Rear view
Phil Kay
Fight for your right to walk home
tintIering iirniinil (ilttxgtm I neier Ieel under the eliil|_\ \IIJIIIU“ nI' imtninent \ inIenI :iIIiiirx. I generzill} (Inn't imtigine thtil zin}thing ix tihnut tn liaippen nr th;it nther penple might he thinking
inn gningfl" I ennxitler II rIieInrie.iI .IIItI piek tip the p.iee,
When it tlne\. it IIIll\l tII\\;I}\ ennie ntit nt nn\\heie \nu meet the heiir in the \inntlx, \nu tIn iint run. \nu i.n\e .i ltttlttl ttIItI tll\[k‘l It‘ttl'.
\nmetliing ix gniiig In hiippen nr thtit peane tire Sn. I'ni \xtilking tlniin .i rn.itI .iItei tI;irk I\\n nightx .ign L‘ttlhltIL‘I'IIIfJ lighting (t\ it I'L‘IIII\IIL‘ nptinti tnniglit. \\IIII ii II'ICIltI nI mine and \\ e tII‘I‘l'Htlk'II .i gin \hnuting nn
I zim \itilking zilnng the maid SnutlixitIe and I we the plume. I'I'UIII ;i tIi\t;inee it \t‘lllltl\ like II I\ teiiipni.ii} tun \inmen nn the timer \IIIL‘ nI the I'Hiltl kixxing. I juxt ~ ‘ mnntI \tut't'. nnt ;in ;ietti;i| ennxitIeretI pnint nt \ lL‘\\ \t Ii;i\e time In think th;it it ix \tiII I'iII‘L‘ tn see thix. \ihen ii / IIIIIL‘\ he ix IinItIing the phnne III Iinnt nI Inin III nrtIei In L'III‘ [IIIII\ tip IuII nI' I£I(I\. 'I'he} tnn IIil\L‘ \PtIIIL‘tI the Inn ” hurI ;ihu\e and get gretiter ;iiii'.i| piireIinxe. .inning it .it In\ \inmen tintl :I\ the} pull tip right ne\t tn me nn Ihix \IIIL‘ ) hand like .Iimin_\ (‘rieket getting the \;ieki llnItIing .i plinne
the} \Iiirt tn en” ti It‘“ tliingx nut and :i piixxenger tInnr npenx tl\ nne nI' them getx nut.
l II\\lIIIlL' thzit the} me (Ill getting ntit tn mti_\he mzike thingx iI hit unlner} juxt nnvi. \n I \II} intn the eiir: 'l Ie}. let'x keep their e\'ening Iree nI trnuhle. eh. Inenf
IIII\ gu_\ getting nut M the ear iinI'nltlx himxelI' intn m} unrltI IIIItI he \1I_\\I '\\'h;it'\ IIIilI ailinut trniihle'." .'\lItI. quite litertiII): 'I‘II gii e )nu trniihle.‘
Ile \tl}\2 ‘\\';iit here. I‘m gning Int‘ ii [II\\ and then \ihen I enme hiiek I iim gning tn \III;I\II _\‘nu.'
Sn then I \\11\ uniting. Ile \\iI\ liming ti pee in tin :iIIe) illItl l \\1I\ \iaiiting. Sliniiltl l \tziy.’ I tlnn't \iiint tn llll\k‘l him. \VnuliI it he i'titIe tn Ie;i\'e'.’ Ilnii Inng can he go Int"? \VIII IIC (It;th IIIL‘ \\IIIIL' peeing'.’ IIix ltIL‘k) IIL‘ IIil\ heen thinking. I think. 'I‘hen iigiiin . . .
I gn llI‘UllIHI tn the ear ptieketI \\ ith the liti}\ IIIItI the (II'I\L'I' gnex Inr \nmething tueketI in hix trnuxerx. I.ueki|) it‘x III\ \IIII1 and he \iI_V\ tn get gniiig it I tInn‘t
tn )nur e;ir me;in\ _\nu \ee niiI_\ the p;i\enient tlllkl might nnt he ennugh tn keep the Ill'tltlt‘ IIH\\ ing, \I.i_\he the plume iterI‘ II;t\ pixxetl Inm nII. Ile II;l\
‘l’m I‘1|\\t'tl the nrthntln\ II';IIIIC\\UI'I\\ nt the
Ingieiil: ‘Ynii Iiieking \Igig . ete. tIeIinite
a \lIiitlIItIg\ til ;i \\nm;m “[m In. (“lamb IVL‘L‘I‘ hi“ “ I'I‘llfik‘tl lIIlll‘
.qut II\ \ie p;i\\. he get\ In the finale .i
I \InrretI exenltilinti ittiil etIiI\ the k'illl nu .i come back "tr: "mic 'hwli Imch l
\ee phlegm reI'rtieting the \eieen \;i\et, I
I cull titlll 'II _\iil| \\i\h [Ii l-k- [punk] MN”. to mewige. prexx nne iit :in} time.‘
, IIe enniex. he tnuehex m_\ eliext. I .iin
L'itl'l'} ing ii hgig I'uII nI empti hnttIex Int the
hnltle htink. \Vlitit ti t‘nekel the} \inith
Iniike. I \RI}I 'IIe_\. I'm )ntit‘ I'rientI.‘ and he tInexn‘t helieie
me \n I ruixe in) hand iintl \II} gnntInight. lIe i‘e;ill_\ l\ keen
\\iIIII zin_\ trnuhle. .\'n\\\ tint the time In qtiihhle thzit Ini‘ me In get intn it. '(in nu. \t;i_\ iintl Iiint.‘ he \uggmtx. In
teehnieiiII) I \\lI\ in \nine zilreiid)‘. \n I walked it\\£t}. Iiiet Iie ix tilmnxt :ixking ii I';i\nur. I ruixe m_\ Iiiintl and \\;i\ e. The IiIlI mzin peeing in the tille) \;I_V\I "Where tire A. (inntlnight heiir.
John Fardell
IMmM i . There's Something
Icii‘r Poetic dba‘t
53%! .511 4145012 LICUI inneimxeas expoi’ttng their MM mushme back here we die CILIICI (C‘MIIfty_
.y‘ht t‘lL‘ .- . t' 7"“ at
'4é1r—Ahem . Ve IIIICLU, now I Come. we think of it,
"’ the ' ' :9 a 4 m we “Cm he"! (seared 3!" \./ , yt', j [Lt VI‘ vi
£21K 3’ the tactile“
'I the AbOJI Off the land) I dinflae racks“ (,th it mad the makngs of
Lib: Finger (5 :t Scotti'sh mine at a:t’....
Ittts I5 sure/3 cm
I fry/13h - Awtraliait tame.
(I a Fine vmegard.“ Our ngAt-grandfather) William George Fraser, first sailed to Australia iit I885 and founded this fivm near Adetaide-.~-
fl... .M Def/n/éz/g.’... It's got a I
That} i'en’a true, Archie, And vie can tell zt's
Ah... A zap/mi Scot.
0“" “WW 2 “one”; Brave.../nternaabna/Jt... , (“‘Sh 99 e” AM 0‘"
effete aftertaste... I ni'wer liked it. I
" 4:3 * @JF zoo:
get comp/a .md deep.
RSee future on pg! 113 128 THE LIST '3 .‘ ' My