Music rock 8. pep listings

Thursday 22nd May 2003 0870 040 4000

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ROCK A presentation in association with iTB


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54 THE LIST ‘37—.71' Fat? @178,

Saturday 22 continued

I Open Stage Blues Jam \itt'thm/i. 1:1 \dllclllk‘lltlll \ucct. i“ "h 1' 3pm li-cc \M‘ckl} l‘lllk" I‘.I\L'\l \C\\li|n

I The Honey Thieves .mti Jo Mango \‘it'c'n'Slm/y ~13] \iughichJII Sticcl. “1 ‘Ni‘q "put

I Diadem Ihc Ilih \tiic (gm: 50 on King Sti’cct. ‘5‘ lb“ "put Li I).tll\ l'tk‘lx tlL'M'l‘ll‘Ctl .t\ ‘Illt‘ (‘lllk' lllL'L‘h lilm’k Sahlmlh‘ (‘mgk ti \uulc it _\nu \IJIC

I Wade, The Tonic, Regular Slinky .llItl Contraband Sinmht'u} l'lL‘ltI\. 5h ( )\\\.tltl Sticci. “NH ll“ "IVI " Wpui N (ha l-lx \llt\\\ lutlic llllk' up.

I Picasso Brothers (ilJlItl ( )lt- UPI}. l’.tl\lt'} Riuttl It)”. 4.“) 5 UN‘

" iiipui. [-1 iii llIk'lIII‘k'l\i ('ntuiti}

I The Counterfeit Clash \It'l‘htull'x. ~10 High Slict‘l. 553 .‘l W Iiipiu. l‘i'cc, (Iixh .llltl nthci much

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise \lucSurlt'} \. ~13 .l.llll.llt'.l Stu-cl. 3-15 3531. (ipiul l-i'uh Roxitlcnt‘} lHl' ihc Rtkll \clciuu. pl;i_\uig_' llucc \L'l\ tonight

I Dukats “:0 Hull IL”. INI \Vtititllttlith letl. 504 ISJE. ‘lplll I‘ICC I ltchycoo Park SJlllllL‘l hum.

()7 “l \lllhtlttlc Rtmtl. 43‘ lllll-i. Smilipui‘ l‘i'cc. (iilx uixpu'ctl \tilllltl\


I The Paul Weller Connexion and The Jamm]llltl Ronni. ‘it' \‘iclm'iu Sli'ccl. 325 3504. "pm. (It), Soc l‘i'i II.

I Terrapins Found Us, Dovetail unil Element Suhuu}. 0‘) (‘imgulta 325 (i700 TSUpm. LEI |,m';i| llltllt' ti'iplc hill hcutlul h} luuk i‘iickci'x lbi‘i'upiih l‘uuntl l'x.

. Cobras Spltlt'l'\ \Vch (‘cllui' Hut. 353 Morrison SII'CL'I.*1~- .i-l7l. 3pm. Rwkin‘ Rtle lhc nu} ll \lIUllltl hc. “uh

Ill .ittinn iiuiu l’.iul (' ‘llltl lulu

I David Heavenor Hi,- \ lll.t‘_'\‘, lh \nuth luit \uch l CHI]. 1'\ \lI' \pm 1" lx’ith hilt \ .Illtl ti \\l\lllll .lll \lllil‘llllll lllk' lllt‘llli‘lul‘lt' wupx tiuiu Ilu\ \touixh xuigci xiiiiguiilci \xhn tnuuh lx‘itk} Ru“ .Illtl li‘lll \lnunu .uunug: lux l.lll\

I Degrassi .md G Plan ll.iiiuciiu.m\_ \itltli} \lit'tt “0 13"}

\ 5pm L: \t\' \il l‘ int I)\'}'l.l\\l

I J-Walk lintlynhltll‘. l‘1\k'\\ \ticcl. <<\ ‘htil Iii Wipiu Run 1\ Li lllltlllx' \ll\\\‘ quk III" hnp \t‘lIlI\I\ .l\ .l \\.tll\ put tugclhci .i lull \l\ pictt' l‘.llltl iuitlutluiy lhc pmwitul \mul l.llt'lll\ «it \t'lxi \\ltu lI.l\ \xuikt-tl \xuh tht' lllxt'\ ui |\'.it- .llltl (‘huxlmu ill lllk' [Mull Int llIt'Il \Ik'l‘lll Ii‘lll \ppmiiu‘: .i\ [xiii l‘l t luh iuyhi llmilxpui \\llll lllk'll l).l thxle} lmui Liking: inn thinujgh in Run. mil} .tlll\.ll l\ lk'\illlllllk'lltlk'll


I The Libertines Kill}? lut‘x \\.ili \\.ili llul. 3—13.! \l \ uncut Slit-cl. XXI 53“) .\ liipui St )I l) ( )l | I'.t\l l t‘lItli‘II ll|\\l.lll\ \\l|lI l‘.t}'\ nl .iltituilcx. hut lllt‘lk' iiupuimutl} wiuc \ l.t\'l\lllf.‘ Illtllk‘ punk IIIL‘lHtllt‘\ Sn iu.i;:ut'lit‘ llit'} mu 3x! “tilllt'll In t‘nuih lhcu h.iu lUl llk'ill. .ix \pnllul “hen the} \uppnut-tl \llpt‘lffiltl\\ llt‘lt' l;I\l )t'dl.

I Damien Rice ('niim lIlt‘.tllt‘. ll_\utll;intl Stu-cl. Ilk'ht‘l uitn Iii-l <I‘I ". ilipui. {h luxh \uiyt-i/muyuutci \xhu pinlmhl} Ilil\ lhc t‘ilgc im-i 'luui \lt‘Rac twc Sal Ili \xhcu ll minim In killing _\nu will} \\llll lux mug» Bill licltt'i, Sm- [\I'L‘\ lt'\\,

I The Immortal Lee County Killers and The Grease Monkeys \it‘t"ii'Slt';i/}. III Suuclut'hgill Stit't'l.

3 ii 00‘". “pills U). .-\|;ih;uu.i huxt-il hlucx} i'uck'n’i'nllci'x nguucil lll luhult- In .lt'u‘} lu' l,L‘\\l\. \xlut'h lt'llx you .i lul

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