhaii.li1d1.i.IINlI l»l\:ii:ii l:i:~.ied o\er tlitec Marx. thix length} arid::i\o1\:r1;.: doetiiiieritai} lookx a: the lozeex that b:o;i_~;ht Indra arid l’akixtaii to the biiiik o: ::;.e Zea: wat (ill (Anette INN/Ewan [as'r'ti'elr The Wild Thornberrys .l 000 t('alli_\ \lalkaxiatt arid Jill “A i:ath.l \. INC: \t‘lc('\ o! llllt ('iiii}. l }l‘.li lx‘edgiau'. Rupert l \eiett \Siiiiti l ike the popular childreri‘x l'\ cartoon. the iiio\ ie follow x the ad\eiiturex ot toting li/a llioiiibezii who'x been granted the pow ei to talk to the a::::i:.iix a hand} trick when ioiir paieiitx are wildlilc doctiiiieiitar} t'iliiiiiiakeix lhzx tune the} ‘ie in .-\tiica where a team or hi reeh poacherx ha\e their e\ il e_\c on a herd ot llNlH elepliaritx ll} coiiibiiiriig a hail l‘lllflzf xtor} with a xatrre ot lariiil} loibtex. the trim ix coiixtantl} engaging and not a little [L'\\.ll'(llll:_‘ (ii Hi ML. I: ..( i.‘\r Hay Double tl “\lateei \ariiel. 1K. 1‘”: i": \l \ iriiiii liibiite :o the late great with two ol ha} 'x bext kriowi; lilriix. (Ni ii! I’wlfi I and lo ii [Ha I ma" (il,il\L'4'i: Winter Light (Nattvardsgasterna) tl’(ii O... Iliigiiiar lieigiiiaii. \wedeiz. l‘lfiii lrigr'id lililllll. (iiiiiiiai liroiiixtiaiid. .\la\ \ori Sylow .‘illlllll lieigriiaii at hix moxt aiixter'e rand thatK xa} trig xoiiietliiiig I. thix ix the middle part ot the Swedixl: attlettr'x (iod'x xileiice tiilog} tliiroae/i i; (i/uu Uri/Hi and Hit \ri’i Irti are the other partxi ll'inrer lie/it loctixex on the ll\ ex ot a gioitp ol parixhioiierx and their \ illage paxtoi “llti ll;t\ ltt\l lilx ldllll \lllc‘e ltlx \'.llt"\ ilealli l'l/Hl/lt’llu'. lat/rIr/iiug/i

The Peter Darrell Trust presents

Dance Connections

A gala evening of dance to celebrate the Peter Darrell Choreographic Awards 2003 Winners: Beth Cassani and Victor Quijada

'A joy to watch” The Scotsman

'Gorgeous quality stuff, and vastly entertaining' The Herald

Featuring Scottish Dance Theatre, with guest performances from dancers from Birmingham Royal Ballet. Scottish Ballet. Phoenix Dance Theatre and Adam Cooper in Peter Darrell's leux


Theatre Royal Glasgow Saturday 12 April at 7.30pm

Tickets: £6 - £16 Box Office: 0141 332 9000

ahtst in 9" "‘

C Arr 222’: THE LIST 35