Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.


Live Floor Show 1111(1 .\l.1111 1(1'1'1'11111111. ()111'1'11 \111133111‘1'1 I)1‘1\ 1'. 1‘13 HUI. 711111. 1'11'1'. 11111 (11'111'11'11 1111(' S1'111|.11111\ |1\1' 11111x11‘ 111111 1'111111'11} \111111 gum 11.1111111.11 \11111 1‘1'j_'11|.11\ I).11‘.1 ()'1111.1111..-\|31111'111}.M1'11111(‘11.1l\. (’1'11113 11111 .11111 1111' 1(1'11'1'1'1111("111111.111 811'11111'111111111' III. 1’111g1'111111111'x .11‘1' 111‘1111111'.1\1 1111 S.1l(11'11.1_\\. 1111('2.

11) 11111111.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .11111g11'1lix. I'( 1(' 1111111111111. R1‘11111'\\ Sin-1'1.(18711737117117. 711111111, [(1. R “and 111111111111‘1'x 1.1111111111<l1.1\1'11 S1111 I)11113.111' “111111111. 11111x11‘.1| 1‘111111'111.111 R.11n1'1 ll1'1'x1'11.11111(i1~1111 11(1)/. 1.11111'11 1111' Iiix \111‘1111'11 111111 I)1' 511111 1111p1'1‘x1111111111n.

The Stand 1111‘ .51.!!111. 33.1 \\'111111|;1111I\ R11;11I_ (15711 (1111101155 911111. 15 (1311, I.1\1'1‘p1111l \1111‘11x1111111 R11‘11;11'1I .1\|I1'n 1x1111l1'1l 111111 ;1l11'll1'11 11) 1111' 1'111’.11111"\ 1111111111'1' 1\\111'111111'111;111 111'111' 1.1111‘111'xll1‘m. Laughing ll111‘x1' 1'111111'11} 1'11111111'11111111 linulixl 8.11 :11111 11111 '1‘11111\11.1_\ nigh! 1111\1 15111111111- 11111112

Giggles \11'1'1‘111'} 1.111111g1'. 1-12 11.1111 1.11111'. 3-18 1777. 011111. [511.111. (1.1} 1111-11111) 1‘111111'11) 1'1'111111'1113; 1111' 111111111111} \1)1111g\111'.\11\ 111111111111 N111.


The Stand 1111' ~81111111. .5 M1111 l’l.11‘1‘. .558 7373. 011111. £5 (1111. 1"111'1111'1' \1‘111111111'111'111'1' Nululic 11.1}111'x [1111\1111 1111' 11111111111: 111111 \uppurl 1111111 1'1‘111111 Quinn. Kll'\l} M11“ and \11.11|-p.11'1'11 1111\1 I).1\11I K11).

Neutron Bomb 1111- 'l'11111. () 111111111 811111111: 1111.111 811'1'1'1. 3311110311. 011111.

70 THE LIST 1.1 3" M111 30-113

Eminent funster Andy Parsons plays the Stand, Glasgow, Fri 14 81 Sat15 Mar

£11141 L31 \111111'111 1111'11111_\ 1111111'111 111;:111 115111111113; 1111'111111'111\1‘ 11111111 1.111'111\111 1111111 811111. ( in (11 .'/:1 /..'.' 1'1'3:111.11 S.11.1Ii\\1|\1111.11111.1\11\.111. \11111'11111111.1111I(11.11'1111' 11111111.1\

snatCh 1111' l 11111111 I<1111|l|. ‘11

\‘11‘11111.1S(11'1'l.325 3511-1 11111111 1.1111

{1.5111913 .5111,R1'xi111'11l111111111'11'11.111} .-\1n\1.1111'111.111111'11111111'111111111111\1 11.111'

811‘1111g1.111.1 I’1'1‘111'1 (11'111111111'1 11111111'1x (1.11111(‘1‘111111\11.11111.1111l I 111111' .\I1(‘.1111'1 \111111111'11 \11'1'111} (11111. (m 1111'1'1\ //1

/)(’ III (11‘1111111’111'11 1‘1111.111‘l


Spin on This (11.1\;_111\\ 111111 111121111“, 1: I<11\1' 5111'1‘1. ii: 15135 111111. 1-1'1'1'. 11111 (11‘111'11'11 1,111'11'1'111111111'x (11 .1111'\\ 1‘111111'11} 1.1111111111111 1111\11'1111} .l;1n1' 11.1111111 \11111‘11 11'.111111'\ .1111111'11'111 11.1111'1111 \1.11111 11px. 11111111.111\l\. .11‘1111\ .11111 [11'1'\1'1111'1\ 1'11'1_\ \11'1'11 Jongleurs Comedy Club 1111191101111 l’( i(~ 1111111111111. Ix’1'11111~\\ 8111-1-1. (15‘11 .“x? (1‘11" 11111111 1']: 81'1'11111 l 1.

The Stand 1111‘ SIJIMI. iii \\i1111111;1n11\R11.1(I.11871H1111H11155 011111. [7 (U11. S11111'.111} \1111‘1'111‘1111111' A1111} I’.11'\1111\11111111y1'x1111111111'.1l1\11111 1111\1'1'\.11111n\. N;11.1|11'11.1}111'\.1n11 11.111111 (91111111 1111111111' 1111' \1111111111. .111111;_1\1111'1‘11111|11'11'\'1.111111111 .\11"I.1\ 1x11 Friday Night Comedy l)1111111_'11'11n;1n. (1H I)111nl1;11‘l1111 Ix’11.11l. I)11111111‘111'1'.1)1 15") $121111. (111111111. 1‘1'1'1'.'1'111113_1111\ \11'1'111} \1111111 1111\11111 1‘111111'\ 1'11111'11'x} 111 ('11'111 I).1111'.


The Stand 1111' 81.11111. .5 1111111 11111. 55% 7271011111. [7 (U11. 1111' 1.1'.1;_1111' :\g_'.1111\1'1‘1'111111111‘111111'1l} \\;11'11111 811111111 .\Iunn1'r} 111111'.1\111'\ 111x .111;11‘1‘1111‘ 1'11111';1\11111\. ()1111-1111111 I111/(u /1-1/\1.11 .\111‘11.11'1 R1'1111111111I.111111111' 1‘111'111111"\ 1111111111'1‘ 11111 1‘111111'111.111 [11'111' 1.1111‘111'xli1'111 \l;11111 1111111 \111111111(. Slixgin .\I111'1'1\11n 1‘1‘.11‘I1\ 1111' \\|1111.1\ 1‘11111111‘1'1'.

Saturday 15

G {1311013.

Jongleurs Comedy Club 111153.111 1 (1111111111111; 11'1'11111'11. \111'1'1 INV' 71‘ 117117 " m:111: :1.‘ \1'1‘ 11111 1‘1

Craic @ the Sac 1 1:1 .111 \.1. \1111111\1111‘ \1111. 115" 1’11111111\11.1'.1.\ 1111.111. (1.1111\l11(1l11 :"l‘ \11111 111 I)“;

I1 .1 1 1111-11 \111 1:11.:11\I .11111 I 1111.11111 11.1\1'11\1111111111;'11'I)111111111.11.1111 \1111111\1111'1111.11 11111111111111 1 .11111111111111'11' \|.111 \11111'1x1111

The Stand 1111' \1.:1111. 41‘1\\1111111.11111\ R1111.(1\”(1(1(1(1(111<< 11111” {x \W l .1 I~11‘111‘.‘.11111111111‘1'l1'\ll\.1ll\wallv'll Madcap Comedy Club \1.11.- 11.11. I~11\111111.11111\111‘1'1.‘11(1‘l_‘\‘1 1) 11111111 1511-11 11111). 111111111“111111111111.'\ 121A! 1'111111111111 1.111). 1.1111'} (111.111;


Jack Kerouac is 81 (11111111, \1111.1111'. 111 {5111.111\111'1'1..‘31|(11‘11 711111 U1 ([1 5111 |11111111.11111'1 1.1111 \111'.1 1111\l\.111111|l1 1111'111.11'\1'1111’1'11'111.111n;' 1111' 1111'.11111'.111111\1111.1111. I\1'11111.11’ Illl\ 111:; “11111111111111111'111.11111(1111.1j. 11.1\11 1'1'11'1‘1.111'\1111'1111'111 K1'l11ll.11.1111‘ l1';.'1'1111.11_\ .111111111 111 (111/111 /1’111.'./. .11111 11'.111111'\ [11‘11111111.1111‘1'\ 11} K111111111 11111-1 11’1111\\11111'111'.111.\1'\\ \11111'x 11.11111 \I.1\\111.1. 1111111111.1111 \111;_'1'1 8.11.111

I 11/.1111'111.111.I \111jg1'1 11111131111111 \11.111 1.111111 51'1'111111111111'111111'

The Stand 1111‘ 81.11111. ;\1111\ I’I.11'1', 5.55 “I”: ‘111111 LN 511111 11111111} \11111 p111'x11'11111111'11'\1.111111111 \11 1.1\1\11

East K111111111;

Razor Octopus - The Company Of Pleasure I'.1\l k111111111' \11\('1'11111'. (1111(‘11.11‘111111.111111155 3(11111111 hplll {h (U11 .\ 1.1111111111\I_\ l11111'.1l1.111‘l (11'111111111'11 11} 1(1 11111111; 1'1lg1' .1111\l~ \11111‘111'\11l1111'\ 11111111nx111 ‘1111'.1\1111" 111111111411 (1111\11'. \l.11111 1111. 11111111111}. 1111111}. 11.1111‘1' .11111 \1111'11 51'1' (11.1\3_'11\\ 1111‘


Craic @ the Sac (.111 111 5.1. S11lllll\l1IL‘/x\ll11‘. II“) 1,111111I1\Il.1\‘.\ l\’11.l11. (111‘) MID/(1101717 511111 111 51'1' $.11 15 Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 1111‘ 51.11111. 1.11 \\1111111.11111\ 1111.111, (1x‘(1(1(1(1(1(155 8 31111111 11111421 (111111} \1‘111111'1 R11‘11.1111.r\111'11 11'}:.1|1'\ 1111111111111\.111\1'\\11111[11.1) Kiixl} .\l11\\ .11111 (111'1'1' 111'111'111111'1x \1.11111 1111111 \ummil


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? '1111- 81.111115111111 1’|.11‘1'. .553 7373 111111 1'1‘1'1'. I'1'1'1'~1}11'11111111111'\\.1111l11.111g1111'1 11.1111\11111:_'.111111‘x11‘1111111'x1111'1111111111’.1111 (11.111.1111 .11111 8111.111 \11111111}.

Ennio Marchetto 1'1-\111.1I 'I'111'.111‘1'. 13 3*) .\'11‘111\1111 8111-11 5311 (111(1(1 731111111. £11 £15 11.111.111 111.1\l1'1 111 11.1111'1' 11.1x1'11 1111111‘1'xxi1111\.11111 11111x11‘.1| 1'111111'11}. I)1'\1’1'1111'1I 11} 111.111) .1\ .1 '11\111_~_' 1'.11‘l111111'. lIll\ 1111\1111‘111113. 11.1111'111j:. 1111111.111 111131.11111 111.11'111111'11111[1.11.1111'111\ [1.1111'1 1'1’1'.1111111\. 81'1' 1111111111'.111111111 Bruce’s Sunday Social Fund 1111- 81.11111. .5 \'111I11’1.11‘1'.55X 7273. 1‘1 11111111 U1U1 111‘111‘1' I)1'\ 1111 1111111111110 11'1\1}. Inn-1.1111111111111111} 1.111} .\'.1l.1111' 11.1)111'1. 111'111' 1.1111'111'xli1'111 .11111 1111'1'1' 3:111'\1\ Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge 1111111111111 'I'.1\ cm. ‘1 II111_\1'11111I I{11.111. .55" 4073. 011111 i 1. (‘111111'111 1.1111111'711'11111'1 (11.11'1111"1’1111111.1\.11111.1 11'“ 1111111 11.111111111 \Iurlclx 111111 1111\1 R11: ‘\'11111I1111' .'\111I1'1\1111


0 Mark Thomas '1'1.1\1'1\1' '1'111'1111'1'. ('.1111111'11Ig_'1' 811'1'1'1. 333 1411-1 7 11111111 [13.511117 {8.5111 11.1\111:_'111111'111111' lIl\ll 11.11111111'1’x .11111 1'11.111;_'1'11 1111' 1.11‘1'111 1111111111 11'11'\1\11111.'1‘1111111;1~1'1'1111'nxl11l1'11 11x 1'\.11‘11} \1 11.11 111' 11111110 .11111111 [1.11]. (111' ['8 .11111 I)1111_\;1 1.1111' 1‘11\1'1'. 81'1' [11'1~\11'\\ Red Raw 1111' 81.11111. .5 Y111‘I11 I’I.11'1'. 55K 7372 831111111. Ll. 111111111}

1111111111110 131101 111'.1.111111'1 1111111 \111111111'.11111.11111111111'11'11:1'111111'11\

‘1 11:.'1!1\

Tuesday 18


0 Mark Thomas 11111-1111 11112111.: 1.11111111111'1'\111‘1'1..‘.‘\ 11111 i {1: 71111“ .1\ <11|\1'1‘\l11111‘ 111111 1‘11'\11‘\‘.

Razor Octopus - The Company of Pleasure I11.- \1.111.1_ 111111 1‘1.111-. 55\ “11111 £51111 \1'.' \.11 1‘ .11111

(11.1\_'.'11\\ 1111'

Wednesday 1 9


BBC Scotland’s Live Floor Show 1111‘ \1.lll1l. l;;\\1‘1‘111.11111\ R01111\‘1111(111(1(1<% 1pm |..-.~ [11¢ 1111111'111 \1.11\ 1111111 11111 \11111.11111\ 1111 \1111\\ \111111\1111111111'.1\ 1111 1111' \1'111'\ Razor Octopus - The Company of Pleasure 1111- 81.11111, =11 \\11111Il.1|111\ l\'11_|11~ (15.711111111111155 ‘111111 1171151 \1'1'\.11 IR .11111 (il.l\}‘11\\ 1111‘


1 11111111111111

0 Mark Thomas 11.111-1\1- l111-.1111-. (1111111111111\111'1'1.I.“ 11111 ' H‘1‘111 ’11.‘ “1111‘ L5 5111\1‘1‘\111111‘.1!l11 [111-\11'“

A Kick Up the Tabloids 1111- \1.11111.5\111111’1.111-.55h 7.“) "I‘m 15 (111 l111'.111111;_'111'\1.\1111111.11111111111111' \11111111x111'.111'111111111'111'1'11.1111'\1'11'1111' .11111111.11.11111111111'111111 111x111111'x1111' \1111111111: 1111111411 \.11111' 1111111 .11‘111133 [11111111111[11111'11111'1\l\1’.11118111'11111111. Sllxlll \111111\11n.11111 1111111 I 11111

Thursday 20

G 2181 111w

Glasgow International Comedy Festival \I.lll11ll\ \I1‘llll1'\. 11” (13113 1111' 111.111;111.1|(1|.1xg1111 111(1'111.1111111.1I (’111111‘11} I'1'\11\.1I 111';'111\ \11111.1111.1\1. 11'.1l111111§_' 1111‘1'1'111'1'I1x11l 1111111111'111.1111111.1I 1‘111111'111.111\. 1111' 111'\l 111111\|1.11'l\. .11111 1111.11 \1.11111 11111.111'111 ('111111'11} 111.1111.1. 111111. (.1110 .11111 1111111011111“ .11x11 1‘11111111111' (11111.1111'1111\.1\1'111.1l111'1'111111'11} 1'\11.1\.1§_'.111/;1 IS1'1'111111\11111.1| \1'1'1111nx 1111 1111111'111111'11} Il\llll_‘_‘\ 181'1' l1'.111111' .11111 11 \1 \\ 111.1xg11111'111111'11} 11'\11\.1| 1'11111

Live Floor Show I1I1('_ \I.1111 1(1'1‘1'11111111. ()111'1'11 .\I.11§J.111'l l)11\1'. ‘15 1101 “[1111 I'11'1'.11111 111111'11'11 811 11111

1 1.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .11111:_'11'111\. 1 (11111111111111; 1(1'11111'11. 8111-11. (1571) "K7 (1711“ 7 11111111 U1 .111111 81111111 \11'11'111111'x 1111111' \1.1_1_'1'.11111.11111' 111\11111;111 11111111' 11.111111111. 1111'1'11'1 1'1113_'111.1(11'Si1111111 111121141111(1111\11‘111 111\11111.111 K1'\1n (111111'.1 I111! 11/ (i/('/ Phil Kay1’|1-.1\1- 111111' 1111\(1/(1 ('('.-\ 11.111'11.1xl11'1'111'1'x1‘111'111111'11 1111 1'11 33 .\l.1l.

Witty Wimmen (ml 111- 8.11 81111111\11I1'/.v\1111'. 117‘) 1’11111111\11.1\1\ R11.11l. (14‘) IMO/(1191717 311111. 1.511311 Shim 41111111111;11l111'1111'111x1'111-x1111111\.1|1 11'111.111'1'1111111~ 1‘11xl 1111111111113: 1'1111111' \1111’1I\1111111\'1\ (11'1'. 1111.11 1.1\\ K1'.11.1 \11111111} .11111Kll'\1} .\I11\\./’11/Iu/(il(‘/ Daniel Kitson 'l‘h1- 51.11111. H1 \\’11111Il;11111\ R11;11I_ 11371) (11111 (11155 Rpm £7 LN. I).11111'1Kilwn111\11111'1'[1\1.111111g In 1111' .1\\.11‘1I\. .«\11‘1'.111} 1111.1\11n§~I .1 III!!(' ()11! 11ml 1’1'1‘1111'11111111'1' 34111111. .1 (1111111111111- (11 ('11111‘111' 111'1'p\.1111-\. .111111111' 111111111111' 11111} 1.11.111 111 1'111111'11}. 1111' 1’1'rr11'r. 1111~ \lllllL‘l‘lIlL'. III}(1pIL‘ ((1111111) g1‘llllhpl.1_\\.1 1'11111111'111 1111111111 31135. \\'1'11‘1I. \11111111'1‘1111. 111111 \1111111} 1111.11'11111\ P1111111 (i/('/z

Giggles \11'1'1‘111‘} 1111111111: 143 11.1111 1.;1111'. 3411' 1777. 1111111. {511411111}- 1r11'n111_\ 1'111111'11} 111111111111: 111111111111111' 1111r1111'r11 1.1“ 1.111} 1’11111'r ((1111 BBC .\'1'11 ('111111'11} .1\\\.1r11 11111111'1 .\'111.1 ('(11111. .11'1'1111111;11111'11 11} 111-r111111'—11111g111'11 \111111111 1111-1111. [111qu (i/(‘la

The Festival Club 1111' 81.11111. .‘113 \\'11111II;1n11\ R11;11I. (13711 (1111) (11155.