The Scottish National Jazz Orch tra ‘ave included the music of jazz composer Billy Strayhorn in som of their Ellington programmes, but their latest outing will focus on some of the less well-known discoveries unearthed by researcher Walter van der Leur, who will

direct the band in these concerts.

His researches in the Ellington archives have revealed that Strayhorn wrote considerably more thanwasonceassumed to betbecase, and .. .. was by no means simply an alter ego to the Duke. His musicological excavations have combined with the biographical work of David Hadju to flood new light on Strayhorn’s music, his role in jazz, and the true extent of his contribution to the Ellington Orchestra. Van der Leur has already recorded some of this music with the Dutch Jazz Orchestra, and the SNJO will also be joined by American clarinettist John Ruocco (pictured) for this exciting revelation of some of the many gems by one of jazz’s greatest composers. (Kenny Mathieson) I SNJO Play Stray/70m, the Queen '3 Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 27 Feb; RSAMD,

Glasgow. Sat 22 Feb.


I Deke McGee Quartet 'lcnlpu. lilllChlll‘ Sll't'k'l. l‘ll Sallt‘llll'llall Sllt‘r‘l.

i illl‘lll. l'l‘cc Soc Sal IS

I The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Play the Rare Music of Billy Strayhorn RS.\.\ll). lllll chIl-m SIlI'cI. 3‘3 5H5" Spill tll.51lrt'.\l. Scl' l'll



I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party Hull} \ .laH (‘cllar .\ .\lIll'l|\llll Slim-I. .lh" 52W) lllllllllglll ‘5 World runlx alln hcaI and |.aIlll llawlll'cd |.l// lmlll lull} Shlppt') \ llk'“ \l\ plow l‘dlltl 0 Brian Kellock Plays Fats Waller Ih'nl) \ .la// ('cllar. .\ \lilrrlwll SIl'ch. Jh" SIllll .\..=lll‘lll. Lil, Scc Thu 13


0 Brian Kellock Plays Fats Waller chr} '\ .la// ('cllal. .\ \llll'l'lxull SIl‘ch. in" 5300. .\ .illplll. Scc lllll l i I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects llIllllall lik"lll. I .\ “cxl (‘lmwallxmay NC SSH) 0pm l'lcc Scc Sun In.

Monday 24


0 John Etheridge's Sweet Chorus 'l'rnll ’l’hcaIl'c. 0“ lll‘ll‘LIlC. 553 420“. 3pm. {Ill .55» Scc \\cIl III

I 4 Jazz (ia\lll\ \Illl. .1 (iaxln'x Mill Road. \lllll;:a\lc. "5h 3355 .\|‘lll l'l‘cc. SCL‘ .\lUll l”.

Wednesday 26


I Double Helix Quccn'x Hall. ('lcl'k Sll't‘L‘l. (‘05 :lll‘). film]. (i: lflllll \ Ilnllhlc hlll nl l\\l\lCtl l‘mllx and la// grmm l'rnlll Iml l‘.llltl\ mplnrlllg Illc lllIcl‘lat‘c hchwcn |a// and loll. lllll\l(. \urlhcrll

lighlx allIl lilo .\ \ll I\\llll _L'llk'\l llllan l'lllllI-galll |lllll Inlt'cx I‘ll lll|\ (‘.\l\ Inul. “huh “I” alw lcaI'alI' a nun \‘l'lllllthlHll ll'nlll llIlIllcl (‘hrh SquI SI'I- [‘HWIC“

I Open Mic Ilcnl} '\ .la// (I'llal. S \Illrllwll Sllu'l. in" 511"! .\ illplll {-1 .\ t'llallu‘ lul axpll’ln; lllll\l\'l.lll\ .llltl \llljJu‘h In pcrhlrlll “fill a plulcwullal llnlhlll


I Scottish Guitar Quartet l’alSlL‘} \ll\ (‘cnlrta \C“ Sllccl. SS“ IIllIl

" ,illplll {Mt-1.5Ill l lllqllc hlcllll Ill |a//. clawlt‘al. “Illltl mum~ and ('clllt‘ \I‘llllIlS. lcalullllg lhc IalcnI~ Ul .chl lllwklc. \lgcl (‘lalk \lalwllll \lx'l‘dlldllk‘ and Km lll \laglx'cn/lc 'l hc} 'll hc pcrlnllllln; llL'\\ lll.llt‘ll.ll llnlll Ihcll \llllll In hc lI-lcaxml alhulll Iii/l .\I I uni/ill


I Baamjazz Ralllthn 'l'hcall'c. ‘lS Ingram Sum. 55: HS” Spill t5 ltlflll \ll cwlllllg Ill \arlul la// \l)h'\. llnlll Illx \\\lllf_‘ lu (HINGIIIPMJI') lllllk lllSIIIll llt‘l’lullllcll h) \Iullclllx l‘l Ihc llllnclxll} \ Illlllt'lglallualc la// ululxc

I Double Helix 'lhc \lt’hcx. I.“ \lgHI' SIII'I‘I. “Will “I: (Will Splll L I“ IL'SI .SCC\\L'I1 :(l


I The Love Triangle (‘aIxul-l \Illlallt‘. in KS lilall SIII‘I‘I. 33” (ll"(\ 5 llll‘lll l'I'L‘C SL'L' ill :I

0 Paul Harrison’s Cross Border Band llcnl’} '\ .la/I (‘cllalp \ \lnlllwll SIl‘ch. ~10“ 52H“ .\ ,‘llplll L" \ pulcnllal!) culling llcu plural lcll h} l‘lallhl l’aul llal'rlwll. Hc IS Il‘lllk'd h} Ruin-ll lx’nl‘wll Illl Irulllpcl. ‘\l\l\lll ()'I)I\llllcll I‘ll l‘.l\\.ll1\l SchaaxIlall dc Klulll on \ll'llllh lllr lllk' \wrltl prcnllcl'c Ill a nu“ S.\(‘-Iullllctl mmmlxxlun \\l'lIlL‘Il h} Ihc [‘lalllSl

I Out of the Bedroom \\.l\cllc} Hal. 1 Sl\1;ll}‘\ Slrccl. 55‘ HEN.

‘llllll lllldlllghl l'lcc. Scc Thu 13

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 13


I Jim Condie l m- .ll lllx‘ \lal. SI \lltllk'\\ \ lll IhI- Squall: ull Sallnlarla'l. SI \llIllcu \ SIII'I'I.*1.\I\H_‘H .Sllln Ul lL-ll llk'lk' \xllh lll\ gullarhl \l‘llj_‘\\lll\'l wll .lllll lllk‘lhlS. ('Illllhc l\ Scullallll’x _L'l\'.ll l‘lllt'\ _‘_‘Illl.ll lllall


I Out of the Bedroom \\.I\l'lh‘) llal. \l \l.ll.\'\ \llx‘l‘l. 5;“ IIISH

‘lpnl lnlllnlphl l-lcc ()l‘k'll lllk' \k'\\lllll lnl IIhllhlllgh l‘.l\\'\l \lllka‘l \l‘lllg‘wlllt'lS

I Bilonga l’llw ('nllllt‘ll. llanml'l SIII'I'I. 33* .SNLS, lllplll ialll Li “cckh (llll‘ lcaIunng \lllllk' l‘l Ihc llcxl lll .'\lll\'.lll. \l.ll‘l\'. lila/lllall. ('allllllcall. Ruggac and l\,.l:_'_‘.1.l\llllll\l\


I Ceilidh Dance Rut-mal- (lull. l'u\ SIlI-I'I..‘-1.S il-H. .S'plll U». \lll\l\' lruln (‘clllllh .\lln ()g.

I Mr McFall’s Chamber Rinal (lulu-II Hall. Sll.llll\'l_\llk' SIIlIc. Saut‘hlchall SIlu‘I. i5; .S'IlIlIl Spill. LES IUH. 'l’hc allcl‘llallw clamlt'al [ll;l}\'l’\ lll a pl'ugrallllllc IhaI Illt'lllllk'S a nu“ \‘(llllllllSSIIlll ll} ('u‘lha \lclhmall hawll nn lillllll‘lllleI [lIK‘IIIS h} \Ilrnlall .\lc( In; and .v\|c\andcr Scull cclln [‘lt'k't' In Sall} lit‘dllllSll and “("le h) Alpha. l’la/mla. allll pla} III! John ('ach ‘\\aIcl' .\lll\l\".

Saturday 15


I Ceilidh Dance Rncrxlllc (lull. l'n\ Spill. U». l.l\c hand. Scc l'l'l l-l.


I The Shetland Sessions ()uccll‘x Hall. (‘lcllx Slim-I. (l(l.\ jlll‘l .S'plll. till (I: (LS Hill. .\ diluth hill Ul pilllllltll'. Cllt‘l'gt‘llx'. I’IlIlIS} \Ill‘lllt'l'll lllllSIC \\ llll Shcllanll'x Ruck SalI and \Illl\ and Ihc \lad .\lcnIal (‘clllllh Band.

I Ceilidh Dance SI liruII-‘x ('cnlrc. ()l'ucll ltrracc. Dah‘} Road.

"fill ll..ill[‘lll. (S It: Hi. Hal. l‘lllltl, l'ulllh'alxcr lUl' .\l.l’ SulIx lllllSlt' group \\llll lllll\lL' lrillll l)a lluulc}.


I Louis Killen \Vcc Inlk (‘1qu Rinal ()ak. llllll‘lllal'} SIru'I. 55" 207i. .S..‘llplll. ‘4 i. Back on \IrL-aln alIl-l Ihc \L‘llllC-S changc Ill Im llL‘l'SlllP. Ihc Wu- l-Illk (‘luh hmlx a raw \ lSll lrnlll nnc (ll Ihc lnml lllllllCllllul ill Ihc (ills lullx

rm l\;lll\l\. ,v\ le't'dl \llljJL‘l' lrnnl l'_\nc\llh'. hack lrnnl )cal'x In llng lll Illc l‘S.

u \lllli


I The Shetland Session 'lllllmillh 'l'hcall‘c. Jall \\'_\ml. “1‘30 3‘4Illlll. 731mm. Elli «£05m. \ilthurn lll\.l\l\lll, Scc Sal 15,


I Darden Smith and David Ogilvy 'l'rull 'l’hcalrc. 'll'ullgalc. 552 420', Spin. LS5“. \L‘Icl'an. t‘lllI wllgxxrllcr lrlllll Ihc IS. an lllSPll';Illllll

The Highland Annual

Dochas ' " -;_,»t{',‘ ,d,“ I /'_V;"V.r' H

In Ihc curlcnI .'\lllL'll\'.lll aI-ilmllt' llt'“ \xau'. lll\ lalt'xl \lllleL' ‘SaIclhIc' lS l't‘lL'au'll llL'\l \Kk'k'k. ~\Illllllllll \‘lllllL'S lllllll ylllIarlxI l)a\ III ()gllx}.

Wednesday 1 9


I Ceilidh Dance Class SI .'\ll(ll't'\\ '\ lll Ihc Squall: ull SalIlllal‘kuI. SI Andre“ \ Slll‘r'l. S15 Mill).

7 ill ‘lillplll, ‘4 i5”. 'lrlt'la \l.lllllt‘\\\ lL‘glll\ II \\ L'L'kl} llallu' \L'SSIHH. \ll lllllllxlllg' llL't‘CSSHI'}.


I Michael Marra and Tom McLelland lulhnhulyh l-Illk (lull. (Illlal'cl Hill. lhc I’IL'axallt‘L'. (5‘) 3 H‘) Spur Ul IL'SI. llrllllanI. lllllk'lllllfJ. lullll} wngx ll'Ulll Ihc l>llllllulllan pcuplc'x PllL'l al lhc plalln.

Thursday 20


0 Dochas Im- al lhc Slal‘. Sl .\nIll'c\~. \ Ill Ihc Square. llll SalIlnarkcI. SI .-\lltll‘L'\'. '\ SIl'ch. 5.130020. Splll. U) IH l. l’p—alldtullllllg )Illlllf.’ all-lclnah' hand ll'illll Ihc lhghlalllh and lSlélllIlS. \cu alhulll lll Ihc \hnpx. Scc pm lcu.


I Out of the Bedroom “kiwi-IQ liar. SI .\lar_\ \ SIlu-I. 55" MS”.

‘lplll lnlllnlghl. l'l'L‘L‘. Scc Thu 13.

I Bilonga l’rlxc ('nuncll. Hammer SIrch. 335 SSHS. lllpm ialll. £3. Scc Thu 13.

’-. THE LIST 57