



V I saw you harrnan Ill llrcl \xc \pokc hr'iclI} ahout ruurdcroux lllll\l( prodirccr' and trouhh-xorric .-\ 'Icarn rncrnhcr. (arc to [Illtt\Il out our tht-orrt'V [7404/50

V I saw you l’i/Ia IIllI \tud. parting a 'I'hai \calood cal/orrc urih \uch paxxron & \krll that in} rntrrnalc \xrpc \xould not \lIIIIt't' lo lrcxhcri up Ill} (‘hakolxkr Sprrituall} m- arc onc. [7404/57

V I saw you \prrrrting along I‘L'l‘g'lh I)l'l\t‘. \trlh pink \pr'a) patritcd Icggingx & a \uaxhhucking hrunt‘tlc IllllxlIl'oolll. I “as thc tIl\[llIglI|\Ilt'tI gcnt \xrth lhc Ilol'xt‘ and cart. [7404/58

V I saw you tr_\rng on (itwri'x rninr kill “Ilt‘ll }ou thoitght no-onc “ax looking? You \rckol Sh-xhakc that Iittlc a“ {7404/50

V I saw you Shogg). Sophie and ('olin. |)ancin' likc .\lo l‘o'xl Ycr itia'x )L'r‘ dal II [7404/0Il

V I saw you chca ll \\ ilh _\our hcautil'ul crop top hair on lhc tlotlgt‘llh at Brrdlington Ba}. [7404/0I

V I saw you (iillian \tarrng at Ill) tlioltil‘x. The} arc lar l'rorri pcrlcct. hut _\our' c} chroux arc rnan? [7404/02

V I saw you rtiinpling in} \Iillxk‘ltl. trxing a (chic garrncnt. I thc Samantha .\Itunha look} Iikc. )ou thc Irixh trojan. “'0 can hc onc. not too oncl [7404/03

V I saw you at :\rdanai\cig in a pink \Itll‘l \\ caring in) ring. You rnakc luv the happth “ornan in Scotland I‘;lI‘)-}L‘;|III [7404/01

V I saw you chcck) chcl l'rorn 13th .\'otc tI’aul'.’i...\w'\c \ccn you \Il'lllllllg 'ur' \c\_\ \[llII in Bat'lI)...ho\\ \a 'hout a II)- \tilllL".’ [7404/05

V I saw you hr‘caking Ill) Itcart. I huxtcd )our hallx. litirr} .\Illl‘l‘fl}\ \\ ill nmcr' he thc \arnc again. II \. [7404/00

V I saw you tall. dark. sm} lad} “how [IL‘L‘p IYt‘o“ ll 0} L‘\ rnadc Ill} knch \u‘ak- III} tindcrhm lad} - lllt‘ thc otic

\\ ith thc iccd mocha. our \harcd choicc. [7404/07

V I saw you in thc Bar‘l‘l) - )ou had thc haggrcxt jeans I

m or \a“. I cotrld gct onl in thcnt. XIIlondim. [7404/08

V I saw you )ou \pccc} hounccr \\ ith tnad hair. inc xrncll} I‘acc. pcrxonalit) dixoi'dcr. I “ant )ou hcaxt. [7404/0‘)

V I saw you \\ith that \Itagg} hron n hair and )our' light tux... ’honc incl??? low

I’ \\\. [7404/7t)

V I saw you and I thought "Hula Hoop" .\I \\\ [740471 VI saw you It. wrong in IIar'II}. Your 810 .\Iatchho\ l-\IIll1 inadc inc \xanna dancc. Itkc .Iudax _\ou tau k. I arii ( iod. [7404773 V I saw you l-lt-ccc' I. 2. 3. HI I)oin gi\c it up Ior thc “1' \thrr _\ou arc drunk )ou go \\l[ll all thc hop? [7404/71

VI saw you I-r'oddo Bagginx hahihrng around in Bar”) \tac _\cr air guitar. .\'o a incanl ()h-hou I Io\c _\our IYl'o\\ll \krnl [7404f74 V I saw you )otr “L‘I'C [IIC ont' \xrth lhc ~c\) littlc grccti Irog. “c r'uhhcd \houldcrx, I lclt thc hcat. did _\ou .’ [7404/75

V I saw you our. )oti lwatitrlul girl. \HIII )oiir gorgcoux t\\ inkling c_\c\. all minkl) and \cr'carnrng happint'xx. I'rn \o happ) l incl )ott. PS. | \cc u hah}. \hakrng that amll [7404/70

V I saw you )ou \ick \ltll tcaxing inc l'rorn hchtnd that har. .\IC-\|Hk). \pcck} IIar'l'I} door ho}. [' knon \xho'l [7404/77 V I saw you (H 'l‘rndcrho\ cutc lcad \ingcr ol ['nclc lIoh. _\our‘ \oicc rcrnindx inc ol hot \urtirricr llllt'\ and a pack oI cainclx. girl

\\ ith the i'cd coal. [7404/78

V I saw you I‘rida) night in Bar“) noixing up that gu) lrotn Radio oric. Sta} cool. al\\a.\\ I 1. [7404/70

V I saw you ht-anlcd ho} looking Ilkt' (it‘ol‘gt‘ .Yllt‘lltlt‘l Io\ c _\ou Ioadx l'rorn )our

in} stcr) girl. [7404/8tl

V I saw you cool rclro alicn gu). I’lcaxc conic and lixc \xith inc in ('li'x caw. \Vc can rink Iogclllt‘l'. [7404/8l

IV I saw you ctrtc glillill'hl lrorn Acrcogranitnc _\our chopx rulc Ill} “orld Ictx gct tit'gtlillt'ttltillu‘ (H or write Stcw Vail [7404/83

VI saw you behind the bar - (a Brcl - al\\a_\\ \\ caring hlack hand t-xhirt - )ou'rc much prctticr than ('hristicl ('utc hunt to hoot? I.ot\ ol' admiration \'i\cri. [7404/83 V I saw you in thc Barn} dancing in a \pccial \xa} )otr arc no ino\ cr hut )trir \till rock? [7404/84

V I saw you Ion} .\t at thc Shed 8m ctr conccr't '07 + in thc hotcl \Vankhack \)dnc_\ loot), INC IIL‘\ cr IUUI\L‘[I back. I Io\L' )ou. . .rl'x a|\\a_\\ good. [7404/85

V I saw you in Bar Brcl. alool hut Io\cl}. .\Ican and mood}; riot \urc uhich \ta} )trtrr poll} \\\illg\'.’ Shon [Ix _\our tticr'gtrc/Y [7404/80

V I saw you in (‘oxia tliwhangc 8dr. .-\ hcautil‘ul hIondc in grc} coat. I \at tlc\l to )ou and \lth on _\our hag [\ol‘r) I I. I \\III IX‘ IIIL‘rL‘ Saturda) allcrnoorix. lIopc to «T )oll. [7404/87

V I saw you \t-o mu- m lIIacklrrar'x ()til) I \xcckx trntrl our hohda} hopc lhr\ onc l\ .l\ rncrnorahlc ax IIIC paxl I Ilapp) llrrthda\' I Io\c \ou l’I' \\.

t' 404’88 '

V I saw you III rht- Ilai'll} .rr thc .v\cr'ograrnrnc launch. lordrng rt owl thc lt'cc hat gl'CL'tl} IYo}. [7404’80

V I saw you \xor'krng hchrnd thc bar at Iron tI'l'l 7thr “caring hluc top. You kcpt looking out I \\a\ drinking hlack collct'. I “ottld lrkc lo rnakc _\ou collcc \oriic irior'ning. [7404/Ull

V I saw you .\Itchacl. You \wrc \ound at lhc Soundhouxc. I.o\l _\ou iii a ta\r. l)rdn't gcl )our' nurnhcr conic \cc me in .'\rchc\ (’alc liar. I nork thcrc. Jacqui ['/’404/0I

V I saw you I“ IIill'lI} Icatt. II;l\tI. Katxa. lulcna. Nataxha and lllill)? [hat 8“ 1\\ girl It‘ltII} kilo“ \ Ito“ Io \llttkL‘ Ilt‘l‘ hook“ .\. [7404"):

V I saw you Schuh girl in thc Iron t [VI/(Hr. [' had a \lcak} chip. hkcx ur lcchniqucl Shim inc pl\...I'I| l’:\Y77 Yotrr\. rnunto',7 [7404/03

V I saw you \Il'illlgk' dark— c}cd Sm“ arrn_\ ho} at Bath}. I.ct\ \corc a goal logclllt‘t' at rninc... \\\ Maniac Red \\\.

I 7404/04

V I saw you axk ii' I \\a\ alright \xhcn I \sax cr_\irig on “at I’rinccs Slrcct lirida} night. 'I‘hankx. You hprul. [7404/05

V I saw you doutlxlait‘x in Watcrstonm .Sauchichall 8t.- Sunda} I0lh March drinking CHI-ICC and rcading a hook h} Rollo Ma). IIIC “alter took )our cup hclorc }oti had linixhcd drinking )our col'l‘cc I You - \cr)‘ attractixc Icrnalc. dark hair. .ch - tall rnalc \xilh port} -tail. (’an I hit) )ou a col‘l‘cc \oinctirnc'.’ I.ct inc prolccl )ou Irorn o\ cr lL'ttloU\ uaitt'uwx I [7404/90

V I saw you l-‘r in lilcanor'x hoter in (il;i\go\\ Iaxt u cck. You \\ crc L‘\qlll\I[C. I \uspccl )ou \lill arc. IIrnrn. [7404/07 V I saw you at S'ltalix dancing behind that tall hlondc \\Ilo \aid '_\ou hawn't carncd it'. Ix it in) attcntion U r tr} in to gct'.’ \\\i|d\\\ [7404/08 V I saw you at \Vcathcrall on 7th. I “ax sitting on a hcnch in in} onn \HH'ItI. thankx tor _\our \rniling Iacc - it chccrcd inc right up [7404/00

V I saw you ualkiiig through Quccn St \lalioti 4pm ch 5th March. .\lc:hlack cardigan. pink stripcd \carl. You: \.cutc. hcadphoncx + ruckxack. Wch )ott looking til rnc or thc dcpanurc hoardi’l [7404/lllll


124 THE LIST .‘ Mir

V I saw you at 'Itc\ot .\'cl\on I.\t'cllc\i \lrnr [' trn_\ hut \lunnrng' IIlotldc. rcd top. icartv' \Ic. I‘lack. \ha\cd hair.chcckcd \hrtt' Yotr had thc rh}thrn. llou l\c got thc hhrcx'('an \xc hc \oulrnatcx‘ ["404 lIll

V I saw you (YlIUIlIk' (i. “c uth to \\ot’k togcthcr lll.lll_\ rnoonx ago III a kill Iaclol} llou romantic .al Icaxt thc .tllt‘lllooitx \xcrc... Paul [4044”:

V I saw you rcrnctnhcr inc Barr} Irorn hootx. You pullcd inc UIIL' night at charrng crmx and carnc hack to nitric \' \\\ [7404/ HR

V I saw you Inning a lirmxrrc cahlc rn \Idpllth. 8t Izrioch Squarc. ultrlc I “ax \cr'uhhrng holt} \oup Iroiu thc pigt‘oll Ilolt'\ ilI‘tHC I‘ltltih Do I wound )ou ol .\Irch.ic| .Iackxon’ YooIlooo'" In all good [took \ltop\ llo\\ )ott |ll\l haxc Io Iooook ltil‘t‘tl"' [7404/IILI

V I saw you in [IIL‘\L‘ pagt-x 0 )car\ ago. Stncc thcn otrr uarxtlrncx haw mpandcd \\ hrlc otrr IIitlI'IIlIL'\ ha\ c r'cccdcd. but you arc \trll ax hcautrlul and ax \pccial to inc ax _\ou ulna.“ \wrc. in) \wc galloping rnornrng titan. low )011 lorcwr Baha \ [7404/|()S

V I saw you (tuition ~ nrct- \niilc - at the arnncxl) ccihdh on t)7th March. I'rn thc (icrrnan \\IIII thc Italian narnc. lct'x ct'ilidh again'.’ [7404/IIIO

V I saw you (‘olrn \lIIIllg in in} Ir\ingroorn “caring in} rcd Jiiinpcr. 'I‘Iiank )ou Iot' nalkrug inc horncSlill can't hclicxc I lct )ou go \xithout cwn a phonc nurnhcr'. \Vould likc to xcc _\ott again. [7404/Ill7

V I saw you in Mono, Saturda) afternoon a coirplc ol \wckx hack. _\ou pcttlc gorgcoux hlondc \\ rth cool clolht‘x, \xith _\our pal. .\Ic \hort hair \itting rri cornct' drcxwd in black. ha\ ing a drrnk \kllll a “mic. You lookcd o\ CI. I \IIIIIL'(I.L‘RIPII\QIIL‘tl. You \al llt'ar' door \o I \\a\ unahlc to It‘cr lurthcrl. Scc )oir nut Sat. pcrhapxfl' [7404/ run

V I saw you gorgCoux girl uorking in la l'ocaccia on IY}I'L'\ road \\ ith \hort IIIC\\} hronn hair hcllo. )ou rnadc inc a Iattc and it \xax nectar l'roin a gotItIL‘xx, [7404/l II)

V I saw you I II litrkcrii (‘)\l[ .8.rlttrd.o ~\th \larch You. douhlc ctrlc iunglrxt \xrth hunchcx. inc douhlc \“cao rungInt \\IIIIH[II [\uuchcx Iain \ .l [‘log‘lxNHoll \[‘\\lolI \ornctrrnc ' I 404 I I I

V I saw you \torking )tutrr “CC [lg‘III .l\\ “II III [It‘l \ You lhc hotlcxt thing \rncc

\cxtn roux II. I‘It'lltlk' Il.tll \\ rth highlighlx and \\cll III\[' \lc' \\cII hlondc rcd II.t|l l‘.t\\loll.tlt‘ .ihout laxhron. Inn and am othct I 'x that _\ou t an thruk oll 8o ric\t trrnc }ou \cc tiic cornt‘ up and talk plcaxc and III irrakc \urc \xhcri I conic up to lhc har I.” oan .t \[lll oltt' II\

[II-I04 I l 3

V I saw you lit-uh Ilotn t'mr oil a hcndcr Ill [IIC polo llopc )oir rt'coxcrcd _\ottl hag ('all to hcat inc cal hurnhlc pic .lllll.lll \ ["404 I I I

V I saw you N lhc Human! Inirgt't \an tn ('axllc Strccl. acr'oxx lroru thc Roxal Inlirrnar). I” 8. {Haiti III/VIII You “Itcrc thc hlondc harrcd I‘IIIL' t‘Yt'tl gotltlt‘\\. I \\.l\ lllt‘ dark haircd tnalc _\ou \nirlcd at I “otlltl Io\ t' to gt‘l lo kilo“ )oir l740-I/I H

V I saw you in Jm Spoth .'\l';_'.\ll \ltccl \aliitda) am

8/ VIII. I hotrght on I l Rcchockx. I'rii taII. \outh alrican. \hort dark hair, You arc \\lIIo\\} hlondc. \lll.tlI \cat on lotchcad and utlcrl) gorgcoux (‘all Ilit' plcaw' [7-[04/l I5


V I saw you thc girl \xith thc

hlondc hair. and thc Io\cl} L"\k'\.

Ilt‘ookt' lllc Iio\ ollit‘t' grill" :\l lhc 'I'rawrxc Indrn. I’Icaxc contact inc. [7404/l

V I saw you at low». Row St. ’l'hc \turirtrng .»\u\\rc tnari urth thc lunk} lacral hair. (an \H‘ catch up and go hon ling \olllt'lllllc" \tltlc ' [7404/3

V I saw you [\Ia} mg a I‘lack gtrtlar at ihc hackpackcrx. “caring rcd \Iioc\_ You'rc rri_\ (iotl. [7404/3

V I saw you in rri} ncxl. lug hirik}. :\nd thcri I dun }oir You Iookt'tl \(r \u L‘t‘l tilltI \lt't'p) I CUIIIIIIIII IL'\I\[, Yotl'lc IIIL' I‘t'\l and thc grcatcxl and I'm glad _\ou'rc rnrnc X .\l. [7404/4

V I saw you tall 0/ girl Ill llcridcrxon'x \xrth \trarigc [oolltpttxlcl \IL‘ [llllcl ho} in NM”. “ould Io\ c lo IICilIht'CIlk‘ in thc “)2le urth )ou {7404/5 V I saw you I‘lolio Itioklltg \hockcd and \Itlllllt'tl at our rnagic pout-i‘x' Nicc hcar'd. Io\c [Ik' \KIIL'IILN \\, [7404/0

V I saw you prclt} 0o} in thc Wall} l)ug. l “in poutrrig in} bright rcd Ill“ and Ilrckrrig in) hair hchrrrd thc har. [7404/7

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