Music rock a not; listings

Friday 1 4 continued

I Synthetic, the Screaming Banshee Aircrew, Spermwhale antl EyeCandy Nation \larwk l t'ISlllt' ('entre. (irnxe Street. 225 2l~ll illptn L21) meekentl lltht'lt ()petunj; night ml the latltnhtttggh (inth \Veekentl le\t1\al w mput rt «lark. heax} .llltl Ill}\lL'l'lttll\. .tlw l)J~. \lall\. [‘L'llttllllt'IS and entert.nntnent With a \utet tllL‘\\ \(le' Ill plate enth. e}her nr lt'lhll See (‘tt_\ltte tnr prextev.

I Quixote, Dominic Waxing Lyrical and Jazz Mouse ('nunttnj.‘ llnu\e. \\L'\l \lt‘nlxnll \llL'L‘l. (t(\_ “\“(t .Sptn, £5 Ragged enuntt} |}t;u. l..tllll lli}lltltl\ and hluex} \mah ltntn ()unnte. l)ntntnte llarrrx pertnrnh \t llll telln. pereuxxrnn and Inn \xhrie wrnetl) antl enrnpertng; l\ ptn\ lle'tl h) Mlle (‘nhen .llltl ltt‘l .l.t// \lnuxe

I The Rich Hill, the Zips and Chase Saturn Suhua}. (1‘) (‘nxxeate 2250710 lllprn Ll Singzle Iauneh {Mil} tnr the Rreh lllll and then ‘l’ere-l.aeharxe' teleaxe nlt Sn l’tttplt‘ laemxe RL'LUltl\

I Carpe Diem, Mongrel and Temple Monkeys llannerrnanK. \ttltlr} Street. 550 i254 S15pzn, L“ l'uek \'.llt‘lllllic.\ l);t_\ r lt‘lK Inek


I Best of Battle of the Bands .\lnlhet'\\ ell (‘nneert Hall. ('I\ re (‘entte. Wunltntllhtll Street. (INNS MENU. 7,45ptn U 51). \Vinnet'x and l'llllllt‘l'x up haltle ll nut tn he ernu ned the ultnnate hexl hallle nl the l‘illltlS.


I Bowling for Soup, Simple Plan and Capdown llartnu lantl. 2-H (iallnugate. 552-101)]. 2.30pm. U2. ()\et'~ le \lttm. Jm ral punk pnp tt'nnt the hexuttetl hand \\lllt the \xnrltl'x innxt

intuml guitarrxt Suppnrt trntn l\\n rrxtng Inelntlre punk aetx.

I Trashcan Sinatras and Johnny Hill King lut'x \\ah “ah Hut. 222;: St \‘Ineent Street. 22! 52“), S :0pm t“) llelmetl Kilntatnnek tunexnnthx uhn ha\e l‘t‘k'll llt.l\'ll\L‘ lHl inn long

I Peter Hammill (‘nnlex lhealte.

ll) lltlldlitl Slt't't‘l. 'l'lt‘lu'l Illltt NH 515 l. Spnt. tl2.5ll. Singet \xrth "llx tllllHSJlllS Van Der (iraal (ienetatnr

I The Country Teasers, Franz Ferdinand and Scatter lhe (‘haleau ('ellx ()ut. the ()ltl ('nurt and kill. lllll 'l'nhagn Street. 550 |.\-l.\. "pin. llit nl an art ltdplk'lllllj: ax the (’hateau yup take met llt'ltleetnn'x l‘ltl tall and pnltee \tatinn int an ewntng: llk'JtlllllL'tl h) the lit}

l)l\l\l0ll rueetx .lnhnn} ('axh \Ulllltl\ nl the


DOUILE ll'Elll


februa 8pm


’The most complete mix of invention and originality. WHUy and assured/ —The Tnnes

tickets: £12 / £10 conc

box office:

0131 668 2019 clerk street, edi

nburgh, eh8 9jg

50 THE LIST '3 .f ' ie-t' \

(‘nuntt'} 'l'eaxet’x. the Kraut thxen nl l-tan/ l'erthnantl Itlttln‘t he get ;I\\.l\\lll;IlL‘tl Ill l‘iH ’i and the Ian ginnx ex nl Sealter. l’lux all manner nl prnleettnnx .llltl nther \ l\ll;tl artxuu‘kx I Open Stage Blues Jam .\'n‘eh'Sle;U}. ~l2| Sauehrehall Street. ‘33 903". 2pm. l-ree. \Veekl} hluex- IXISL'tl \L'\\lUll.

I Degrassi, Sluts of Trust, John’s Not Mad and Titus Gein .\'tee‘n'S|ea/_\. 42| Sauelnehall Street. 333 Uni-7. 0pm. L31. s\ll.‘\tl1ll'll0 RCL'UI'le night um etltng Degraxxr'x ne\\ hne up leaturtng e\ ltllL‘\\lltl lella hr; Huh l‘atrlnul.

I Los Destructos The l.‘~th .\'nte (are. 5” (ill Klan Street. 553 M38. ‘ipm. [3. Punk aettnn.

I Corrosion and Fuzz Harris Strauherr} held» 50 ()\\\;lltl Street. 0345 ()55 923‘). 7.50pm. L4.()\el'-l-1\ \hnu. Metal.

I Trampas (irantl ()le ()pr}. l’atxle} Rnatl 'l'nll. 42‘) 53W». 7.3Mpnt. H H23 tneniherxl. ('nuntr}.

I Texas Tribute ltnurhnn Street. IDS (ienrge Street. 552 (ll-1|. 7pm. 925 (“4.50 \\ ith dinner).

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise \lttL‘SUt'lt‘} 'x. ~12 Jtttttttlett Sll'L'Cl. 2—13 S581. (rpm. liree. Rexttlene) lnr the Rkli \eteran. playng three \etx tnnrght. I Cold .\laeSnrle} 'x. 42 Jatnatea Street. 24S S5Sl. Uptn. Free.


I Turin Brakes 'l'he l.tgltllttttt\t'. l.eith. 3.30pm. .laek l)anlel'\ prexent art e\tra \peeial intimate \hnu h} the aenttxtle \tt'ununerx lxee prex re“ 1. treketx and detarlx tnr u hieh ean nnl_\ he nhtarned h} \ txrtrng

u“ \\.lllL‘ltlSL'l.L‘U.lll\.

I Psychid linngn (‘luh. 1-1 New Street. 558 "(ill-l. "pin. [5. BL‘)Ulltl prexentx up-antl-ennnng aet l’xy‘hnl eurrenll} tnurtng their neu \rngle ‘Ratltn‘.

I The AI Pacinos, Bloodshot Eyes and Bastard Squad Suhua}. (it) (‘n\\ gate. 225 (3700. 7.30pm. £4. 'l‘rrple hill nt' lneal Indie. rnek and punk. I Carson and Capstin Pole ('aletlnruan Baekpaekerx. 3 ()ueenxtert'} Street-1W) "722-1. 7.30pm. £3 ilt‘ee tn r'exrtlentxl. Bah} 'l'rget' prexent 'a night nt' Indie guitar hernes' \xrth terxt} .\‘nrtherner\ (‘arxnn. l.l\ tugxtnn aet (‘apxtin l’nle and annther aet the.

Check out the Blag Bag for great


on page 11

The Majesticons play King Tut's, Glasgow, Sat 22 Feb

I Revolution By Night, the Sepia, JeSus Loves Amerika .mtl Maya \l.tle\"\ | emtte (entte. (lime Street, 22 2l»1l " ‘llptn \\lllll\\l\‘ll .t\ pat: 12H ueekentl tteket \lnte hlaek elatl lt\e hand. .uttnn at the l tltnl‘uteh (inth \Veekentl l'e\tt\.:l \\tth a. \lllel \llk'\\ tulle in plate goth. qhet nr tetrxh See (‘lttlrte tn: ptexleu


I Erasure liattnxx lantl. 2»1»1(i.tlln\\ rate. 5521th ‘l'ptn \(ll lNll l mm 21 :\ \htm (finnp, \panel} pnp tlun \\ll«‘ .ne hnund tn ha\ e an «H. et the twp \taz'e \hnu tn lu\\ \\ ell. the} neetl wtnellnn; tn \ltxttaet hunt the tlt\a\tet that xx then \welul \meh .tlhutn t that l't \ \umn See (Ln tnt ptex lt‘\\

I Flickerstick l\lll_‘_' lut'x \\.:lt \\.llt llut. 222a St \ tment Stteet. 22l 522"

.\ illpm L"

The Paperchase, Cat on Form and Lapsus Linguae (ll.t\f_'t‘\\ \html Ul \ll. lhh RCllllL'“ Silt‘t'l. 55.2 “(Ml S :lll‘lll L5 We l’apetthaxe ll.tll ltnnt .\ll\llll. |e\a\ and .ne \lltl tn tnrnhrne the l‘lllthlnllc nt Shellae utth a rnnurntul gnthte t't'llllll} \llt'Jk .t l.t \lk'\\l\ \\.lll\ it! (In e Suppntt lrntn etluall} tlententetl Intal quartet lapxux | Ineuae .lllll then tlnun \nulh equnalent ('at nn l'Ullll I Raar, Broken Sticks, Blue Movie, All My Logic and Pulse llte (‘athnuxe. l5 1 nrnn Street. 2~l.\ hhllt»

" ‘llptn {-1 ()\er- l-lx \hnu lneal tnek entnuenpta “1th eleettn ping: glam tntk tutxtx lrtn Ra.”

I Freeview, Cooper and Panacea \tee'n'Slea/\_ l2] Sauehtehall Street. W; 0035' 0pm 5

I Dead or American .mll The Sunday Void lhe I 5lll \nle (ale.

51) (wt) King; Street. 55‘ If)“ ‘lptn U .-\llernatr\ e rnek

I No Comply, Too Young to Care and DNR Strauherr} l'lk'l\l\. 5h ( )\\\,tl\l Street, “345 ()5‘ ‘)2.\‘) illprn Li ()\et Hx \lhm Ska punk

I Country Band (hand (He ()pt}, l’atxle) Rmul lo“. 42‘) 5“"‘ q ml‘tll L-l 1U Inetnherxi

I The Cobramatics lhe Senna.

l l: l l4 StnekxwllStreet. 55231)!”

3 5UP”). l‘ree Rtle Rexldene}

I Big Blues Jam Sllttltnllne. (il'uuClhtl llntel. (irlmennr lettaee. HI h5lh (tprn l'ree. llUSlCtl h_\ the \eu llluex Surlerx \\ tlh enntrlhulrnnx lt'nrn Sttnlin ( )ne regularx \ueh a\ Re\ |)ne and the \untnn lll’ttlllch

I Phil’s Sunday Session I l\j_'t' Heatha. 2‘2 \Vnntllatltlx Rnatl. 5H1 I591) hptn l'tee Bring; )ltlll nun rnxttutnent


I Midge Ure l'e\ll\.tl lhealte. ll 2" \lullxnlt Street. 52‘) (\l ll lll Spin

Ll i 51) U5 5“ 'l'he lnrtnet l ltta\n\ trnuttnan \lnlge l'te uhn hm had hrtx aet‘nxx the la\t lnut «leeatlex wnttnue~ lnx \nln eat‘eet rennrktnj: all lnx Ulllellal lntx nn lnx Satnpletl, lunpetl and 'lrrjgfget llapp) hurt

I Echoboy and Appliance Hunggn ('luh. l4 Next Street. 55S “(till Spin U». Slllgk‘l/Stillg“l'llt‘l"’llllllll‘lllSll'lllllClllillISI Richard Warren l\ the tlll\ lllj.’ lnree hehtnd [3\)L‘llt‘(lL'llL' eleetrntne prnieet lie‘hnhn} ttlltl ll;t\ \utt'kctl \Mlllt lllL' llkL'\ ni Sprrttualt/ed and Six If} Sewn. tn \uppnrt nl their new alhurn (inn/ft;

I Sad Society Bannerlnan'x. \ttltlr} Street. 55!» 3254, S,45prn, U. Legendar} lneal punks Sad Snetet) treat )ntl tn a Sunda} \L‘SSlHli. \llppnrl \trll tn he ennl'trmed.


I Mull Historical Society ll.\l\‘. Argfle Street. 204 473'". 5pm. l‘ree. ln- \tnre appearance lrnrn (‘nhn Maelntue and enhnrtx tn prntnnte the new single

'l'lnal Arrearx' and lhrlltenrtttng album

I \.