Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Glasgow lif

Book events

Des Dillon Poetry Collection liot'dClN lionlw. 33.} Htlc‘llalltlll SII‘CL‘I. 333 fill). (ipm. l‘rcc. ’l‘his popular \xritcr and pot-I rcatlx Ii'om lll\ \xarmmg collcction ol pocllh. l'u king Ifrumh/t'x and ()I/lt’l‘ l’r'l'HH.


Poetry Salon 'l’hc .-\rchc\. 353 :\rg}lc Sti‘cct. (Nil! 033 (MINI 3pm. £5 «£3». 'l'o coincidc \\ Illl lhc launch oI Kathlccn l.iIIlc\ collcctlon ol pocltlx 'I'llt’ [funk of /,U\'t'. an cwmng ol “Ul'tl. lllll\lL‘ and \ixuals Irom litlum .\lorgan. l.c\lc_\ lit-n/ic. Jcnn) l.llltl\;I_\ and llclcn Rt't‘\t'\.

Other events

Big Hearted Big Wheel (icorgc Squarc. £3. (io tor a spin on thc hig “lich \\ ith _\our lo\ ctl onc antl \cc (ilasgou at its romantic ltcxt.

Other events

Big Hearted Big Wheel (icorgc Squarc. £3. Scc 'l‘hu l3.

Cafés Philosophiques .-\lll;tllL'L‘ l‘rancaisc ilc (ilasgmx, 7 lionmont (iardcnx. 33‘) 433]. 4 (xpm. 9.5 (Ni. l-‘rcnch tllNL‘lI\\lt)n group on philosophical qucstions. uith \\ inc and L'llL‘L'\L'. N0 llL'L'ti lot" \pcciallwil



background hut minimum ot highci l-rcnch ncccxxar}


Anti War March and Rally (ilaxgoxx (irccn Illam l-rcc \lcct at thc (irccn hclorc marching to thc Sly('(‘ and protcxtmg outsidc thc labour l’art} ('ontcrcncc lo ctlcoul'agc Mr Blair to \Iop \Hll' on Iraq. St‘t' [‘IL'\ 1c“


Gordon Matta-Clark: Lisa le Feuve Talk (‘(‘.»\. 35H Saut-lnt-hall Strcct. 553 JOHN. 3 5pm. l-rcc Scc photo caption and .'\l'l ll\llll§_‘\ Ioi morc mloi'mation.

Other events

Big Hearted Big Wheel (icoigc Squarc. £3. Scc Thu 1 i.

Scottish Computer Fair Kch in Hall lnlcrnational Spol'lx .-\rcna. 1445 .-\i'g)lt‘ Strcct. 35" 3535. Illam 3pm. [3 H; l .5Ill, llclp and atl\ lcc as \\ cll as a chancc to hrou \c and hu} lrom a \\ itlc \clcction ol' computcrx and acccxxorit's. Body and Soul Health Fair Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 553 SINK). Ilam (ipm. U (2.3» llcalth and hcaling thcrapicx on ollcr Illt‘llltlt‘ massagc. rciki. cr} xtals. tarot. IIIlI\It' and lt)l\ mot‘c.

Science Fair \c“ Lanaik Visitor (‘cntrc. .\'c\\ l.anarl\. III 555 (to! 345.

| lam 5pm. “.5”. Mad \t‘lt‘lllhh put on a \cricx oI~ clcctril} ing \ho“ \ and \xorkshops looking at light and sound. Birds 0‘ Prey (iltlxgtm Scicncc (‘cntrtz 5() Pacific Qua}. 430 5010, Noon. lit) tk 3pm. £0.50 (H.5tll Scc l'alconx. hanks and o\\ l\ in action as thc} arc put through thcir paccx.

Britain is on the brink of war with Iraq. Tony Blair and George W Bush say this is the only way to stop terrorism and attacks on the UK and US. It now appears that Blair and Bush are in the minority. Such is the strength of opposition, the Scottish Coalition of Justice Not War has moved its demonstration meeting point from George Square to Glasgow Green to accommodate the 20,000 expected. The protesters are coming from far and wide, transport having been organised from Arran and the Isle of Bute. These are not your usual political protesters: this time they include church and elderly groups, students and trades unions - a cross section of the population of Scotland.

After meeting at the green and marching to the SECC, where Tony Blair will be attending the Labour Party Conference, there will be a rally with a prestigious group of Speakers urging Blair to rethink his plans. Tony Benn, fresh from his talks with Saddam Hussein, will speak as will Tommy Sheridan MSP, Lord Provost Alex Mosson, Arthur Scargill, the Green Party and Globalise Resistance. Religious organisations are also involved with speeches from representatives of the Muslim Association of Britain, the Church of Scotland

and the Roman Catholic Church.

According to John Ainslie. co-ordinator of Scottish CND, this is a chance for people to voice their views. ‘It reflects the real concern people have about the way the country is moving towards an unjustified war,‘ he says. 'We’ve basically tagged along on the coat tails of the Bush administration in America.’

(Jane Hamilton)

I No: 1/7 Our Name. Mr B/a/r De.'7‘o."str3:io" anc Rat/i .' meet a? Gasser. 70am: ra/li at SECC 20m; 423 “222. Free. Sat 75 Fee.

BIG WORDS The Big Word Performance Poetry is back in town to offer a night of fun and laughs. Stand up. poet and actress Viv Gee headlines with her raucous rudeness and is accompanied by Michael McGill. Jenny Lindsay (pictured). Bob Rafferty and Washington DC poet and slam champ Ellie Walton. There's even an open mic spot for those who think they‘re hard


I Big Word Performance Poetry. Nice 'n 'Sleazy. 421 Sauchiehal/ Street. 333 0900. 9—11pm. £4 (£3). Wed 19 Feb.

The British Heart Foundation 2003 Valentine’s Ball llilion llotcl. I William Strcct. 304 5555. 7pm lam. L55. Annual hlack tic c\cnt \\ ith tlmnci' and dancing until thc \xcc small hours.

Taiko Drumming Workshops \Vcllmgton (‘hui'cIL "3 Southpai'k

.'\\ cnuc.

matsui'iglaxgou (u hotmatlcom. 4 (rpm. 93 II), .\ \ll'L‘\\ hustmg and Inn .lapancw drumming \\Hl'l\\ll0p lUI‘ ox ci It“ run h} \ltigcnk)o. liuropc’x Iirst prol'cssional 'l‘aiko drum group

Other events

Big Hearted Big Wheel (tun-gt- Squarc. £3. Scc 'l‘hu I3.

Body and Soul Health Fair Ro)al (‘oncci't Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strut-i. 353 anon. llam (1pm. £3 «£3». SCL‘ Sat l5.

Science Fair .\'c\\ l.anark Visitor (’cntrc. \c“ |.anark. (H555 («iii-15. l lam 5pm. L'l.5()~ Scc Sat 15. Birds of Prey (ilasgou Scicncc ('cntrc. 5() Pacific ()ua}. 430 50]”. Noon. I.‘~() .k 3pm. {(3.50 (H.5lli. Scc Sat l5.

Aren’t Birds Brilliant RSI’B l,och\\ innoch Naturc Rcscrw.’g\ Road. l.och\\ nmoch. (II 505 NJIhhi I 3pm. l-‘rcc. Vic“ thc hirtlx ol thc (‘axtlc Scinplc l.och “llll RSl’li \lilll on hand to hpr )ou Itlt'lllll) thc tliI'I‘ci'cnt \ai'icticx. Binoculars and Iclcxcopcx \\ Ill ltc a\ailaltlc. Wedding Fayre llilton (ila\go\\ (iroucnor. (it't‘ttl “LNICI'II letl. .5 ‘9 SSI l. I 4pm. l’rcc. .\ chancc Io hrou \c and chat to thc pcoplc in thc kilo“ as _\ou plan _\our lug day

Other events

Hearted Wheel (it‘nl‘g‘c Squarc. £3. Scc Thu 13.

The Goat Island Winter School 'l‘ranma}. 35 Alhcrt l)ri\ c. 5(s-I 5553. ltlani (ipm. “01930).'l‘hi\("hicago- Itascd compan) c\ammc~ pci'lormancc. installation. \xi'itmg. mo\ cmcnt. rcxcai'ch and documcntation m llll\

\\ t‘t'lxlnng‘ \Hil'ltnllttp courxc. 35 placc~ arc a\ai|ahlc. (’all tor morc inI'ormation or cmail int'ow

mm mm L‘\.L‘U.tll\. l’crl'ormancc hcginx at 7.30pm. l’art oI’ \th 'l‘crritorics. Sm 'I'ht'um' [ail/11cm tor mort' Into.

Glasgow life

Real Time: A MAX/MSP Night School ('(' \. Ni s.itit-liit-li.ill Sin-ct. 353 ~WIIII (\ ‘Ilpm Lilli it‘itll Sonic .\Il\ \ctuork Plt'\t‘lll\ an .IL‘t'L‘\\Il\lt‘ conixc m .\l.-\.\*\l.\'l’. lllc \xoiltl's lcatlmg \olmarc Ioi mtciactnc \ountl Ill\l;tll;llll\Il\

Tuesday 1 8


The European Union: the Resistible Rise of a Superstate? chlicltl St Stcphcnx (‘cntrix 3(a) Hath Strcct. ii-i N550. ". illpm. l‘rcc Jom Illc Scottish ('ampaign .'\:3.IIII\I l-.uro l‘t'tlt'l'illhlll at llll\ tlchalc on thc lzuropcan l'mon \Hlli \pcakcrx Michacl ('onnait) MP and Mn Smith.


10 Minute Talk lluntcrian .\ill\L'lllll. (iilhcrt Scott liniltlmg. l'nixci'xit} oI (ilaxgim. “It 433i 13.45pm. l‘rcc. (‘amilla Nichol gncs llll\ talk L‘llllllt'tl

I It'll/lll' Stun/Hour ahout llll\ ama/mgl) hcntl) stonc.

Katrina Thomson l’ollnk litillfl‘. l’ollok (‘ountr_\ l’ai'k. 3W)“ l’ollokxhaux Road. (\lh ()4 ll). 3pm. {-1 ti.. il lllt' tlcput} curator oI thc National 'l'ruxt Ioi Scotland gncx a talk about (iiaxgou litlltl\t‘.I|‘l\l .lohn Klio\.

Other events

The Goat Island Winter School 'li'anma}. 35 .-\lhcrt How. 504 5553 Illam (ipm. L'lll IUH. Scc Mon I".

CLASPOW For more « than Just SKI CIIJB

SKI TRIPS—HOME AND ABROAD. HILLWALKING. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Club meets every Thursday in The Bon Accord. North Street. Charing Cross. 8pm onwards. NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME Just come along or phone on 0I4I 883 6665/Ol4l 639 5706

5m, 2 ,',i-Z THE LIST 97