Rock & pop
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Horthmore and Fiona Shepherd.
Ticket information
Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:
Tickets Scotland 239 Argyle Street. Glasgow 0141 204 51:31.
Tickets Scotland 127 Rose Street. Edinburgh, 0131 220 3234.
Ripping Records 91 South Bridge. 01:31 226 7010.
Way Ahead Otdt 339 8383.
I Hell is tor Heroes and Violent Delight Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'niversity (lardens. 33‘) 9784. 7.30pm. £8. .\'u rock combo who have risen from the ashes of indie tykes Symposium. but are a much heavier proposition. They tour in support of their debut album The .Vr'nn Handshake out iii the next few weeks. Support from sinutty. bratty punk pop pups Violent Delight.
I The Sleepy Jackson, Cannon and Skin on Skin King Tut's Wait Wait Hut. 2'72a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. Another Atistralian batid for your consideration The Sleepy Jackson are a more melloyy indie consideration thaii the Vines.
I Malcolm Middleton Brel. :\shloll Lane. 342 4‘)66. H.30pni. £5. Acotistic set from Arab Strap's guitarist. His Strap compadre Aidan Mot't'at I)Js. l’art oi the (it) of Low I'estiyal. A“ \s \\.
I Distant Cousins St Andre“ \ III the Square. St Andrew ‘s Square. 548 6020. 8pm. £6. Blues night with Jim (‘oiidie as part of. the ('in of Toy e f'estiyal.
I Echo 20, Who Shot Jonson?, Dirtbox, Minor Detect arid Tearierk The ('atliouse. I5 l'nioti Street. 248 (i000. 7.30pm. £4.51). (her- 14s shots. Skate punk line-up.
I Olympic Lifts, Kasino and Hoboken Barlly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 70‘) 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £3. Rambuncious Belfast (“Hill with an infectious sense ot' humour who have play ed “ith a host of hip hop and crossoy er datice acts and won over the hearts and heads of many on their frequent trips to Scotland.
I Smoper, Brezhnev and Cholo The 13th Note (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. Snioper are a South Korean electroiiica duo. supported by the Krautrock-influenced Bic/lines.
I The Lockdown Project and Trent Niee'n‘Slea/y. 421 Satichieliall Street. 333 9037. ‘)pm.
I Desolation Yes, 7 Stone Lighter and Insular Strays berry
Fields. 50 ()syy'ald Street. (I345 (1.53 928‘).
7.30pm. £4. ()\'er- 14s slit)“. .-\Iteriiatiye
I Chase, Castro and Rithamutha The (‘eIlar Bar. Ramada Jarvis (Ingram) Hotel. 100 Miller Street. Info: 553 2515. 8.30pm. Free.
Located under Central Station Bridge ott Union Street
Glasgow Open till 7pm on Thursdays
Open 12pm - 5pm on Sundays
Located on Rose street - one street behind Princes Street
Edinburgh Open till 8pm on Thursdays
Open Tlam - 6pm on Sundays
TEL: 014! 204 515‘! Credit Card bookings 0870 220 I 'l 1.6
48 THE LIST 13—27 Feb 2003
TEL: 013] 220 3234 Credit Card Bookings 0810 220 I ‘I 16
I Cage, Numb, Pocket Room and Lua 'I-llt' \lillk‘. 2 I)lllltl.l\ SII‘L‘L‘I. 333 0‘)46. Spin. Second heat ot~ .\'(i.\1's battle HI the bands.
I MOT ‘lillitlel‘l‘tfl. IS" li}l'C\ RUJLI. .53" 310S. ‘lptit. l'ree. Acoustic set
I New Blues Surfers Studio One. (irosxeiior Hotel. (irosyenor ‘l‘errace toll Byres Roadi. 341 6516. ‘)piii. Free.
I Waytooblue Beansceiie. 5 ('ressyyell l.ane. 334 6""6. Spin. l‘ree .'\cittl\lle \el.
I Sole and The Grand Buttet the Venue. 1“ 2| ('altoti Road. 55“ 3W3 "pin. 9.“) 25. Aitiei'icait a\;tlll Iiip Itop \\ ith ati intense llaya.
I zealous Gig Studio 24. (‘alloti Road. 553 3'53. ".30pm. £3 £4. .\1ore metal and rock from Zealotis line-up still to be confirmed.
I Enki and Bubblecralt liatiiiei‘nian's. .\’iddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £3. Indie including (ilasgoyy 's Bubblect'att.
I Hinkasi, Jiva and Tergaui lleriot- \Valt l‘iiiyersity l'mon. Ricearton. 451 5333. 0pm. Free. Triple bill of local indie acts play tltis student night.
I Out of the Bedroom \Vayerley liar. I St Mary's Street. 55" 1050.
‘)pm midnight. l-‘ree. Open mic session I01" liditiburgh-lxised singer-song“riters. ()riginal music oiin \\ ith the chance to record a set on tour track just bring a blank tape.
Glasgow I Stereo MCS Barroyslaiid. 244 (ialloysgate. 552 460]. 7.30pm. £15. ()\ er- 14s slioys. Yesterday 's men to some extent. btit the .\1(‘s still put on an incredibly infectious li\ e shots. \yliich \sill feature many of the tracks on their current Retroactive compilation. I Rosie Thomas, James Mercer and Sam Bean King Tut‘s Wait Wait Htit. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £6. I Aziz Ibrahim Barfly. 260 (‘Iyde Street, 0870 70‘) 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £4. Former Stone Roses guitarist \ylio still plays in laii Bi‘oyyn's band. lispect those flashy laser killlekletlllslcrs [0 add a spot 01' shoyymatiship. I The Cleaning Women Death “two. [he Art-ties. 253 .trgilc Slim. “"01 022 0300. llpiti. Helsinki-based trio tot~ meiil \\ ho have created their on it instruments by ctistomising a \ariety ot‘ cleaning implements. l)on your apron and L'CI do“ n for some truly bizarre electro. Camera Obscura, Ladybug Transistor and Roy Moller llyiidlaiid Parish (‘hurch Hall. 24 .\'o\ar l)ri\e. 8.30pm. £5 on door. See Hit right. I Julia Thirteen, Mercury Tilt Switch and Pariah Nice'n'Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0637. ‘)pm. Adorno Records night of" smart btit casual alt.rock. I Pointless Creation Delirium 7. the 13th .\'ote(’a1e. 50 60 Kiiig Street. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. (iothic/industrial night. I No Middle Ground, 8 Ball and The Kamikazes l-‘ury .\1urrys. ‘)6 Mantell Street. 221 (3511. 9pm. £4 tinclttding entry to post-gig club). I Sixtytours and The Jaru Stra“ berry Fields. 56 ()sysald Street. 0845 053 928‘). 7.30pm. £4. ()y'er- 14s shots. Indie rock. I Chiasma, Killing Ed and The Line Changes Jaspers. 14 Midland Street. 8.30pm. £4. I Evangeline Grand Ole ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 53‘)6. 7.30pm. £4 t£3 membersi. St Valentine‘s etent for charity. I The Cobramatics .\lc(‘huill's. 40 High Street. 552 2135. I0pni.1-‘ree.R&B. I Kong MaeSorIey 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. ‘).30pm. l-‘ree. Rock. I The Sex Cod: Samuel Dow's. 67—71 Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free. Valentine‘s Night Massacre “ith the glam rock troupe. and a Blind Date competition.
The best rock, pop &_electronica
I Camera Obscura, Ladybug Transistor and Roy Moller Transatlantic delight no t Weegie‘s ()Wll tangle pop tnaestros (iliscuia team up Wlli‘i Brooklyn based Ladybug Transistor and .s‘oinetit'te Belle and Sebastian Collaboratoi RO‘; Mollei. Hind/anti Par/sit Cnuri‘" Hall. Glasgow F" 7.1 Mb
I The Paperchase, Cat on Form and Lapsus Linguae Transatlantic delight no L“: A formidable line-up of braised nlues and rock squall from a selection of inventive. and spirited. if "llltll‘, unhinged. lll(l|\'l(lll£l1$. School at Art. Glasgoit'. Sun 76‘ Feb.
I The Ataris Charitiing old school punk pop from Yanks weary enough to know better but ‘JISO enough to do it well. [he Garage. i/(ngOll; Wed 79 Feb.
I The Bays The plan is scattergun nuggets of iazz- licked electronic funk from this enigmatic crew (pictured). who closed Glastonbury '5 dance stage last year. King Tut's. Glasgow. Thu 20 Feb: Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh. Fri 27 Feb.
I Teenage Fanclub, V Min and Vera Cruise The Fannies parade their greatest hits' with some appropriately excellent support acts in tow. See Records. Barrow/arid. Glasgow. Fri 27 Feb; Liquid Room. Edinburgh, Sun 23 Feb.
I The Majesticons A more SOultul and acceSSible prospect than many left field hip hop acts flooding Our shores lately. Mike Ladd has a plethora of musical tricks to reveal. King Tut's. Glasgow. Sat 22 Feb,
I The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, lkara Colt and Ex-ModelsTransatlantir: delight no 3: Three-way glam punk trash action with NYC's most hyped expert. the YYYS finally arriVing to blow Our minds. See prewew. OMU. Glasgow Monday 24 Feb.
I Vanessa Carlton Queen's Hall. (‘Ierk Street. 668 201‘). 7.30pm. £11.50. Not-to-be-missed opportunity to see the 22-year-old mUsieaI prodigy who has been compared to Nelly Furtado and Alicia Keys.
I Joseph Malik (‘aharet Voltaire. 36- 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 11pm. £7 (£6). ['K debut for the full live Joseph Malik experience as the (’ompost records signing gives us a taste of his nu jau soul with a lull seven-piece band. Part ol‘ club night Get-Together with [Ms taking you through to 3am.