
V “yr old professional guy loves dariee rnUsie. clubbing. wining. dining & good conversation. ('all me on 09069 5 I429l

V 47 yr old builder in yellow van with gorilla on side looking for somewhere to park it. (‘all me on 09069 5 I430-l

V Attractive, creative bloke, 30 something. (}S()ll. sociable. likes cinema. hooks & music. seeks similar female for nights out. (ilasgow' area. ('all me on 09069 51-1307

V Attractive slim, 5'8“ boy seeks similar girl. mid 20s. lor movies. music. fun 8; a warmer winter. (‘all me on 09069 5 H.108 0 Young, sexy, tall, slim. Zlv'r old male seeking l‘emale. Iii-25. Likes music. puhhing. clubbing. drinking 8; nights in. (‘all me on 09069 5 H250

0 Professional male, 5'10", good looking. lit. health}. slim. voting 40. L'll]tl_\s sports. the outdoors. hikes. einerna. musie .& adventure. Seeking attraetive lemale. 30- 45. for good times. ('all me on 09069 5 l4305

V Interesting 25yr old International student. speaks i liuropean languages. erijoss ai‘t. musie s histor). seeks liemale lrom lidinhurgh or (ilasgow. for l‘riendship & perhaps more. (‘all me on 09069 514306

V Life loving, music listening. eiriema going. slor} telling. pi ietrs writing person. still searehing. Male 35 seeks soulinate. (‘all me on 09069 5l45 l6

0 Good looking guy .17. tall. hright. solvent & inexplieahlv single. seeks heautilul. spirited girl for heaps ol good times. (’all me on 09069 5H} 10

‘9 30yr old adventurer seeks l‘emale travelling eoinpanion l'or‘ loads of" adventures together. (‘all me (in 09069 5l436l

0* Professional, attractive, caring male. 38. 6'. likes meals out. conversation. long w alks. travel & running. seeks n/s. slini l‘einale. 27-40. for l'riendship plus. (‘all me on 09069 5l-1263 *0 Easygoing Glasgow guy. 29. 6'. health}. seeks active girl with 080”. who is into music. movies. travelling (N; outdoors. (‘all me on 09069

5 H.135

'0 Creative man, 39, stoekv build. n/s. (}S()ll. Clijt)}s the arts. cinema. musie & good conversation. seeks similar petite woman. (‘all me on 09069 5 l4265

Women seeking Men

'5 Kent girl in lzdrnhuigh. shirt. ‘4. good lr'ierids .k elose larnrl). seeks similar male to share a lile ol vv me tv song (‘all me on 09069 SH vii

V Friendly, caring, funny lemale. 35. no lies. positive outlook. seeks llotlesl. intelligent. lun gu_v loi lriendship tk possihlv more l.rkes rugh}. skiing. walks. eouiitr'v puhs & nights out (all me on ouom 51,1291)

“at Professional, slim,

petite hlonde. 35. with eool kid.

likes riiov ies. eooking. show s. latiglis. Seeks mature. lunnv. honest.intelligent. loving. strong guv l'or' soirierhiiig i'eallv speeial (all the on 09( )(i9 5l4 535

W? Very attractive, bright, wilt}. professional lemale. .‘i-l. seeks similar. handsome. genuine ruale 30-40s w ith bags of ehai'isnia & lest l'or lile ('all me on 09069 5l43 I 7

'5' Attractive, intelligent female, 3‘). lo\ es lo danee ik dreams of snow all winter & sea all summer. seeks someone speeial to share a wider world. ('all me otl 09009 5l4356

W Slim, dark haired l'ernale. -ll. likes travel. rnirsie. reading & einema. dislikes shopping. sports & 'l'\'. \\'l.‘l‘\l male of an} raee / nationality for friendship & rna_vhe more. (‘all me on 09069 5 l4357

*9 Cute, curvy 305 woman.

needs a tall. strong man to

pamper her. must L'lljtl) a laugh.

('all me on 09069 514259

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128 THE LIST 13 Mar—27 Mar 2003

V 21 yr old student, amie outgoing. likes a good laugh. eomedv. emema. readrng. puhs r\ good eonversatron. seeks someone to share these things with (all me on 0906‘) 5|»l_‘5l “Pretty, vivacious n/s lad}. mid ~11 is. dalt sense ol humour. likes singing. writing. walkmg. daneing. \Vl ,l'.\l sortieone kind. loval .\ liver (all rue on 0‘! '69 5|‘1360

0 Mad artistic blonde, Zl. lit. uihan. lurght. \\.lllls eute. era/v hut ealrn. ll s. intelleetual guv :0 25 who is into outdoors. sport. art. tunes .k hooks lroiii lxdmhuigh area (all me on 09069 5l-1363

0 36yr old female, emov s the simple things lll lile looking loi someone indetwnderit. tree .\ hapva within themselves (all me on 09069 5 !-1 1l5 VAttractive hteigent, cahg “)1 old woman. looking loi genuine. eiriotioiLrlh intelligent man to share some laughs .\ good times with. ( all me on 091 D69 5 H t {6

V Attractive blonde female. 10. 5"". slrrn. seeks gentleriian eoriipamoii loi walking. erneina. theatre. drinking .\ lots ol lun, ('all me on 09( )69 51-1 ‘30

9 Cute, clever, contrary leinale. 40. requires well adursted art lover who wants to holidav in ('uha. ('all me on 09l l69 5l-l ill 9 Lively, intelligent creative .krnerrean woman. ‘8. seeks similar eonlident interesting man. 30 -l5. loi' adventure. eultui‘e. dinner dates. musre rk luii. (‘all me on 09t )69 5 1-1 ‘25

9 No foxy chicks. 5'9". seek two uriatlaehed prolessional happ} & soeiahle guvs. IX 3H. lol' possihl} something speeral. ('all me on 09069 51-1326

Men _ seeking Men

.2” (M grlll lrl‘klllg‘. \Lu‘k hair. blue evis lurking lot siiiiil.u guss loi lun .\ pissihls more. lilinhirrgh .uea l rkts eliihhing. eating out .\ lilnis (all nroritl‘lh‘l 5| CW UGay male, 39, 51V iriediuni hruld. good luir. erilovs eineina. theatre. travel .\ eating out. \\I IV eating guv to share the good .\ had thiiigsin lile (all ru'oritHHMl-l‘i"


V Gay feminine female ;I is. prolessional. eiilov s travel. nirrsie tk eoneeits. animals. n s \\l l'.\l genuine leinale \Vith ( i\( )ll ('all me on 09069 5| l \l.\'

V Professional gay woman, late 30s. happ}. intelligent .\ stahle. seeks similar loi line “me. good lood. intelligent eonveisation tk the hetter things lll lile (all me on 09009 5H?55 “Cami”, vsittv .v riitellig\1it.\\'l .l.\l happs liieuls to leut' r rulings ll i erruna tleatie. arr gallium [1|le elulrs. itstaiirmits .\ illl'l lturpLLts ( ‘alltit-mormfil-ttl‘) U ' , .

lad}. late Ills.l1rvisli. rntoiriusie. lilms. theatre. walking. swimming rk goul loud. su'ks woman to share Interests. ( 'all me on l H )695IA1L‘I V Gay lady, 32, Iov es outdoor lile & pla) ing sasophoiie. seeks lellow prolessiorial visionaiv lad) loi' eonver‘sational wrestling t\' non eoinniitted lllll (‘all me on tl‘lei‘) Sl-l 5.3:

Women seeking Women


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