Clubs ‘Istitiris

Edinburgh Thursdays continued

I Snatch and Chemistry .Il the liquid Rnniii llt i‘lpiii ‘aiii Li “ML it \\cckl} \ lilth li\.itcd Innk} disvn cum t.ll‘.llk'l. L“llll\.'lll_\ Innipcred b} \li llaii} .\lll\\\tlllll and deck manipulach In a cnd hink and hip hnp sI_\lce b} Babes. lhggie .ind Spank} \nd gnnd ncvss Ini the \tialch laithhil liend} \\end} I\ inining as .i nevs mnnthl} Icsident l pstaits III the test tube (‘heniistiv pinvidc the .ictinn vsith residents l’hase-l. lnm \l) and guests spinning hip hnp. breaks. cletlin Icchnn .md hnuse \lsn Icatnimg regular cnnliihtitinns linni Inial \l\ll.Il artists

I TLC .il l’n \a \a IHpin Milt £~14£ii \M'ekl} \cvv night Int the \iabian theme bat \\ llll .i sclct tinii nl lint hnuse. cnnimciv dance. v heesc and chart} .nIInn linni l)| lnlt}

I Traffic .iI llciint \\.itI l iiiveisin

l mnn ll Wpin 3am l'icc “ct-kl} l).ls bring _\nu the best Ill indie and alternative tunes at this student shindig

I Watchtower .it ()pitini llpin idlll l'icc \Vcckl} \ii metal. thrash metal. Industrial metal and lust abnut t'H'l} nthei I}pe nI metal _\nii can think nt

Chart & Party

I Gracelands .Il l’cppciniint l ntingc IHpIIi idlll £-l «U \\llll ll_\cii \\eck|v Resident 1).! SIM ie (i pla} s discn. lunk) big band tunes and cinvvd pleasing cl.I\\le\. l)llltk\ plnltiih help \\.l\ll llU\\ll the lunk_\ tunes.

I Old Skool Disco .iI Revnltilinii.

lH illplll 1am £1 I£2i \\'cckl_\, RL'lI'n hnuse night hnstcd h} D] 'l'nm \Vilsnn.

I Subway West End at Stibna} \Vesi land, "pm ‘am. l'icc belnie ‘lpm; £i alter MCI. \Veckl} .\ \\ eek's \Uil’lll itl chces}. part} student} nights. Including a bungee inpe nn Sun, l’lus plent} nl drinks prnnins In keep the spirits high.

I The Subway at Subvvav "pm iam. £ l. \Vcekl}. \igh nn a (‘nvvgatc institutinn nl cnmmercial dance and chart hits \\llll llle Uilil Illille cl;I\\lc.

I A Tribute to . . . .Il \lititil.

0pm iam. l-i'ee belnre llpm; £2 alter Ili‘ce In niciiibersi \Veekl}. ('hart tunes hunt the (ills In _\estei'd.iv \\llll li\e tribute .icts drnpping h} each neck.

I Vinyl .it .\lass.i ilnI'Inerl) ('Iiih .\lercai|ni. Hpm 3am. l-i'ec. Weekl). ('nnimercial chart and dance cniirtes) nl l’aul l‘unkster. plus drinks prnmns aplent} Ini Ihnsc uhn “ant In start tlic vscckend lashinnahl) earl).

Edinburgh Fridays


I Arakataca! at liniign (’lub. .\'e\t dale IN .\lar.

I Bash at \Vec Red liar. lllpm 3am, £3. l-1 .\lai'. A mi\ing nl genres as l)a|e lulllnlt. \lttlliln. llle (il‘eelt lil'nllieh .Ittil Shnttcut/ hnst Ilie drum ik bass rnnm. \thi‘eas dnvsiistaii's vie ha\e an acntistic rnnni, Makes a change eh'.’

I Big Beat al ('abaret \'nltaire.

IIUllpm 3am. £5 t£(i membersi. 7 .\lar. .\lnnlhl_\. Serinus dancellnnr Itiiik. sntil and tall as residents SImnn llndge. Stuart Bennett and DJ linkti. ()lixer Knrthals litlll'lk'}\ all the \va_\ ll‘Ulll Ilie .\ln|n (‘lub Illamburgi tn help dish nut the gl'nn\e\.

I The Bristo Square Experience at l’ntterrnvx Student l'ninn. 0pm 3am. l-i'ee In students and up In Ivvn guests. \Vcekl}. .\lainstream dance and linuse nn tvvn levels. drum & bass lrnin l)J Sneaker l‘reaks in the Park Rnnm. part) tunes lrnm I’Ul’ in the Debating llall. karanke. eas} listening and salsa iii Ilie .\le//anme and a selectinn Ul l).l\ In the Middle Bar all Itilils up In nne nl' the biggest students nights in

I CC Blooms al (‘(‘ Blnnnis.

ltlfitlpm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl). D] All) dnes Ilie decks dut} at this ga) night \Hlll her inimitable selectinn nl' high camp and discn classics. mnv ing nii tn pumped-up linuse and dance as the e\ening pi'ngresses. I Digital at the Venue. .\'e\I date 2| .\lar with special guest Jim Masters.

72 THE LIST ‘.‘ ' in!» '3 Ma'

I Djinniditto at lign. lllplli 3am. £(i (£5I. 7 .\lar. .\lnnth|_\. A shnvscase l'nr artists vvnrking in ev er} medium vs ith a mIIsIcal pnlic} tn match. but incusing nn llie electrn. nu \\;I\ e. rnck'n'rnll \ide nl things. Jnin )nur hnsts l)J (’hnvv. lnlacI. the l)ame l)ittn and the Master nl ('el'elllnlilLW littl' llle best In L'L'leelletl. Dogma (formerly Lost) at Studin 34. Illillpm 3am. £0 I17). 7 Mar. .\lnntlilv Hard as nails and as Iindergrnund as mnles. Iechnn iii the highest ni'der \viIh special guest Regis Icn-nvv ner nl l)n\\ nuards i'ecnrds the hnme In Surgenn and liemale) l’nr a li\e set. But that‘s nnt all as DIRT Ia l'nur deck. Inn mi\ei' cnllabnratinn betvieen .\‘ei| 'l'emplar and llvvatsnngi and 10 piece drumming nuIliI nl' legendar} status the Satixa Drummers vvill be In lull etlect. While the Falklands llill Yaks the \vni'ld's nnl) technn hillbill) s are lixe and direct nn the lnp llnnt'. I’nr l/ll\ illlll' HI!/\ ‘.-\-I.I\I'¢un/ [in/(1cm 2c! £3 nil i/rmr prn‘r' ul/ rue/II. I El Segundo at linngn (‘liib lttitlpm 3am. £(i I£5I. 7 Mar. l,ncal hip hnp e\Ira\agan/a l'eaIurmg l.i\ e Sciences iincluding beatbn\ shnvvcase trnm l’s} lent VI plus breakers randnm Aspekts and mnre. I EVOl at the Liquid Rnnm. lllfillpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. lidinhurgh's Inngesi running indie night celebrated its ele\ enlh birthda} last Aug, With the ll\ll;Il Ini\ nl' the best current and classic alternative. crnssnx er times; it‘s an instittitinn alread) and \\ itli the recent additinii «ii the back rnnm. pla} ing linst


In Mr and Mrs Mngvvai. the future lnnks like a happ} place lnr all things livnl.

I Finisternis at Ilie l’leasance ('abaret liar. 0pm lam. £2 I£l membersi. l4 .\lar. .\lniiIlIl}. The lighter side nl' gnIh Iil' \llL‘ll a Ilnng trul) e\l\l\l vsiih a mix nl dark ambient. lien-classical and ethereal tracks l't'nm l’etit Scarabee. Deceptinn Bn} and (ihnst Dancer.

I FUNUK] at l’rixe ('nuneil. lllpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. linjn) the specialist snunds nl' mainstream Riki” grnines, smnnlh beats and 2 l \l century llaval.

I Groove Harder at the Venue. 0.30pm 3am. £7 in advance Imnre nn the dnnri. 38 l‘eb nnl). A Iiight Innking back at the indie/dance era nl' Madchester and the mid-nineties. This Inur's special guests are lie/ terstvvhile dancer vvith the llapp) Mniida} st and AKA Weme.

I Kombi at liniign ('lub. lllpm 3am. £7 (£5 \sith ll)er nr llavsaiian shirti. 28 l-eb. Mnnthl}. A celebratinn nl surf culture with live delights l'rnm Alpha \Vhisk} l’rnjeel and their high \nltage rnck'n'rnll alnngside [)1 the (ieneral i.\langai. Jasnn Lee and Scntt Young pt'm ide the \nullul ja/l. funk and surtin‘ \ isuals in the backrnnm.

I MC Reachout and the Oh Eye Crew at ('abaret \'nltaire. 1 1pm 5am. £(i I£5I. 28 lieb nnl}. ()h li}e Recnrds are back vsilh Iliis club gig and live hip hnp \ll()\\ l’rnm .\l(' Reachnut and the the piece ()h li} e crevv previevving their nevv single. \Vith suppan t'rnin l-'-l’lan tlivei and UL .\'ast) l’. Matt. Dan and ()h. Dirt} and Brian l)'Snu/a taking )nu thrnugh tn 3am.

show from MC Reachout, Fri 28 Feb

I Medina at Medina. lllpm 3am. £3. Weekl}. [)1 Na plays the best in Ran. hip hnp and nthei‘ classics. l’hnne in advance In reserv e )nur private bnnth.

I Modern Lovers at lign.

llpm 3am. £4. 7 Mar. Mnnlhl). A svvinging niix nl' lunked-up nnrthern snul. electrnnic exntica. rare gi'nm es and lreakbeats l‘rnm ('raig Jamiesnn and Andrevv Divine.

I No Strings Attached at the Venue. 10.30pm 3am. £10. 7 Mar. .\'n Strings Attached hits its sixth venue in .sex en )c'zirs. Will the club vvith the Ilehiesl leel in the l'K llnall} settle dnvvn at its nevv Venue hnme'.’ (‘hicagn hnuse legend Marshall Jell'ersnn returns In make up Mr his cancellatinn.

I Nuklear Puppy Ltd Edition at llnneyeninb. 10.30pm 3am. £l4. 7 Mar. The Nuklear Puppies invite the one and nnl) Judge Jules In luv.” In bring nn the best hnusey snunds arnund. but that's nnt all as l)nn l)iab|n is also nn hand In jnin the residents in their pursuit til the best dance grnnves arnund.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. 10pm 3am. £5. Weekly l‘unked up vncal hnUse and dance classics l'rnm Stev ie (i and ('allum Murra}.

I Opium at ()pium. 10.30pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Ruck. nu metal and alternative/Indie.

I Perversity at the Venue. Mnnthl} next date Zl Mar. l‘ndergrnund hnuse and trance as residents Allan Rn} and Barr} l‘airjnin l'nrces vviIh Left Handed Bastard and Keith llnlland tor a four deck shnvx case.