Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.
Glas 2 ow Thursdays
()or r rerly
Giggles \lt'rtrrr} lourrgv. l1: Hull] l,.l|1t'. .315 llprrr irrrr who“ \l.rrl\ .rl ‘I illprrrr Ll “ct-H} ,l.rrro\ (iotllox torrrpt'rt'x orr Hm I" I cl» llllllltlllt rrrg \l.lll(l_\ \llltlt'll. \,\.| .lllkl l l.l\k‘l (\rrrrplu-ll. \xlrrlt' Hm (lulw Lllu‘x owl orr llrrr (r \l.rr prt-xt'rrlrrrg' llll.r (' .irril \lJllx llr.rlt|rprt'u'
Glasgow Fridays
Clubs; Lick It \lt'rt‘irr} loirrrgt'. Hf|r l.rrrt'. 3 lb I'M“ \\t't'l\l_\ rrrol I ll 3-\
1 Far from Heaven .Jrrimrme Moore rrr :1 EMS; set rrroxre '.'."rr<;-r'e tlrr: rrrr<1o~gerrrrg of rrer lrutalxrrrrl‘s lrrrlrlerr sexrrzrlrly (lee-ply affects; lzirr‘rl‘; lrle See lr/rrr, ,rrzrgefifl.
1-. God’s New Frock ()rrrr‘ky rre‘x.’ play about ;r youer boy's lorrgrrrrg to be :1 girl. See Hrezrr‘re r'r:;!r.'rg;:;. page 5).".
LI The Hours Slop, ol Vrr'grrrrgi Woolf ‘.'.'rllr Nr(:ole Kr(lrrr;irr zrrrrl Meryl Slr'eep. See lr/"rrr ,‘.r:;r'rr;g:;. page 2-1.
if Ma Vie En Rose lzrle of ;r seven year olrr Belgrzrrr hog (lererrrrrrrerl to grow up 2r grrr'E. See Hm lrt;lrrrgt;_ page 2.1.
Turundot l zrvrslr opera ‘.'.'lrr(:lr features the lzrrrrous; til'lii 'Nessurrr Dorrrrgr'. See (Shrug/ear and Opera rim/rigs. page :30.
Candle Bar Ill (Irrrtllt'rrggx. 50-1 1335. “Pin. l‘r‘t‘t'. Incl} lxrr:
Court Bar (‘0 lllllt‘lli‘vrll Sll't't‘l. 55: 1th (i. ill lllprri. l‘r‘t'c. |’opul.rr lr' l\.rr.
Delmonica’s (ix \lr'glnm Sim-r. 553 -l.\'ll3, ‘lprrr. l‘lt't'. I).|\. qur/ illltl karaoke.
LGBT Centre ll l)r\orr Slrt‘cl. Ill “30*, ll.rrrr rrrrtlrrrglrl. l'lt'L'. (\rlc lxrr'. Mercury Lounge H: Huh I .mc. 2-18 I'M". li.rr' opcrr lr'orrr 5pm. l'r't't'. Polo Lounge M \Vrlxorr Slrct‘l. 55% III]. lllprrr l.rrrr. l'r'cc. lurilt‘rldrrrrrrt'rrl lr'orrr .\lorr lo l'lru .llltl .i lr\cl_\ lxrr' .il
\\ \‘Clxt‘liilx
Revolver m John Sim-r. 55% 1150. 8.30pm. l'rt‘c. \\ccl\l_\. l’opul.rr l‘dl'. Sadie Frosts N l” \\ L‘\l (it‘irlg‘t‘ Slr'ccl. 3‘3 Milli \oorr rrrrtlrrrglrl. l'rcc l).|\. k.rr‘.iokc .llltl tllll//t‘\
Waterloo “.Ht‘l'li‘i‘ Sll't‘t‘l. :3" 55‘”. \oorr rrrrtlrrrglrl. \\cll knourr “.l} l\.rr.
Bennet’s UH (il.i\\lor‘tl Slru‘l. 553
64THE LIST. “-: '
lt'lw lllprrr Kurr lrvt' lwlort' ll lllprrr. L 1 .rllt'r \orrrt' rrrrxtlrrt'mrih l.rll:‘l1\.rlltl t-rolrt rrnrlt' pt'rlorrrrt-rx .ilt' prorrrrxnl irls on Top *rrr ( ilmrortl \rrucr. lrr ~ \l.u llprrr 1 lltrrrr Li Ur L: if: \lorrllrl} llrt‘ grrlx orrl_\ rrrx'lrl lt'.rlurirr:‘ .r pt'rlorrrr.rrrtc l\_\ \|‘\.lll\l .lo I r.rrrtr\ Burly: Love Hurts \lcrtrrr} lourrgt'. l1: Halli 1 MN. I 1x l‘w' l 11 .TNlt'li lllprrr Run 95 \ct'p.rrrt'l
Glasgow Saturdays Clubs; Lifeboy \lcrtur} I oirrigt'. ll: [Lilli l.rrrc. 3-15 1"" lllprrr irrrr \\k'k'l\l_\ l lt't' l‘t‘ll'lk' ll illprrr. L; .rllcr \rglil ol t'rrllrrrg t'tlL't' «Lintt' lllll\l\ Bennet’s *rrr ( rumour \rm-r. “3 *"(rl llprrr U» it: t; l.|\\' l’\ In l|.rrl.r lrorrr l’op ltllll I\.rl | \l.rr r .llltl llit' \otul \l_\lrrrg\ ol .lo l r.rrrt'r\ r8.“ .\ \l.rrr
lzr ks;
Sexual Health and Lesbian Stories lp.r St'oll.rrrtl.l rrrl Ill. l‘rrlrrll Huxrrrt'xx ('crilrc. “(r l'rrlrrll lx’outl. *fih illh‘) Sal .\ \l.rr. lrrrrt' llrt‘ l'lt't' \ wrmrrrir' lor “Ulllt'll \llllllllt'k'l\ Ill\tll\t'\l \xrllr lllt' (Li) .llltl l.t'\l‘l.lll \xx rlyhlnmnl.
Glasgow Tuesdays
<4: <"(,1
‘ ;“.1111 Li
Clubs Pink Pound \lt-rt'rrr} |.ourrgc. I'll Hull] lullt'. 118 lq-m, \\t't'k|_\.
lllprrr hm. l‘lt't' lwlorc I lillprrr. t'l illlt'l. l).l \llt‘llt‘llt' Ull lllt' \lt't'lxx
Glasgow Wednesdays
Comer ly
lllt' Slillltl. :;;\\Ulltll§llltl\ Rum]. rrxflr (rrrrr (MRS. \\‘ml 12 Mar. ". illprrr. U) H5 r. \lorrllrl). (‘orrrpt‘rc (‘r'rrrg llrll rrrlr’otlut‘rrrg .\l;rrr ('.rr‘r .llltl \alulrc ll;r}rrt‘\ \\llllt' .llll l’t'ut‘ot‘k owr'wcx llrc (Xurrpt'xl l.llll\ t'orrrpclrlrorr.
Edinburgh Fridays Clubs Velvet Iago. H l’rurrtl} l’lrit‘c. 4‘8 “-1 H. in IN l't'l‘. llprrr Erin. Ur rtSr: luo lor‘ Ullk' lwlor't' ll. illprrr. \lirrrllrl). \rglrl lor' g;i_\ girls and llrt‘rr' \pt-t‘rull} rmrlctl liii}lr'rt'rrtl\ urllr r't'xrtlt'rrl l)_l \llt'lii‘llt‘ .rml j_'llL\l\. Woman’s Own (‘lulw .qu... (‘orrrrrrcr't‘rul Slru‘l. l.k'llll. 555 5033. l'r'r ‘ .\l;rr‘. lllprrr Zurrr. L5 lwlor‘c rrrrtlnrglrl; t" .rllcr‘. .\lorrlhl'\. \\'orrrt'rr orr|_\ t'lrrlr.
Vel. llprrr i. illurrr. U U) it: Dr. l'.\t't'llcrrl tlurrcc .it‘lrorr “ml lo Sun .llltl .r \llltlt‘lll rrrglrl on llru.
Cube {1 ()llt‘k‘ll Sll'k‘t'l. :20 59‘)”. llillprri ‘\.irrr. L' i (L: \xrilr ll}cr r. (lit-m} t'lmr'l g4} nights on Mon Il’.r\\rorr.rlrl_\ r .llltl 'l‘irt‘ rl'l '_\ r. Mercury Lounge 1-1: Imh lunc. 3‘15 I’M". ll.” Ul‘t'll lr'orrr 5pm; t'luh lllprrr .irrir. l'rt-t'. ()l‘t'll |.rlc 'l'irt' Sirrr \\ rllr l).|\. tlr'.rg .it‘lx. ot'tuxrorml lllt‘lllt‘ rrrglrls and .r \wckl} t'orrrt'tl) t'lirlw r'l'lru r.
Polo Lounge M \\ rlxorr Sin-ct. 551 III], lllprrr :Jlll. t5. l'l‘t‘\ll. luxlr .rrru (Kiri) orr l’olo. in lo Sun.
LGBT Centre ll l)r\orr Silt-cl. III "Elli. \l.irrr g4} t‘t'nlr'c lroxrrrrg licymd ILir‘r‘rcrx rt‘lmllcrrgrrrg lrorrroplrolrrur. Slt'w lx’clmrl g.r} rrrcrr’x \c\u.rl hurlllr .ltl\ rt‘c r l'lru 5.3M .\. zllprrrr. lrolrxlrt‘ lrmlrrrg group r.\lon “RH lllprrrr. pt-rlor‘rrrurrcc group r\lori ".Rllprrrr.
()l (i,\ \ocml group lor' oltlt-r' lt’\l‘l.lll\ rrrrorrllrl} r. It‘chrtarkcrx [or {how rrc“ lo lllC \t‘t‘llL‘ llllilllllil}. .ler .11 Suilk‘ [nut-xi. l\r»(il.r\go\\ rrrrorillrl} r.
Mercury Lounge. Glasgow. Fri 28 Feb
;/ .: 4:?
Spanking good fun
Brian Johnston and his two fellow promoters set up the men-only gay club night BURLY five months ago. ‘The gay scene in Glasgow only caters for 18-25 year old young trendies and their fag hags,‘ says Johnston. ‘If you're over 30. Glasgow is a bit like Logan’s Run. You‘re sexually irrelevant.‘
With this in mind, they decided to start an event that attracted masculine, non-scene men - somewhere cruisy as opposed to sleazy. The dress code allows guys to dress up in things they can‘t normally wear anywhere else in Glasgow: rubber. leather, uniform. denim. industrial and so on. At last month‘s sell-out BURLY there was a remarkable atmosphere - friendly, unpretentious, stress-free and sexy. If you prefer men who are older and butcher, in jockstraps. chaps or rubber, then BURLY is for you. The sight of five sweet topless skinheads caressing each other or an older sexy man with chains leading from his impressive nipples to inside his
tracksuit bottoms is hard to forget.
Love Hurts, the sixth BURLY night, will give clubbers the chance to experience and enjoy the lighter side of sado-masochism and learn how to do it safely. ‘People can see a wee bit of spanking — discreetly in a corner,‘ says Johnston. ‘lt’s educational as well as fun‘. (John Binnie)
Edinburgh Saturdays
Clubs Eye candy .\l.'r\\.r. W W .\l.lll\t'l Slrt't'l. 33h 433-1, llprrr :dlll t'lll I {M \\t't'l\l} (il.rrrr liouw purl). Men Only (’lurcrirorrl. I“ I *5 l-..:\l (‘l.rrt'rrrorrlSlim-1.5505th Sal l \ .rr. .\prrr. l'rcc. l-or'lrrrglrll}, \lt-rr orrl_\ rrrglrl, Mingin’ Slirtlro ll. (‘grllorr Roml. 5‘5 V55. Sal h .\l;rr. Ill illprrr id”). (5 lrt'lor't' rrrrtlrrrglrl; to .illcr, l-orrrrrglrll} \\rllr lir'ruri l)crrrp\lcr .‘rrrtl \l.iri .lo} Wiggle Iago. l’rt'.rril_\ l’lm‘t‘. ~l".\ "-1 i-l. Sui l .\l.rr'. llprrr Krrrr. t‘) .\lorrllrl_\. \rglrl ol .i llll‘llfillltl ()rrccrrx pull} rrrglrl Luvely 'l‘lic liquid Room. ‘lt' \rt‘lorru Slit-cl. 335 Fol. Sui .\ .\l.rr. Ill. illprrr irrrr. Ur \lirnllll}. 'l'lrc lllt‘lllt‘ rx liolrlrrt-x on HR" Burl. \o rl‘x llllllHlllh .lllo}
('roxxl_\rr\ group Irrrorillrl} r. Hill on Sirrrtlu} rrrlorrrrrrl grorrp lor .rll l.(ili'| \ rrrrorrllrl} r. l.l(' lt'\l‘l.lll \ot‘rrrl group irrrorrllrl} r .llltl Spurious} pot-l .llltl \ir'rlcr'x group rrriorrllrl} r.
EDINBURGH SCENE Bar's Blue Moon Cafe 1 Huron) Sin-ct. 55“ (NI 1. Mom in ll.irrr Ilillprrr. Sril .\ Sun llprrr l2. illurrr. l'l't‘L', l-.ilrrrl\irr‘glr\ lorrgcsl r'urrrrrrrg g;r_\ txrlt‘ Nexus (ill liroirglrlorr Slit-cl. ‘1“5 WW), I I.rrrr llprrr. l‘lt‘t'. ’l he Hill (‘L'llllt"\ L'illt‘. CC Blooms 3; ll (rl't‘t‘lhlilt' Hour. 55!» ‘l i 1|. Ill, illprrr Krrrr ulnrr lrorrr (\prrrr, l’lL'L‘. .\l\o .r t'lirlr. llir\l\ It‘t-lrr'mkcr'x Illlunllll} r lor rhmc rrcu lo llrc \t’t'rrt: Habana (ilk‘t‘lhlilc l’lut'c. 12H”. .\'oon l.rrrr. l'rt't‘, l).l\ cwr'} lrr .llltl s.” and our/okc on Thu. Flashback V llopt' Sli'L‘L'l. 2:“ “Will. ~1pm l.rrrr. (lit-cs} tlrst'o .llltl pop \lorr to Sun. Frenchies Row Strut-r. 225 lprrr l.rrri. l'lL‘L'. l’opir|.ir.
Edinburgh Sundays Clubs; Taste llrc l rqrrrtl Ix’oorrr. W \ rtlorr.r
hlrt't'l. 33* I‘lr-l llprrr Kim 95 l‘t'll‘lt' I l zllprrr. [5 IUr lllt'llll‘t'l\l .rllcr. t I” rrorr lllt'llll‘t'l\ on gum! l),| rrrglrlx
“ct-kl} l.i\l_\ luv“ ol Irorm' .llltl _‘.'.ll.l‘.'t'
Edinburgh Tuesdays Clubs; Vibe lxgo. l’rt'.rril_\ I’LM'. l“ "l {1 llprrr Run 2.: “ct-kl} \[\.rll\|}.\lr.rll} purl)
CDT on Tuesday lht- \mml. (r \orl. I’Lrt‘c. “3 “I”: luv ll \l.rr ” ‘llplrr to it": \lorrllrl} \t'c (rl.r\§.'o\‘. “ml
The Laughing Duck 3-1 Ilo\|.t' \rmr 3le Nah \lorr llrrr l|.irrr llprrr. l rr .\ Sal Il.rrrr l.irrr. \rrrr II “er11 llprrr Solrxlr. porrrl} ler
New Town Bar l)rrl\lrrr \lrt't'l, < W "M; \lorr llrrr rroorr l.rrrr. l rr \rl rroorr errr. \uri l3 {llprrr l.llll (l.l:\ t'rirrw lmr .llltl irritlcrgrorrrrrl \ llll‘ Planet Out (ilt't‘lhlilt' I’lilk t'. <31 ‘Nllrl \lorr lrr lprrr l.rrrr. \rl \rrrr .‘prrr l.rrrr lit-c Rt'gulm lrrrr t'\\'lll\. l)|\ lllt lllillll‘.’ lrcrril) \\t-riil} I\lorrr, kllll//k'\ .lllil lilllL'H
A.D. ('orrlatl 5*!» rill-1‘) lor lL'\lll.ill\ owr ~1ll \lL'k'l\ rrrorirlrl} Io pl.rrr \otml L'\t'lll\ (".rll lor llll'lt' «lclarlx
Dykes Night Out I’o Hm rm. llll ill \otr.ilc‘.crirr1g\lor anorrrt'rr
LGB Centre 'rll llrorrglrlorr \lru-l. €~\ "llo‘l lrrrporl.rrrl 2.x} \t'llllk' lrmlrrrg lllk' \\orrrcrr\ (iroup Drop In r'l lrirr_ (Li) l).ul\ \t'orlarrtl Irrrorrllil} .r\ nit-ll .1\ Hr ltlrrrlrurgli Ilrt- wtml ~upporI group lor l‘l\k'\ll.ll\.llltlllll'\t't|l1&'\lll'lllllC lllt'll \t‘\ll.llll} rrrrorrllrly
Scottish TV/TS Group ’l M l’llirL'HH ('cllur Ier. ‘1!) lirorrglrlorr \Irct'l 5‘" “3V1 \lorrllrl}