The Front

Little angel


- I Prntsr/ed Al Pacino 1' J may he among the

hrggesxt Start; rn the



world, htrt he}; not lreneath apnear'rng rn a Channel .1 drama. The :;rxrr)art HBO l)t()(llltill()t1 ot 'lony Krrshner '5; (‘.()tlll'0V(?t8l£ll 80:; AIDS play Angels in - America should “111le Carlm Academ turns on heat It y Paerno accornpanred hy Meryl Streep. Emma Thompson and angry-.3; "4:3. :‘grrx’rfl; "may .é?"t.t:. trunfila.’ "g; rag-w z :‘2 : :--r: . :' 2") Michael Gambon. [\tta;rer"., (\t‘(;'lt;_t'. t"e-::";r:t‘t"-::"‘<t"tl‘ rainfalr; arr-T .: f. :t.: r a: : Drr'eetrngdrrtreswulhe '(2‘.:‘.a>‘5;tt; livar'or‘ Butt: “:3 rat.“;:" "at; hue" errata“. ll {Z'WJ'TH'K -:r‘--;m " r' ‘T'wu SE S?" 3%.? a. : ‘:-- taken by Mike Nichols a'rfrrrrr‘atrtvdmneevanu‘e' ;:-:='.';31(:l)!“r:rl’. .'.<:-'<:-;r"'\;>t."<'ed at; :a'r-mrvtr. ‘r-(Za' 'i;»'\ row"; " ...As;atastertor1’he N;:‘.r?r"l\r:r and t'n- r‘-:*- at; flx‘ la' :éeastt; ; n ectrr::ttr:, rv‘rx :7‘ r‘ar‘dtz i .'.::_.:r: ";l‘nT' a; "mi :35 "I L 'l'. v Matrix-sequels;

I.\..ltlf¥f;l‘.'i' [\ftartn to the ".'.hr1z.- Stay-:4; 'fiffil‘ (Ir-3;”. " :-.-:: ":1 l : mayhem whreh wrll

Fear of over-saturation on Glasgow music scene. \.'\.'::v:::;: Ruth Hedges

‘r/"Y‘ the Strdarai‘et; tr":r RU""lil‘filliS'RfiSf?Lil“l7l‘t}t‘fllif' ’.z}"‘\.(313r53tl'()'.'.!!lt;.l)(?.<:.{\l>t?illf. a “."s- :x' :znr, f. T";:'. (35:5,: '7; '--rr " explode onto sereene the .‘ylt‘errx'e artrtrrt .'.n.;i'r‘. ;:‘.'.".:; (Ia'rn‘r; Ariader'we-t; rr‘ [Sexton r:‘.~u-r arena" ‘2' 1"»: it yr':-;-"‘.'f1 2 '1; '. ":1'." later lhrf; year. the finatoiandlirr'r‘lr‘ahar“. f"~§""<‘:.'. .e'it.e;:'ear~, I"a:;::::>n’_. If new"; ::»:zé,°.':t, t"-“E%a" ‘.'.a";:l":r:--. «\n'r‘ ,r’. 4:". Wachowski Brothers a r>artrtitriar ll‘rml to the y.ea' :‘(lBtttfthtzt'ltL‘.'.l‘l(tl"1(if;gl wean“. algal: °.. My: 5" w: E-‘rt: ::» ~;-r-’- release a nrne—rnrnrrte rr‘atc‘trng; \‘aeat‘rtx 4!":2"tlt1t‘,(i~i‘:" foéitlrlg; :.e rY‘trt;<: f§llltit1~ 'rET'éKF lil:"ai“ff§"1¥'“f"r?_"\ll‘{":ff“" :l"yl"’.lfz~l‘f\l":1fT'L'f' '1: a " wr' a computer generated "I r". EA‘QT'l‘l-ik'l' ‘.'.”"etr‘e' Cratxrocft: hug; enrmgr‘ tr: strafarn '_‘.'.:> puff "g; inactwa a r‘ a" ,t' a“. " * frrv‘w t" r" :a:, . gs; "aw- short frlm entrtled The Z’L‘LZLL :‘anaz‘rt‘, ‘.t?"t.r?s;. two! I no.4) ":tt irks.- to see The def ‘rt;e of the l‘ltrr'r>.'..a"r: r,-::'.'.~,-' i'jé: T‘.E'Y‘::-". 1 59' f"»..-"L r,,.f w .w- Frna/F/rg/rt oft/re 081178. the Haney-pane] eard l);7r‘;ll(l Mac ee<l ‘ror‘ ()l’l . lT'()l“(‘,l(?' «:tt’ I'lér trug‘i user-a ram i" ~;'_' :‘ f“<~ lia'nrw a: The wee rnovre erl he Garage. thr- ltrnne. 197(3(341I!t;>;:13Egltlil indrxrdaa ':><:'r\ acts. "‘1"‘r’:".{il“’l’lfiz:‘1 ism" :.r* t‘u ;’ '1; t ;: firtrvf ; 11°34? shown at the end of \'-.'he" Fe! 371 appmartr‘ed the Barrat; tee}. the '(i-SlXM‘tSt‘: ‘.'.{it; :i;rr"‘:ut rm {T-Zl'glfar" Aprrl helore screenrngs lit; reluctance to fafivx If; a tarr rrtdrtxrtror‘ et’ A 'TK :“ rta .1' ‘-;.- E-Lwari '.M .'.a'. of Dl'r)(’rrr)(:at(:/tel‘ . Not

v '_ " ,' content With rnusclrng rn

t;rrr‘r:l\.: 'Nr‘ <t:rr“rr‘<:-rr‘..' ts: eddrr‘esm l"eSl-(Z(). rreanxnl‘ie. rE;t/l".1.'lt}{l :rneo‘ er‘rattlerr see, ‘.'."a'. 1:0 f" "m In, °."r,'"f: c’:!"‘_.'l"' :" t‘r‘rfftdrf-nve. lt 2:; priming; teen? at; The iargrer scale ‘.'(}r".\r(} tut:- rtet" 2" ' f"-_>'-:‘: :,2- yr 2* ,' 1 .rr- ,r -; on the frlm. theatre and ("Her statesir"an (7T galggrngl. ’Zl'ne Carlrng Academy: dues; f"t77“_.5347‘!i1'l‘filaflwf trshrn' 'n' shootrn' worlds. Madonna rs expreSSrng herself In the

Co'dblay I T world of chrldren's hooks

' tt 2. 53-, as t Scotland’s tenth year of Park lrfe revealed. ‘.'."_;'df;: Mark Robertson " f 0'" 9 rllustrated tales fer er-

EM {l'itl Comm 61-3”. '. ~ "-er " T"‘:" :: ‘7’} year-olds and above. :‘elet‘rate‘: a unread-:2 : ‘T " The: 5‘3 ,‘fl‘rr. ’,‘_.T4 : ‘rr ,1»: The first trtle. The Eng/Isl) Paw 1m; '.o;:-a' at Bazaar: ;:" '1\ Ar" '.' :" :Fr‘r: 1:». ‘I\ '. f"-: ‘.'.;:x" "-4- Roses r8 due out In ark) ‘fi l'w :‘arr "a.-.:~ rue" ‘: ' " 2T : " September. Not that Its at: 7‘(?Liill"‘é?ri? .‘i? .a. 'IFTA'. lfi. " ‘ST' 1'." .'2-: 1) m" '5 " keenlng he’ OUl Of the '. t" Or 'a". "ar'was arr-gr}. rat/r'wvrxz‘. 7'31: 5-? .1: .:, -'.‘r':" 4 i5"":-"' recordrng studio. . t'w t“".’\3;i‘«. :xr't. 1 ~, g: ‘3 «a '."~.- unhapprly. as her next flaws-grass. true (T'xv gafrv‘x, '_"-» Stun-“s; r ° 2 'r-r: f' r.- ;r':':. album, the somewhat Soaat‘at‘es. t":- ; 'tlfl‘l_.":1 f"-r. T :4, Ironrcally named F’Dt‘rxrvx‘“:iSr‘rr-z: i";r\:.:'_ f"-x-'»-\'..;: ma '3 Amer/can Mars due on Llr‘de".'.3r\:r Hi ; n.."::;:'. 275:.“ Yaw-v _:' :: :1"~;‘.' -,-,-’: 2‘."-',- rn late Aprll. Thorougth and l \l-a . 1‘ ~- 2' ' 1::gr'f. .:;;:'~ ‘. " ./ ' " ‘."-’- rmagrnatrve song trtles Jamie tzi-"t. 3% . \I ';:_:'":: 1'49— : ;;-: f ': : -'; ' ':.-'-' rnclude 'NObOdy Knows oath: 3.1a." "um? '."~::~r if 31" 2.2: x. " Me' and 'I'm So Stupid'. the r‘xr " :ifaae‘: Details:

4 THE LIST '.-‘ .‘ '