MUSIC "/M d :xm "Is

Friday 1 4 continued


I Monstarz of Roc IIIc l lIllIIII RHHIII. ‘M \IlclnIIa \IICI'I. 3:; :‘IIZ "pIII ('mIIIIncd IIII‘IIIL' .le In \I' |)( '. lilac I. \aI‘IMIIII. IIHII \laIIII'II ch

I Lubby Nugget, Misled Youth, My Own Religion and Ouik IIIcc I IIchxxnIld. lIaIIncIInauK. \Iddl} SIIccl. hi“ 9‘11 .S -l<|\lll Ll ('I.I/_\ \ka punk iIIIIkS lInnI IIcadInIch liulwh} \'IIj_'§.:cl. \llechI In \Innnxka IL'UIIII\

I Penpushers llnnpn ( 'Iulx II \cu SIIch. ih-S “(Ill-1 IIpnI L“ I'.\\cllcnl IUIJI IIIp IInp InIIchn c

pIn\ uh- .I IIclI_\ II\c \Ilnu .II cluh IlljJIIl (I.IIIIIII.I I’InlnIIna

I Lee Paterson .IllII Pseudofunk \\ lII\IlclmIl.Ic\_ I (I SnuIII IIIIdgc. “q <| Isl ‘lpIn Rnck. hlucx and pnp cn\cI\ lInIII I’aIchII and lunk lInIn I’xcudnlunk

Saturday 15


I Jerry Built, Sucioperro .lllII Fighting Red Adair Km; ‘l'uI\ “ah “ah IluI. Zfila SI \'IIIccnI SIIch. III ‘37“). S. illpIII. [5.

I Open Stage Blues Jam \II‘I"II’SII';I/}. -l_‘I SaIIcIIIcIIaII SIIch. RUNS". JpIII. I‘Icc \\cckl) IIIIch I\.I\cd \t'SSIUII.

I Desc, Barrichello and The 55S \Ic'c'II‘SIca/y III SauclIIcIIalI .S'IIch. “*0le “pm, .v\n cxcnIng: nl deIInyquIch IndIc SUIIIIIIS lInnI IzanIIIIIpIIK SI. RccnI'dx InInII) pInIIInch II} SIIIIcII} RadIn,

I Geoff Martyn, Flush Hues and Eleven Mile Creek IIaI'II}. Jon (‘lylc SIIch. II.\'“(I (Ml—7 now, .Splll. H.| \IIIch‘MnIIg“I‘IIcI' pI'nIIInch IIIS cIII‘I'cIII Inc (‘I) Sunni/1m: (inml. I King Creosote, Pip Dylan and GUMMl Bako llilk‘ I‘ll] NIIlL' (MIC. 50 (Ill KIIIg SII'ch. 55‘ IIIIS. 0pm. £3. l'cncc RCCHI‘IIS llllell.

I Charles Wood and Doghouse \\'III\I|c|\IIII\Ic\. -1 (I SnIIIII IiI'Idgc. 55‘ SI I-l. ‘lpIII. .\ IIInch'II \cl lI'nIII \Vnnd and pnp/I'nck UHL‘IS lI'nnI I)ng_'hnu\c. I Modo, Snudge, Bladder Patch and Splitbac SII‘axIIIcI'I'} l‘lt‘lllS. Sh ()\\\;IIII Sll'u'l. UNIS “53 USS”. ".RIIpIII. [-1, ()\cI' I-lx \IIU“. .\ch.Il IIIIc up.

I Springfield (iIaIId ()Ic ()pr}. I’alec} Rnad In”. 43‘) 53W». '7 Winn. U IN IIIcIIIIIcI'xI. (‘nunII'_\.

I Dr Pockets .\lc(‘|IuI||\. Ill IlIgII SII‘ch. 553 315. IllpIII. I-Icc.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\lacSnI'lc) 'x. I: .lillllillk‘él Sll'ccl. I-IS S5Sl.(»p1n, I‘I'cc. chldcnc} lnI IIIc RIKII \L'ICI'IIII.

I The Furz .\IacSnI-Ic} 'x. I: .lanIaIca SII'ch. Z-IS SSS I. ‘lpnI. I'I'cc. Rcd IInI ('IIIII I’cppcn cnxcn hand, I Open Stage 'l‘lIc llaII liar. Inn \\'nnd|and\ Rnad. 504 153". J Spin. I‘I'cc. \Vcckl} \L‘SSIUII InI‘ IIK‘III IIIIIxIcIanx.

I Year Zero 'l'hc IlaII Hal. Inn \Vnndlandx Rnad. Sh-I I53”. ‘lpIII. l'I'L‘L‘.

I Kong SaIIIucI I)n\\\. (F “I \IIIdealc Rnad. .133 “III”. .S'. illpm. l'l‘L‘C. Rnck.


I Aereogramme, Senator .qu Julie 13 'I'lIc \cnuc. I," II ('allnn Rnad. 55” 30“. "pm. L"). .'\L‘I'I‘H:..'I'IIIIIIIIL' [II’HIIIUIL‘ Slap and Rl'lr'llu‘. IIIL‘II' lI‘L‘IIICIIIIUIh \CL‘UIIII alhuin lnI‘ (‘IIcIIIIIxaI l‘nch'gInuud. \KIIICII cnnIaInx lIICII' Inual IIIgIII} cnnII‘axlIIIg l'I‘agIIc pa~~agc~ and hiulal l'UClelllS, .\'n\\ \\IIII .Iddcd ping: IIIIcI'Iudc.

I Koro All Stars and 25 Cats Named Sam 'IL‘HnI Rn“ l'IIInn. IiI'IxIn Squaw. (fill 40"}. "pm. {3 lil IIIcInth'xl. 'I‘hc IidInhIII'gII (Both and Rnck SncIcI} pI‘cwnI IIII\ dnuhlc I‘III.

50 THE LIST ' . ' .‘


Melding comedy and rock is a precarious business. When done well (see Spinal Tap) it can approach genius. When done poorly (see just about every other attempt at it, ever) it can make you weep with misery. The secret is that you have to love what you mock. You must truly adore the spandex, the pomposity and the widdly-widdly- widdly guitar solos. Tenacious 0 love everything about rock, and they are the second best comedy rock outfit. Ever. The two actors behind the band, Jack Black (of High Fidelity and Shallow Hal fame) and Kyle Gass (erm. recently seen in Friends) imbue the likes of ‘Tribute’ and ‘Wonderboy' with such joy, revelling in the ridiculousness of it all to such an extent that you just get utterly swept up in their pure daftness. Any band who can write the lines ‘He has the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away/With mind bullets’ deserve your love too. (Doug Johnstone)

I Tenacious 0 play the Corn Exchange, Edinburgh. Sun 76 Mar.

I Tergazzi, Read it and Weep and Fireside Aliens Sulma}. (II) (‘nugallz 335 07(le ". illpuI. L31.

l.l\ III;_'\Inn I‘nckci‘x 'I'cI;_'.I//I lIcadlInc I My Electric Love Affair I .qucx IIaI. INS l..llll'l\lUll I’Iacc. (III "III .SpIII. I'Icc. I’\}\'|II'III‘III' IchIIIn Incl. \\IIII gl'cIaI'x. \HIII IIIc l)uI\ .\lI.III I).I\ III \Ilppnll.

I Wildtype .qu Fuse ‘l lIcc lndcmnl'ld. IianncIIIIan'x. \IddI} SII'ccl. 550 i354 .S-ISpIII LI SuppnII In hc cnIIlII'IIch I‘llI )nII‘Ic III \alc II.IIIII\ \\IIII pn\\cI Inck lI'nIII \\ IIdI_\pc \\IIII IIIIIng gclung a IIIIIc IIaIch \\llll I'uxc


I Athlete, Longview and Fonda 500 Km}: llIl-\ \\.III \\;III Illll. Tla .SI \‘Inccnl SIIch. III 53“) .S. illpIII L" Scc pIc\Ic\\ lnI .\III|cIc SIIppnII nl \.II'_\III;_' IIIdIc cnlnnh lI'nIII lnIngIcu and I'nIIda SIN).

I Genepool Inc I =III \nlc ('alc.

51) (Ill Km}; Slum-1.55z lhiS. ‘lpIn L" Ilca\_\ IIuI IIIcIndIc

I All My Logic, Uncle Jesus, Chase and AD \lcchSkall}. III SaucIIIcIIaII SIIch. “i UM", ‘lpIII I.Inc up nl handx lI'nnI I’alxlc} l'nlxclxIl},

I The Casuals, Surreal Knights and Local 200 SIIauI‘cIn I'Icldx. 50 ()\\\.IId SIIch. HMS n5: Him mp.“ Ll. ()\L‘I I~l\ \IIII“, IIIIIIC IIk'Ix

I The Cobramatics 'I hc Scnlla.

I I3 I H SIncqucII SII’ch. 553 Mm] Killpm, I'Icc RIKII chldcnc}

I Big Blues Jam SIIIdIn ( )IIc. (ilI\\\L‘llUI' IInIcI, (ilII\\L‘IIHI IcIIacc. ‘ull IIFIII (‘l‘lll I'I‘cc Iln\lcd h} IIIc \c\\ Iilucx SIIIICIS \\ IIII (I‘lllllI‘llIIUIIS II'nnI SIIIdIn ()IIc Ic;_'III.II\ \IIcII .I\ Rc\ I)nc and IIIc \IIIIIIIn IiInIIIch

I Phil’s Sunday Session l‘ngc IIL‘JIIIII. :3: \\nndI.IIId\ Rnad. SIN IS‘NI. (\pnI. I-Icc IIIIIIg _\nIII nun

I Live Music \IIIcSnI'IL‘) S. I: .laIIIaIca SII'ch. IJS SSS]. .SpIn I‘I‘cc. I'III‘cc IIIIngIch Incal I‘andx.


I Jimi Tenor Big Band IIIc I IIIIIIII Ix’nnnI. ‘Ic \ IcInIIa SIIccl. If; I‘M-3 ‘pIII L I” III'SI III'SI'III‘CII .I\ II'I‘IIIIUS IIISI calxucl \l.II. l'lllI.IIIII II.III\c lInII IcIInI l‘llllfJS IIIS dI\InIch III: hand \nund In

I Tenacious D (‘mn l'\cII.In_:jc. \w. \Ialkcl Rnad.(inI3_'Ic.»1-1z 3-1;" a illpIn {Ill SUV [\IIII'I .II‘IIH‘

I Brutal Deluxe and The More I See SlIIdIn 3-1. ('aIInII I\’n.Id. §<\ Vih

_ Winn [5 L“ IIaId Ind. and IIIcIaI lInIII III'.IIIIIIIL'I\ IIIIIIaI I)cIII\c \\IIU .I|\I.I)~ pcIInIIn I‘.Il\‘IUUI and dcckcd nIII III IIII‘JI III.III\III_‘_'\IIII IIIc .Id\1ccnl .I \\ IIcII IIIc} Incl Ill Span:

I The Listening Room IIII' IIIIIc l‘IId/CI. I .SpIIIaI Sum. .73" *ll‘ll SpIII LI \uppcxch anIaIInII \xl‘lISle'

I IIchgInund'x I’cch \IIcIIacI Ix’nuan IIUSIS IIIIS llljJIlI nI nn .IIIIpIIIIcaIInII

I Like a Kind of Matador, the Unpleasants and Giant Tank III; Izun. " IIIInIcI SIIIIaIc. III_-. II SIIch .‘.‘l~ IN‘I

\ illpnl 2.; \II cxcnuzj.‘ nl .:‘..III'. \nnmk ‘.‘-I'.II I ccd\ I‘axcd \IllIIj.‘\' .nIc nuIlII I Ikc .2 l\IIIIf nl \l.ll.'.\l|‘l. IIIc \.:Inplc Ixncd I IIpIc.v.\\ and IIIc IIuI_\ lIIyIIIcIIIIIy lIcc nnxxc (il.IlII Iank

I Desc, Barrichello and The 555 IIIcc l'ndc1\\nIId. IIaIIIIcIInaII'» \IddI_\ \llk'k'l. 550 L‘Rl \ -l<pIII LI \CL' \II I< I Andy H and The Leroys \\III\IIcI\InI.Ic\. l (I SnIIIII IIIldfgc. “a SI Isl ‘lpIn I)cI\uI .I‘llllxlt'S pl: lnI IncaI lunkxlch IIIc I cIn_\\


I Tracy Chapman and Jason Mraz ('I}dc \IIdIInIIunI. SI ('('. I IIIIIIc~Inn ()Ila}, nx‘n IIIII .Innn SI )1 l) I )l l Rc\cch \IIIcIIcaII ~III;_'cI \nnguIIIcI \IIIn ;.I\ c RnIIaII KI'.II1II_‘_’.III\I\.IllHll\I‘I'IN/u/r'l' \nII\ IIIcax .II‘I'\ c IIIcII \I.IIIIIII \I.IIcn \IIc \\InIc ‘Iialyx (XIII | IInId \nu InIIlglII‘ IIcI cIII'IcIII .III‘lllll ll! l.’ lx'nn: I~ IIIc llSlldI pnndclnux .III.III \II.I/ l\ .III up and cnnnng \lllfJL'l \nnguIIIcI lllIIllL‘llcCII II} .IIIISIS .IS decIvc .IS Sadc and IIInII.

Impln‘. nl

I Stiff Little Fingers |I.IIIn\‘.I.Ind. l l (I.IIIH\\ :_'.Il\‘. ik.‘ llIIII LI i Sll ()\cI I1\ \IIH\\ \llllll.II SI I’alIIck'x Ila} InnIcII IInIII IIIc lllSII punk \llI\I\IIl\

I Farse, In Car Stereo .IIIII Schism KIIIjJ IIIIK \\.III \\.III ||ul. I‘ll SI \IIILL'III SIIch. .‘.‘| *.‘ I" \I‘III L; (MCI Il\ \llII\\

I Battle of the Bands IIIc (A.IIIII\II\C. I< I IIIIIII \III'I'I. .‘ IN (IIIIHI

zllpIII ()ch I 1x \IIIW.

I High Roller SIcIcn IInInIcII} \\c\I I iIIII. I3 II Kc|\III|I.Iu-.'II SIIch. VII ‘lllS SpnI L‘. IIIIIIIII'k‘II‘InlI lInnI III;_'|I Ix’nlIcI

I Coven .Iml Punkawala IIIc ill] \nlc (".Ilc. ill (Ill Km): SIIch. “i


\\ IIII nnc hand In I‘c InIIIIIIncd

I Starover Blue IIIc \I..n.l. H; \\IIIHII.IIIII\ RILIII~ (IS 'll (\llll (IIISS


I Big Girl’s Blues Small. ( inc. (iIn\\cnnI IInIcI. ( IIH\\I‘IIHI |ch c Inll ll)lk'\ NIKIIII. {II (I‘llll Illllll llk'k'

I Acoustic Jam \Ilc'nSII-a/I. l,‘l SaIIcIIIcIIaII SIIch. “UNIV S illpIII

I Icc “uh .I lIcc IIlllII\ .l\ Illxk'IlII‘~I' lnI paIIIpranh



I Out of the Bedroom CD Launch ('aIIaIcI \nII.IIIc. W {S IIIaII SIIch. 33H (IIHII SpIII L I I13:

I lll‘IllL'fJCII c\II.I\.I;.'.III/.I ‘J-lIIl \clx IInIII \nInIan IaInnnl and IIIc llIlIlKk‘lll\. .\IR I I.\. IIIc (I. I lnI \IjchnnII. .llII IICI‘I‘IIIII. Ilcn and Sall}. ScnII RcIII}. SIInnn ('IIIIIc and (iIacIIIc \Icalnx

I Live Bands lllk'k' l lltlk'l‘.‘.tlll(l. IIanncIInan'x. \Iddl} SIIccl. “(I Qil .S lfl‘lll L-l IIIccl ndcnnnIId III-:III I‘III \kIIII .Iclx \IIII In I‘c Innlunlcd

. Acoustica (III‘JICI \HIIJIIL'. V‘ I\ IIIaII SIIch. 32‘! (II "(I I IpnI lIcc «\nIuIIIaI} cnnIIIhuIInnx nII L'\|Il \ III"-‘- III§_'III nI .ILUUSIIL \nundx nlIcIIn: ‘..IIII'II IInc upx IInIn IzdInI‘quII'x IInc\I

\Ingcl \nnpuIIIch .\nd IcIncInIIcI IIn (“\L'l \CI\IIIII\ .lIIH\‘.CIl